 function partChoose()
     $q_exam = "SELECT \n\t\t\texam.id AS exam,exam.name AS name,exam_paper.id AS exam_paper,exam_paper.is_extra_course AS is_extra_course,\n\t\t\tgrade.name AS grade_name,course.id AS course,course.name AS course_name,\n\t\t\texam_paper.students AS students, exam_paper.teacher_group AS teacher_group \n\t\tFROM \n\t\t\t(\n\t\t\t\t(\n\t\t\t\t\texam_paper LEFT JOIN exam ON (exam_paper.exam=exam.id)\n\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN course ON exam_paper.course=course.id\n\t\t\t)\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN grade ON exam.grade=grade.id\n\t\tWHERE  exam_paper.is_scoring=1\n\t\t\tAND (" . db_implode($_SESSION['teacher_group'], ' OR ', 'teacher_group') . ')';
     $examArray = db_toArray($q_exam);
     if ($this->input->get('exam_paper')) {
         foreach ($examArray as $exam) {
             if ($exam['exam_paper'] == $this->input->get('exam_paper')) {
                 $currentExam = $exam;
     } elseif (count($examArray) > 0) {
         $currentExam = $examArray[0];
     } else {
         $currentExam = false;
     $this->load->addViewData('currentExam', $currentExam);
     $q_partArray = "\n\t\t\tSELECT * FROM exam_part WHERE exam_paper='" . $currentExam['exam_paper'] . "'\n\t\t";
     $partArray = db_toArray($q_partArray);
     $this->load->addViewData('partArray', $partArray);
     $q_students_left = "\n\t\t\tSELECT *\n\t\t\t\tFROM score\n\t\t\tWHERE score.exam_paper='" . $currentExam['exam_paper'] . "'\n\t\t\tGROUP BY student\n\t\t";
     $r_students_left = mysql_query($q_students_left);
     $student_left = $currentExam['students'];
     $this->load->addViewData('student_left', $student_left);
  * Load agendas with ids including related Event_ids but without items
  * Check if it's allowed to view or if user is involved in one of the events
  * @param array $params; [ids] for ids to get
  * @return agenda oder null if not found or not allowed
 public function loadAgendas($params)
     $where = "id IN (" . db_implode($params["ids"]) . ")";
     $data = churchcore_getTableData("cs_agenda", null, $where);
     $auth = churchservice_getAuthorization();
     $allowedAgendas = array();
     if (isset($auth["view agenda"])) {
         $allowedAgendas = $auth["view agenda"];
     if (!$data) {
         return null;
     } else {
         foreach ($data as $key => $d) {
             // Check if template
             $d->event_ids = $this->getBelongingEventIdsToAgenda($d->id);
             // Check if allowed
             if (!isset($allowedAgendas[$d->calcategory_id])) {
                 // if not allowed, checked if I am involved in services of belonging events
                 $involved = false;
                 foreach ($d->event_ids as $event_id) {
                     if (!$involved) {
                         $involved = $this->isUserInvolved($event_id);
                 if (!$involved) {
         return $data;
 * get resources with booking dates
 * @param array $params
 * @return array resources
function churchcal_getResource($params)
    $resource_ids = $params["resource_id"];
    $res = db_query("\n    SELECT r.id resource_id, r.bezeichnung ort, s.bezeichnung status, b.status_id, b.id, b.startdate, b.enddate,\n       b.repeat_id, b.repeat_frequence, b.repeat_until, b.repeat_option_id, b.text bezeichnung\n    FROM {cr_resource} r, {cr_booking} b, {cr_status} s\n    WHERE b.status_id!=99 AND s.id=b.status_id AND b.resource_id=r.id AND r.id IN (" . db_implode($resource_ids) . ")");
    $excs = churchcore_getTableData("cr_exception", "except_date_start");
    $adds = churchcore_getTableData("cr_addition", "add_date");
    $arrs = array();
    foreach ($res as $a) {
        if ($excs) {
            foreach ($excs as $exc) {
                if ($a->id == $exc->booking_id) {
                    $a->exceptions[$exc->id] = $exc;
        if ($adds) {
            foreach ($adds as $add) {
                if ($a->id == $add->booking_id) {
                    $a->additions[$add->id] = $add;
        $arrs[] = $a;
    $ret = array();
    foreach ($resource_ids as $id) {
        $ret[$id] = array();
        foreach ($arrs as $d) {
            if ($d->resource_id == $id) {
                $ret[$id][$d->id] = $d;
    return $ret;
 * inform leader about open event services
 * TODO: no idea if this could be improved - lots of sql requests and loops
 * @return boolean
function churchservice_inform_leader()
    global $base_url;
    include_once "churchservice_db.php";
    // get all group ids from services
    $res = db_query("SELECT cdb_gruppen_ids FROM {cs_service}\n                   WHERE cdb_gruppen_ids!='' AND cdb_gruppen_ids IS NOT NULL");
    // TODO: use WHERE cdb_gruppen_ids > '' ?
    //                   WHERE cdb_gruppen_ids>''); // TODO: works too
    $arr = array();
    foreach ($res as $g) {
        $arr[] = $g->cdb_gruppen_ids;
    if (!count($arr)) {
        return false;
    // get persons being (co)leader of one of this service groups
    $res = db_query("SELECT p.id AS person_id, gpg.gruppe_id, p.email, p.vorname, p.name, p.spitzname, p.cmsuserid\n                   FROM {cdb_person} p, {cdb_gemeindeperson_gruppe} gpg, {cdb_gemeindeperson} gp\n                   WHERE gpg.gemeindeperson_id = gp.id AND p.id = gp.person_id AND status_no >= 1 AND status_no <= 2\n                     AND gpg.gruppe_id IN (" . db_implode($arr) . ")");
    // Aggregiere nach Person_Id P1[G1,G2,G3],P2[G3]
    $persons = array();
    foreach ($res as $p) {
        $data = churchcore_getUserSettings("churchservice", $p->person_id);
        // if person has rights and has not deselected info emails
        $auth = getUserAuthorization($p->person_id);
        if (isset($auth["churchservice"]["view"]) && (!isset($data["informLeader"]) || $data["informLeader"])) {
            if (!isset($data["informLeader"])) {
                $data["informLeader"] = 1;
                churchcore_saveUserSetting("churchservice", $p->person_id, "informLeader", "1");
            if (empty($persons[$p->person_id])) {
                $persons[$p->person_id] = array("group" => array(), "service" => array(), "person" => $p);
            $persons[$p->person_id]["group"][] = $p->gruppe_id;
    // who should get an email?
    foreach ($persons as $person_id => $p) {
        if (!ct_checkUserMail($person_id, "informLeaderService", -1, 6 * 24)) {
            $persons[$person_id] = null;
            // unset($persons[$person_id])?
    // get matching services
    // TODO: nearly the same request as above (additonal bezeichnung, id service_id)
    $res = db_query("SELECT cdb_gruppen_ids, bezeichnung, id AS service_id\n                   FROM {cs_service}\n                   WHERE cdb_gruppen_ids is not null");
    foreach ($res as $d) {
        $group_ids = explode(",", $d->cdb_gruppen_ids);
        foreach ($persons as $key => $person) {
            if ($person) {
                foreach ($person["group"] as $person_group) {
                    if (in_array($person_group, $group_ids)) {
                        $persons[$key]["service"][] = $d->service_id;
    // get events for each person
    foreach ($persons as $person_id => $person) {
        if ($person) {
            $res = db_query("SELECT es.id, c.bezeichnung AS event,\n                       DATE_FORMAT(e.startdate, '%d.%m.%Y %H:%i') AS datum, es.name, s.bezeichnung AS service\n                     FROM {cs_event} e, {cs_eventservice} es, {cs_service} s, {cc_cal} c\n                     WHERE e.valid_yn=1 AND c.id=e.cc_cal_id AND es.service_id in (" . db_implode($person["service"]) . ")\n                       AND es.event_id = e.id AND es.service_id = s.id AND es.valid_yn = 1 AND zugesagt_yn = 0\n                       AND e.startdate > current_date AND DATEDIFF(e.startdate,CURRENT_DATE) <= " . DAYS_TO_INFORM_LEADER_ABOUT_OPEN_SERVICES . "\n                     ORDER BY e.startdate");
            $openServices = array();
            foreach ($res as $s) {
                $openServices[] = $s;
            if (count($openServices)) {
                $data = array('moreInfoUrl' => "{$base_url}?q=churchservice", 'settingsUrl' => "{$base_url}?q=churchservice#SettingsView", 'openServices' => $openServices, 'surname' => $person["person"]->vorname, 'nickname' => $person["person"]->spitzname ? $person["person"]->spitzname : $person["person"]->vorname, 'name' => $person["person"]->name);
                $lang = getUserLanguage($person["person"]->person_id);
                $content = getTemplateContent('email/openServicesLeaderInfo', 'churchservice', $data, null, $lang);
                churchservice_send_mail("[" . getConf('site_name') . "] " . t2($lang, 'open.services'), $content, $person["person"]->email);
 * send sms
 * TODO: use sms template
 * @param string $ids, comma separated
 * @param string $txt
 * @return array
function churchdb_sendsms($ids, $txt)
    global $user;
    $param = array();
    // get cell phone number of user as sender from DB - maybe session contains an outdated one.
    $mobile = db_query("SELECT telefonhandy FROM {cdb_person}\n                      WHERE id=:id", array(":id" => $user->id))->fetch();
    if (!empty($mobile->telefonhandy)) {
        $param["from"] = preg_replace('![^0-9]!', '', $mobile->telefonhandy);
    } else {
        $param["from"] = "ChurchTools";
    $db = db_query("SELECT id, telefonhandy, vorname, name, IF(spitzname != '', spitzname, vorname) AS spitzname\n                  FROM {cdb_person}\n                  WHERE id IN (" . db_implode($ids) . ")");
    $res = array();
    $res["withoutmobilecount"] = 0;
    $res["smscount"] = 0;
    foreach ($db as $p) {
        if (!$p->telefonhandy) {
            $res[$p->id] = t("no.sms.sent.person.has.no.mobile.number");
        } else {
            $param["to"] = $p->telefonhandy;
            $param["message"] = churchcore_personalizeTemplate($txt, $p);
            $res[$p->id] = churchdb_smspromote($param);
    return $res;
  * 根据post提交的数组,将日志标记为已审核,审核时间为自报时间
 function review($post)
     $post = array_trim($post);
     if ($post) {
         $condition = db_implode($post, $glue = ' OR ', 'id', ' = ', "'", "'", '`', 'key');
         $this->db->query("UPDATE schedule SET `hours_checked` = `hours_own` WHERE " . $condition);
         return true;
 * @param unknown $params
 * @param string $withIntern
 * @return multitype:|Ambigous <multitype:multitype: , NULL, object, boolean, db_accessor>
function churchcal_getCalPerCategory($params, $withIntern = null)
    global $user;
    if ($withIntern == null) {
        $withIntern = $user == null || $user->id == -1 ? false : true;
    $data = array();
    $from = getConf("churchcal_entries_last_days", 180);
    $res = db_query("\n      SELECT cal.*, CONCAT(p.vorname, ' ',p.name) AS modified_name, e.id AS event_id, e.startdate AS event_startdate,\n        e.created_by_template_id AS event_template_id, b.id AS booking_id, b.startdate AS booking_startdate, b.enddate AS booking_enddate,\n        b.resource_id AS booking_resource_id, b.status_id AS booking_status_id, b.location AS booking_location,\n        b.note AS booking_note\n      FROM {cc_cal} cal\n      LEFT JOIN {cs_event} e ON (cal.id=e.cc_cal_id)\n      LEFT JOIN {cr_booking} b ON (cal.id=b.cc_cal_id)\n      LEFT JOIN {cdb_person} p ON (cal.modified_pid=p.id)\n      WHERE cal.category_id IN (" . db_implode($params["category_ids"]) . ") " . (!$withIntern ? " and intern_yn=0" : "") . " AND(     ( DATEDIFF  ( cal.enddate , NOW() ) > - {$from} )\n                 OR ( cal.repeat_id>0 AND DATEDIFF (cal.repeat_until, NOW() ) > - {$from}) )\n      ");
    $data = null;
    // collect bookings/events if more then one per calendar entry
    foreach ($res as $arr) {
        if (isset($data[$arr->id])) {
            $elem = $data[$arr->id];
        } else {
            $elem = $arr;
            $req = churchcore_getTableData("cc_meetingrequest", null, "cal_id=" . $arr->id);
            if ($req) {
                $elem->meetingRequest = array();
                foreach ($req as $r) {
                    $elem->meetingRequest[$r->person_id] = $r;
        if ($arr->booking_id) {
            $elem->bookings[$arr->booking_id] = array("id" => $arr->booking_id, "minpre" => (strtotime($arr->startdate) - strtotime($arr->booking_startdate)) / 60, "minpost" => (strtotime($arr->booking_enddate) - strtotime($arr->enddate)) / 60, "resource_id" => $arr->booking_resource_id, "status_id" => $arr->booking_status_id, "location" => $arr->booking_location, "note" => $arr->booking_note);
        if ($arr->event_id) {
            // Get additional Service text infos, like "Preaching with [Vorname]"
            $service_texts = array();
            $es = db_query("\n        SELECT es.name, s.id, es.cdb_person_id, s.cal_text_template from {cs_service} s, {cs_eventservice} es\n        WHERE es.event_id=:event_id AND es.service_id=s.id and es.valid_yn=1 and es.zugesagt_yn=1\n          AND s.cal_text_template IS NOT NULL AND s.cal_text_template!=''", array(":event_id" => $arr->event_id));
            foreach ($es as $e) {
                if ($e) {
                    $txt = false;
                    if (strpos($e->cal_text_template, "[") === false) {
                        $txt = $e->cal_text_template;
                    $p = null;
                    // First use person_id
                    if ($e->cdb_person_id) {
                        $p = db_query("SELECT * FROM {cdb_person}\n                         WHERE id=:id", array(":id" => $e->cdb_person_id))->fetch();
                    // When not available use name
                    if (!$p && $e->name) {
                        $p = new stdClass();
                        $p->name = $e->name;
                    if ($p) {
                        $txt = churchcore_personalizeTemplate($e->cal_text_template, $p);
                    if (!in_array($txt, $service_texts)) {
                        $service_texts[] = $txt;
            // Save event info
            $elem->csevents[$arr->event_id] = array("id" => $arr->event_id, "startdate" => $arr->event_startdate, "service_texts" => $service_texts, "eventTemplate" => $arr->event_template_id);
        $data[$arr->id] = $elem;
    $exceptions = churchcore_getTableData("cc_cal_except");
    if ($exceptions) {
        foreach ($exceptions as $e) {
            // there may be exceptions without event
            if (isset($data[$e->cal_id])) {
                if (!isset($data[$e->cal_id]->exceptions)) {
                    $data[$e->cal_id]->exceptions = array();
                $data[$e->cal_id]->exceptions[$e->id] = new stdClass();
                $data[$e->cal_id]->exceptions[$e->id]->id = $e->id;
                $data[$e->cal_id]->exceptions[$e->id]->except_date_start = $e->except_date_start;
                $data[$e->cal_id]->exceptions[$e->id]->except_date_end = $e->except_date_end;
    $additions = churchcore_getTableData("cc_cal_add");
    if ($additions) {
        foreach ($additions as $e) {
            // there may be additions without event
            if (isset($data[$e->cal_id])) {
                if (!isset($data[$e->cal_id]->additions)) {
                    $data[$e->cal_id]->additions = array();
                $data[$e->cal_id]->additions[$e->id] = new stdClass();
                $data[$e->cal_id]->additions[$e->id]->id = $e->id;
                $data[$e->cal_id]->additions[$e->id]->add_date = $e->add_date;
                $data[$e->cal_id]->additions[$e->id]->with_repeat_yn = $e->with_repeat_yn;
    $ret = array();
    foreach ($params["category_ids"] as $cat) {
        $ret[$cat] = array();
        if ($data) {
            foreach ($data as $d) {
                if ($d->category_id == $cat) {
                    $ret[$cat][$d->id] = $d;
    return $ret;
 * TODO: churchdb_getTodos is not tested (where?)
 * explain, when gpg.status_no < -1 / replace status_nos by speaking constants
 * @return string
function churchdb_getTodos()
    global $user;
    $mygroups = churchdb_getMyGroups($user->id, true, true, false);
    $mysupergroups = churchdb_getMyGroups($user->id, true, true, true);
    if (!$mygroups) {
        return "";
    if (!$mysupergroups) {
        $mysupergroups = array(-1);
    $groups = db_query("\n      SELECT p.id, p.vorname, p.name, g.bezeichnung, gpg.status_no, s.bezeichnung AS status\n      FROM {cdb_person} p, {cdb_gruppe} g, {cdb_gemeindeperson} gp, {cdb_gemeindeperson_gruppe} gpg, {cdb_gruppenteilnehmerstatus} s\n      WHERE s.intern_code=gpg.status_no AND gpg.gemeindeperson_id=gp.id AND gp.person_id=p.id AND gpg.gruppe_id=g.id\n        AND ((gpg.gruppe_id IN (" . db_implode($mygroups) . ") AND gpg.status_no<-1)\n          OR (gpg.gruppe_id IN (" . db_implode($mysupergroups) . ") AND gpg.status_no=-1))\n      ORDER BY status");
    if (!$groups) {
        return "";
    $arr = array();
    foreach ($groups as $g) {
        if (!isset($arr[$g->status_no])) {
            $arr[$g->status_no] = (object) array();
        if (!isset($arr[$g->status_no]->content)) {
            $arr[$g->status_no]->content = array();
        // TODO is this the same as the 2 lines above?
        //     if (!isset($arr[$g->status_no])) $arr[$g->status_no] = (object) array ('content' => array());
        $arr[$g->status_no]->content[] = $g;
        $arr[$g->status_no]->status_no = $g->status_no;
        $arr[$g->status_no]->status = $g->status;
    $txt = "";
    $entries = "";
    $status = "";
    $count = 0;
    foreach ($arr as $status) {
        $txt .= "<li><p>{$status->status} &nbsp;<label class='pull-right badge badge-" . ($status->status_no == -1 ? "important" : "info") . "'>" . count($status->content) . "</label>";
        foreach ($status->content as $g) {
            $txt .= "<br/><small><a href='?q=churchdb#PersonView/searchEntry:#{$g->id}'>{$g->vorname} {$g->name}</a> - {$g->bezeichnung}</small>";
    if ($txt != "") {
        $txt = '<ul>' . $txt . '</ul>';
    return $txt;
 * Load all Events and services in the current time slot
 * @param array $params
 * @return array
function churchservice_getAllEventData($params)
    global $user;
    $id = null;
    if (isset($params["id"])) {
        $id = $params["id"];
    $auth = churchservice_getAuthorization();
    include_once CHURCHCAL . '/churchcal_db.php';
    $cat = churchcal_getAllowedCategories(false, true);
    $cat[] = -1;
    $lastday = -getConf('churchservice_entries_last_days');
    $excs_db = db_query("SELECT id, cal_id, except_date_start, except_date_end FROM {cc_cal_except}");
    $excs = array();
    foreach ($excs_db as $exc) {
        if (!isset($excs[$exc->cal_id])) {
            $excs[$exc->cal_id] = array();
        $excs[$exc->cal_id][] = $exc;
    $res = db_query('SELECT e.id, e.startdate startdate, e.valid_yn, cal.startdate cal_startdate, cal.enddate cal_enddate,
          e.cc_cal_id, cal.bezeichnung, e.special, cal.category_id, e.admin, cal.repeat_id, cal.repeat_until,
          cal.repeat_frequence, cal.repeat_option_id, cal.intern_yn, cal.notizen, cal.ort, cal.link,
         datediff(e.startdate,CURRENT_DATE) datediff
       FROM {cs_event} e, {cc_cal} cal
       WHERE cal.id=e.cc_cal_id AND ' . ($id != null ? "e.id={$id}" : "1=1") . " AND cal.category_id in (" . db_implode($cat) . ")" . " AND DATEDIFF(now(), e.startdate)<366*2");
    $events = array();
    if ($res != false) {
        foreach ($res as $arr) {
            if ($arr->repeat_frequence == null) {
            if ($arr->repeat_option_id == null) {
            if ($arr->repeat_until == null) {
            if (isset($excs[$arr->cc_cal_id])) {
                $arr->exceptions = $excs[$arr->cc_cal_id];
            // here we go!
            $events[$arr->id] = $arr;
            $event_admin = false;
            if ($arr->admin == null) {
            } else {
                if (in_array($user->id, explode(",", $arr->admin))) {
                    $event_admin = true;
            if ($arr->special == null) {
                $events[$arr->id]->special = null;
            // We don't have an enddate in cs-event, so we calculate it from the calendar
            $diff = strtotime($arr->cal_enddate) - strtotime($arr->cal_startdate);
            $event_enddate = new DateTime($arr->startdate);
            $event_enddate->modify("+" . $diff . " seconds");
            $arr->enddate = $event_enddate->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
            if (1 == 1 && $arr->datediff > $lastday) {
                ///TODO: remove 1 == 1
                // Check if agenda items are available for this event
                $b = db_query("SELECT * FROM {cs_event_item}\n          WHERE event_id=:event_id limit 1", array(":event_id" => $arr->id))->fetch();
                $arr->agenda = $b != false;
                $services = db_query("\n          SELECT es.service_id, es.name, es.cdb_person_id, es.id eventservice_id, es.counter,\n               es.zugesagt_yn, es.valid_yn, es.modified_date, es.modified_pid, es.mailsenddate,\n               case when p.id is null then '?' else\n               concat(p.vorname, ' ',p.name) end as modifieduser,\n               es.reason, s.servicegroup_id, cmsuser.cmsuserid\n          FROM {cs_service} s, {cs_eventservice} es left join {cdb_person} p on (es.modified_pid=p.id)\n          LEFT JOIN {cdb_person} cmsuser on (es.cdb_person_id=cmsuser.id)\n          WHERE es.service_id=s.id and event_id=:event_id", array(":event_id" => $arr->id));
                $s = array();
                foreach ($services as $service) {
                    if ($service->servicegroup_id != null && (isset($auth["viewgroup"][$service->servicegroup_id]) || $event_admin)) {
                        $s[] = churchservice_extractEventServiceData($service, $auth, $event_admin);
                if (count($s) > 0) {
                    $events[$arr->id]->services = $s;
    return $events;
 * get ids of all persons in groups $myGroups
 * @param array $myGroups, f.e. from churchdb_getMyGroups()
 * @return array with person ids of persons in $myGroups
function churchdb_getAllPeopleIdsFromGroups($myGroups)
    $allPersons = null;
    if (count($myGroups)) {
        $res = db_query("SELECT p.id AS p_id\n                     FROM {cdb_person} p, {cdb_gemeindeperson} gp, {cdb_gemeindeperson_gruppe} gpg\n                     WHERE p.id=gp.person_id AND gpg.gemeindeperson_id=gp.id\n                     AND p.archiv_yn = 0\n                     AND gpg.gruppe_id IN (" . db_implode($myGroups) . ") ");
        foreach ($res as $p) {
            // FIXME: add "GROUP BY p_id" to sql to prevent double ids - also applicable for other queries here
            if (!isset($allPersons[$p->p_id])) {
                $allPersons[$p->p_id] = $p->p_id;
    return $allPersons;
 * @return string
function churchwiki_getWikiInfos()
    if (!user_access("view", "churchwiki")) {
        return "";
    $ids = user_access("view category", "churchwiki");
    if (!$ids) {
        return "";
    $res = db_query("SELECT w.wikicategory_id, w.doc_id, wc.bezeichnung, DATE_FORMAT(w.modified_date , '%d.%m.%Y %H:%i') date,\n                     CONCAT(p.vorname, ' ', p.name) user\n                   FROM {cc_wiki} w, {cc_wikicategory} wc, {cdb_person} p\n                   WHERE wikicategory_id in (" . db_implode($ids) . ") AND w.wikicategory_id=wc.id\n                     AND w.modified_pid=p.id AND DATEDIFF(NOW(),modified_date)<2\n                   ORDER BY w.wikicategory_id, modified_date ASC");
    $arr = array();
    foreach ($res as $wiki) {
        $arr[$wiki->bezeichnung][$wiki->doc_id] = $wiki;
    $txt = "";
    foreach ($arr as $key => $cat) {
        $txt .= '<li><p>' . getConf("churchwiki_name", "Wiki") . ' ' . $key;
        foreach ($cat as $wiki) {
            $txt .= '<br/><small><a href="?q=churchwiki#WikiView/filterWikicategory_id:' . $wiki->wikicategory_id . '/doc:' . $wiki->doc_id . '">' . ($wiki->doc_id == "main" ? "Hauptseite" : $wiki->doc_id) . "</a>";
            $txt .= " - {$wiki->date} {$wiki->user}</small>";
    if ($txt != "") {
        $txt = "<ul>" . $txt . "</ul>";
    return $txt;