?> <?php } if ($_cmd[1] != "new" && $_cmd[1] != "edit" && $_cmd[1] != "remove") { ?> <?php iefixStart(); ?> <div class="sep largetext"><?php echo _SET_FOLDERS; ?> </div> <div class="container2 notsowide"> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" border="0" width="100%"> <?php $folResult = sql_query("SELECT * FROM `folders`" . dbWhere(array("folCreator" => $_auth["useid"])) . "ORDER BY `folName`"); while ($folData = mysql_fetch_assoc($folResult)) { ?> <tr> <td> <?php echo getFolderIcon($folData["folid"]); ?> </td> <td width="100%"> <span class="largetext"> <?php echo formatText($folData["folName"], false, true); ?> </span>
function getObjectThumb($objid = 0, $size = 30, $isExtras = false) { global $_auth; $objid = intval($objid); $where = "`objid` = '{$objid}'"; if (!atLeastHelpdesk()) { $where = "({$where}) AND `objDeleted` = '0' AND `objPending` = '0'"; } applyObjFilters($where); $result = sql_query("SELECT * FROM `" . ($isExtras ? "extras" : "objects") . "` WHERE {$where} LIMIT 1"); // check if the object exists - Why did this say club before? if (!($objData = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))) { // no? return getIMG(urlf() . "images/nothumb.gif", 'alt="[' . _BBCODE_THUMB . '=' . $objid . ']" title="' . sprintf(_UNKNOWN_SUBMISSION, $objid) . '" class="microthumb"'); } if (!isLoggedIn()) { $sql = "SELECT `useGuestAccess` FROM `useExtData`" . dbWhere(array("useEid" => $objData["objCreator"])); $result = sql_query($sql); if (!mysql_result($result, 0)) { return getIMG(urlf() . "images/nothumb.gif", 'alt="[' . _BBCODE_THUMB . '=' . $objid . ']" title="' . sprintf(_UNKNOWN_SUBMISSION, $objid) . '" class="microthumb"'); } } // found the object if (!$isExtras && $objData["objThumbDefault"]) { $filename = "images/litthumb.png"; } else { $filename = $isExtras ? "" : findNewestFileById("files/thumbs/", $objid, "images/nothumb.gif"); } $width = round($objData["objThumbWidth"] * $size / 100); $height = round($objData["objThumbHeight"] * $size / 100); $objTitle = htmlspecialchars($objData["objTitle"]) . ' <br /> '; if ($objData["objCollab"] > 0) { $objTitle .= sprintf(_BY_AND, getUserLink($objData["objCreator"]), getUserLink($objData["objCollab"])); } else { $objTitle .= sprintf(_BY, getUserLink($objData["objCreator"])); } $src = $isExtras ? $objData["objThumbURL"] : urlf() . $filename; if ($size < 100) { makeFloatingThumb(strip_tags($objTitle), $src, $objData["objThumbWidth"], $objData["objThumbHeight"], $objData["objMature"], true, $onmouseover, $onmouseout); } else { $onmouseover = ""; $onmouseout = ""; } $str = '<a href="' . url("view/" . ($isExtras ? "e" : "") . $objData["objid"]) . '">' . getIMG($src, 'alt="[' . _BBCODE_THUMB . '=' . $objid . ']" class="microthumb' . ($objData["objMature"] ? " mature" : "") . '" ' . 'style="width: ' . $width . 'px; height: ' . $height . 'px" ' . 'onmouseover="' . $onmouseover . '" onmouseout="' . $onmouseout . '" ' . 'title="' . strip_tags($objTitle) . '"', true) . '</a> '; return $str; }
<div class="header"> <div class="header_title"> <?php echo _EDIT_SUBMISSION; ?> <div class="subheader"> <?php echo formatText($objData["objTitle"]); ?> </div> </div> <?php if (isset($_POST["keywordList"])) { $defaultKeywords = $_POST["keywordList"]; } else { $sql = "SELECT * FROM `objKeywords`" . dbWhere(array("objKobject" => $objid)); $result = sql_query($sql); $idList = array(); while ($rowData = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $idList[] = $rowData["objKkeyword"]; } $defaultKeywords = implode(" ", $idList); } include INCLUDES . "mod_keywords.php"; if (isset($requireKGroups) && $requireKGroups) { notice($requireKGroups); } ?> <div class="padded notsowide"> <?php echo sprintf(_SUBMIT_KEYWORDS_EXPLAIN, $_config["keywordExplainURI"]);
function getFiltersByKeywords($keyids) { $filters = array(); foreach ($keyids as $keyid) { $keyResult = sql_query("SELECT `keyFilter` FROM `keywords`" . dbWhere(array("keyid" => $keyid))); if ($keyData = mysql_fetch_row($keyResult)) { $keyFilter = $keyData[0]; $F = preg_split('/[\\s\\,\\;]/', $keyFilter, 64, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $filters = array_merge($filters, $F); } mysql_free_result($keyResult); } $filters = array_unique($filters); // Remove duplicates return $filters; }
$_documentTitle = _EDIT . " (" . _PM . ")"; if ($_config["readOnly"]) { ?> <div class="header"><?php echo _COMMENT; ?> </div> <div class="container"><?php notice(_READONLY); ?> </div> <?php return; } $pmsid = intval($_cmd[1]); $result = sql_query("SELECT * FROM `pms`" . dbWhere(array("pmsid" => $pmsid))); if (!($comData = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))) { include INCLUDES . "p_notfound.php"; return; } if (!atLeastSModerator() && $comData["pmsCreator"] != $_auth["useid"]) { include INCLUDES . "p_notfound.php"; return; } ?> <div class="header"> <div class="header_title"> <?php echo _PM; ?> <div class="subheader"><?php
if (strlen($_auth["useInvitation"] < 10)) { while (true) { // Generate a new random code. $code = ""; $l = 10; while ($l > 0) { $code .= mt_rand(0, 9); $l--; } // Make sure the code is unique. $result = sql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `useExtData`" . dbWhere(array("useInvitation" => $code))); if (mysql_result($result, 0) == 0) { break; } } sql_query("UPDATE `useExtData`" . dbSet(array("useInvitation" => $code)) . dbWhere(array("useEid" => $_auth["useid"]))); $_auth["useInvitation"] = $code; } ?> <?php iefixStart(); ?> <div class="sep largetext"><?php echo _INVITATIONS; ?> </div> <div class="container2 notsowide"> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td valign="center" class="nowrap"> <?php
<div class="mar_right mar_top"> <?php echo getIMG(url() . "images/emoticons/club2.png"); ?> <select name="forClub3" class="largetext"><?php putClubList($clubMember, "forClub3"); ?> </select> (Tertiary) </div> <div class="clear"> </div> <?php $confirmed = false; if ($_cmd[0] == "edit") { $sql = "SELECT `objCollabConfirmed` FROM `objExtData`" . dbWhere(array("objEid" => intval($_cmd[1]))); $colResult = sql_query($sql); if ($colData = mysql_fetch_row($colResult)) { $confirmed = $colData[0]; } mysql_free_result($colResult); } if (!$confirmed || atLeastSModerator()) { ?> <div class="sep caption"><?php echo _SUBMIT_COLLAB; ?> :</div> <div class="f_left mar_right mar_top"> <?php echo getIMG(url() . "images/emoticons/club.png");
recountUpdates(updTypeArt, $_auth["useid"]); // Recalculate art updates recountUpdates(updTypeArtExtra, $_auth["useid"]); } // Other options $_auth["useTimezone"] = isset($_POST["timezone"]) ? intval($_POST["timezone"]) : 0; $_auth["useDateFormat"] = isset($dateFormatList[$_POST["dateFormat"]]) ? $dateFormatList[$_POST["dateFormat"]] : $dateFormatList[0]; $_auth["useObjPreview"] = isset($_POST["useObjPreview"]) ? 1 : 0; $_auth["useFuzzyNumbers"] = isset($_POST["useFuzzyNumbers"]) ? 1 : 0; $_auth["useStatsHide"] = isset($_POST["useStatsHide"]) ? 1 : 0; $_auth["useTheme"] = isset($_COOKIE["style"]) ? $_COOKIE["style"] : "original"; $_auth["useDisableCustom"] = isset($_POST["useDisableCustom"]) ? intval($_POST["useDisableCustom"]) : 0; $_auth["useEnableUI2"] = isset($_POST["useEnableUI2"]) ? isset($_POST["useEnableUI2a"]) ? 1 : 2 : 0; // Update the database sql_query("UPDATE `users`" . dbSet(array("useDateFormat" => $_auth["useDateFormat"])) . dbWhere(array("useid" => $_auth["useid"]))); sql_query("UPDATE `useExtData`" . dbSet(array("useDisableCustom" => $_auth["useDisableCustom"], "useEnableUI2" => $_auth["useEnableUI2"], "useFuzzyNumbers" => $_auth["useFuzzyNumbers"], "useLanguage" => $_auth["useLanguage"], "useObjFilters" => $_auth["useObjFilters"], "useObjPreview" => $_auth["useObjPreview"], "useStatsHide" => $_auth["useStatsHide"], "useHideExtras" => $_auth["useHideExtras"], "useTheme" => $_auth["useTheme"], "useTimezone" => $_auth["useTimezone"])) . dbWhere(array("useEid" => $_auth["useid"]))); redirect(url(".", array("saved" => "yes"))); } // ====================================================================================================== // GENERAL SETTINGS // ====================================================================================================== ?> <?php iefixStart(); ?> <div class="sep largetext"><?php echo _SET_GENERAL_SETTINGS; ?> </div> <div class="container2 notsowide"> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" border="0">
<?php // This page is only available to a moderator or higher. if (!atLeastHelpdesk()) { include INCLUDES . "p_notfound.php"; return; } $_documentTitle = _ABUSE_SUBMISSION; include_once INCLUDES . "comments.php"; // Abuse id must be passed as the first parameter. $abuid = intval($_cmd[1]); $result = sql_query("SELECT `abuIsExtras` FROM `abuses`" . dbWhere(array("abuid" => $abuid))); if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) { include INCLUDES . "p_notfound.php"; return; } if (mysql_result($result, 0) == "1") { $isExtras = true; $_objects = "`extras`"; $_objExtData = "`extExtData`"; } else { $isExtras = false; $_objects = "`objects`"; $_objExtData = "`objExtData`"; } $result = sql_query("SELECT * FROM {$_objects}, {$_objExtData}, `abuses` " . "WHERE `abuid` = '" . $abuid . "' AND `objEid` = `objid` " . "AND `abuObj` = `objid` LIMIT 1"); if (!($objData = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))) { // There's no such abuse report. include INCLUDES . "p_notfound.php"; return; }
function operationMarkAsRead($updObj, $type) { global $_auth; $updObj = intval($updObj); if ($updObj == 0) { return; } $sql = "DELETE FROM `updates`" . dbWhere(array("updType" => $type, "updCreator" => $_auth["useid"], "updObj" => $updObj)); sql_query($sql); recountUpdates($type, $_auth["useid"]); }
include INCLUDES . "mod_setmenu.php"; ?> </div> <div class="container"> <form action="<?php echo url("."); ?> " method="post"> <?php if (isset($_POST["submit"])) { // Options $_auth["useSidebarThumbs"] = isset($_POST["useSidebarThumbs"]) ? 1 : 0; // Sidebar $_auth["useSidebar"] = $_POST["useSidebar"]; // Update the database sql_query("UPDATE `useExtData`" . dbSet(array("useSidebar" => $_auth["useSidebar"], "useSidebarThumbs" => $_auth["useSidebarThumbs"])) . dbWhere(array("useEid" => $_auth["useid"]))); notice(_SET_SAVED); } // ====================================================================================================== // OPTIONS // ====================================================================================================== ?> <?php iefixStart(); ?> <div class="sep largetext"><?php echo _OEKAKI_OPTIONS; ?> </div> <div class="container2 notsowide"> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" border="0">
function putSidebarModStuff() { global $_newUI, $_auth; if (isModerator() || $_auth["useid"] == 7) { $found = false; ob_start(); for ($isExtras = 0; $isExtras < 2; $isExtras++) { $_objects = $isExtras ? "`extras`" : "`objects`"; // Bring attention to the abuse cases pending a moderator's decision. $_tmpResult = sql_query("SELECT `objid`,`objTitle`,`abuid` FROM `abuses`,{$_objects}" . dbWhere(array("abuObj*" => "objid", "abuIsExtras" => $isExtras, "abuMod" => "?")) . "ORDER BY `abuSubmitDate` DESC LIMIT 5"); while ($rowData = mysql_fetch_assoc($_tmpResult)) { ?> <div> <?php echo getIMG(url() . "images/emoticons/" . ($isExtras ? "star4.png" : "keydelete.gif")); ?> <a href="<?php echo url("abuse/" . $rowData["abuid"]); ?> "> <?php echo htmlspecialchars($rowData["objTitle"]); ?> </a> </div> <?php $found = true; } } $ht = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); if ($found) { if (isset($_newUI)) { ?> <div class="ui2-layout-bg ui2-section-closed"><?php echo _MODERATOR; ?> </div> <div class="ui2-section-body"> <?php echo $ht; ?> </div> <?php } else { ?> <div class="caption error"><?php echo _MODERATOR; ?> <br /><?php echo _ABUSE_LIST; ?> :</div> <div class="container2 mar_bottom"> <?php echo $ht; ?> </div> <?php } } } if (isSModerator() || $_auth["useid"] == 7) { $found = false; ob_start(); $mod_count = 0; $adm_count = 0; for ($isExtras = 0; $isExtras < 2; $isExtras++) { $_objects = $isExtras ? "`extras`" : "`objects`"; // Bring attention to the abuse cases pending a supermoderator's decision. $_tmpResult = sql_query("SELECT `objid`,`objTitle`,`abuid` FROM `abuses`,{$_objects} " . "WHERE `abuObj` = `objid` AND `abuIsExtras` = '{$isExtras}' AND `abuMod` <> '?' AND `abusMod` = '?' " . "ORDER BY `abuSubmitDate` DESC LIMIT 5"); $_tmpResult_mod = sql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `abuses`,{$_objects} " . "WHERE `abuObj` = `objid` AND `abuIsExtras` = '{$isExtras}' AND `abuMod` = '?'"); $mod_count += mysql_result($_tmpResult_mod, 0); $_tmpResult_adm = sql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `abuses`,{$_objects} " . "WHERE `abuObj` = `objid` AND `abuIsExtras` = '{$isExtras}' AND `abuMod` <> '?' AND `abusMod` <> '?' " . "AND `abuMod` <> `abusMod` AND `aburMod` = '?'"); $adm_count += mysql_result($_tmpResult_adm, 0); while ($rowData = mysql_fetch_assoc($_tmpResult)) { ?> <div> <?php echo getIMG(url() . "images/emoticons/" . ($isExtras ? "star4.png" : "keydelete.gif")); ?> <a href="<?php echo url("abuse/" . $rowData["abuid"]); ?> "> <?php echo htmlspecialchars($rowData["objTitle"]); ?> </a> </div> <?php $found = true; } } if ($mod_count > 0) { ?> <div<?php echo $found ? ' class="sep"' : ""; ?> ><?php echo _ABUSE_WAIT_MODERATOR . ": " . $mod_count; ?> </div> <?php $found = true; } if ($adm_count > 0) { ?> <div<?php echo $found ? ' class="sep"' : ""; ?> ><?php echo _ABUSE_WAIT_ADMINISTRATOR . ": " . $adm_count; ?> </div> <?php $found = true; } $ht = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); if ($found) { if (isset($_newUI)) { ?> <div class="ui2-layout-bg ui2-section-closed"><?php echo _SUPERMODERATOR; ?> </div> <div class="ui2-section-body"> <?php echo $ht; ?> </div> <?php } else { ?> <div class="caption error"><?php echo _SUPERMODERATOR; ?> <br /><?php echo _ABUSE_LIST; ?> :</div> <div class="container2 mar_bottom"> <?php echo $ht; ?> </div> <?php } } } if (isAdmin() || $_auth["useid"] == 7) { $found = false; ob_start(); for ($isExtras = 0; $isExtras < 2; $isExtras++) { $_objects = $isExtras ? "`extras`" : "`objects`"; // Bring attention to the abuse cases pending admin's decision. $_tmpResult = sql_query("SELECT `objid`,`objTitle`,`abuid` FROM `abuses`,{$_objects} " . "WHERE `abuObj` = `objid` AND `abuMod` <> '?' AND `abusMod` <> '?' " . "AND `abuMod` <> `abusMod` AND `aburMod` = '?' " . "ORDER BY `abuSubmitDate` DESC LIMIT 5"); while ($rowData = mysql_fetch_assoc($_tmpResult)) { ?> <div> <?php echo getIMG(url() . "images/emoticons/" . ($isExtras ? "star4.png" : "keydelete.gif")); ?> <a href="<?php echo url("abuse/" . $rowData["abuid"]); ?> "> <?php echo htmlspecialchars($rowData["objTitle"]); ?> </a> </div> <?php $found = true; } } $ht = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); if ($found) { if (isset($_newUI)) { ?> <div class="ui2-layout-bg ui2-section-closed"><?php echo _ADMINISTRATOR; ?> </div> <div class="ui2-section-body"> <?php echo $ht; ?> </div> <?php } else { ?> <div class="caption error"><?php echo _ADMINISTRATOR; ?> <br /><?php echo _ABUSE_LIST; ?> :</div> <div class="container2 mar_bottom"> <?php echo $ht; ?> </div> <?php } } } }
<?php $result = sql_query("SELECT `useid`,`useUsername` FROM `users`" . dbWhere(array("useUsername" => $_cmd[1])) . "LIMIT 1"); if (!($useData = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))) { include INCLUDES . "p_notfound.php"; return; } $useUsername = strtolower($useData["useUsername"]); if ($useData["useid"] != $_auth["useid"] && !atLeastModerator()) { include INCLUDES . "p_notfound.php"; return; } $_pollUser = $useData["useid"]; $_documentTitle = $useData["useUsername"] . ": " . _SUBMISSIONS; ?> <div class="header"> <div class="f_right mar_left a_center normaltext"> <?php echo getUserAvatar("", $useData["useid"], true); ?> </div> <div class="f_left header_title"> <?php echo $useData["useUsername"]; ?> <div class="subheader"><?php echo _SUBMISSIONS; ?> </div> </div> <?php
function getTwitWhere($fieldName) { global $_auth, $twitWhereCache; if (!isLoggedIn()) { return ""; } if ($twitWhereCache !== false) { $twits = $twitWhereCache; } else { $twtResult = sql_query("SELECT `twtBadUser` FROM `twitList`" . dbWhere(array("twtCreator" => $_auth["useid"]))); $twits = array(); while ($twtData = mysql_fetch_assoc($twtResult)) { $twits[] = $twtData["twtBadUser"]; } mysql_free_result($twtResult); $twitWhereCache = $twits; } if (count($twits) == 0) { return ""; } else { return " AND `{$fieldName}` NOT IN('" . implode("','", $twits) . "') "; } }
} if ($_config["invitations"]) { $result = sql_query("SELECT `useEid` FROM `useExtData`" . dbWhere(array("useInvitation" => $invitation))); if ($data = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $invitedBy = $data[0]; } else { $validated = false; notice(_JOIN_INVITATION_INVALID); } } if (!$validated) { notice(_JOIN_ACCOUNT_NOT_CREATED); } else { if ($_config["invitations"] && $invitedBy > 0) { // Reset inviter's invitation code. sql_query("UPDATE `useExtData`" . dbSet(array("useInvitation" => "")) . dbWhere(array("useEid" => $invitedBy))); } // Add user to the database. sql_query("INSERT INTO `users`(`useUsername`,`usePassword`,`useRealName`,`useShowRealName`) " . "VALUES('{$username}','" . SHA1($password) . "','{$realname}','{$showrealname}')"); $useid = mysql_insert_id(); // Get newly created user id. // Generate activation key. // Generate a random activation key. $activationKey = sha1(mt_rand() * (microtime() * 0.001)); // Add extra user data to the database. sql_query("INSERT INTO `useExtData`(`useEid`,`useEmail`,`useShowEmail`,`useBirthday`,`useShowBirthday`,`useIsActive`,`useActivationKey`,`useSignupDate`,`useLanguage`,`useObjFilters`,`useObjPreview`,`useInvitedBy`) " . "VALUES('{$useid}','{$email}','{$showemail}','{$birthdayyear}-{$birthdaymonth}-{$birthdayday}','{$showbirthday}','0','{$activationKey}',NOW(),'" . $_lang . "','" . $_config["defaultFilters"] . "','" . $_config["previewDefault"] . "','{$invitedBy}')"); // Send the activation key via email. include_once INCLUDES . "mailing.php"; $activationLink = url("activate/" . $activationKey); sendEmail($useid, sprintf(_USE_ACTIVATE_SUBJ, $_config["galName"]), sprintf(_USE_ACTIVATE_BODY, $activationLink)); // New account has been successfully created, proceed to the front page
function updateCustomTheme($useid, $isClub, $data, &$errors) { $themePath = getCustomThemePath($useid, $isClub); forceFolders($themePath); $lastThemeFile = getLastCustomThemeFile($useid, $isClub); $err = !uploadSingleImage("logo", 0, 0, 51200, $fnLogo, $errors, $themePath); $err |= !uploadSingleImage("outer", 0, 0, 25600, $fnOuter, $errors, $themePath); $err |= !uploadSingleImage("container", 0, 0, 51200, $fnContainer, $errors, $themePath); $err |= !uploadSingleImage("container2", 0, 0, 25600, $fnContainer2, $errors, $themePath); if ($err) { return false; } $fileLogo = urlf() . findNewestFile($themePath . "logo-*.jpg"); $fileOuter = urlf() . findNewestFile($themePath . "outer-*.jpg"); $fileContainer = urlf() . findNewestFile($themePath . "container-*.jpg"); $fileContainer2 = urlf() . findNewestFile($themePath . "container2-*.jpg"); $pixLogo = PIX($fnLogo); $pixOuter = PIX($fnOuter); $pixContainer = PIX($fnContainer); $pixContainer2 = PIX($fnContainer2); $pix00Container = PIX($fnContainer, 0, 0); $avgLogo = AVG($fnLogo); $avgOuter = AVG($fnOuter); $avgContainer = AVG($fnContainer); $avgContainer2 = AVG($fnContainer2); $colors = array('{bBody}' => $pixLogo, '{bOuter}' => $pixOuter, '{bContainer}' => $pixContainer, '{bContainer2}' => $pixContainer2, '{bInput}' => BRIGHT($pixContainer2, 1.2), '{bInputHover}' => BRIGHT($pixContainer2, 1.5), '{bInputFocus}' => $pix00Container, '{bButton}' => BRIGHT($pixContainer2, 1.2), '{bButtonHover}' => BRIGHT($pixContainer2, 1.5), '{bTabActive}' => $pix00Container, '{bTabInactive}' => $pixOuter, '{bUI2Layout}' => $pixContainer2, '{cBody}' => BRIGHT(CONTRAST($avgLogo), 1.3), '{cOuter}' => BRIGHT(CONTRAST($avgOuter), 1.2), '{cContainer}' => BRIGHT(CONTRAST($avgContainer), 1.3), '{cContainer2}' => BRIGHT(CONTRAST($avgContainer2), 1.3), '{cOutline}' => BRIGHT(CONTRAST($avgContainer2), 1.3), '{cTabActive}' => CONTRAST($avgContainer), '{cTabInactive}' => CONTRAST($avgOuter), '{cInput}' => CONTRAST($avgContainer2), '{cLink}' => RICH(BRIGHT($pixContainer2, -2.5), 1.1), '{cLinkHover}' => RICH(BRIGHT($pixContainer2, -3), 1.1), '{cHeaderLink}' => RICH(BRIGHT($pixOuter, -2.5), 1.1), '{cHeaderLinkHover}' => RICH(BRIGHT($pixOuter, -3), 1.1), '{cMarkedText}' => BRIGHT(HARMONY($pixContainer2), 1.5), '{cTabOutline}' => BRIGHT(CONTRAST($avgContainer2), 1.3), '{cThumbBorder}' => BRIGHT(CONTRAST($avgContainer2), 1.3), '{cThumbBorderMature}' => RICH(BRIGHT($pixContainer2, -3), 1.1)); if (tooClose($colors['{cLink}'], $colors['{cContainer2}'], 32)) { $colors['{cLink}'] = RICH(PIX($fnOuter), 2); $colors['{cLinkHover}'] = BRIGHT($colors['{cLink}'], 2.5); } if (tooClose($colors['{cContainer}'], $colors['{cMarkedText}'], 140)) { $colors['{cMarkedText}'] = BRIGHT(HARMONY(PIX($fnContainer2)), -1.3); } // Override auto-generated colors with POSTed colors. if (!isset($data["c"])) { $data["c"] = array(); } $acceptedColors = array("cBody", "cOuter", "cContainer", "cContainer2", "cOutline", "cTabActive", "cTabInactive", "cInput", "cLink", "cLinkHover", "cHeaderLink", "cHeaderLinkHover", "cMarkedText", "cTabOutline", "cThumbBorder", "cThumbBorderMature", "sOutline", "sTitleMargin", "bButton", "bButtonHover", "bInput", "bInputFocus", "bUI2Layout"); // Override some data from POST (if available) foreach ($acceptedColors as $c1) { if (isset($_POST[$c1]) && $_POST[$c1] != "") { $data["c"][$c1] = $_POST[$c1]; } } foreach ($data["c"] as $key => $value) { if (preg_match('/^[0-9A-Fa-f]{3}$/', $value)) { $r = hexdec(substr($value, 0, 1)) * 17; $g = hexdec(substr($value, 1, 1)) * 17; $b = hexdec(substr($value, 2, 1)) * 17; $colors["{" . $key . "}"] = getColor($r, $g, $b); } if (preg_match('/^[0-9A-Fa-f]{6}$/', $value)) { $r = hexdec(substr($value, 0, 2)); $g = hexdec(substr($value, 2, 2)); $b = hexdec(substr($value, 4, 2)); $colors["{" . $key . "}"] = getColor($r, $g, $b); } } $sOutline = 'border-width: 1px;'; if (isset($data["c"]["sOutline"])) { switch ($data["c"]["sOutline"]) { case 2: $sOutline = 'border-width: 2px;'; break; case 3: $sOutline = 'border-width: 2px; border-left: none; border-right: none;'; break; case 4: $sOutline = 'border: none;'; break; } } $sTitleMargin = 'padding-left: 0px;'; if (isset($data["c"]["sTitleMargin"])) { $m = intval($data["c"]["sTitleMargin"]); $m = $m > 400 ? 400 : $m; $m = $m < 0 ? 0 : $m; $data["c"]["sTitleMargin"] = $m; $sTitleMargin = 'padding-left: ' . $m . 'px;'; } $css = file_get_contents(INCLUDES . "p_themedesigner.css"); $css = str_replace('{sOutline}', $sOutline, $css); $css = str_replace('{sTitleMargin}', $sTitleMargin, $css); $css = str_replace('{fileLogo}', $fileLogo, $css); $css = str_replace('{fileOuter}', $fileOuter, $css); $css = str_replace('{fileContainer}', $fileContainer, $css); $css = str_replace('{fileContainer2}', $fileContainer2, $css); foreach ($colors as $colorVar => $colorValue) { $css = str_replace($colorVar, getWebColor($colorValue), $css); } if (!isset($data["Tile"]) || isset($_POST["submitTheme"])) { $data["Tile"] = 0; } // Override some data from POST (if available) if (isset($_POST["BGLayoutTiledH"])) { $data["Tile"] |= 1; } if (isset($_POST["BGOuterTiledH"])) { $data["Tile"] |= 2; } if (isset($_POST["BGContainerTiledH"])) { $data["Tile"] |= 4; } if (isset($_POST["BGContainer2TiledH"])) { $data["Tile"] |= 8; } if (isset($_POST["BGLayoutTiledV"])) { $data["Tile"] |= 16; } if (isset($_POST["BGOuterTiledV"])) { $data["Tile"] |= 32; } if (isset($_POST["BGContainerTiledV"])) { $data["Tile"] |= 64; } if (isset($_POST["BGContainer2TiledV"])) { $data["Tile"] |= 128; } $css = str_replace('{layoutTiling}', getTiling($data["Tile"] & 1, $data["Tile"] & 16), $css); $css = str_replace('{outerTiling}', getTiling($data["Tile"] & 2, $data["Tile"] & 32), $css); $css = str_replace('{containerTiling}', getTiling($data["Tile"] & 4, $data["Tile"] & 64), $css); $css = str_replace('{container2Tiling}', getTiling($data["Tile"] & 8, $data["Tile"] & 128), $css); // Remove comments from the final CSS file. $css = preg_replace('/\\/\\*(.+?)\\*\\//', "", $css); if ($lastThemeFile != "") { $css_orig = file_get_contents($lastThemeFile); } else { $css_orig = ""; } if ($css != $css_orig) { // Create new CSS file and delete the previous CSS file. $fp = fopen($themePath . "style-" . time() . ".css", "w"); fwrite($fp, $css); fclose($fp); if ($lastThemeFile != "") { unlink($lastThemeFile); } // Store updated data to the database. $cusWhere = dbWhere(array("cusUser" => $useid, "cusIsClub" => $isClub)); $result = sql_query("SELECT `cusid` FROM `customThemes`" . $cusWhere . "LIMIT 1"); if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) { sql_query("INSERT INTO `customThemes`" . dbValues(array("cusUser" => $useid, "cusIsClub" => $isClub, "cusData" => serialize($data)))); } else { sql_query("UPDATE `customThemes`" . dbSet(array("cusData" => serialize($data))) . $cusWhere . "LIMIT 1"); } return true; } else { return false; } }
function updateAvatar($useid) { $filename = findNewestFileById("files/avatars/", $useid, ""); if ($filename == "") { $width = 0; $height = 0; $date = 0; $ext = "---"; } else { list($width, $height) = getimagesize($filename); $date = substr(strrchr($filename, "-"), 1); $date = substr($date, 0, strpos($date, ".")); $ext = substr(strrchr($filename, "."), 1); } sql_query("UPDATE `users`" . dbSet(array("useAvatarWidth" => $width, "useAvatarHeight" => $height, "useAvatarDate" => $date, "useAvatarExt" => $ext)) . dbWhere(array("useid" => $useid))); }
?> <div> <?php echo _DELETED_BY; ?> : <?php echo getUserLink($objData["objDeletedBy"]); ?> </div> <?php } else { // If the submission is deleted but deletedBy is 0, this // means it's been deleted by moderation (i.e. a group of // moderators). $result = sql_query("SELECT * FROM `abuses`" . dbWhere(array("abuObj" => $objData["objid"], "abuIsExtras" => $isExtras)) . "ORDER BY `abuSubmitDate` DESC LIMIT 1"); if (!($abuData = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) || !$abuData["abuResolved"]) { ?> <div> <?php echo _DELETED_BY; ?> : <?php echo _ABUSE_DECISION_NONE; ?> </div> <?php } else { ?> <div>
$_tmpfn = findNewestFile(applyIdToPath("files/themes/", getUserId($_cmd[1])) . "/style-*.css"); if ($_tmpfn != "") { $_customTheme = $_tmpfn; } } $_viewPages = array("view", "discuss", "suggest"); if (in_array($_cmd[0], $_viewPages)) { // We're viewing a submission that belongs to a certain user. if (substr($_cmd[1], 0, 1) == "e") { $objid = substr($_cmd[1], 1); $_objects = "`extras`"; } else { $_objects = "`objects`"; $objid = $_cmd[1]; } $_tmpResult = sql_query("SELECT `objCreator`,`objForClub` FROM {$_objects}" . dbWhere(array("objid" => $objid)) . "LIMIT 1"); if ($rowData = mysql_fetch_assoc($_tmpResult)) { $_tmpfn = findNewestFile(applyIdToPath("files/themes/", $rowData["objCreator"]) . "/style-*.css"); if ($_tmpfn != "") { $_customTheme = $_tmpfn; } if ($rowData["objForClub"] > 0) { $_tmpfn = findNewestFile(applyIdToPath("files/clubthemes/", $rowData["objForClub"]) . "/style-*.css"); if ($_tmpfn != "") { $_customTheme = $_tmpfn; } } } } if (in_array($_cmd[0], $_clubPages)) { // We're viewing a page that belongs to a certain club.
</div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right" class="nowrap"><?php echo _FEATURE; ?> :</td> <td> <select name="useFeaturedObj"> <option value="0">( <?php echo _NONE; ?> )</option> <?php $objResult = sql_query("SELECT * FROM `objects`" . dbWhere(array("objCreator" => $_auth["useid"], "objPending" => 0, "objDeleted" => 0)) . "ORDER BY `objTitle`"); while ($objData = mysql_fetch_assoc($objResult)) { ?> <option <?php echo $objData["objid"] == $_auth["useFeaturedObj"] ? ' selected="selected"' : ""; ?> value="<?php echo $objData["objid"]; ?> "> <?php echo substr(strip_tags(formatText($objData["objTitle"])), 0, 40); ?> </option> <?php }
<?php $whereGuest = isLoggedIn() ? "" : " AND `useGuestAccess` = '1' "; $result = sql_query("SELECT `useid`,`useUsername` FROM `users`, `useExtData` " . "WHERE `useUsername` = '" . addslashes($_cmd[1]) . "' AND `useid` = `useEid` {$whereGuest} LIMIT 1"); if (!($useData = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))) { include INCLUDES . "p_notfound.php"; return; } $useUsername = strtolower($useData["useUsername"]); $_pollUser = $useData["useid"]; $_documentTitle = $useData["useUsername"] . ": " . _SUBMISSIONS; $title = _SUBMISSIONS; $folid = 0; if ($_cmd[2] != "") { $folResult = sql_query("SELECT * FROM `folders`" . dbWhere(array("folCreator" => $useData["useid"], "folIdent" => $_cmd[2]))); if ($folData = mysql_fetch_assoc($folResult)) { $folid = $folData["folid"]; $_documentTitle .= ": " . strip_tags(formatText($folData["folName"])); $title .= ": " . formatText($folData["folName"]); } else { redirect(url("gallery/" . strtolower($useData["useUsername"]))); } } ?> <div class="header"> <div class="f_right mar_left a_center normaltext"> <?php echo getUserAvatar("", $useData["useid"], true); ?> </div> <div class="f_left header_title">
function eraseComments($comObjType, $comObj) { if (!atLeastSModerator()) { return; } $sql = "SELECT `comid` FROM `comments`" . dbWhere(array("comObjType" => $comObjType, "comObj" => $comObj)); $comResult = sql_query($sql); while ($comData = mysql_fetch_assoc($comResult)) { $sql = "DELETE FROM `comments`" . dbWhere(array("comid" => $comData["comid"])); sql_query($sql); eraseComments("com", $comData["comid"]); } mysql_free_result($comResult); }
function getUserId($username) { $result = sql_query("SELECT `useid` FROM `users`" . dbWhere(array("useUsername" => $username)) . "LIMIT 1"); return mysql_num_rows($result) == 0 ? 0 : mysql_result($result, 0); }
sql_query( "DELETE FROM `watches` WHERE `watid` = '$watid'" ); */ } ?> <div> <b>Clubs:</b> </div> <?php $sql = "SELECT `watid`, COUNT(*) AS `count` FROM `watches` WHERE `watType` = 'clu' GROUP BY `watCreator`, `watUser` HAVING `count` > '1'"; $result = sql_query($sql); while ($data = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $watid = $data[0]; $watResult = sql_query("SELECT * FROM `watches` WHERE `watid` = '{$watid}'"); $watData = mysql_fetch_assoc($watResult); mysql_free_result($watResult); $watResult = sql_query("SELECT * FROM `watches`" . dbWhere(array("watType" => "clu", "watUser" => $watData["watUser"], "watCreator" => $watData["watCreator"]))); while ($watData = mysql_fetch_assoc($watResult)) { ?> <div> <?php echo $watData["watid"]; ?> : <?php echo $watData["watCreator"]; ?> x <?php echo $watData["watUser"]; ?> </div> <?php }
<div class="sep caption"><?php echo _SUBMIT_TO_FOLDER; ?> :</div> <div class="f_left mar_right mar_top"> <?php echo getIMG(url() . "images/emoticons/folder.png"); ?> </div> <select name="folder" class="largetext"> <option value="0">( <?php echo _NONE; ?> )</option> <?php $folResult = sql_query("SELECT `folid`, `folName` FROM `folders`" . dbWhere(array("folCreator" => $objCreator)) . "ORDER BY `folName`"); $folder = isset($_POST["folder"]) ? intval($_POST["folder"]) : ($objid > 0 ? $objData["objFolder"] : 0); while ($folData = mysql_fetch_assoc($folResult)) { ?> <option <?php echo $folder == $folData["folid"] ? 'selected="selected"' : ""; ?> value="<?php echo $folData["folid"]; ?> "><?php echo htmlspecialchars($folData["folName"]); ?> </option> <?php $found = true;
echo _PM_NONE_FOUND; } ?> <button type="submit" class="submit button" style="vertical-align: middle;">Delete</button> </form> </div> <div class="sep"> <div class="f_left mar_left"> <form action="<?php echo url("."); ?> " method="get"> <select class="smalltext" name="filterOut" onchange="this.form.submit()"> <option>*</option> <?php $result = sql_query("SELECT `useUsername`, COUNT(*) AS `count` FROM `pms`,`users` " . dbWhere(array("pmsPmUser*" => "useid", "pmsCreatorDelete" => '0', "pmsCreator" => $_auth["useid"])) . getTwitWhere("pmsPmUser") . "GROUP BY `pmsPmUser` ORDER BY `useUsername`"); while ($rowData = sql_next($result)) { echo '<option '; if (isset($_GET["filterOut"]) && $_GET["filterOut"] == $rowData["useUsername"]) { echo 'selected="selected" '; } echo 'value="' . $rowData["useUsername"] . '">' . $rowData["useUsername"] . " (" . fuzzy_number($rowData["count"]) . ")</option>"; } sql_free($result); ?> </select> </form> </div> <?php navControls($sentOffset, $_pm_per_page, $totalCount, "", "", "", "", "sentOffset"); ?>
<?php if (!isset($isClub)) { $isClub = false; } if ($isClub) { $useid = intval($_cmd[1]); // Only club owner (or supermoderator) can design club's custom theme. $where = array("cluEid" => $useid); if (!atLeastSModerator()) { $where["cluCreator"] = $_auth["useid"]; } $sql = "SELECT `cluEid` FROM `cluExtData`" . dbWhere($where); $result = sql_query($sql); if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) { include INCLUDES . "p_notfound.php"; return; } } else { if ($_cmd[1] == "" && $_auth["useid"] > 0) { redirect(url("themedesigner/" . strtolower($_auth["useUsername"]))); } $useName = $_cmd[1]; // Current user can only design their own custom theme. if (strtolower($useName) != strtolower($_auth["useUsername"])) { include INCLUDES . "p_notfound.php"; return; } $useid = getUserId($useName); if ($useid == 0) { include INCLUDES . "p_notfound.php";
$suspendedUntil = strtotime($useData["useSuspendedUntil"]); ?> <div class="container2 mar_bottom notsowide"> <?php echo iefixStart(); ?> <form action="<?php echo url("."); ?> " method="post"> <a name="modlog"></a> <div class="sep a_center largetext"> Past Moderation Events </div> <?php $modResult = sql_query("SELECT * FROM `modlogs`" . dbWhere(array("modUser" => $useData["useid"])) . "ORDER BY `modSubmitDate`"); while ($modData = mysql_fetch_assoc($modResult)) { ?> <div class="sep mar_left mar_right"> <?php echo substr($modData["modSubmitDate"], 0, 10); ?> <?php echo getUserLink($modData["modModerator"]); ?> : <?php echo formatText($modData["modMessage"], true); ?> </div> <?php
?> <div style="margin-bottom : 8px;"> <div style="margin-bottom : 5px;"> <?php echo sprintf(_WELCOME_USER, "guest"); ?> </div> <?php putSidebarLogin(); ?> </div> <?php } putSidebarModStuff(); if (isLoggedIn() && $_cmd[0] == "updates") { $sql = "SELECT * FROM `objects`, `objExtData`" . dbWhere(array("objid*" => "objEid", "objCollab" => $_auth["useid"], "objCollabConfirmed" => 0, "objDeleted" => 0, "objPending" => 0)); $objResult = sql_query($sql); if ($objData = mysql_fetch_assoc($objResult)) { $objid = $objData["objid"]; ?> <div class="ui2-layout-bg ui2-section-closed"><?php echo _CONFIRMATION_NEEDED; ?> :</div> <div class="ui2-section-body"> <div class="a_left padded"> <?php echo _COLLAB_CONFIRM_EXPLAIN; ?> </div> <table align="center" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="8" border="0">
// Confirm/Refuse a collaborative work. $accept = isset($_GET["accept"]) ? $_GET["accept"] != "0" : false; $sql = "SELECT `objid`, `objCreator` FROM `objects`, `objExtData`" . dbWhere(array("objid*" => "objEid", "objid" => intval($_cmd[1]), "objCollab" => $_auth["useid"], "objCollabConfirmed" => 0, "objPending" => 0, "objDeleted" => 0)); $objResult = sql_query($sql); if (!($objData = mysql_fetch_assoc($objResult))) { include INCLUDES . "p_notfound.php"; return; } mysql_free_result($objResult); if ($accept) { $sql = "UPDATE `objExtData`" . dbSet(array("objCollabConfirmed" => 1)) . dbWhere(array("objEid" => $objData["objid"])); sql_query($sql); // Send to watchers. addArtUpdateToWatchers($_auth["useid"], $objData["objid"], 0, $objData["objCreator"]); removeDupeArtUpdates($objData["objid"]); // Move all associated comments from the last 10 days to Updates. $sql = "SELECT `comid`, `comCreator` FROM `comments`" . dbWhere(array("|1" => "`comSubmitDate` > DATE_SUB( CURDATE(), INTERVAL 10 DAY )", "comObj" => $objData["objid"], "comObjType" => "obj")); $comResult = sql_query($sql); while ($comData = mysql_fetch_assoc($comResult)) { if ($comData["comCreator"] == $_auth["useid"]) { continue; } addUpdate(updTypeComment, $_auth["useid"], $comData["comid"], $comData["comCreator"]); } mysql_free_result($comResult); } else { $sql = "UPDATE `objects`" . dbSet(array("objCollab" => 0)) . dbWhere(array("objid" => $objData["objid"])); sql_query($sql); } redirect(url("view/" . $objData["objid"]));