
require_once "../../config.inc.php";
$auth = new auth("CHANNEL_ADMIN");
$page = new Page("Channel Administration");
$filter = new Filter("channels", "CHID");
$filter->addRule($lang->get("name"), "NAME", "NAME");
$filter->type_name = $lang->get("channels", "Channels");
$filter->icon = "li_channel.gif";
$filtermenu = new Filtermenu("", $filter);
$filtermenu->tipp = $lang->get("help_channel", "Topic categories defining the contents of articles created by N/X. i.e. News, Persons ");
require_once $c["path"] . "modules/channels/menu.inc.php";
if (strtoupper(value("deletion")) == "DELETE" && strtoupper(value("commit")) == strtoupper($lang->get("YES"))) {
    deleteChannel(value("oid", "NUMERIC"));
if ($page_action == "INSERT") {
    $oid = 0;
if ($oid == 0) {
    $addtext = "";
} else {
    $addtext = ": " . getDBCell("channels", "NAME", "CHID = " . $oid);
$form = new stdEDForm($lang->get("channel", "Channel") . $addtext);
$cond = $form->setExPK("channels", "CHID");
// Add a Toolbar for showing the launch button
if ($auth->checkAccessToFunction("CHANNEL_LAUNCH")) {
    $form->buttonbar->add("action", $lang->get("launch"));
    $form->add(new Hidden("action", ""));
    if (value("action") == $lang->get("launch")) {
 * @apiVersion 1.0.0
 * @apiParam {Number} id   			Id of Channel to delete
 * @apiParamExample {json} Request-Example:
 *     {
 *       "id": "42",
 *     }
 * @apiPermission Author of the Parent Channel
 * @apiUse NotPermitted
 * @apiUse MissingParameter
$app->delete('/channel', function () use($app) {
    include_once 'libs/channel.php';
 * @api {PUT} /channel/sorting 		Sort the Channel
 * @apiName sortChannel
 * @apiGroup Channel
 * @apiVersion 1.0.0
 * @apiDescription Sort the order of Units and Subchannels of a Channel.
 * You put in a whole channel and the Server will iterate over all Subchannels and Units and will set their view_index to the according index in the given array.
 * @apiPermission Author of the Channel
 * @apiUse NotPermitted
 * @apiUse MissingParameter
     if (isOK($response)) {
         printResult($response, "CONNECTING APPLICATION TO CVS DB FAILED", " Application {$appId} has been connected to the database {$dbName}." . PHP_EOL . " ---- CONNECTING APPLICATION TO CVS DB SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED ----");
     } else {
         echo $response->getMessage();
 case "deleteApplication":
     $msg = "Deleting Application ..." . PHP_EOL;
     echo PHP_EOL . "{$msg}";
     $email = getEMail();
     $password = getPassword();
     $dbName = getDbName();
     $appId = getAppId();
     if (is_numeric($appId)) {
         $response = deleteChannel($email, $password, $dbName, $appId);
     } else {
         $response = deleteApplication($email, $password, $dbName, $appId);
     if (isOK($response)) {
         printResult($response, "DELETING APPLICATION FROM CVS FAILED", " Application {$appId} has been deleted from the database {$dbName}." . PHP_EOL . " ---- DELETING APPLICATION FROM CVS SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED ----");
     } else {
         echo $response->getMessage();
 case "addItem":
     echo "Adding item..." . PHP_EOL;
     $email = getEMail();
     $password = getPassword();
     $dbName = getDbName();
     $filePath = getItemPath();