function viewEventsForTeam() { global $user; $params = drupal_get_query_parameters(); if (dbGetTeamsForUser($user->uid) == NULL) { drupal_set_message("You don't have a team assigned.", 'error'); drupal_goto($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); return; } if (isset($params['UID'])) { $UID = $params['UID']; } else { $UID = $user->uid; } if (isset($params['TID'])) { $TID = $params['TID']; } else { $currentTeam = getCurrentTeam(); $TID = $currentTeam['TID']; } $outreaches = dbGetOutreachesForUserForTeam($UID, $TID); $markup = '<div style="width:50%;align-text:right;"><h2>Outreaches You Have <b>Signed Up</b> For</h2></div>'; $markup .= '<table>'; $markup .= '<tr>'; $markup .= "<th>Name</th>"; $markup .= "<th>Description</th>"; $markup .= "<th>Hours</th>"; $markup .= "</tr>"; foreach ($outreaches as $outreach) { $markup .= "<tr>"; $markup .= "<td>" . '<b><a href="?q=viewOutreach&OID=' . $outreach['OID'] . '">' . chopString($outreach["name"], 15) . '</a>' . "<b></td>"; $markup .= "<td>" . chopString($outreach["description"], 15) . "</td>"; $markup .= "<td>" . dbGetHoursForUserFromOutreach($UID, $outreach['OID']) . "</tr>"; $markup .= "</tr>"; } $markup .= "</table></div>"; $retArray = array(); $retArray['#markup'] = $markup; return $retArray; }
function viewUserEventsForTeam() { global $user; $params = drupal_get_query_parameters(); // if user does not have a team if (dbGetTeamsForUser($user->uid) == NULL) { drupal_set_message("You don't have a team assigned.", 'error'); drupal_goto($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); } if (isset($params['UID'])) { $UID = $params['UID']; } else { $UID = $user->uid; } if (isset($params['TID'])) { $TID = $params['TID']; } else { $currentTeam = getCurrentTeam(); $TID = $currentTeam['TID']; } $outreaches = dbGetOutreachesForUserForTeam($UID, $TID); $teamName = dbGetTeamName($TID); // create page header and table $markup = "<table><h1>My Outreaches For {$teamName}</h1></table>"; $markup .= '<table class="infoTable">'; $markup .= '<tr>'; $markup .= '<th colspan="3">Outreach Name</th>'; $markup .= '<th colspan="3">Description</th>'; $markup .= '<th colspan="2">Hours</th>'; $markup .= "</tr>"; // if user has outreaches for the current team if (!empty($outreaches)) { foreach ($outreaches as $outreach) { $markup .= "<tr>"; $markup .= '<td colspan="3">' . '<a href="?q=viewOutreach&OID=' . $outreach['OID'] . '">' . chopString($outreach["name"], 30) . '</a>' . "</td>"; $markup .= '<td colspan="3">' . chopString($outreach["description"], 30) . "</td>"; $markup .= '<td colspan="2">' . dbGetHoursForUserFromOutreach($UID, $outreach['OID']) . "</tr>"; $markup .= "</tr>"; } $markup .= "</table>"; } else { // if the user does not have any outreaches for the current team $markup .= '<tr><td style="text-align:center" colspan="10"><em>[None]</em></td>'; $markup .= "</tr>"; } $markup .= "</table>"; $retArray = array(); $retArray['#markup'] = $markup; return $retArray; }
function viewOwnedOutreaches() { global $user; if (dbGetTeamsForUser($user->uid) == NULL) { drupal_set_message("You don't have a team assigned.", 'error'); drupal_goto($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); return; } $UID = $user->uid; $ownedOutreaches = dbGetOwnedOutreachForUser($UID); // get the owned outreaches for a user $markup = '<div align = "right"><a href="?q=outreachesSignedUpFor&UID=' . $UID . '"><button>View Outreaches You Have Signed Up For</button></a></div>'; $markup .= '<div style="right" . width:30%;"><h2>Outreaches You <b>Own</b></h2>'; // begin table $markup .= '<table>'; $markup .= '<tr>'; $markup .= "<th>Name</th>"; $markup .= "<th>Description</th>"; $markup .= "<th>Hours</th>"; $markup .= "</tr>"; foreach ($ownedOutreaches as $ownedOutreach) { $markup .= "<tr>"; $markup .= "<td>" . '<b><a href="?q=viewOutreach&OID=' . $ownedOutreach['OID'] . '">' . chopString($ownedOutreach["name"], 15) . '</a>' . "<b></td>"; $markup .= "<td>" . chopString($ownedOutreach["description"], 15) . "</td>"; $markup .= "<td>" . dbGetHoursForUserFromOutreach($UID, $ownedOutreach['OID']) . "</tr>"; $markup .= "</tr>"; } $markup .= "</table></div>"; $retArray = array(); $retArray['#markup'] = $markup; return $retArray; }