function readBackground()
    // Read the background configuration XML
    $background_data = readXML('conf', 'background');
    // Get the default values
    $background_default = defaultBackground();
    // Stored data array
    $background_conf = array();
    // Read the stored values
    if ($background_data) {
        // Initialize the background configuration XML data
        $background_xml = new SimpleXMLElement($background_data);
        // Loop the notice configuration elements
        foreach ($background_xml->children() as $background_child) {
            $background_conf[$background_child->getName()] = $background_child;
    // Checks no value is missing in the stored configuration
    foreach ($background_default as $background_name => $background_value) {
        if (!isset($background_conf[$background_name]) || empty($background_conf[$background_name])) {
            $background_conf[$background_name] = $background_default[$background_name];
    return $background_conf;
function setBackground($string)
    // Get the default values
    $array = defaultBackground();
    // Read the background configuration
    $xml = readXML('conf', 'background');
    if ($xml) {
        $read = new SimpleXMLElement($xml);
        foreach ($read->children() as $child) {
            $current_child = (string) $child;
            // Any value?
            if ($current_child) {
                $array[$child->getName()] = $current_child;
    $css = '';
    // Generate the CSS code
    switch ($array['type']) {
        // Image
        case 'image':
            $css .= "\n" . '  background-image: url(../store/backgrounds/' . urlencode($array['image_file']) . ');
    background-repeat: ' . $array['image_repeat'] . ';
    background-position: ' . $array['image_horizontal'] . ' ' . $array['image_vertical'] . ';
    background-color: ' . $array['image_color'] . ';';
            // Add CSS code to adapt the image?
            if ($array['image_adapt'] == 'on') {
                $css .= '   background-attachment: fixed;
    background-size: cover;
    -moz-background-size: cover;
    -webkit-background-size: cover;';
            $css .= "\n";
            // Color
        // Color
        case 'color':
            $css .= "\n" . '  background-color: ' . $array['color_color'] . ';' . "\n";
            // Default: use the filtering regex
        // Default: use the filtering regex
            $css .= '$3';
    // Apply the replacement!
    return preg_replace('/(\\.body-images( )?\\{)([^\\{\\}]+)(\\})/i', '$1' . $css . '$4', $string);