文件: store.php 项目: sherdog/cvsi
	$row['products_featured'] = ($_POST['products_featured']) ? $_POST['products_featured'] : 0;
	$row['products_release_date'] = strtotime($_POST['products_release_date']);
	$row['products_flat_shipping_price'] = $_POST['products_flat_shipping_price'];
	$row['products_desc'] = $_POST['products_info_desc'];
	$info['products_info_desc'] = $_POST['products_info_desc'];
	$info['products_info_custom_1'] = ($_POST['products_info_custom_1']) ? $_POST['products_info_custom_1'] : '';
	$info['products_info_custom_2'] = ($_POST['products_info_custom_2']) ? $_POST['products_info_custom_2'] : '';
	$info['products_info_custom_3'] = ($_POST['products_info_custom_3']) ? $_POST['products_info_custom_3'] : '';
	$info['products_info_custom_4'] = ($_POST['products_info_custom_4']) ? $_POST['products_info_custom_4'] : '';
	$info['products_info_custom_5'] = ($_POST['products_info_custom_5']) ? $_POST['products_info_custom_5'] : 0;
	if($_POST['action'] == 'addproduct') {
		$row['products_date_added'] = time();
		dbPerform('store_products', $row, 'insert');
		$productID  = dbInsertID();
		$info['products_id'] = $productID;
		dbPerform('store_products_info', $info, 'insert');
		$message = "Added " . $_POST['products_title'] . " successfully";
	if($_POST['action'] == 'editproduct') {
		$productID = $_POST['id'];
		dbPerform('store_products', $row, 'update', 'products_id = ' . $productID);
		dbPerform('store_products_info', $info, 'update', 'products_id = ' . $productID);
		$message = "Updated " . $_POST['products_title'] . " successfully";

	$filesArray = $_FILES['image'];
							if($_POST['email_display_home']) {
								dbPerform("newsletters", $rows, "update", 'email_queue_id = ' . $_POST['email_id']);
							addMessage('Your message has been saved');
						} else {
							if($_POST['send'] == 'now'){
								$field['email_queue_release_date'] = time();//set the time to now! other wise, if it's set to go on specific date we add the time as 1:00am on that day!
							dbPerform('email_queue', $field, 'insert');
							$queueID = dbInsertID();
							if($_POST['email_display_home']) {
								$rows['email_queue_id'] = $queueID;
								dbPerform('newsletters', $rows, 'insert');
							addMessage('Your message has been added to the queue, you can view the queue at anytime by clicking on the Queue tab');
if(!$_GET['section']) {
文件: publish.php 项目: sherdog/cvsi
					} else {
						$event['calendar_events_type'] = $_POST['calendar_events_type'];
					//$event['calendar_events_date_added'] = time();
					$event['calendar_events_featured'] = $_POST['calendar_events_featured'];
					if($_POST['repeats'] == 'never') {
						$event['calendar_events_repeats'] = 0;
					} else {
						$event['calendar_events_repeats'] = 1;	
					dbPerform('calendar_events', $event, 'insert');
					$_POST['id'] = dbInsertID();
					if($_FILES['event_image']['name'] != '') {
						//uploading image!
						$filename = time()."_".$_FILES['event_image']['name'];
						uploadFile($_FILES['event_image'], $filename);
						makeThumbnail($filename, UPLOAD_DIR, 150, '', 'small');
						makeThumbnail($filename, UPLOAD_DIR, 50, '', 'xsmall');
						makeThumbnail($filename, UPLOAD_DIR, 250, '', 'large');
						$event['calendar_events_image'] = $filename;
					if($_FILES['event_main_image']['name'] != '') {
						//uploading image!
						$filename = time()."_".$_FILES['event_main_image']['name'];
						uploadFile($_FILES['event_main_image'], $filename);
文件: users.php 项目: sherdog/cvsi
		//save user!
			$user['user_name'] = $_POST['user_name'];
			$user['user_password'] = $_POST['user_password'];
			if($_POST['action'] == 'add') {
			if($_POST['id'] != '') {
				dbPerform('user', $user, 'update', 'user_id = ' . $_POST['id']);
				$userID = $_POST['id'];
			} else {
				$user['user_created'] = time();
				dbPerform('user', $user, 'insert');
				$userID = dbInsertID();
			$info['user_first_name'] = $_POST['user_first_name'];
			$info['user_last_name'] = $_POST['user_last_name'];
			if($_POST['id'] != '') {
				dbPerform('user_information', $info, 'update', 'user_id = ' . $userID);
				addMessage("Added user successfully");
			} else {
				$info['user_id'] = $userID;
				dbPerform('user_information', $info, 'insert');
				addMessage("Added user successfully");
			dbQuery('DELETE FROM user_access_pages WHERE user_id = ' . $userID . ' AND user_access_pages_type = "manager"');
文件: upload.php 项目: sherdog/cvsi

/* This script is used with swfupload */
/* We are going to be upload and storing the gallery images /*
/* Create thumbnails and return a true statement! */
include 'application.php';
if ($_FILES['Filedata']['name'] != "" && isset($_POST['gallery_id'])) {
    $filename = time() . fixFilename($_FILES['Filedata']['name']);
    uploadFile($_FILES['Filedata'], $filename);
    foreach ($galleryImageSizes as $name => $size) {
        makeThumbnail($filename, UPLOAD_DIR, $size, '', $name);
    $row['gallery_id'] = $_POST['gallery_id'];
    $row['gallery_image_filename'] = $filename;
    $row['gallery_date_added'] = time();
    $row['gallery_image_caption'] = '';
    dbPerform('gallery_images', $row, 'insert');
    $imageID = dbInsertID();
    //get total images then add one for the sort order number!
    $imgResults = dbQuery('SELECT gallery_image_id FROM gallery_images WHERE gallery_id = ' . $_POST['gallery_id']);
    $count = dbNumRows($imgResults);
    $next = $count++;
    $row2['gallery_image_sort_order'] = $next;
    dbPerform('gallery_images', $row2, 'update', 'gallery_image_id = ' . $imageID);
    echo "FILEID:" . UPLOAD_DIR_URL . getThumbnailFilename($filename, 'thumb');
} else {
    return false;
$staffUsername = $tableRows[0]['StaffUsername'];
// Seeing if this is a new message or one that we are
// appending a comment to
$newMessage = false;
if ($messageThreadID == "new") {
    $newMessage = true;
    // Getting the full staff member name
    $sqlStaffFullName = "SELECT StaffForename, StaffSurname FROM `sen_info`.`tbl_staff` WHERE (StaffUsername = '******')";
    $queryResultStaffFullname = dbSelect($sqlStaffFullName, $databaseConnection);
    $tableRows = dbSelectGetRows($queryResultStaffFullname);
    $staffForename = $tableRows[0]['StaffForename'];
    $staffSurname = $tableRows[0]['StaffSurname'];
    // Adding the message title to tbl_messages
    $sqlInsertMessage = "INSERT INTO `sen_info`.`tbl_messages` (`MessageTitle`, `StudentID`, `StaffUsername`, `MessageDate`, `MessageStatus`, `PanelID`) VALUES ('{$messageTitle}', {$studentID}, '{$staffUsername}', '{$messagePosted}', 0, {$panelID});";
    $insertResultMessage = dbInsert($sqlInsertMessage, $databaseConnection);
    $messageThreadID = dbInsertID($databaseConnection);
// Adding the comment to tbl_comments
// Note: $messageThreadID will either be assigned from the
//       POST to this page or when the message is added above
$sqlInsertComment = "INSERT INTO `sen_info`.`tbl_comments` (`Comment`, `MessageID`, `StaffUsername`, `CommentDate`) VALUES ('{$messageBody}', {$messageThreadID}, '{$staffUsername}', '{$messagePosted}');";
$insertResultComment = dbInsert($sqlInsertComment, $databaseConnection);
// Seeing if a new table row should be sent back, or just a
// success message
if ($newMessage) {
    // Creating a new HTML table row to pass back to the calling AJAX function
    echo '<tr id="panel_' . $panelID . '-message_' . $messageThreadID . '">';
    echo '<td>';
    echo '<label class="mdl-checkbox mdl-js-checkbox mdl-js-ripple-effect mdl-data-table__select" for="row[' . $messageThreadID . ']">';
    echo '<input type="checkbox" id="row[' . $messageThreadID . ']" class="mdl-checkbox__input" />';
    echo '</label>';