<?php require_once "../../class/user.class.php"; require_once "../../class/database.class.php"; session_start(); $db = new database(); $link = $db->connect(); require_once "functionsAdmin.php"; if ($_POST) { $email = trim(strip_tags($_POST['email'])); delete_email($email, $link); } else { header('Location : login.php'); }
accept_reject_email($teamteach, $user, false); } } } // Refresh accept and remove forms due to new information $accept_form = new teamteach_accept_form(); $remove_form = new teamteach_remove_form(); } else { if ($data = $remove_form->get_data()) { // Prematurely set heading that the form submission was processed and necessary emails were sent $heading = get_string('email_sent', 'block_courseprefs'); $teamteaches = array(); // Iterate over selected team teach requests and delete them accordingly foreach ($remove_form->selected_teamteaches as $id) { $teamteaches[$id] = CoursePrefsTeamTeach::findById($id); delete_email($teamteaches[$id], $user); } reset_prefs($teamteaches); // Refresh remove form due to new information $remove_form = new teamteach_remove_form(); } } } // Render the page headers and forms $heading_main = get_string('teamteach_heading', 'block_courseprefs'); $navigation = array(array('name' => get_string('blockname', 'block_courseprefs'), 'link' => '', 'type' => 'title'), array('name' => $heading_main, 'link' => '', 'type' => 'title')); print_header_simple($heading_main, '', build_navigation($navigation)); print_heading_with_help($heading_main, 'teamteach', 'block_courseprefs'); if ($heading) { print_heading($heading, 'center', 3); }