     * Builds a date input field.
     * @param string the name of the input field
     * @param string initial value (ISO datetime (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)
     *               or erroneous if the field is in error state)
     * @param string label displayed in front of the field
     * @param array Optional params. Additionally to {@link $_common_params} you can use:
     *              - date_format: Format of the date (string, PHP format, default taken from {@link locale_datefmt()})
     *              - add_date_format_note: If true, date format note gets prepended to the field's note
     * @return mixed true (if output) or the generated HTML if not outputting
    function date_input($field_name, $field_value, $field_label, $field_params = array())
        global $month, $weekday_letter;
        if (empty($field_params['date_format'])) {
            // Use locale date format:
            $date_format = locale_datefmt();
        } else {
            $date_format = $field_params['date_format'];
        // Don't keep that attrib in the list:
        // Convert PHP date format to JS library date format:
        // NOTE: when editing/extending this here, you probably also have to adjust param_check_date()!
        $js_date_format = preg_replace_callback('~(\\\\)?(\\w)~', create_function('$m', '
			if( $m[1] == "\\\\" ) return "\\\\".$m[0]; // leave escaped
			switch( $m[2] )
				case "d": return "dd"; // day, 01-31
				case "j": return "d"; // day, 1-31
				case "l": return "EE"; // weekday (name)
				case "D": return "E"; // weekday (abbr)
				case "e": return ""; // weekday letter, not supported

				case "m": return "MM"; // month, 01-12
				case "n": return "M"; // month, 1-12
				case "F": return "MMM"; // full month name; "name or abbr" in date.js
				case "M": return "NNN"; // month name abbr

				case "y": return "yy"; // year, 00-99
				case "Y": return "yyyy"; // year, XXXX
					return $m[0];
			}'), $date_format);
        $field_params['type'] = 'text';
        if (param_has_error($field_name) && !preg_match('~^\\d\\d\\d\\d-\\d\\d-\\d\\d(?: \\d\\d:\\d\\d:\\d\\d)?$~', $field_value)) {
            // There is an error message for this field:
            // We do not try to format the date, we keep the erroneous date (if it is not obviously valid).
            // We could have used param_error() ourself (e.g. "date outside of range"), and the erroneous
            // field should have the correct format.
            //echo 'error on '.$field_name.' keep erroneous entry intact ';
            // Keep original value, but strip off the time part (if any).
            $field_params['value'] = preg_replace('~ \\d\\d:\\d\\d:\\d\\d$~', '', $field_value);
        } else {
            // Make the date value clean for display:
            // The date value may be compact, in this case we have to decompact it
            if (preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/', $field_value)) {
                // The date is compact, so we decompact it
                $field_value = decompact_date($field_value);
            // Get DATE part of datetime and format it to locale format:
            $field_params['value'] = mysql2date($date_format, $field_value);
            if (!$field_params['value']) {
                // Conversion failed (e.g. for dates before ~1902 / PHP < 5.1 (Windows) / 32bit / without DateTime support), use the original value (better than 1970-01-01 anyway!).
                $field_params['value'] = $field_value;
        if (!empty($field_params['add_date_format_note'])) {
            // Prepend $date_format to note
            $field_params['note'] = empty($field_params['note']) ? '(' . $date_format . ')' : '(' . $date_format . ') ' . $field_params['note'];
        if (!isset($field_params['size'])) {
            // Get size out of $date_format if not explicitly set
            $field_params['size'] = strlen($js_date_format);
        dh> do not use maxlength by default. Makes no sense IMHO and fails with dateformats like "j \d\e F, Y"
        if( !isset($field_params['maxlength']) )
        	$field_params['maxlength'] = $field_params['size'];
        Afwas > In the existing locales only d m y and Y are used. Currently the jQuery Datepicker
        can't handle other dateformats. I will see to some basic check or enable all.
        @TODO ^^ fp> It might make sense to have 2 date formats for locales: 1 for display and 1 for inputs. Input formats could be forced to used numeric data only.
        // Give it a class, so it can be selected for CSS in IE6
        $field_params['class'] = (empty($field_params['class']) ? '' : $field_params['class'] . ' ') . 'form_date_input form-control';
        $this->handle_common_params($field_params, $field_name, $field_label);
        $r = $this->begin_field() . $this->get_input_element($field_params, false);
        $r .= $this->end_field();
        return $this->display_or_return($r);
文件: _form.class.php 项目: LFSF/oras
     * Builds a date input field.
     * @param string the name of the input field
     * @param string initial value (ISO datetime (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)
     *               or erroneous if the field is in error state)
     * @param string label displayed in front of the field
     * @param array Optional params. Additionally to {@link $_common_params} you can use:
     *              - date_format: Format of the date (string, PHP format, default taken from {@link locale_datefmt()})
     *              - add_date_format_note: If true, date format note gets prepended to the field's note
     * @return mixed true (if output) or the generated HTML if not outputting
    function date_input($field_name, $field_value, $field_label, $field_params = array())
        global $month, $weekday_letter;
        if (empty($field_params['date_format'])) {
            // Use locale date format:
            $date_format = locale_datefmt();
        } else {
            $date_format = $field_params['date_format'];
        // Don't keep that attrib in the list:
        // Convert PHP date format to JS library date format (date.js):
        // NOTE: when editing/extending this here, you probably also have to adjust param_check_date()!
        $js_date_format = preg_replace_callback('~(\\\\)?(\\w)~', create_function('$m', '
			if( $m[1] == "\\\\" ) return "\\\\".$m[0]; // leave escaped
			switch( $m[2] )
				case "d": return "dd"; // day, 01-31
				case "j": return "d"; // day, 1-31
				case "l": return "EE"; // weekday (name)
				case "D": return "E"; // weekday (abbr)
				case "e": return ""; // weekday letter, not supported

				case "m": return "MM"; // month, 01-12
				case "n": return "M"; // month, 1-12
				case "F": return "MMM"; // full month name; "name or abbr" in date.js
				case "M": return "NNN"; // month name abbr

				case "y": return "yy"; // year, 00-99
				case "Y": return "yyyy"; // year, XXXX
					return $m[0];
			}'), $date_format);
        #pre_dump( $js_date_format );
        if (param_has_error($field_name)) {
            // There is an error message for this field:
            // We do not try to format the date, we keep the erroneous date.
            //echo 'error on '.$field_name.' keep erroneous entry intact ';
            $field_params['value'] = trim(substr($field_value, 0, 10));
        } else {
            // Make the date value clean for display:
            // The date value may be compact, in this case we have to decompact it
            if (preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/', $field_value)) {
                // The date is compact, so we decompact it
                $field_value = decompact_date($field_value);
            // Get DATE part of datetime and format it to locale format:
            $field_params['value'] = mysql2date($date_format, $field_value);
        if (!empty($field_params['add_date_format_note'])) {
            // Prepend $date_format to note
            $field_params['note'] = empty($field_params['note']) ? '(' . $date_format . ')' : '(' . $date_format . ') ' . $field_params['note'];
        if (!isset($field_params['size'])) {
            // Get size out of $date_format if not explicitly set
            $field_params['size'] = strlen($js_date_format);
        dh> do not use maxlength by default. Makes no sense IMHO and fails with dateformats like "j \d\e F, Y"
        if( !isset($field_params['maxlength']) )
        	$field_params['maxlength'] = $field_params['size'];
        // Give it a class, so it can be selected for CSS in IE6
        if (empty($field_params['class'])) {
            $field_params['class'] = 'form_date_input';
        } else {
            $field_params['class'] .= ' form_date_input';
        $this->handle_common_params($field_params, $field_name, $field_label);
        $r = $this->begin_field() . '<script type="text/javascript">
						var cal_' . $field_name . ' = new CalendarPopup();
						cal_' . $field_name . '.showYearNavigation();
						cal_' . $field_name . '.showNavigationDropdowns();
						// cal_' . $field_name . '.showYearNavigationInput();
						// MonthNames get set through MONTH_NAMES
				   cal_' . $field_name . '.setDayHeaders( ' . "'" . T_($weekday_letter[0]) . "'," . "'" . T_($weekday_letter[1]) . "'," . "'" . T_($weekday_letter[2]) . "'," . "'" . T_($weekday_letter[3]) . "'," . "'" . T_($weekday_letter[4]) . "'," . "'" . T_($weekday_letter[5]) . "'," . "'" . T_($weekday_letter[6]) . "' );\n" . ' cal_' . $field_name . '.setWeekStartDay(' . locale_startofweek() . ');
						cal_' . $field_name . ".setTodayText('" . TS_('Today') . "');\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t//]]>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t</script>\n" . $this->get_input_element($field_params, false) . '<a href="#" onclick="cal_' . $field_name . ".select(document.getElementById('" . $field_name . "'), 'anchor_" . $field_name . "', '" . $js_date_format . "');" . ' return false;" name="anchor_' . $field_name . '" id="anchor_' . $this->get_valid_id($field_name) . '" title="' . T_('Select date') . '">' . get_icon('calendar', 'imgtag', array('title' => T_('Select date'))) . '</a>';
        $r .= $this->end_field();
        return $this->display_or_return($r);