function drawStaffList($where, $searchterms = false)
    global $isAdmin, $_josh;
    $return = drawJumpToStaff() . '<table class="left" cellspacing="1">';
    if ($isAdmin) {
        $colspan = 5;
        $return .= drawHeaderRow(false, $colspan, "new", "add_edit.php");
    } else {
        $colspan = 4;
        $return .= drawHeaderRow(false, $colspan);
    $return .= '<tr>
		<th class="image"></th>
		<th>Name / Office</th>
		<th>Title / Department</th>
		<th class="r">Phone</th>';
    if ($isAdmin) {
        $return .= '<th></th>';
    $return .= '</tr>';
    $result = db_query("SELECT \n\t\t\tu.userID, \n\t\t\tu.lastname,\n\t\t\tISNULL(u.nickname, u.firstname) firstname, \n\t\t\tu.bio, \n\t\t\tu.phone,\n\t\t\tc.description corporationName,\n\t\t\tu.corporationID,\n\t\t\to.name office, \n\t\t\tu.title, \n\t\t\td.departmentName\n\t\tFROM intranet_users u\n\t\tLEFT JOIN intranet_departments d\tON d.departmentID = u.departmentID \n\t\tLEFT JOIN organizations c\t\t\tON u.corporationID = c.id\n\t\tLEFT JOIN intranet_offices o\t\tON o.id = u.officeID\n\t\tWHERE " . $where . "\n\t\tORDER BY u.lastname, ISNULL(u.nickname, u.firstname)");
    $count = db_found($result);
    if ($count) {
        if ($count == 1 && $searchterms) {
            $r = db_fetch($result);
            $_josh["slow"] = true;
            url_change("view.php?id=" . $r["userID"]);
        } else {
            while ($r = db_fetch($result)) {
                $return .= drawStaffRow($r, $searchterms);
    } else {
        $return .= drawEmptyResult("No staff match those criteria.", $colspan);
    return $return . '</table>';

include 'include.php';
if (!url_id()) {
    url_query_add(array('id' => 1));
$locations = db_query("SELECT \n\t\to.id, \n\t\to.name\n\tFROM intranet_offices o \n\tORDER BY (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM intranet_users u WHERE u.officeID = o.id) DESC");
if (db_found($locations)) {
    $pages = array();
    while ($l = db_fetch($locations)) {
        $pages["/staff/locations.php?id=" . $l["id"]] = $l["name"];
    echo drawNavigationRow($pages, $location, true);
if ($_GET["id"] == "other") {
    echo drawStaffList("u.isactive = 1 AND u.officeID <> 1 AND u.officeID <> 6 AND u.officeID <> 11 AND u.officeID <> 9");
} else {
    $l = db_grab('SELECT name, address FROM intranet_offices WHERE id = ' . $_GET['id']);
    if (!empty($l['address'])) {
        echo drawServerMessage('<center><strong>' . $l['name'] . ' Office</strong><br>' . nl2br($l['address']) . '</center>');
    echo drawStaffList("u.isactive = 1 and u.officeID = " . $_GET["id"]);

include "../../include.php";
echo drawTop();
$r = db_grab("SELECT description FROM wiki_topics_types WHERE id = " . $_GET["id"]);
<table class="left" cellspacing="1">
echo drawHeaderRow("<a href='types.php' class='white'>Types</a> &gt; " . $r["description"], 4);
$topics = db_query("SELECT \n\t\tw.id,\n\t\tw.title,\n\t\tw.description,\n\t\tISNULL(u.nickname, u.firstname) first,\n\t\tu.lastname last,\n\t\tw.created_date\n\tFROM wiki_topics w\n\tJOIN wiki_topics_types t ON w.type_id = t.id\n\tJOIN users u ON w.created_user = u.id\n\tWHERE w.is_active = 1 AND w.type_id = " . $_GET["id"]);
if (db_found($topics)) {
		<th width="16"></th>
		<th align="left">Title</th>
		<th align="left" width="100">Created By</th>
		<th align="right" width="80">Created On</th>
    while ($t = db_fetch($topics)) {
	<tr height="36">
		<td><a href="topic.php?id=<?php 
        echo $t["id"];
        echo $t["title"];

include "../include.php";
$users = db_query("select \n\t\tISNULL(u.nickname, u.firstname) first,\n\t\tu.lastname last,\n\t\tu.userID,\n\t\tu.title,\n\t\td.departmentName,\n\t\tu.officeid,\n\t\tr.isPayroll,\n\t\tu.lastlogin, \n\t\tu.updatedOn, \n\t\t" . db_datediff("u.updatedOn", "GETDATE()") . " recent \n\tFROM intranet_users u\n\tJOIN intranet_departments d on u.departmentID = d.departmentID\n\tJOIN intranet_ranks r on u.rankID = r.id\n\tWHERE u.isactive = 1 and (u.homeaddress1 = '' OR u.homeaddress1 IS NULL)\n\tORDER BY lastname");
<table class="left" cellspacing="1">
echo drawHeaderRow("Staff Profiles Needing Update (" . db_found($users) . ")", 4);
		<th width="25%" align="left">email</th>
		<th width="30%" align="left">department</th>
		<th width="30%" align="left">title</th>
		<th width="15%" align="right">last login</th>
while ($u = db_fetch($users)) {
		<td><a href="/staff/view.php?id=<?php 
    echo $u["userID"];
    echo $u["first"];
    echo $u["last"];
    function addCheckboxes($name, $desc, $table, $linking_table = false, $table_col = false, $link_col = false, $id = false, $admin = false)
        global $rows;
        $rows .= '<tr';
        if ($admin) {
            $rows .= ' class="admin"';
        //special exceptions (this is terrible)
        if ($table == "modules") {
            $description = "name";
        } elseif ($table == 'skills') {
            $description = 'title';
        } else {
            $description = "description";
        $rows .= '>
				<td class="left">' . $desc . '</td>
        if ($id) {
            $result = db_query("SELECT \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tt.id, \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tt.{$description} description, \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$linking_table} l WHERE l.{$table_col} = {$id} AND l.{$link_col} = t.id) checked\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM {$table} t\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE t.isActive = 1\n\t\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY t.{$description}");
        } else {
            $result = db_query("SELECT id, {$description} description, 0 checked FROM {$table} WHERE isActive = 1 ORDER BY {$description}");
        if ($total = db_found($result)) {
            $counter = 0;
            $max = ceil($total / 3);
            $rows .= '<table class="nospacing" width="100%"><tr>';
            while ($r = db_fetch($result)) {
                if ($counter == 0) {
                    $rows .= '<td width="33%" style="vertical-align:top;"><table class="nospacing">';
                $chkname = "chk_" . $name . "_" . $r["id"];
                $rows .= '
							<td>' . draw_form_checkbox($chkname, $r["checked"]) . '</td>
							<td>' . drawCheckboxText($chkname, $r["description"]) . '</td>
                if ($counter == $max - 1) {
                    $rows .= '</table></td>';
                    $counter = 0;
                } else {
            if ($counter != 0) {
                $rows .= '</table></td>';
            $rows .= '</tr></table>';
        $rows .= '
        url_query_add(array("category" => $c["id"]));
    $options[str_replace(url_base(), "", url_query_add(array("category" => $c["id"]), false))] = $c["description"];
echo drawTop();
echo drawNavigationRow($options, "areas", true);
<table class="left">
if ($page['is_admin']) {
    echo drawheaderRow("", 4, "add", "edit/");
} else {
    echo drawheaderRow("", 3);
$docs = db_query("SELECT d.id, d.name, t.icon, ISNULL(d.updated_date, d.created_date) updated_date FROM policy_docs d JOIN docs_types t ON d.type_id = t.id WHERE d.is_active = 1 AND d.categoryID = " . $_GET["category"] . " ORDER BY d.name");
if (db_found($docs)) {
		<th width="16"></th>
		<th class="r">Updated</th>
    if ($page['is_admin']) {
<th width="16"></th><?php 
    while ($d = db_fetch($docs)) {
        $link = "./?id=" . $d["id"];

echo drawTableStart();
if (url_id("dept")) {
    $department = " AND t.departmentID = " . $_GET["dept"];
    $deptName = db_grab("SELECT shortName FROM departments WHERE departmentID = " . $_GET["dept"]);
} else {
    $department = "";
    $deptName = "";
$result = db_query("SELECT\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tt.title,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\ts.description,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tt.departmentID,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\td.shortName department,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tt.created_date,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tt.created_user,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tt.id,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tISNULL(u2.nickname, u2.firstname) owner,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tISNULL(u.nickname, u.firstname) firstname,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tu.lastname lastname\r\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM helpdesk_tickets t\r\n\t\t\t\t\tJOIN helpdesk_tickets_statuses\ts  ON t.statusID = s.id\r\n\t\t\t\t\tJOIN users\t\t\t\tu  ON t.created_user = u.id\r\n\t\t\t\t\tJOIN departments\t\td  ON t.departmentID = d.departmentID\r\n\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN users\t\tu2 ON t.ownerID = u2.id\r\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE (t.statusID <> 9 OR t.statusID IS NULL) {$department}\r\n\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY d.shortName, t.created_date DESC");
$lastDept = "";
$count = db_found($result);
if ($count) {
    echo drawHeaderRow($deptName . " Open Tickets", 4, "new", "#bottom");
		<th width="50%" align="left">Short Description</th>
		<th width="15%" align="left"><nobr>Submitted By</nobr></th>
		<th width="20%" align="left">Status</th>
		<th width="15%"><nobr>Assigned To</nobr></th>
    while ($r = db_fetch($result)) {
        if ($r["department"] != $lastDept) {
            $lastDept = $r["department"];
            $count = db_grab("SELECT COUNT(*) tickets FROM helpdesk_tickets WHERE departmentID = " . $r["departmentID"] . " AND statusID <> 9");
function db_query($query, $limit = false, $suppress_error = false, $offset = false)
    global $_josh;
    $query = trim($query);
    if (isset($_josh["basedblanguage"]) && $_josh["basedblanguage"] != $_josh["db"]["language"]) {
        $query = db_translate($query, $_josh["basedblanguage"], $_josh["db"]["language"]);
    $_josh["queries"][] = $query;
    if ($_josh["db"]["language"] == "mysql") {
        if ($limit) {
            $query .= " LIMIT " . $limit;
        if ($offset) {
            $query .= " OFFSET " . $offset;
        if ($result = @mysql_query($query, $_josh["db"]["pointer"])) {
            error_debug("<b>db_query</b> <i>" . $query . "</i>, " . db_found($result) . " results returned");
            if (format_text_starts("insert", $query)) {
                return db_id();
            return $result;
        } else {
            error_debug("<b>db_query</b> failed <i>" . $query . "</i>");
            if ($suppress_error) {
                return false;
            error_handle("mysql error", format_code($query) . "<br>" . mysql_error());
    } elseif ($_josh["db"]["language"] == "mssql") {
        //echo $_josh["db"]["location"]. " db";
        if ($limit) {
            $query = "SELECT TOP " . $limit . substr($query, 6);
        if ($result = @mssql_query($query, $_josh["db"]["pointer"])) {
            error_debug("<b>db_query</b> <i>" . $query . "</i>, " . db_found($result) . " results returned");
            if (format_text_starts("insert", $query)) {
                return db_id();
            return $result;
        } else {
            if ($suppress_error) {
                return false;
            error_handle("mssql error", format_code($query) . "<br>" . mssql_get_last_message());
echo drawTop();
//main table
echo drawTableStart();
if ($page['is_admin']) {
    echo drawHeaderRow($page['breadcrumbs'] . format_string(db_grab('SELECT title' . langExt() . ' title FROM external_orgs_types WHERE id = ' . $_GET['id'])), 1, getString('add_new'), '#bottom');
} else {
    echo drawHeaderRow($page['breadcrumbs'] . format_string(db_grab('SELECT title' . langExt() . ' title FROM external_orgs_types WHERE id = ' . $_GET['id'])));
$orgs = db_query('SELECT 
	o.id, o.url, o.title' . langExt() . ' title, o.description' . langExt() . ' description 
	FROM external_orgs o 
		' . getChannelsWhere('external_orgs', 'o', 'org_id') . '
		AND (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM external_orgs_to_types t WHERE t.org_id = o.id AND t.type_id = ' . $_GET['id'] . ' > 0)
	ORDER BY o.title');
if (db_found($orgs)) {
    while ($o = db_fetch($orgs)) {
		<td class='text'>
        if ($page['is_admin']) {
			<a href="<?php 
            echo drawDeleteLink('delete this org?', $o['id'], 'delete', 'org_id');
" class="button-light right"><?php 
            echo getString('delete');
			<a href="edit.php?id=<?php 
		<td class="left">Award Contact</td>
echo $r["staffname"];

<table class="left" cellspacing="1">
		<td class="head" colspan="4">Activity</td>
$activity = db_query("SELECT\n\t\t\ta.activityID,\n\t\t\ta.activityTitle,\n\t\t\ta.activityDate,\n\t\t\tCONCAT(ISNULL(u.nickname, u.firstname), ' ', u.lastname) staffname,\n\t\t\ta.activityText,\n\t\t\ta.isComplete,\n\t\t\ta.isReport,\n\t\t\ta.isActionItem,\n\t\t\ta.isInternalDeadline\n\t\tFROM funders_activity a\n\t\tINNER JOIN users u ON a.activityAssignedTo = u.id\n\t\tWHERE a.awardID = {$_GET["id"]}\n\t\tORDER BY a.activityDate DESC");
if (db_found($activity)) {
		<tr bgcolor="#F6F6F6">
			<td>Assigned To, Date</td>
			<td>Title, Description</td>
    while ($a = db_fetch($activity)) {
        $date = $a["activityDate"] ? format_date($a["activityDate"]) : "N/A";
        $bgcolor = !$a["isInternalDeadline"] && !$a["isComplete"] ? "FFEEEE" : "FFFFFF";
        if (!$a["isActionItem"]) {
            $status = "Activity Note";
        } else {
            $status = $a["isInternalDeadline"] ? "Internal" : "External";
echo drawHeaderRow(false, 5, "new", "#bottom");
			<th class="reorder"></th>
			<th class="delete"></th>
$spotlight = db_query("SELECT id, title, url FROM spotlight ORDER BY precedence");
if ($max = db_found($spotlight)) {
    while ($s = db_fetch($spotlight)) {
			<tr id="<?php 
        echo $s['id'];
				<td class="reorder"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-menu-hamburger"></i></td>
				<td class="image">
        if (file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/uploads/spotlight/' . $s['id'] . '.jpg')) {
					<img src="/uploads/spotlight/<?php 
            echo $s['id'];
.jpg" width="320" height="320">
<table cellspacing="1" class="left draggable links">
echo drawHeaderRow(false, 4, "new", "#bottom");
			<th class="reorder"></th>
			<th class="delete"></th>
$links = db_query("SELECT id, text, url FROM links ORDER BY precedence");
if ($max = db_found($links)) {
    while ($l = db_fetch($links)) {
			<tr id="<?php 
        echo $l['id'];
				<td class="reorder"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-menu-hamburger"></i></td>
        echo $l["text"];
        echo $l["url"];

include "../../include.php";
if ($posting) {
    $id = db_save("wiki_topics_types");
echo drawTop();
<table class="left" cellspacing="1">
echo drawHeaderRow("Types", 2);
$tags = db_query("SELECT \n\t\tt.id, \n\t\tt.description,\n\t\t(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM wiki_topics w WHERE w.type_id = t.id) topics\n\t\tFROM wiki_topics_types t \n\t\tWHERE t.is_active = 1\n\t\tORDER BY t.description");
if (db_found($tags)) {
		<th align="left">Type</th>
		<th align="right">#</th>
    while ($t = db_fetch($tags)) {
        if ($t["topics"]) {
<a href="type.php?id=<?php 
            echo $t["id"];

$clips = db_query('SELECT c.id, c.title' . langExt() . ' title FROM press_clips c ' . getChannelsWhere('press_clips', 'c', 'clip_id') . ' ORDER BY c.pub_date DESC', 4);
if (db_found($clips)) {
    while ($c = db_fetch($clips)) {
        $return .= '<tr><td colspan="2"><a href="/' . $m['folder'] . '/clip.php?id=' . $c['id'] . '">' . format_string($c['title'], 40) . '</a></td></tr>';
} else {
    $return .= '<tr><td colspan="2" class="empty">No clips have been added.</td></tr>';
  <Style ss:ID="s34">
   <Font x:Family="Swiss" ss:Size="8"/>
  <Style ss:ID="s35">
   <Font x:Family="Swiss" ss:Size="8" ss:Bold="1"/>
   <Alignment ss:Horizontal="Center" ss:Vertical="Bottom"/>
   <Interior ss:Color="#FFFFCC" ss:Pattern="Solid"/>
  <Style ss:ID="s36">
   <Font x:Family="Swiss" ss:Size="8"/>
   <Alignment ss:Horizontal="Center"/>
 <Worksheet ss:Name="Sheet1">
  <Table ss:ExpandedColumnCount="32" ss:ExpandedRowCount="' . (db_found($result) + 1) . '" x:FullColumns="1" x:FullRows="1">
   <Column ss:Width="23.25"/>
   <Column ss:Width="67.5"/>
   <Column ss:Width="81"/>
   <Column ss:Width="98.25"/>
   <Column ss:Width="49.5"/>
   <Column ss:AutoFitWidth="0" ss:Width="191.25"/>
   <Column ss:AutoFitWidth="0" ss:Width="189.75"/>
   <Column ss:AutoFitWidth="0" ss:Width="270"/>
   <Column ss:AutoFitWidth="0" ss:Width="103.5"/>
   <Column ss:Width="73.5"/>
   <Column ss:Width="26.25"/>
   <Column ss:StyleID="s23" ss:Width="27.75"/>
   <Column ss:AutoFitWidth="0" ss:Width="104.25"/>
   <Column ss:Width="122.25"/>
   <Column ss:Width="63.75"/>
	<table cellspacing='1' class='left draggable locations'>
    echo drawHeaderRow(false, 4, 'new', '#bottom');
				<th class='reorder'></th>
				<th class='delete'></th>
    $intranet_offices = db_query('SELECT id, name, address FROM intranet_offices ORDER BY precedence');
    if ($max = db_found($intranet_offices)) {
        while ($l = db_fetch($intranet_offices)) {
				<tr id='<?php 
            echo $l['id'];
					<td class='reorder'><i class='glyphicon glyphicon-menu-hamburger'></i></td>
					<td><a href="<?php 
            echo url_query_add(array('id' => $l['id']), false);
            echo $l['name'];
    function addCheckboxes($name, $desc, $table, $linking_table = false, $table_col = false, $link_col = false, $id = false, $admin = false)
        global $rows;
        $rows .= '<tr';
        if ($admin) {
            $rows .= ' class="admin"';
        $title = "title";
        $checked = 0;
        //special addition for permissions
        $where = $name == "permissions" ? " AND l.is_admin = 1" : "";
        //special exception for channels table
        if ($table == "channels") {
            $title = "title" . langExt();
            $checked = 1;
        $rows .= '>
			<td class="left">' . $desc . '</td>
        if ($id) {
            $result = db_query("SELECT \n\t\t\t\t\t\tt.id, \n\t\t\t\t\t\tt.{$title},\n\t\t\t\t\t\t(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$linking_table} l WHERE l.{$table_col} = {$id} AND l.{$link_col} = t.id {$where}) checked\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM {$table} t\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE t.is_active = 1\n\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY t.{$title}");
        } else {
            $result = db_query("SELECT id, {$title}, {$checked} checked FROM {$table} WHERE is_active = 1 ORDER BY {$title}");
        if ($total = db_found($result)) {
            $counter = 0;
            $max = ceil($total / 3);
            $rows .= '<table class="nospacing" width="100%"><tr>';
            while ($r = db_fetch($result)) {
                if ($counter == 0) {
                    $rows .= '<td width="33%" style="vertical-align:top;"><table class="nospacing">';
                $chkname = "chk-" . $name . "-" . $r["id"];
                $rows .= '
						<td>' . draw_form_checkbox($chkname, $r["checked"]) . '</td>
						<td>' . drawCheckboxText($chkname, $r[$title]) . '</td>
                if ($counter == $max - 1) {
                    $rows .= '</table></td>';
                    $counter = 0;
                } else {
            if ($counter != 0) {
                $rows .= '</table></td>';
            $rows .= '</tr></table>';
        $rows .= '

include "include.php";
echo drawTop();
echo drawTicketFilter();

<table class="left" cellspacing="1">
$result = db_query("SELECT\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tt.title,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tt.statusID,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM helpdesk_tickets_followups f WHERE f.ticketID = t.id) as ticketfollowups,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tt.created_user,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tt.updated_date,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tt.id,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tt.ownerID,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tt.priorityID,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tt.created_date,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tISNULL(u.nickname, u.firstname) first,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tu.lastname last\r\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM helpdesk_tickets t\r\n\t\t\t\t\tJOIN users  u ON u.id    = t.created_user\r\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE t.ownerID = {$_GET["id"]} {$where}\r\n\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY t.created_date DESC");
$admin = db_grab("SELECT ISNULL(u.nickname, u.firstname) first FROM users u WHERE u.id = " . $_GET["id"]);
echo drawHeaderRow("<a href='admins.php' class='white'>Admins</a> &gt; " . $admin["first"] . " (" . db_found($result) . ")", 5);
if (db_found($result)) {
    echo drawTicketHeader();
    while ($r = db_fetch($result)) {
        echo drawTicketRow($r);
} else {
    if ($filtered) {
        echo drawEmptyResult("No tickets were assigned to this admin in this month / year", 5);
    } else {
        echo drawEmptyResult("No tickets were assigned to this admin.", 5);
echo drawBottom();
        echo drawTicketHeader();
        while ($r = db_fetch($tickets)) {
            echo drawTicketRow($r, "type");
    } else {
        if ($filtered) {
            echo drawHeaderRow("<a class='white' href='types.php'>Types</a> &gt; " . $type . " (" . db_found($tickets) . ")", 5);
            echo drawEmptyResult("No tickets have this type / month / year.", 5);
        } else {
            echo drawHeaderRow("<a class='white' href='types.php'>Types</a> &gt; " . $type . " (" . db_found($tickets) . ")", 5, "edit name", "type_add_edit.php?id=" . $_GET["id"], "delete", $request["path_query"] . "&deleteType=true");
            echo drawEmptyResult("No tickets are tagged as this type.  You can delete the type above.", 5);
} else {
    echo drawHeaderRow("<a class='white' href='types.php'>Types</a> &gt; No Type Set" . " (" . db_found($tickets) . ")", 5);
    if (db_found($tickets)) {
        echo drawTicketHeader();
        while ($r = db_fetch($tickets)) {
            echo drawTicketRow($r, "type");
    } else {
        if ($filtered) {
            echo drawEmptyResult("No tickets are untyped in this month / year.", 5);
        } else {
            echo drawEmptyResult("No tickets are untyped!  Excellent!", 5);

$events = db_query('SELECT
			e.title' . langExt() . ' title, 
		FROM cal_events e
		LEFT JOIN cal_events_types t ON e.type_id = t.id
		' . getChannelsWhere('cal_events', 'e', 'event_id') . ' AND e.start_date > ' . db_date() . '
		ORDER BY e.start_date ASC', 4);
if (db_found($events)) {
    while ($e = db_fetch($events)) {
        $return .= '
		<td width="80%"><a href="/' . $m['folder'] . '/event.php?id=' . $e['id'] . '" class="block" style="background-color:' . $e['color'] . ';">' . $e['title'] . '</a></td>
		<td width="20%" align="right">' . format_date($e['start_date'], "", "%b %d") . '</td>
} else {
    $return .= '<tr><td colspan="2" class="empty">' . getString('events_empty') . '</td></tr>';
echo $d['description'];
$views = db_query('SELECT 
			ISNULL(u.nickname, u.firstname) first,
			u.lastname last,
			FROM docs_views v
			JOIN users u ON v.userID = u.id
			WHERE v.documentID = ' . $_GET['id'] . '
			ORDER BY v.viewedOn DESC', 5);
if (db_found($views)) {
<table class="left" cellspacing='1'>
		<td class='head docs' colspan='2'><?php 
    echo getString('docs_recent_views');
	<tr class="left">
		<th align='left'><?php 
    echo getString('name');
		<th align='right'><?php 
    echo getString('date');