 * Display download attachments for a given post
 * @param 	int $post_id
 * @param	array $args
 * @return 	mixed
function da_display_download_attachments($post_id = 0, $args = array())
    $post_id = (int) (empty($post_id) ? get_the_ID() : $post_id);
    $options = get_option('download_attachments_general');
    $defaults = array('container' => 'div', 'container_class' => 'download-attachments', 'container_id' => '', 'style' => isset($options['display_style']) ? esc_attr($options['display_style']) : 'list', 'link_before' => '', 'link_after' => '', 'content_before' => '', 'content_after' => '', 'display_index' => isset($options['frontend_columns']['index']) ? (int) $options['frontend_columns']['index'] : false, 'display_user' => (int) $options['frontend_columns']['author'], 'display_icon' => (int) $options['frontend_columns']['icon'], 'display_count' => (int) $options['frontend_columns']['downloads'], 'display_size' => (int) $options['frontend_columns']['size'], 'display_date' => (int) $options['frontend_columns']['date'], 'display_caption' => (int) $options['frontend_content']['caption'], 'display_description' => (int) $options['frontend_content']['description'], 'display_empty' => 0, 'display_option_none' => __('No attachments to download', 'download-attachments'), 'use_desc_for_title' => 0, 'exclude' => '', 'include' => '', 'title' => __('Download Attachments', 'download-attachments'), 'title_container' => 'p', 'title_class' => 'download-title', 'orderby' => 'menu_order', 'order' => 'asc', 'echo' => 1);
    $args = apply_filters('da_display_attachments_defaults', array_merge($defaults, $args), $post_id);
    $args['display_index'] = apply_filters('da_display_attachments_index', (int) $args['display_index']);
    $args['display_user'] = apply_filters('da_display_attachments_user', (int) $args['display_user']);
    $args['display_icon'] = apply_filters('da_display_attachments_icon', (int) $args['display_icon']);
    $args['display_count'] = apply_filters('da_display_attachments_count', (int) $args['display_count']);
    $args['display_size'] = apply_filters('da_display_attachments_size', (int) $args['display_size']);
    $args['display_date'] = apply_filters('da_display_attachments_date', (int) $args['display_date']);
    $args['display_caption'] = apply_filters('da_display_attachments_caption', (int) $args['display_caption']);
    $args['display_description'] = apply_filters('da_display_attachments_description', (int) $args['display_description']);
    $args['display_empty'] = apply_filters('da_display_attachments_empty', (int) $args['display_empty']);
    $args['use_desc_for_title'] = (int) $args['use_desc_for_title'];
    $args['echo'] = (int) $args['echo'];
    $args['style'] = in_array($args['style'], array('list', 'table', 'none', ''), true) ? $args['style'] : $defaults['style'];
    $args['orderby'] = in_array($args['orderby'], array('menu_order', 'attachment_id', 'attachment_date', 'attachment_title', 'attachment_size', 'attachment_downloads'), true) ? $args['orderby'] : $defaults['orderby'];
    $args['order'] = in_array($args['order'], array('asc', 'desc'), true) ? $args['order'] : $defaults['order'];
    $args['link_before'] = trim($args['link_before']);
    $args['link_after'] = trim($args['link_after']);
    $args['display_option_none'] = ($info = trim($args['display_option_none'])) !== '' ? $info : $defaults['display_option_none'];
    $args['title'] = apply_filters('da_display_attachments_title', trim($args['title']));
    $attachments = da_get_download_attachments($post_id, apply_filters('da_display_attachments_args', array('include' => $args['include'], 'exclude' => $args['exclude'], 'orderby' => $args['orderby'], 'order' => $args['order'])));
    $count = count($attachments);
    $html = '';
    if (!($args['display_empty'] === 0 && $count === 0)) {
        //start container
        if ($args['container'] !== '') {
            $html .= '<' . $args['container'] . ($args['container_id'] !== '' ? ' id="' . $args['container_id'] . '"' : '') . ($args['container_class'] !== '' ? ' class="' . $args['container_class'] . '"' : '') . '>';
        if ($args['title'] !== '') {
            $html .= $args['title'] !== '' ? '<' . $args['title_container'] . ' class="' . $args['title_class'] . '">' . $args['title'] . '</' . $args['title_container'] . '>' : '';
    $html .= $args['content_before'];
    if ($count > 0) {
        $i = 1;
        if ($args['style'] === 'list') {
            $item_container = 'span';
            $html .= '<ul>';
        } else {
            $item_container = 'td';
            $html .= '<table class="table"><thead>';
            if ($args['display_index'] === 1) {
                $html .= '<th class="attachment-index">#</th>';
            $html .= '<th class="attachment-title">' . __('File', 'download-attachments') . '</th>';
            if ($args['display_caption'] === 1 || $args['display_description'] === 1 && $args['use_desc_for_title'] === 0) {
                $html .= '<th class="attachment-about">' . __('Description', 'download-attachments') . '</th>';
            if ($args['display_date'] === 1) {
                $html .= '<th class="attachment-date">' . __('Date added', 'download-attachments') . '</th>';
            if ($args['display_user'] === 1) {
                $html .= '<th class="attachment-user">' . __('Added by', 'download-attachments') . '</th>';
            if ($args['display_size'] === 1) {
                $html .= '<th class="attachment-size">' . __('File size', 'download-attachments') . '</th>';
            if ($args['display_count'] === 1) {
                $html .= '<th class="attachment-downloads">' . __('Downloads', 'download-attachments') . '</th>';
            $html .= '
        foreach ($attachments as $attachment) {
            if ($attachment['attachment_exclude']) {
            if ($args['use_desc_for_title'] === 1 && $attachment['attachment_description'] !== '') {
                $title = apply_filters('da_display_attachment_title', $attachment['attachment_description']);
            } else {
                $title = apply_filters('da_display_attachment_title', $attachment['attachment_title']);
            // start single attachment style
            if ($args['style'] === 'list') {
                $html .= '<li class="' . $attachment['attachment_type'] . '">';
            } elseif ($args['style'] === 'table') {
                $html .= '<tr class="' . $attachment['attachment_type'] . '">';
            } else {
                $html .= '<span class="' . $attachment['attachment_type'] . '">';
            // index
            if ($args['display_index'] === 1) {
                $html .= '<' . $item_container . ' class="attachment-index">' . $i . '</' . $item_container . '> ';
            // title
            if ($args['style'] === 'table') {
                $html .= '<td class="attachment-title">';
            // type
            if ($args['display_icon'] === 1) {
                $html .= '<img class="attachment-icon" src="' . $attachment['attachment_icon_url'] . '" alt="' . $attachment['attachment_type'] . '" /> ';
            // link before
            if ($args['link_before'] !== '') {
                $html .= '<span class="attachment-link-before">' . $args['link_before'] . '</span>';
            // link
            $html .= '<a href="' . ($options['pretty_urls'] === true ? home_url('/' . $options['download_link'] . '/' . $attachment['attachment_id'] . '/') : plugins_url('download-attachments/includes/download.php?id=' . $attachment['attachment_id'])) . '" class="attachment-link" title="' . $title . '">' . $title . '</a>';
            // link after
            if ($args['link_after'] !== '') {
                $html .= '<span class="attachment-link-after">' . $args['link_after'] . '</span>';
            if ($args['style'] === 'table') {
                $html .= '</td>';
            } else {
                $html .= '<br />';
            if ($args['style'] === 'table' && ($args['display_caption'] === 1 || $args['display_description'] === 1 && $args['use_desc_for_title'] === 0)) {
                $html .= '<td class="attachment-about">';
            // caption
            if ($args['display_caption'] === 1 && $attachment['attachment_caption'] !== '') {
                $html .= '<span class="attachment-caption">' . $attachment['attachment_caption'] . '</span><br />';
            // description
            if ($args['display_description'] === 1 && $args['use_desc_for_title'] === 0 && $attachment['attachment_description'] !== '') {
                $html .= '<span class="attachment-description">' . $attachment['attachment_description'] . '</span><br />';
            if ($args['style'] === 'table' && ($args['display_caption'] === 1 || $args['display_description'] === 1 && $args['use_desc_for_title'] === 0)) {
                $html .= '</td>';
            // date
            if ($args['display_date'] === 1) {
                $html .= '<' . $item_container . ' class="attachment-date">' . ($args['style'] != 'table' ? '<span class="attachment-label">' . __('Date added', 'download-attachments') . ':</span> ' : '') . $attachment['attachment_date'] . '</' . $item_container . '> ';
            // user
            if ($args['display_user'] === 1) {
                $html .= '<' . $item_container . ' class="attachment-user">' . ($args['style'] != 'table' ? '<span class="attachment-label">' . __('Added by', 'download-attachments') . ':</span> ' : '') . $attachment['attachment_user_name'] . '</' . $item_container . '> ';
            // size
            if ($args['display_size'] === 1) {
                $html .= '<' . $item_container . ' class="attachment-size">' . ($args['style'] != 'table' ? '<span class="attachment-label">' . __('File size', 'download-attachments') . ':</span> ' : '') . $attachment['attachment_size'] . '</' . $item_container . '> ';
            // downloads
            if ($args['display_count'] === 1) {
                $html .= '<' . $item_container . ' class="attachment-downloads">' . ($args['style'] != 'table' ? '<span class="attachment-label">' . __('Downloads', 'download-attachments') . ':</span> ' : '') . $attachment['attachment_downloads'] . '</' . $item_container . '> ';
            // end single attahcment style
            if ($args['style'] === 'list') {
                $html .= '</li>';
            } elseif ($args['style'] === 'table') {
                $html .= '</tr>';
            } else {
                $html .= '</span>';
        if ($args['style'] === 'list') {
            $html .= '</ul>';
        } elseif ($args['style'] === 'table') {
            $html .= '</tbody></table>';
    } elseif ($args['display_empty'] === 1) {
        $html .= $args['display_option_none'];
    $html .= $args['content_after'];
    if (!($args['display_empty'] === 0 && $count === 0) && $args['container'] !== '') {
        $html .= '</' . $args['container'] . '>';
    if ($args['echo'] === 1) {
        echo apply_filters('da_display_attachments', $html);
    } else {
        return apply_filters('da_display_attachments', $html);
  * Display download attachments for a given post
  * from: wp-content/plugins/download-attachments/includes/functions.php
  * @param 	int $post_id
  * @param	array $args
  * @return 	mixed
 public function hw_da_display_download_attachments($post_id = 0, $args = array())
     $post_id = (int) (empty($post_id) ? get_the_ID() : $post_id);
     $options = get_option('download_attachments_general');
     $setting = HW_Module_downloadattachment::get()->get_values();
     $defaults = array('container' => 'div', 'container_class' => 'download-attachments', 'container_id' => '', 'style' => isset($options['display_style']) ? esc_attr($options['display_style']) : 'list', 'link_before' => '', 'link_after' => '', 'content_before' => isset($setting['content_before']) ? $setting['content_before'] : '', 'content_after' => isset($setting['content_after']) ? $setting['content_after'] : '', 'display_index' => isset($options['frontend_columns']['index']) ? (int) $options['frontend_columns']['index'] : false, 'display_user' => (int) $options['frontend_columns']['author'], 'display_icon' => (int) $options['frontend_columns']['icon'], 'display_count' => (int) $options['frontend_columns']['downloads'], 'display_size' => (int) $options['frontend_columns']['size'], 'display_date' => (int) $options['frontend_columns']['date'], 'display_caption' => (int) $options['frontend_content']['caption'], 'display_description' => (int) $options['frontend_content']['description'], 'display_empty' => 0, 'display_option_none' => __('No attachments to download', 'download-attachments'), 'use_desc_for_title' => 0, 'exclude' => '', 'include' => '', 'title' => __('Download Attachments', 'download-attachments'), 'title_container' => 'p', 'title_class' => 'download-title', 'orderby' => 'menu_order', 'order' => 'asc', 'echo' => 1);
     $args = apply_filters('da_display_attachments_defaults', array_merge($defaults, $args), $post_id);
     $args['display_index'] = apply_filters('da_display_attachments_index', (int) $args['display_index']);
     $args['display_user'] = apply_filters('da_display_attachments_user', (int) $args['display_user']);
     $args['display_icon'] = apply_filters('da_display_attachments_icon', (int) $args['display_icon']);
     $args['display_count'] = apply_filters('da_display_attachments_count', (int) $args['display_count']);
     $args['display_size'] = apply_filters('da_display_attachments_size', (int) $args['display_size']);
     $args['display_date'] = apply_filters('da_display_attachments_date', (int) $args['display_date']);
     $args['display_caption'] = apply_filters('da_display_attachments_caption', (int) $args['display_caption']);
     $args['display_description'] = apply_filters('da_display_attachments_description', (int) $args['display_description']);
     $args['display_empty'] = apply_filters('da_display_attachments_empty', (int) $args['display_empty']);
     $args['use_desc_for_title'] = (int) $args['use_desc_for_title'];
     $args['echo'] = (int) $args['echo'];
     $args['style'] = in_array($args['style'], array('list', 'table', 'none', ''), true) ? $args['style'] : $defaults['style'];
     $args['orderby'] = in_array($args['orderby'], array('menu_order', 'attachment_id', 'attachment_date', 'attachment_title', 'attachment_size', 'attachment_downloads'), true) ? $args['orderby'] : $defaults['orderby'];
     $args['order'] = in_array($args['order'], array('asc', 'desc'), true) ? $args['order'] : $defaults['order'];
     $args['link_before'] = trim($args['link_before']);
     $args['link_after'] = trim($args['link_after']);
     $args['display_option_none'] = ($info = trim($args['display_option_none'])) !== '' ? $info : $defaults['display_option_none'];
     $args['title'] = apply_filters('da_display_attachments_title', trim($args['title']));
     $attachments = da_get_download_attachments($post_id, apply_filters('da_display_attachments_args', array('include' => $args['include'], 'exclude' => $args['exclude'], 'orderby' => $args['orderby'], 'order' => $args['order'])));
     $count = count($attachments);
     //load active skin
     $current_skin = HW_Module_downloadattachment::get()->get_field_value('skin');
     $headers = array('index' => '', 'file' => __('Tệp'));
     $data = array();
     if ($count > 0) {
         $i = 1;
         if ($args['display_caption'] === 1 || $args['display_description'] === 1 && $args['use_desc_for_title'] === 0) {
             $headers['caption'] = __('Mô tả');
         if ($args['display_date'] === 1) {
             $headers['attachment-date'] = __('Date added', 'download-attachments');
         if ($args['display_user'] === 1) {
             $headers['attachment-user'] = __('Added by', 'download-attachments');
         if ($args['display_size'] === 1) {
             $headers['attachment-size'] = __('File size', 'download-attachments');
         //display download count
         if ($args['display_count'] === 1) {
             $headers['attachment-downloads'] = __('Downloads', 'download-attachments');
         foreach ($attachments as $attachment) {
             if ($attachment['attachment_exclude']) {
             $row = array();
             if ($args['use_desc_for_title'] === 1 && $attachment['attachment_description'] !== '') {
                 $title = apply_filters('da_display_attachment_title', $attachment['attachment_description']);
             } else {
                 $title = apply_filters('da_display_attachment_title', $attachment['attachment_title']);
             //attachment type
             $row['class'] = $attachment['attachment_type'];
             #if ( $args['display_index'] === 1 )
             $row['index'] = $i;
             //index count
             // title
             // type
             if ($args['display_icon'] === 1) {
                 $row['icon'] = '<img class="attachment-icon" src="' . $attachment['attachment_icon_url'] . '" alt="' . $attachment['attachment_type'] . '" /> ';
             } else {
                 $row['icon'] = '';
             // link before
             if ($args['link_before'] !== '') {
                 $row['link_before'] = $args['link_before'];
             } else {
                 $row['link_before'] = '';
             $row['url'] = $options['pretty_urls'] === true ? home_url('/' . $options['download_link'] . '/' . $attachment['attachment_id'] . '/') : hw_modules_url('download-attachments/includes/download.php?id=' . $attachment['attachment_id']);
             $row['title'] = $title;
             $row['link'] = '<a href="' . ($options['pretty_urls'] === true ? home_url('/' . $options['download_link'] . '/' . $attachment['attachment_id'] . '/') : hw_modules_url('download-attachments/includes/download.php?id=' . $attachment['attachment_id'])) . '" class="attachment-link" title="' . $title . '">' . $title . '</a>';
             $row['link_after'] = $args['link_after'];
             //link after
             // caption
             if ($args['display_caption'] === 1) {
                 $row['caption'] = $attachment['attachment_caption'];
             // description
             if ($args['display_description'] === 1 && $args['use_desc_for_title'] === 0) {
                 $row['description'] = $attachment['attachment_description'];
             // date
             if ($args['display_date'] === 1) {
                 $row['date'] = $attachment['attachment_date'];
             // user
             if ($args['display_user'] === 1) {
                 $row['user'] = $attachment['attachment_user_name'];
             // size
             if ($args['display_size'] === 1) {
                 $row['size'] = $attachment['attachment_size'];
             // downloads
             if ($args['display_count'] === 1) {
                 $row['count'] = $attachment['attachment_downloads'];
             $data[] = $row;
     //change sidebar params from skin
     return HW_SKIN::apply_skin_data($current_skin, array('callback_before' => array(__CLASS__, '_hw_skin_before_include_skin_file')), array('attachments' => $data, 'headers' => $headers, 'args' => $args), false);