/** * Display authentication log. * * @param array $vars * @return none * */ function print_authlog($vars) { $authlog = get_authlog_array($vars); if (!$authlog['count']) { // There have been no entries returned. Print the warning. Shouldn't happen, how did you get here without auth?! print_warning('<h4>No authentication entries found!</h4>'); } else { $string = generate_box_open($vars['header']); // Entries have been returned. Print the table. $string .= '<table class="' . OBS_CLASS_TABLE_STRIPED_MORE . '">' . PHP_EOL; $cols = array('date' => array('Date', 'style="width: 150px;"'), 'user' => 'User', 'from' => 'From', 'ua' => array('User-Agent', 'style="width: 200px;"'), 'NONE' => 'Action'); if ($vars['page'] == 'preferences') { unset($cols['user']); } $string .= get_table_header($cols); //, $vars); // Currently sorting is not available $string .= '<tbody>' . PHP_EOL; foreach ($authlog['entries'] as $entry) { if (strlen($entry['user_agent']) > 1) { $entry['detect_browser'] = detect_browser($entry['user_agent']); //r($entry['detect_browser']); $entry['user_agent'] = '<i class="' . $entry['detect_browser']['icon'] . '"></i> ' . $entry['detect_browser']['browser_full']; if ($entry['detect_browser']['platform']) { $entry['user_agent'] .= ' (' . $entry['detect_browser']['platform'] . ')'; } } if (strstr(strtolower($entry['result']), 'fail', true)) { $class = " class=\"error\""; } else { $class = ""; } $string .= ' <tr' . $class . '> <td>' . $entry['datetime'] . '</td>'; if (isset($cols['user'])) { $string .= ' <td>' . escape_html($entry['user']) . '</td>'; } $string .= ' <td>' . ($_SESSION['userlevel'] > 5 ? generate_popup_link('ip', $entry['address']) : preg_replace('/^\\d+/', '*', $entry['address'])) . '</td> <td>' . $entry['user_agent'] . '</td> <td>' . $entry['result'] . '</td> </tr>' . PHP_EOL; } $string .= ' </tbody>' . PHP_EOL; $string .= '</table>'; $string .= generate_box_close(); // Add pagination header if ($authlog['pagination_html']) { $string = $authlog['pagination_html'] . $string . $authlog['pagination_html']; } // Print authlog echo $string; } }
/** * Display authentication log. * * @param array $vars * @return none * */ function print_authlog($vars) { $authlog = get_authlog_array($vars); if (!$authlog['count']) { // There have been no entries returned. Print the warning. Shouldn't happen, how did you get here without auth?! print_warning('<h4>没有发现任何认证项目!</h4>'); } else { // Entries have been returned. Print the table. $string = '<table class="table table-bordered table-striped table-hover table-condensed table-rounded">' . PHP_EOL; $cols = array('date' => array('Date', 'style="width: 200px;"'), 'user' => '用户', 'from' => 'From', 'ua' => array('User-Agent', 'style="width: 200px;"'), 'NONE' => 'Action'); $string .= get_table_header($cols); //, $vars); // Currently sorting is not available $string .= '<tbody>' . PHP_EOL; foreach ($authlog['entries'] as $entry) { if (strlen($entry['user_agent']) > 1) { $entry['detect_browser'] = detect_browser($entry['user_agent'], TRUE); $entry['user_agent'] = $entry['detect_browser']['browser']; if ($entry['detect_browser']['platform']) { $entry['user_agent'] .= ' (' . $entry['detect_browser']['platform'] . ')'; } } if (strstr(strtolower($entry['result']), 'fail', true)) { $class = " class=\"error\""; } else { $class = ""; } $string .= ' <tr' . $class . '> <td>' . $entry['datetime'] . '</td> <td>' . escape_html($entry['user']) . '</td> <td>' . $entry['address'] . '</td> <td>' . $entry['user_agent'] . '</td> <td>' . $entry['result'] . '</td> </tr>' . PHP_EOL; } $string .= ' </tbody>' . PHP_EOL; $string .= '</table>'; // Add pagination header if ($authlog['pagination_html']) { $string = $authlog['pagination_html'] . $string . $authlog['pagination_html']; } // Print authlog echo $string; } }
$GO_SECURITY->authenticate(); $GO_MODULES->authenticate('email'); require $GO_CONFIG->class_path . "imap.class.inc"; require $GO_MODULES->class_path . "email.class.inc"; require $GO_CONFIG->class_path . 'filetypes.class.inc'; $filetypes = new filetypes(); $mail = new imap(); $email = new email(); $account = $email->get_account($_REQUEST['account_id']); if ($mail->open($account['host'], $account['type'], $account['port'], $account['username'], $GO_CRYPTO->decrypt($account['password']), $_REQUEST['mailbox'], 0, $account['use_ssl'], $account['novalidate_cert'])) { $file = $mail->view_part($_REQUEST['uid'], $_REQUEST['part'], $_REQUEST['transfer'], $_REQUEST['mime']); $mail->close(); $filename = smartstrip($_REQUEST['filename']); $extension = get_extension($filename); $type = $filetypes->get_type($extension); $browser = detect_browser(); //header('Content-Length: '.strlen($file)); header('Expires: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s') . ' GMT'); if ($browser['name'] == 'MSIE') { header('Content-Type: application/download'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $filename . '"'); header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0'); header('Pragma: public'); } else { header('Content-Type: ' . $type['mime']); header('Pragma: no-cache'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $filename . '"'); } header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary'); echo $file; } else {
<?php // inc_logger HTML include for use in dynamic websites // // Version 0.3 16 October 2001 - Philip Lee // Determine browser include "{$site_root}/libs/lib_browser.php"; // Get connection to database $link_id = db_connect(); // Get browser information $browser = detect_browser($link_id); // Create the SQL query string $sql = "INSERT DELAYED INTO logging_log " . "(day,hour,session_id,site_id,user_id,browser,ver,platform,time,page,ip_address,remote_host,referrer,exit_page) " . "VALUES (" . date('Ymd', mktime()) . ",'" . date('H', mktime()) . "','" . $PHPSESSID . "','" . $site_id . "','" . $user_id . "','" . $browser[1] . "','" . $browser[2] . "','" . $browser[0] . "','" . time() . "','" . $PHP_SELF . "','" . $REMOTE_ADDR . "','" . $REMOTE_HOST . "','" . $HTTP_REFERER . "','" . $exit_page . "'" . ");"; // Insert into database $res_logger = mysql_query($sql, $link_id); if (!$res_logger) { echo "Logging insert failed"; }
/** * platform_launch_ip_authorization_checks: used for IP authorizations * @param void * * @return void */ function platform_launch_ip_authorization_checks() { platform_launch_php('global'); $ip = network_get_real_ip(); $browser = detect_browser(); switch ($ip) { // allowed ip addresses // from localhost case '': case '': // from starbright //case '': // from starbright //case '': case '': case '': // from ehonet // from ehonet case '': case '': case '': case '': case '': // from ehonet-wifi // from ehonet-wifi case '': case '': case '': case '': case '': case '': case '': //redirect_to('http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'/platform/'); break; default: redirect_to('http://www.entilda.com?api=' . base64_encode(base64_encode(base64_encode(time()))) . '&encdata=true&tracking=enabled&cryptocheck=' . base64_encode(base64_encode(base64_encode($ip))) . '&detected=' . $ip . '&client=' . $browser); break; } }
function generate_graph_tag($args) { if (empty($args)) { return ''; } // Quick return if passed empty array $style = 'max-width: 100%; width: auto; vertical-align: top;'; if (isset($args['style'])) { if (is_array($args['style'])) { $style .= implode("; ", $args['style']) . ';'; } else { $style .= $args['style'] . ';'; } unset($args['style']); } // Detect allowed screen ratio for current browser $ua_info = detect_browser(); $zoom = $ua_info['screen_ratio']; if ($zoom >= 2) { // Add img srcset for HiDPI screens $args_x = $args; $args_x['zoom'] = $zoom; $srcset = ' srcset="' . generate_graph_url($args_x) . ' ' . $args_x['zoom'] . 'x"'; } else { $srcset = ''; } return '<img src="' . generate_graph_url($args) . '"' . $srcset . ' style="' . $style . '" alt="" />'; }
function browser_info() { backtrace(detect_browser(), 'p', 'Browser'); }
function overlib_link($url, $text, $contents, $class = NULL, $escape = FALSE) { global $config, $link_iter; $link_iter++; if ($escape) { $text = escape_html($text); } // Allow the Grinch to disable popups and destroy Christmas. if ($config['web_mouseover'] && detect_browser() != 'mobile') { $output = '<a href="' . $url . '" class="tooltip-from-data ' . $class . '" data-tooltip="' . escape_html($contents) . '">' . $text . '</a>'; } else { $output = '<a href="' . $url . '" class="' . $class . '">' . $text . '</a>'; } return $output; }
/** * Returns icon tag (by default) or icon name for current device array * * @param array $device Array with device info (from DB) * @param bool $base_icon Return complete img tag with icon (by default) or just base icon name * * @return string Img tag with icon or base icon name */ function get_device_icon($device, $base_icon = FALSE) { global $config; $icon = 'generic'; $device['os'] = strtolower($device['os']); $model = $config['os'][$device['os']]['model']; if ($device['icon'] && is_file($config['html_dir'] . '/images/os/' . $device['icon'] . '.png')) { // Custom device icon from DB $icon = $device['icon']; } else { if ($model && isset($config['model'][$model][$device['sysObjectID']]['icon']) && is_file($config['html_dir'] . '/images/os/' . $config['model'][$model][$device['sysObjectID']]['icon'] . '.png')) { // Per model icon $icon = $config['model'][$model][$device['sysObjectID']]['icon']; } else { if ($config['os'][$device['os']]['icon'] && is_file($config['html_dir'] . '/images/os/' . $config['os'][$device['os']]['icon'] . '.png')) { // Icon defined in os definition $icon = $config['os'][$device['os']]['icon']; } else { if ($device['distro']) { // Icon by distro name $distro = safename(strtolower(trim($device['distro']))); if (is_file($config['html_dir'] . '/images/os/' . $distro . '.png')) { $icon = $distro; } } if ($icon == 'generic' && is_file($config['html_dir'] . '/images/os/' . $device['os'] . '.png')) { // Icon by OS name $icon = $device['os']; } } } } if ($icon == 'generic' && $config['os'][$device['os']]['vendor']) { // Icon by vendor name $vendor = safename(strtolower(trim($config['os'][$device['os']]['vendor']))); if (is_file($config['html_dir'] . '/images/os/' . $vendor . '.png')) { $icon = $vendor; } } if ($base_icon) { // return base name for os icon return $icon; } else { // return image html tag $srcset = ''; if (is_file($config['html_dir'] . '/images/os/' . $icon . '_2x.png')) { // Detect allowed screen ratio for current browser $ua_info = detect_browser(); if ($ua_info['screen_ratio'] > 1) { $srcset = ' srcset="' . $config['base_url'] . '/images/os/' . $icon . '_2x.png' . ' 2x"'; } } // Image tag -- FIXME re-engineer this code to do this properly. This is messy. $image = '<img src="' . $config['base_url'] . '/images/os/' . $icon . '.png"' . $srcset . ' alt="" />'; return $image; } }
/** * Generate Bootstrap-format navigation bar * * A little messy, but it works and lets us move to having no navbar markup on pages :) * Examples: * print_navbar(array('brand' => "Apps", 'class' => "navbar-narrow", 'options' => array('mysql' => array('text' => "MySQL", 'url' => generate_url($vars, 'app' => "mysql"))))) * * @param array $vars * @return none * */ function print_navbar($navbar) { global $config; if (OBSERVIUM_EDITION == 'community' && isset($navbar['community']) && $navbar['community'] === FALSE) { // Skip nonexistant features on community edition return; } $id = strgen(); // Detect allowed screen ratio for current browser, cached! $ua_info = detect_browser(); ?> <div class="navbar <?php echo $navbar['class']; ?> " style="<?php echo $navbar['style']; ?> "> <div class="navbar-inner"> <div class="container"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-navbar" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#nav-<?php echo $id; ?> "> <span class="oicon-bar"></span> </button> <?php if (isset($navbar['brand'])) { echo ' <a class="brand">' . $navbar['brand'] . '</a>'; } echo '<div class="nav-collapse" id="nav-' . $id . '">'; //rewrite navbar (for class pull-right) $newbar = array(); foreach (array('options', 'options_right') as $array_name) { if (isset($navbar[$array_name])) { foreach ($navbar[$array_name] as $option => $array) { if (isset($array['userlevel']) && isset($_SESSION['userlevel']) && $_SESSION['userlevel'] < $array['userlevel']) { // skip not permitted menu items continue; } if (OBSERVIUM_EDITION == 'community' && isset($array['community']) && $array['community'] === FALSE) { // Skip not exist features on community continue; } if (strstr($array['class'], 'pull-right') || $array_name == 'options_right' || $array['right'] == TRUE) { $array['class'] = str_replace('pull-right', '', $array['class']); $newbar['options_right'][$option] = $array; } else { $newbar['options'][$option] = $array; } } } } foreach (array('options', 'options_right') as $array_name) { if ($array_name == 'options_right') { if (!$newbar[$array_name]) { break; } echo '<ul class="nav pull-right">'; } else { echo '<ul class="nav">'; } foreach ($newbar[$array_name] as $option => $array) { // if($array['divider']) { echo '<li class="divider"></li>'; break;} if (!is_array($array['suboptions'])) { echo '<li class="' . $array['class'] . '">'; $link_opts = ''; if (isset($array['link_opts'])) { $link_opts .= ' ' . $array['link_opts']; } if (isset($array['alt'])) { $link_opts .= ' data-rel="tooltip" data-tooltip="' . $array['alt'] . '"'; } if (isset($array['id'])) { $link_opts .= ' id="' . $array['id'] . '"'; } if (empty($array['url']) || $array['url'] == '#') { $array['url'] = 'javascript:void(0)'; } echo '<a href="' . $array['url'] . '" ' . $link_opts . '>'; if (isset($array['icon'])) { echo '<i class="' . $array['icon'] . '"></i> '; $array['text'] = '<span>' . $array['text'] . '</span>'; // Added span for allow hide by class 'icon' } if (isset($array['image'])) { if (isset($array['image_2x']) && $ua_info['screen_ratio'] > 1) { // Add hidpi image set $srcset = ' srcset="' . $array['image_2x'] . ' 2x"'; } else { $srcset = ''; } echo '<img src="' . $array['image'] . '"' . $srcset . ' alt="" /> '; } echo $array['text'] . '</a>'; echo '</li>'; } else { echo ' <li class="dropdown ' . $array['class'] . '">'; $link_opts = ''; if (isset($array['link_opts'])) { $link_opts .= ' ' . $array['link_opts']; } if (isset($array['alt'])) { $link_opts .= ' data-rel="tooltip" data-tooltip="' . $array['alt'] . '"'; } if (isset($array['id'])) { $link_opts .= ' id="' . $array['id'] . '"'; } if (empty($array['url']) || $array['url'] == '#') { $array['url'] = 'javascript:void(0)'; } echo ' <a class="dropdown-toggle" data-hover="dropdown" data-toggle="dropdown" href="' . $array['url'] . '" ' . $link_opts . '>'; if (isset($array['icon'])) { echo '<i class="' . $array['icon'] . '"></i> '; } echo $array['text'] . ' <strong class="caret"></strong> </a> <ul class="dropdown-menu">'; foreach ($array['suboptions'] as $suboption => $subarray) { if (isset($subarray['divider']) && $subarray['divider']) { echo '<li class="divider"></li>'; } else { echo '<li class="' . $subarray['class'] . '">'; $link_opts = ''; if (isset($subarray['link_opts'])) { $link_opts .= ' ' . $subarray['link_opts']; } if (isset($subarray['alt'])) { $link_opts .= ' data-rel="tooltip" data-tooltip="' . $subarray['alt'] . '"'; } if (isset($subarray['id'])) { $link_opts .= ' id="' . $subarray['id'] . '"'; } if (empty($subarray['url']) || $subarray['url'] == '#') { $subarray['url'] = 'javascript:void(0)'; } echo '<a href="' . $subarray['url'] . '" ' . $link_opts . '>'; if (isset($subarray['icon'])) { echo '<i class="' . $subarray['icon'] . '"></i> '; $subarray['text'] = '<span>' . $subarray['text'] . '</span>'; // Added span for allow hide by class 'icon' } echo $subarray['text'] . '</a>'; echo '</li>'; } } echo ' </ul> </li>'; } } echo '</ul>'; } ?> </div> </div> </div> </div> <?php }
echo "</table><BR>"; if ($fred[0] != 'unknown' && $fred[1] != 'unknown' && $fred[2] != 'unknown') { $pass++; } } echo "Total tests: {$total}<BR>"; echo "Passed tests: {$pass}<BR><BR>"; // Define WebTV browsers echo "Setting up list of Netbox browsers<BR>"; $netbox = array("[Mozilla/3.01 (compatible; Netbox/3.5 R93rc3; Linux 2.2)]"); $total = count($netbox); $pass = 0; echo "<hr>"; echo "<h2>Netbox Tests</h2>"; foreach ($netbox as $key => $value) { $fred = detect_browser($link_id, $netbox[$key]); echo "<table width='100%' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' border='1'>"; echo "<tr colspan='3'>"; echo "<td>{$netbox[$key]}</td>"; echo "</tr>"; echo "<tr>"; echo "<td width='50%'>{$fred['1']}</td><td width='25%'>{$fred['2']}</td><td width='25%'>{$fred['0']}</td>"; echo "</tr>"; echo "</tr>"; echo "</table><BR>"; if ($fred[0] != 'unknown' && $fred[1] != 'unknown' && $fred[2] != 'unknown') { $pass++; } } echo "Total tests: {$total}<BR>"; echo "Passed tests: {$pass}<BR><BR>";
/** * Affiche un tableau html des connexions d'un utilisateur * * $duree * - 7 -> "une semaine" * - 15 -> "quinze jours" * - 30 -> "un mois" * - 60 -> "deux mois" * - 183 -> "six mois" * - 365 -> "un an" * - all -> "le début" * * @param string $login Login de l'utilisateur * @param int|string $duree * @param string $page 'mon_compte' pour afficher ses propres connexions * @param string $pers_id Permet d'avoir une balise <input type='hidden' personnelle * @todo On pourrait utiliser $_SESSION['login'] plutôt que $page */ function journal_connexions($login, $duree, $page = 'mon_compte', $pers_id = NULL) { global $active_hostbyaddr; switch ($duree) { case 7: $display_duree = "une semaine"; break; case 15: $display_duree = "quinze jours"; break; case 30: $display_duree = "un mois"; break; case 60: $display_duree = "deux mois"; break; case 183: $display_duree = "six mois"; break; case 365: $display_duree = "un an"; break; case 'all': $display_duree = "le début"; break; } if ($page == 'mon_compte') { echo "<h2>Journal de vos connexions depuis <strong>" . $display_duree . "</strong>**</h2>\n"; } else { echo "<h2>Journal des connexions de " . civ_nom_prenom($login) . " depuis <strong>" . $display_duree . "</strong>**</h2>\n"; } $requete = ''; if ($duree != 'all') { $requete = "and START > now() - interval " . $duree . " day"; } $sql = "select START, SESSION_ID, REMOTE_ADDR, USER_AGENT, AUTOCLOSE, END from log where LOGIN = '******' " . $requete . " order by START desc"; //echo "$sql<br />"; $day_now = date("d"); $month_now = date("m"); $year_now = date("Y"); $hour_now = date("H"); $minute_now = date("i"); $seconde_now = date("s"); $now = mktime($hour_now, $minute_now, $seconde_now, $month_now, $day_now, $year_now); echo "<ul>\n<li>Les lignes en <span style='color:red; font-weight:bold;'>rouge</span> signalent une tentative de connexion avec un <span style='color:red; font-weight:bold;'>mot de passe erroné</span>.</li>\n<li>Les lignes en <span style='color:orange; font-weight:bold;'>orange</span> signalent une session close pour laquelle vous ne vous êtes <span style='color:orange; font-weight:bold;'>pas déconnecté correctement</span>.</li>\n<li>Les lignes en <span style='color:black; font-weight:bold;'>noir</span> signalent une <span style='color:black; font-weight:bold;'>session close normalement</span>.</li>\n<li>Les lignes en <span style='color:green; font-weight:bold;'>vert</span> indiquent les <span style='color:green; font-weight:bold;'>sessions en cours</span> (<em>cela peut correspondre à une connexion actuellement close mais pour laquelle vous ne vous êtes pas déconnecté correctement</em>).</li>\n</ul>\n<table class='boireaus' style='width: 90%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; margin-bottom: 32px;' cellpadding='5' cellspacing='0' summary='Connexions'>\n\t<tr>\n\t\t<th class='col'>Début session</th>\n\t\t<th class='col'>Fin session</th>\n\t\t<th class='col'>Adresse IP et nom de la machine cliente</th>\n\t\t<th class='col'>Navigateur</th>\n\t</tr>\n"; $tab_browser = array(); $tab_host = array(); $res = sql_query($sql); if ($res) { $alt = 1; for ($i = 0; $row = sql_row($res, $i); $i++) { $annee_b = mb_substr($row[0], 0, 4); $mois_b = mb_substr($row[0], 5, 2); $jour_b = mb_substr($row[0], 8, 2); $heures_b = mb_substr($row[0], 11, 2); $minutes_b = mb_substr($row[0], 14, 2); $secondes_b = mb_substr($row[0], 17, 2); $date_debut = $jour_b . "/" . $mois_b . "/" . $annee_b . " à " . $heures_b . " h " . $minutes_b; $annee_f = mb_substr($row[5], 0, 4); $mois_f = mb_substr($row[5], 5, 2); $jour_f = mb_substr($row[5], 8, 2); $heures_f = mb_substr($row[5], 11, 2); $minutes_f = mb_substr($row[5], 14, 2); $secondes_f = mb_substr($row[5], 17, 2); $date_fin = $jour_f . "/" . $mois_f . "/" . $annee_f . " à " . $heures_f . " h " . $minutes_f; $end_time = mktime($heures_f, $minutes_f, $secondes_f, $mois_f, $jour_f, $annee_f); $temp1 = ''; $temp2 = ''; if ($end_time > $now) { $temp1 = "<font color='green'>"; $temp2 = "</font>"; } else { if ($row[4] == 1 or $row[4] == 2 or $row[4] == 3 or $row[4] == 10) { //$temp1 = "<font color=orange>\n"; $temp1 = "<font color='#FFA500'>"; $temp2 = "</font>"; } else { if ($row[4] == 4) { $temp1 = "<strong><font color='red'>"; $temp2 = "</font></strong>"; } } } $alt = $alt * -1; echo "<tr class='lig{$alt} white_hover'>\n"; echo "<td class=\"col\">" . $temp1 . $date_debut . $temp2 . "</td>\n"; if ($row[4] == 4) { echo "<td class=\"col\">" . $temp1 . $date_fin . "<br />Tentative de connexion<br />avec mot de passe erroné." . $temp2 . "</td>\n"; } else { echo "<td class=\"col\">" . $temp1 . $date_fin . $temp2 . "</td>\n"; } if (!isset($active_hostbyaddr) or $active_hostbyaddr == "all") { //$result_hostbyaddr = " - ".@gethostbyaddr($row[2]); if (!in_array($row[2], $tab_host)) { $tab_host[$row[2]] = @gethostbyaddr($row[2]); } $result_hostbyaddr = " - " . $tab_host[$row[2]]; } else { if ($active_hostbyaddr == "no_local") { if (mb_substr($row[2], 0, 3) == 127 or mb_substr($row[2], 0, 3) == 10.0 or mb_substr($row[2], 0, 7) == 192.168) { $result_hostbyaddr = ""; } else { $tabip = explode(".", $row[2]); if ($tabip[0] == 172 && $tabip[1] >= 16 && $tabip[1] <= 31) { $result_hostbyaddr = ""; } else { //$result_hostbyaddr = " - ".@gethostbyaddr($row[2]); if (!in_array($row[2], $tab_host)) { $tab_host[$row[2]] = @gethostbyaddr($row[2]); } $result_hostbyaddr = " - " . $tab_host[$row[2]]; } } } else { $result_hostbyaddr = ""; } } echo "<td class=\"col\"><span class='small'>" . $temp1 . $row[2] . $result_hostbyaddr . $temp2 . "</span></td>\n"; //echo "<td class=\"col\">".$temp1. detect_browser($row[3]) .$temp2. "</td>\n"; if (!in_array($row[3], $tab_browser)) { $tab_browser[$row[3]] = detect_browser($row[3]); } echo "<td class=\"col\">" . $temp1 . $tab_browser[$row[3]] . $temp2 . "</td>\n"; echo "</tr>\n"; flush(); } } echo "</table>\n"; echo "<form action=\"" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "#connexion\" name=\"form_affiche_log\" method=\"post\">\n"; if ($page == 'modify_user') { echo "<input type='hidden' name='user_login' value='{$login}' />\n"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='journal_connexions' value='y' />\n"; } elseif ($page == 'modify_eleve') { echo "<input type='hidden' name='eleve_login' value='{$login}' />\n"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='journal_connexions' value='y' />\n"; } elseif ($page == 'modify_resp') { echo "<input type='hidden' name='pers_id' value='{$pers_id}' />\n"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='journal_connexions' value='y' />\n"; } echo "Afficher le journal des connexions depuis : <select name=\"duree\" size=\"1\">\n"; echo "<option "; if ($duree == 7) { echo "selected"; } echo " value=7>Une semaine</option>\n"; echo "<option "; if ($duree == 15) { echo "selected"; } echo " value=15 >Quinze jours</option>\n"; echo "<option "; if ($duree == 30) { echo "selected"; } echo " value=30>Un mois</option>\n"; echo "<option "; if ($duree == 60) { echo "selected"; } echo " value=60>Deux mois</option>\n"; echo "<option "; if ($duree == 183) { echo "selected"; } echo " value=183>Six mois</option>\n"; echo "<option "; if ($duree == 365) { echo "selected"; } echo " value=365>Un an</option>\n"; echo "<option "; if ($duree == 'all') { echo "selected"; } echo " value='all'>Le début</option>\n"; echo "</select>\n"; echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"Valider\" value=\"Valider\" />\n"; echo "</form>\n"; echo "<p class='small'>** Les renseignements ci-dessus peuvent vous permettre de vérifier qu'une connexion pirate n'a pas été effectuée sur votre compte.\n\tDans le cas d'une connexion inexpliquée, vous devez immédiatement en avertir l'<a href=\"mailto:" . getSettingValue("gepiAdminAdress") . "\">administrateur</a>.</p>\n"; }
function is_safari() { return detect_browser('safari'); }
function navbar_entry($entry, $level = 1) { global $cache; if ($entry['divider']) { echo str_pad('', ($level - 1) * 2) . ' <li class="divider"></li>' . PHP_EOL; } elseif ($entry['locations']) { // Workaround until the menu builder returns an array instead of echo() echo str_pad('', ($level - 1) * 2) . ' <li class="dropdown-submenu">' . PHP_EOL; echo str_pad('', ($level - 1) * 2) . ' ' . generate_menu_link(generate_url(array('page' => 'locations')), '<i class="menu-icon oicon-building-hedge"></i> Locations') . PHP_EOL; navbar_location_menu($cache['locations']); echo str_pad('', ($level - 1) * 2) . ' </li>' . PHP_EOL; } else { $entry_text = '<i class="menu-icon ' . $entry['icon'] . '"></i> '; if (isset($entry['image'])) { // Detect allowed screen ratio for current browser, cached! $ua_info = detect_browser(); if (isset($entry['image_2x']) && $ua_info['screen_ratio'] > 1) { // Add hidpi image set $srcset = ' srcset="' . $entry['image_2x'] . ' 2x"'; } else { $srcset = ''; } $entry_text .= '<img src="' . $entry['image'] . '"' . $srcset . ' alt="" /> '; } $entry_text .= $entry['title']; echo str_pad('', ($level - 1) * 2) . ' <li>' . generate_menu_link($entry['url'], $entry_text, $entry['count']) . '</li>' . PHP_EOL; } }
{ day = new Date(); id = day.getTime(); eval("page" + id + " = window.open(URL, '" + id + "', 'toolbar=0,scrollbars=1,location=0,statusbar=0, menubar=0,resizable=1,width=550,height=600');"); } // End --> </script> <script src="js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> <?php // No dropdowns on touch gadgets if ($_SESSION['touch'] != 'yes') { echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="js/twitter-bootstrap-hover-dropdown.min.js"></script>'; } // Same as in overlib_link() if ($config['web_mouseover'] && detect_browser() != 'mobile') { echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.qtip.min.js"></script>'; } ?> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/bootstrap-datetimepicker.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/bootstrap-select.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript">$('.selectpicker').selectpicker();</script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/bootstrap-switch.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/observium.js"></script> </body> </html>
} else { $result_hostbyaddr = ""; } } echo "<td class=\"col\"><span class='small'>" . $temp1 . $row[4] . $result_hostbyaddr . $temp2 . "</span></td>\n"; echo "<td class=\"col\"><span class='small'>" . $temp1 . detect_browser($row[5]) . $temp2 . "</span></td>\n"; //echo "<td class=\"col\"><span class='small'>".$temp1. $row[6] .$temp2. "</span></td>\n"; echo "<td class=\"col\"><span class='small'>"; if ($row[6] == "") { echo " "; } else { echo $temp1 . $row[6] . $temp2; } echo "</span></td>\n"; //$ligne_csv[$nb_ligne] .= "$date_fin_f;$result_hostbyaddr;".detect_browser($row[5]).";$row[6]\n"; $ligne_csv[$nb_ligne] .= my_ereg_replace(" ", " ", "{$date_fin_f};{$result_hostbyaddr};" . detect_browser($row[5]) . ";{$row['6']}\n"); echo "</tr>\n"; $nb_ligne++; flush(); } } $_SESSION['donnees_export_csv_log'] = $ligne_csv; ?> </table> <p> <em>NOTES :</em> </p> <p> La résolution d'adresse IP en nom DNS peut ralentir l'affichage de cette page. <br /> Dans le cas d'un serveur situé sur un réseau local, il se peut qu'aucun serveur DNS ne soit en mesure d'assurer