function dgx_donate_get_donation_section($formContent)
    $output = "";
    $output .= "<div class='dgx-donate-form-section' id='dgx-donate-form-donation-section'>\n";
    $output .= "<h2>" . esc_html__('Donation Information', 'dgx-donate') . "</h2>\n";
    $output .= "<p>" . esc_html__('I would like to make a donation in the amount of:', 'dgx-donate') . "</p>";
    $output .= "<p>";
    $checked = " checked=\"checked\" ";
    $classmod = "";
    $givingLevels = dgx_donate_get_giving_levels();
    foreach ($givingLevels as $givingLevel) {
        $key = dgx_donate_get_giving_level_key($givingLevel);
        if (dgx_donate_is_giving_level_enabled($givingLevel)) {
            $formattedAmount = dgx_donate_get_escaped_formatted_amount($givingLevel, 0);
            $output .= "<input {$classmod} type=\"radio\" name=\"_dgx_donate_amount\" value=\"{$givingLevel}\" {$checked} /> {$formattedAmount} ";
            $checked = "";
            // only select the first one
            $classmod = " class=\"horiz\" ";
            // only classmod the second and higher ones
    $output .= "</p>";
    $output .= "<p><input type='radio' name='_dgx_donate_amount' value='OTHER' id='dgx-donate-other-radio' />";
    $output .= esc_html__('Other: ', 'dgx-donate');
    $output .= "<input type=\"text\" class=\"aftertext\" id=\"dgx-donate-other-input\" name=\"_dgx_donate_user_amount\" />";
    $output .= "</p>\n";
    // Designated Funds
    if ('true' == get_option('dgx_donate_show_designated_funds_section')) {
        $showFundCount = 0;
        $fundArray = get_option('dgx_donate_designated_funds');
        if (!empty($fundArray)) {
            foreach ((array) $fundArray as $key => $value) {
                if (strcasecmp($fundArray[$key], "SHOW") == 0) {
                    $showFundCount = $showFundCount + 1;
        if ($showFundCount > 0) {
            $output .= "<p>";
            $output .= "<input type='checkbox' id='dgx-donate-designated' name='_dgx_donate_designated'/>";
            $output .= esc_html__("I would like to designate this donation to a specific fund", "dgx-donate");
            $output .= "</p>";
            $output .= "<div class='dgx-donate-form-designated-box'>";
            $output .= "<p>" . esc_html__('Designated Fund: ', 'dgx-donate') . " ";
            $output .= "<select class='aftertext' name='_dgx_donate_designated_fund'>";
            foreach ((array) $fundArray as $key => $value) {
                if (strcasecmp($fundArray[$key], "SHOW") == 0) {
                    $fundName = stripslashes($key);
                    $output .= "<option value='" . esc_attr($fundName) . "' > " . esc_html($fundName) . "</option>";
            $output .= "</select>";
            $output .= "</p>";
            $output .= "</div>";
            /* dgx-donate-form-designated-box */
    // Repeating donations
    if ('true' == get_option('dgx_donate_show_repeating_option')) {
        $output .= "<p>";
        $output .= "<input type='checkbox' id='dgx-donate-repeating' name='_dgx_donate_repeating'/>";
        $output .= esc_html__("I would like this donation to automatically repeat each month", "dgx-donate");
        $output .= "</p>";
    $output .= "</div>";
    /* dgx-donate-form-section */
    $formContent .= $output;
    return $formContent;
function seamless_donations_admin_forms_section_levels($_setup_object)
    $section_desc = 'Select one or more suggested giving levels for your donors to choose from.';
    $giving_levels_section = array('section_id' => 'seamless_donations_admin_forms_section_levels', 'page_slug' => 'seamless_donations_admin_forms', 'title' => __('Giving Levels', 'seamless-donations'), 'description' => __($section_desc, 'seamless-donations'));
    $giving_levels_section = apply_filters('seamless_donations_admin_forms_section_levels', $giving_levels_section);
    $giving_levels = dgx_donate_get_giving_levels();
    $giving_level_labels = array();
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($giving_levels); ++$i) {
        $value = $giving_levels[$i];
        $giving_level_labels[$value] = $value;
    $giving_level_defaults = array();
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($giving_levels); ++$i) {
        $value = $giving_levels[$i];
        $giving_level_defaults[$value] = dgx_donate_is_giving_level_enabled($value);
    $giving_levels_options = array(array('field_id' => 'giving_levels', 'title' => __('Display Levels', 'seamless-donations'), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => $giving_level_labels, 'default' => $giving_level_defaults, 'after_label' => '<br />'), array('field_id' => 'submit', 'type' => 'submit', 'label' => __('Save Giving Levels', 'seamless-donations')));
    $giving_levels_options = apply_filters('seamless_donations_admin_forms_section_levels_options', $giving_levels_options);
    seamless_donations_process_add_settings_fields_with_options($giving_levels_options, $_setup_object, $giving_levels_section);
function seamless_donations_admin_forms_section_levels($_setup_object)
    $section_desc = 'Select one or more suggested giving levels for your donors to choose from.';
    // promo
    $feature_desc = 'Giving Level Manager customizes donation levels, assigns labels for each level.';
    $feature_url = '';
    $section_desc .= seamless_donations_get_feature_promo($feature_desc, $feature_url);
    $giving_levels_section = array('section_id' => 'seamless_donations_admin_forms_section_levels', 'page_slug' => 'seamless_donations_admin_forms', 'title' => __('Giving Levels', 'seamless-donations'), 'description' => __($section_desc, 'seamless-donations'));
    $giving_levels_section = apply_filters('seamless_donations_admin_forms_section_levels', $giving_levels_section);
    $giving_levels = dgx_donate_get_giving_levels();
    $giving_level_labels = array();
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($giving_levels); ++$i) {
        $value = $giving_levels[$i];
        $giving_level_labels[$value] = $value;
    $giving_level_defaults = array();
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($giving_levels); ++$i) {
        $value = $giving_levels[$i];
        $giving_level_defaults[$value] = dgx_donate_is_giving_level_enabled($value);
    $giving_levels_options = array(array('field_id' => 'giving_levels', 'title' => __('Display Levels', 'seamless-donations'), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'label' => $giving_level_labels, 'default' => $giving_level_defaults, 'after_label' => '<br />'), array('field_id' => 'submit', 'type' => 'submit', 'label' => __('Save Giving Levels', 'seamless-donations')));
    $giving_levels_options = apply_filters('seamless_donations_admin_forms_section_levels_options', $giving_levels_options);
    seamless_donations_process_add_settings_fields_with_options($giving_levels_options, $_setup_object, $giving_levels_section);
function seamless_donations_init_defaults()
    // functionally identical to dgx_donate_init_defaults, but likely to change over time
    // Thank you email option defaults
    // validate name - replace with sanitized blog name if needed
    $from_name = get_option('dgx_donate_email_name');
    if (empty($from_name)) {
        $from_name = get_bloginfo('name');
        $from_name = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z ]+/", "", $from_name);
        // letters and spaces only please
        update_option('dgx_donate_email_name', $from_name);
    // validate email - replace with admin email if needed
    $from_email = get_option('dgx_donate_email_reply');
    if (empty($from_email) || !is_email($from_email)) {
        $from_email = get_option('admin_email');
        update_option('dgx_donate_email_reply', $from_email);
    $thankSubj = get_option('dgx_donate_email_subj');
    if (empty($thankSubj)) {
        $thankSubj = "Thank you for your donation";
        update_option('dgx_donate_email_subj', $thankSubj);
    $bodyText = get_option('dgx_donate_email_body');
    if (empty($bodyText)) {
        $bodyText = "Dear [firstname] [lastname],\n\n";
        $bodyText .= "Thank you for your generous donation of [amount]. Please note that no goods ";
        $bodyText .= "or services were received in exchange for this donation.";
        update_option('dgx_donate_email_body', $bodyText);
    $recurring_text = get_option('dgx_donate_email_recur');
    if (empty($recurring_text)) {
        $recurring_text = __("Thank you for electing to have your donation automatically repeated each month.", 'seamless-donations');
        update_option('dgx_donate_email_recur', $recurring_text);
    $designatedText = get_option('dgx_donate_email_desig');
    if (empty($designatedText)) {
        $designatedText = "Your donation has been designated to the [fund] fund.";
        update_option('dgx_donate_email_desig', $designatedText);
    $anonymousText = get_option('dgx_donate_email_anon');
    if (empty($anonymousText)) {
        $anonymousText = "You have requested that your donation be kept anonymous.  Your name will not be revealed to the public.";
        update_option('dgx_donate_email_anon', $anonymousText);
    $mailingListJoinText = get_option('dgx_donate_email_list');
    if (empty($mailingListJoinText)) {
        $mailingListJoinText = "Thank you for joining our mailing list.  We will send you updates from time-to-time.  If ";
        $mailingListJoinText .= "at any time you would like to stop receiving emails, please send us an email to be ";
        $mailingListJoinText .= "removed from the mailing list.";
        update_option('dgx_donate_email_list', $mailingListJoinText);
    $tributeText = get_option('dgx_donate_email_trib');
    if (empty($tributeText)) {
        $tributeText = "You have asked to make this donation in honor of or memory of someone else.  Thank you!  We will notify the ";
        $tributeText .= "honoree within the next 5-10 business days.";
        update_option('dgx_donate_email_trib', $tributeText);
    $employer_text = get_option('dgx_donate_email_empl');
    if (empty($employer_text)) {
        $employer_text = "You have specified that your employer matches some or all of your donation. ";
        update_option('dgx_donate_email_empl', $employer_text);
    $closingText = get_option('dgx_donate_email_close');
    if (empty($closingText)) {
        $closingText = "Thanks again for your support!";
        update_option('dgx_donate_email_close', $closingText);
    $signature = get_option('dgx_donate_email_sig');
    if (empty($signature)) {
        $signature = "Director of Donor Relations";
        update_option('dgx_donate_email_sig', $signature);
    //// PayPal defaults
    $notifyEmails = get_option('dgx_donate_notify_emails');
    if (empty($notifyEmails)) {
        $notifyEmails = get_option('admin_email');
        update_option('dgx_donate_notify_emails', $notifyEmails);
    $paymentGateway = get_option('dgx_donate_payment_gateway');
    if (empty($paymentGateway)) {
        update_option('dgx_donate_payment_gateway', DGXDONATEPAYPALSTD);
    $payPalServer = get_option('dgx_donate_paypal_server');
    if (empty($payPalServer)) {
        update_option('dgx_donate_paypal_server', 'LIVE');
    $paypal_email = get_option('dgx_donate_paypal_email');
    if (!is_email($paypal_email)) {
        update_option('dgx_donate_paypal_email', '');
    // Thank you page default
    $thankYouText = get_option('dgx_donate_thanks_text');
    if (empty($thankYouText)) {
        $message = "Thank you for donating!  A thank you email with the details of your donation ";
        $message .= "will be sent to the email address you provided.";
        update_option('dgx_donate_thanks_text', $message);
    // Giving levels default
    $givingLevels = dgx_donate_get_giving_levels();
    $noneChecked = true;
    foreach ($givingLevels as $givingLevel) {
        $levelEnabled = dgx_donate_is_giving_level_enabled($givingLevel);
        if ($levelEnabled) {
            $noneChecked = false;
    if ($noneChecked) {
        // Select 1000, 500, 100, 50 by default
    // Currency
    $currency = get_option('dgx_donate_currency');
    if (empty($currency)) {
        update_option('dgx_donate_currency', 'USD');
    // Country default
    $default_country = get_option('dgx_donate_default_country');
    if (empty($default_country)) {
        update_option('dgx_donate_default_country', 'US');
    // State default
    $default_state = get_option('dgx_donate_default_state');
    if (empty($default_state)) {
        update_option('dgx_donate_default_state', 'WA');
    // Province default
    $default_province = get_option('dgx_donate_default_province');
    if (empty($default_province)) {
        update_option('dgx_donate_default_province', 'AB');
    // Show Employer match section default
    $show_employer_section = get_option('dgx_donate_show_employer_section');
    if (empty($show_employer_section)) {
        update_option('dgx_donate_show_employer_section', 'false');
    // Show occupation field default
    $show_occupation_section = get_option('dgx_donate_show_donor_occupation_field');
    if (empty($show_occupation_section)) {
        update_option('dgx_donate_show_donor_occupation_field', 'false');
    // Show donor employer default
    $show_occupation_section = get_option('dgx_donate_show_donor_employer_field');
    if (empty($show_occupation_section)) {
        update_option('dgx_donate_show_donor_employer_field', 'false');
    // Show Tribute Gift section default
    $show_tribute_section = get_option('dgx_donate_show_tribute_section');
    if (empty($show_tribute_section)) {
        update_option('dgx_donate_show_tribute_section', 'true');
    // Scripts location default
    $scripts_in_footer = get_option('dgx_donate_scripts_in_footer');
    if (empty($scripts_in_footer)) {
        update_option('dgx_donate_scripts_in_footer', 'false');
 function menu_page()
     if (!current_user_can('manage_options')) {
         wp_die(__('You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.', 'dgx-donate'));
     $form_option_whitelist = array('false', 'true', 'required');
     // If we have form arguments, we must validate the nonce
     if (count($_POST)) {
         $nonce = $_POST['dgx_donate_form_options_nonce'];
         if (!wp_verify_nonce($nonce, 'dgx_donate_form_options_nonce')) {
             wp_die(__('You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.', 'dgx-donate'));
         // Save options table settings (if present)
         foreach ((array) $this->form_options as $form_option) {
             $key = $form_option['key'];
             $new_option_value = isset($_POST[$key]) ? $_POST[$key] : '';
             if (!empty($new_option_value)) {
                 if (in_array($new_option_value, $form_option_whitelist)) {
                     update_option($key, $new_option_value);
                     $message = __('Settings updated.', 'dgx-donate');
         // Save giving level selections (if present)
         $giving_levels = isset($_POST['dgx_donate_giving_levels']) ? $_POST['dgx_donate_giving_levels'] : '';
         if (!empty($giving_levels)) {
             $message = __('Settings updated.', 'dgx-donate');
         // Save currency (if present)
         $currency = isset($_POST['dgx_donate_currency']) ? $_POST['dgx_donate_currency'] : '';
         if (!empty($currency)) {
             update_option('dgx_donate_currency', $currency);
             $message = __('Settings updated.', 'dgx-donate');
         // Save default country (if present)
         $default_country = isset($_POST['dgx_donate_default_country']) ? $_POST['dgx_donate_default_country'] : '';
         if (!empty($default_country)) {
             update_option('dgx_donate_default_country', $default_country);
             $message = __('Settings updated.', 'dgx-donate');
         // Save default state (if present)
         $default_state = isset($_POST['dgx_donate_default_state']) ? $_POST['dgx_donate_default_state'] : '';
         if (!empty($default_state)) {
             update_option('dgx_donate_default_state', $default_state);
             $message = __('Settings updated.', 'dgx-donate');
         // Save default province (if present)
         $default_province = isset($_POST['dgx_donate_default_province']) ? $_POST['dgx_donate_default_province'] : '';
         if (!empty($default_province)) {
             update_option('dgx_donate_default_province', $default_province);
             $message = __('Settings updated.', 'dgx-donate');
     // Set up a nonce
     $nonce = wp_create_nonce('dgx_donate_form_options_nonce');
     echo "<div class='wrap'>\n";
     echo "<div id='icon-edit-pages' class='icon32'></div>";
     echo "<h2>" . esc_html__('Form Options', 'dgx-donate') . "</h2>";
     // Display any message
     if (!empty($message)) {
         echo "<div id='message' class='updated below-h2'>";
         echo "<p>" . esc_html($message) . "</p>";
         echo "</div>";
     echo "<div id='col-container'>";
     echo "<div id='col-right'>";
     echo "<div class='col-wrap'>";
     // Fields and Sections Table
     echo "<h3>" . esc_html__('Form Fields and Sections', 'dgx-donate') . "</h3>";
     echo "<p>" . esc_html__('Choose which form fields and sections you would like to show or require.', 'dgx-donate') . "</p>";
     echo "<form method='POST' action=''>";
     echo "<input type='hidden' name='dgx_donate_form_options_nonce' value='" . esc_attr($nonce) . "' />";
     echo "<table class='widefat'>";
     echo "<tbody>";
     echo "<tr>";
     echo "<th>" . esc_html__('Field/Section', 'dgx-donate') . "</th>";
     echo "<th style='text-align: center;'>" . esc_html__("Don't Show", 'dgx-donate') . "</th>";
     echo "<th style='text-align: center;'>" . esc_html__('Show', 'dgx-donate') . "</th>";
     echo "<th style='text-align: center;'>" . esc_html__('Require', 'dgx-donate') . "</th>";
     echo "</tr>";
     foreach ((array) $this->form_options as $form_option) {
         echo "<tr>";
         echo "<td>" . esc_html($form_option['prompt']) . "</td>";
         foreach ($form_option_whitelist as $setting) {
             echo "<td style='text-align: center;'>";
             $key = $form_option['key'];
             $current_setting = get_option($key);
             if ('required' !== $setting || $form_option['show_require_option']) {
                 echo "<input type='radio' name='" . esc_attr($key) . "' value='" . esc_attr($setting) . "' " . checked($current_setting, $setting, false) . " />";
             echo "</td>";
         echo "</tr>";
     echo "</tbody>";
     echo "</table>";
     echo "<p><input id='submit' class='button' type='submit' value='" . esc_attr__('Update', 'dgx-donate') . "' name='submit'></p>\n";
     echo "</form>";
     echo "<br/>";
     echo "</div>\n";
     echo "</div>\n";
     echo "<div id='col-left'>\n";
     echo "<div class='col-wrap'>\n";
     // Giving Levels
     echo "<h3>" . esc_html__('Giving Levels', 'dgx-donate') . "</h3>";
     echo "<p>" . esc_html__('Select one or more suggested giving levels for your donors to choose from.', 'dgx-donate') . "</p>";
     echo "<form method='POST' action=''>\n";
     echo "<input type='hidden' name='dgx_donate_form_options_nonce' value='" . esc_attr($nonce) . "' />\n";
     echo "<input type='hidden' name='dgx_donate_giving_levels' value='1' />";
     $giving_levels = dgx_donate_get_giving_levels();
     foreach ($giving_levels as $giving_level) {
         $key = dgx_donate_get_giving_level_key($giving_level);
         echo "<p><input type='checkbox' name='" . esc_attr($key) . "' value='yes' ";
         echo " />" . esc_html($giving_level) . "</p>";
     echo "<p><input id='submit' class='button' type='submit' value='" . esc_attr__('Update', 'dgx-donate') . "' name='submit' /></p>\n";
     echo "</form>";
     echo "<br/>";
     // Currency
     echo "<h3>" . esc_html__('Currency', 'dgx-donate') . "</h3>";
     echo "<p>" . esc_html__("Select the currency you'd like to receive donations in.", 'dgx-donate') . "</p>";
     echo "<form method='POST' action=''>\n";
     echo "<input type='hidden' name='dgx_donate_form_options_nonce' value='" . esc_attr($nonce) . "' />\n";
     $currency = get_option('dgx_donate_currency');
     echo "<p>";
     echo dgx_donate_get_currency_selector('dgx_donate_currency', $currency);
     echo "</p>";
     echo "<p><input id='submit' class='button' type='submit' value='" . esc_attr__('Update', 'dgx-donate') . "' name='submit' /></p>\n";
     echo "</form>";
     echo "<br/>";
     // Default country/state/province for donor
     // jQuery will take care of hiding / showing the state and province selector based on the country code
     echo "<h3>" . esc_html__('Default Country / State / Province', 'dgx-donate') . "</h3>";
     echo "<p>" . esc_html__('Select the default country / state / province for the donation form.', 'dgx-donate') . "</p>";
     echo "<div class='dgx_donate_geography_selects'>";
     echo "<form method='POST' action=''>\n";
     echo "<input type='hidden' name='dgx_donate_form_options_nonce' value='" . esc_attr($nonce) . "' />\n";
     $default_country = get_option('dgx_donate_default_country');
     echo "<p>";
     echo dgx_donate_get_country_selector('dgx_donate_default_country', $default_country);
     echo "</p>";
     $default_state = get_option('dgx_donate_default_state');
     echo "<p>";
     echo dgx_donate_get_state_selector('dgx_donate_default_state', $default_state);
     echo "</p>";
     $default_province = get_option('dgx_donate_default_province');
     echo "<p>";
     echo dgx_donate_get_province_selector('dgx_donate_default_province', $default_province);
     echo "</p>";
     echo "<p><input id='submit' class='button' type='submit' value='" . esc_attr__('Update', 'dgx-donate') . "' name='submit' /></p>\n";
     echo "</form>";
     echo "</div>";
     // dgx_donate_geography_selects
     echo "<br/>";
     echo "</div>\n";
     echo "</div>\n";
     echo "</div>\n";
     echo "</div>\n";