function get_pages_needing_change()
     if (!isset($this->pages_needing_change)) {
         $es = new entity_selector();
         $es->add_relation('page_node.custom_page = "blurb"');
         $es->add_left_relationship_field('minisite_page_to_text_blurb', 'entity', 'id', 'blurb_id');
         $result = $es->run_one();
         foreach ($result as $k => $page) {
             $blurbs = is_array($page->get_value('blurb_id')) ? $page->get_value('blurb_id') : array($page->get_value('blurb_id'));
             foreach ($blurbs as $blurb_id) {
                 $blurb = new entity($blurb_id);
                 $content = $blurb->get_value('content');
                 $demoted_content = demote_headings($content, 1);
                 if ($content == $demoted_content) {
                     $pages_needing_page_type_change[$k] = $k;
         $this->pages_needing_change = isset($pages_needing_page_type_change) ? array_keys($pages_needing_page_type_change) : false;
     return $this->pages_needing_change;
 function get_issue_blurbs_markup()
     if (!empty($this->passed_vars['issue_blurbs'])) {
         $ret = '<div class="issueBlurbs">';
         foreach ($this->passed_vars['issue_blurbs'] as $blurb) {
             $ret .= '<div class="issueBlurb">' . demote_headings($blurb->get_value('content'), 1) . '</div>' . "\n";
         $ret .= '</div>' . "\n";
         return $ret;
     return '';
		function display_sub_policy($policy)
			echo '<div class="policy sub_policy">'."\n";
			echo '<a id="'.$policy->id().'"></a>';
			echo "<h4 class='policyName'>" . 	$policy->get_value('name') . "</h4>\n";
			if($policy->get_value( 'content' ))
				echo '<div class="policyContent">'.demote_headings($policy->get_value( 'content' ),2) . '</div>';
			$this->display_sub_policies($policy, false);
 function show_child_page($child, $counter, $even_odd)
     /* If the page has a link name, use that; otherwise, use its name */
     $page_name = $this->get_page_name($child);
     $title_attr = '';
     if ($page_name != $child->get_value('name')) {
         $title_attr = ' title="' . reason_htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($child->get_value('name')), ENT_QUOTES) . '"';
     $page_name = strip_tags($page_name, '<span><strong><em>');
     $link = $this->get_page_link($child);
     $classes = array('number' . $counter, $even_odd);
     $uname = '';
     if ($child->get_value('unique_name')) {
         $classes[] = 'uname-' . reason_htmlspecialchars($child->get_value('unique_name'));
     if ($child->get_value('url')) {
         $classes[] = 'jump';
     echo '<li class="' . implode(' ', $classes) . '">';
     if ($this->params['provide_az_links'] && array_key_exists($child->id(), $this->az)) {
         echo '<a name="child_' . $this->az[$child->id()] . '"></a>';
     $image_markup = '';
     if ($this->params['provide_images']) {
         $image = $this->get_page_image($child->id());
         if (!empty($image)) {
             if ($this->params['thumbnail_width'] != 0 or $this->params['thumbnail_height'] != 0) {
                 $rsi = new reasonSizedImage();
                 if (!empty($rsi)) {
                     if ($this->params['thumbnail_width'] != 0) {
                     if ($this->params['thumbnail_height'] != 0) {
                     if ($this->params['thumbnail_crop'] != '') {
                     if (!$this->params['html5']) {
                         $image_markup = get_show_image_html($rsi, true, false, false, '', '', false, $link);
                     } else {
                         $image_markup = get_show_image_html($rsi, true, false, false, '', '', false);
             } else {
                 if (!$this->params['html5']) {
                     $image_markup = get_show_image_html($image->id(), true, false, false, '', '', false, $link);
                 } else {
                     $image_markup = get_show_image_html($image->id(), true, false, false, '', '', false);
         if (!$this->params['html5']) {
             echo $image_markup;
     if ($this->params['description_part_of_link']) {
         $element = $this->params['html5'] ? 'h4' : 'strong';
         echo '<a href="' . $link . '"' . $title_attr . '>';
         if ($this->params['html5']) {
             echo $image_markup;
         echo '<' . $element . '>' . $page_name . '</' . $element . '>';
         if (!$this->params['html5']) {
             echo '<br />';
         if ($child->get_value('description')) {
             $element = $this->params['html5'] ? 'div' : 'span';
             echo "\n" . '<' . $element . ' class="childDesc">' . $child->get_value('description') . '</' . $element . '>';
         echo '</a>';
     } else {
         echo $image_markup;
         echo '<h4><a href="' . $link . '"' . $title_attr . '>' . $page_name . '</a></h4>';
         if ($child->get_value('description')) {
             echo "\n" . '<div class="childDesc">' . $child->get_value('description') . '</div>';
     if (!empty($this->params['blurbs_count'])) {
         if ($blurbs = $this->get_blurbs_for_page($child, $this->params['blurbs_count'])) {
             echo '<div class="childBlurbs">';
             foreach ($blurbs as $blurb) {
                 echo '<div class="childBlurb">';
                 echo demote_headings($blurb->get_value('content'), 2);
                 echo '</div>';
             echo '</div>';
     echo '</li>' . "\n";
 function run()
     $inline_editing =& get_reason_inline_editing($this->page_id);
     $editing_available = $inline_editing->available_for_module($this);
     $editing_active = $inline_editing->active_for_module($this);
     echo '<div class="blurbs ' . $this->get_api_class_string() . '">' . "\n";
     $i = 0;
     $class = 'odd';
     foreach ($this->blurbs as $blurb) {
         $editable = $editing_available && $this->_blurb_is_editable($blurb);
         $editing_item = $editing_available && $editing_active && $this->request['blurb_id'] == $blurb->id();
         echo '<div class="blurb number' . $i;
         if ($blurb->get_value('unique_name')) {
             echo ' uname_' . htmlspecialchars($blurb->get_value('unique_name'));
         if ($editable) {
             echo ' editable';
         if ($editing_item) {
             echo ' editing';
         echo ' ' . $class;
         echo '">';
         if ($editing_item) {
             if ($pages = $this->_blurb_also_appears_on($blurb)) {
                 $num = count($pages);
                 echo '<div class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> Any edits you make here will also change this blurb on the ' . $num . ' other page' . ($num > 1 ? 's' : '') . ' where it appears.</div>';
             echo $this->_get_editing_form($blurb);
         } else {
             echo demote_headings($blurb->get_value('content'), $this->params['demote_headings']);
             if ($editable) {
                 $params = array_merge(array('blurb_id' => $blurb->id()), $inline_editing->get_activation_params($this));
                 echo '<div class="edit"><a href="' . carl_make_link($params) . '">Edit Blurb</a></div>' . "\n";
         echo '</div>' . "\n";
         $class = 'odd' == $class ? 'even' : 'odd';
     if (!empty($this->params['footer_html'])) {
         echo '<div class="blurbsFooter">';
         echo $this->params['footer_html'];
         echo '</div>' . "\n";
     echo '</div>' . "\n";