function jd_truncate_tweet($tweet, $post, $post_ID, $retweet = false, $ref = false) { // media file occupies 22 characters, need to account for in shortening. $tweet_length = wpt_post_with_media($post_ID) ? 117 : 139; $tweet = trim(custom_shortcodes($tweet, $post_ID)); $shrink = $post['shortUrl'] != '' ? $post['shortUrl'] : apply_filters('wptt_shorten_link', $post['postLink'], $post['postTitle'], $post_ID, false); // generate all template variable values $auth = $post['authId']; $title = trim(apply_filters('wpt_status', $post['postTitle'], $post_ID, 'title')); $blogname = trim($post['blogTitle']); $excerpt = trim(apply_filters('wpt_status', $post['postExcerpt'], $post_ID, 'post')); $thisposturl = trim($shrink); $category = trim($post['category']); $cat_desc = trim($post['cat_desc']); $user_account = get_user_meta($auth, 'wtt_twitter_username', true); $tags = wpt_generate_hash_tags($post_ID); $account = get_option('wtt_twitter_username'); $date = trim($post['postDate']); $modified = trim($post['postModified']); if (get_option('jd_individual_twitter_users') == 1) { if ($user_account == '') { if (get_user_meta($auth, 'wp-to-twitter-enable-user', true) == 'mainAtTwitter') { $account = stripcslashes(get_user_meta($auth, 'wp-to-twitter-user-username', true)); } else { if (get_user_meta($auth, 'wp-to-twitter-enable-user', true) == 'mainAtTwitterPlus') { $account = stripcslashes(get_user_meta($auth, 'wp-to-twitter-user-username', true) . ' @' . get_option('wtt_twitter_username')); } } } else { $account = "{$user_account}"; } } $display_name = get_the_author_meta('display_name', $auth); // value of #author# $author = $account != '' ? "@{$account}" : $display_name; // value of #account# $account = $account != '' ? "@{$account}" : ''; // value of #@# $uaccount = $user_account != '' ? "@{$user_account}" : "{$account}"; // clean up data if extra @ included // $account = str_ireplace('@@', '@', $account); $uaccount = str_ireplace('@@', '@', $uaccount); $author = str_ireplace('@@', '@', $author); if (get_user_meta($auth, 'wpt-remove', true) == 'on') { $account = ''; } if (get_option('jd_twit_prepend') != "" && $tweet != '') { $tweet = stripslashes(get_option('jd_twit_prepend')) . " " . $tweet; } if (get_option('jd_twit_append') != "" && $tweet != '') { $tweet = $tweet . " " . stripslashes(get_option('jd_twit_append')); } $encoding = get_option('blog_charset'); if ($encoding == '') { $encoding = 'UTF-8'; } if (strpos($tweet, '#url#') === false && strpos($tweet, '#title#') === false && strpos($tweet, '#blog#') === false && strpos($tweet, '#post#') === false && strpos($tweet, '#category#') === false && strpos($tweet, '#date#') === false && strpos($tweet, '#author#') === false && strpos($tweet, '#displayname#') === false && strpos($tweet, '#tags#') === false && strpos($tweet, '#modified#') === false && strpos($tweet, '#reference#') === false && strpos($tweet, '#account#') === false && strpos($tweet, '#@#') === false && strpos($tweet, '#cat_desc') === false) { // there are no tags in this Tweet. Truncate and return. $post_tweet = mb_substr($tweet, 0, $tweet_length, $encoding); return $post_tweet; } if (function_exists('wpt_pro_exists') && wpt_pro_exists() == true) { $reference = $ref ? $account : '@' . get_option('wtt_twitter_username'); } // create full unconditional post tweet - prior to truncation $replace = function_exists('wpt_pro_exists') && wpt_pro_exists() == true ? $reference : ''; $search = array('#account#', '#@#', '#reference#', '#url#', '#title#', '#blog#', '#post#', '#category#', '#cat_desc#', '#date#', '#author#', '#displayname#', '#tags#', '#modified#'); $replace = array($account, $uaccount, $replace, $thisposturl, $title, $blogname, $excerpt, $category, $cat_desc, $date, $author, $display_name, $tags, $modified); $post_tweet = str_ireplace($search, $replace, $tweet); $url_strlen = mb_strlen(urldecode(fake_normalize($thisposturl)), $encoding); // check total length $str_length = mb_strlen(urldecode(fake_normalize($post_tweet)), $encoding); if ($str_length < $tweet_length + 1) { if (mb_strlen(fake_normalize($post_tweet)) > $tweet_length + 1) { $post_tweet = mb_substr($post_tweet, 0, $tweet_length, $encoding); } return $post_tweet; // return early if all is well without replacements. } else { // what is the excerpt supposed to be? $length = get_option('jd_post_excerpt'); // build an array of variable names and the number of characters in that variable. $length_array = array(); $length_array['excerpt'] = mb_strlen(fake_normalize($excerpt), $encoding); $length_array['title'] = mb_strlen(fake_normalize($title), $encoding); $length_array['date'] = mb_strlen(fake_normalize($date), $encoding); $length_array['category'] = mb_strlen(fake_normalize($category), $encoding); $length_array['cat_desc'] = mb_strlen(fake_normalize($cat_desc), $encoding); $length_array['@'] = mb_strlen(fake_normalize($uaccount), $encoding); $length_array['blogname'] = mb_strlen(fake_normalize($blogname), $encoding); $length_array['author'] = mb_strlen(fake_normalize($author), $encoding); $length_array['account'] = mb_strlen(fake_normalize($account), $encoding); if (function_exists('wpt_pro_exists') && wpt_pro_exists() == true) { $length_array['reference'] = mb_strlen(fake_normalize($reference), $encoding); } $length_array['tags'] = mb_strlen(fake_normalize($tags), $encoding); $length_array['modified'] = mb_strlen(fake_normalize($modified), $encoding); // if the total length is too long, truncate items until the length is appropriate. // Twitter's shortener is mandatory. All URLS are max-character value set by Twitter. $tco = wpt_is_ssl($thisposturl) ? 23 : 22; $order = get_option('wpt_truncation_order'); if (is_array($order)) { asort($order); $preferred = array(); foreach ($order as $k => $v) { $preferred[$k] = $length_array[$k]; } } else { $preferred = $length_array; } $diff = $url_strlen - $tco > 0 ? $url_strlen - $tco : 0; if ($str_length > $tweet_length + 1 + $diff) { foreach ($preferred as $key => $value) { $str_length = mb_strlen(urldecode(fake_normalize(trim($post_tweet))), $encoding); if ($str_length > $tweet_length + 1 + $diff) { $trim = $str_length - ($tweet_length + 1 + $diff); $old_value = ${$key}; // prevent URL from being modified $post_tweet = str_ireplace($thisposturl, '#url#', $post_tweet); // modify the value and replace old with new if ($key == 'account' || $key == 'author' || $key == 'category' || $key == 'date' || $key == 'modified' || $key == 'reference' || $key == '@') { // these elements make no sense if truncated, so remove them entirely. $new_value = ''; } else { if ($key == 'tags') { // remove any stray hash characters due to string truncation if (mb_strlen($old_value) - $trim <= 2) { $new_value = ''; } else { $new_value = $old_value; while (mb_strlen($old_value) - $trim < mb_strlen($new_value)) { $new_value = trim(mb_substr($new_value, 0, mb_strrpos($new_value, '#', $encoding) - 1)); } } } else { $new_value = mb_substr($old_value, 0, -$trim, $encoding); } } $post_tweet = str_ireplace($old_value, $new_value, $post_tweet); // put URL back before checking length $post_tweet = str_ireplace('#url#', $thisposturl, $post_tweet); } else { if (mb_strlen(fake_normalize($post_tweet), $encoding) > $tweet_length + 1 + $diff) { $post_tweet = mb_substr($post_tweet, 0, $tweet_length + $diff, $encoding); } } } } // this is needed in case a tweet needs to be truncated outright and the truncation values aren't in the above. // 1) removes URL 2) checks length of remainder 3) Replaces URL if (mb_strlen(fake_normalize($post_tweet)) > $tweet_length + 1) { $temp = str_ireplace($thisposturl, '#url#', $post_tweet); if (mb_strlen(fake_normalize($temp)) > $tweet_length + 1 - $tco && $temp != $post_tweet) { $post_tweet = trim(mb_substr($temp, 0, $tweet_length + 1 - $tco, $encoding)); // it's possible to trim off the #url# part in this process. If that happens, put it back. $sub_sentence = strpos($tweet, '#url#') === false ? $post_tweet : $post_tweet . ' ' . $thisposturl; $post_tweet = strpos($post_tweet, '#url#') === false ? $sub_sentence : str_ireplace('#url#', $thisposturl, $post_tweet); } } } return $post_tweet; // catch all, should never happen. But no reason not to include it. }
function jd_truncate_tweet($sentence, $postinfo, $thisposturl, $post_ID, $retweet = false) { $sentence = trim(custom_shortcodes($sentence, $post_ID)); // generate all template variable values $auth = $postinfo['authId']; $title = trim(apply_filters('wpt_status', $postinfo['postTitle'], $post_ID, 'title')); $blogname = trim($postinfo['blogTitle']); $excerpt = trim(apply_filters('wpt_status', $postinfo['postExcerpt'], $post_ID, 'post')); $thisposturl = trim($thisposturl); $category = trim($postinfo['category']); $post = get_post($post_ID); $user_account = get_user_meta($auth, 'wtt_twitter_username', true); $author = $user_account != '' ? "{$user_account}" : get_the_author_meta('display_name', $post->post_author); $tags = generate_hash_tags($post_ID); $account = "@" . get_option('wtt_twitter_username'); $date = trim($postinfo['postDate']); $modified = trim($postinfo['postModified']); if (get_option('jd_individual_twitter_users') == 1) { if ($user_account == '') { if (get_user_meta($auth, 'wp-to-twitter-enable-user', true) == 'mainAtTwitter') { $account = "@" . stripcslashes(get_user_meta($auth, 'wp-to-twitter-user-username', true)); } else { if (get_user_meta($auth, 'wp-to-twitter-enable-user', true) == 'mainAtTwitterPlus') { $account = "@" . stripcslashes(get_user_meta($auth, 'wp-to-twitter-user-username', true) . ' @' . get_option('wtt_twitter_username')); } } } else { $account = "@{$user_account}"; } } if (!$retweet) { if (get_option('jd_twit_prepend') != "" && $sentence != '') { $sentence = get_option('jd_twit_prepend') . " " . $sentence; } if (get_option('jd_twit_append') != "" && $sentence != '') { $sentence = $sentence . " " . get_option('jd_twit_append'); } } $encoding = get_option('blog_charset'); // create full unconditional post sentence - prior to truncation $post_sentence = str_ireplace('#account#', $account, $sentence); $post_sentence = str_ireplace('#url#', $thisposturl, $post_sentence); $post_sentence = str_ireplace('#title#', $title, $post_sentence); $post_sentence = str_ireplace('#blog#', $blogname, $post_sentence); $post_sentence = str_ireplace('#post#', $excerpt, $post_sentence); $post_sentence = str_ireplace('#category#', $category, $post_sentence); $post_sentence = str_ireplace('#date#', $date, $post_sentence); $post_sentence = str_ireplace('#author#', $author, $post_sentence); $post_sentence = str_ireplace('#tags#', $tags, $post_sentence); $post_sentence = str_ireplace('#modified#', $modified, $post_sentence); $url_strlen = mb_strlen(urldecode(fake_normalize($thisposturl)), $encoding); // check total length $str_length = mb_strlen(urldecode(fake_normalize($post_sentence)), $encoding); if ($str_length < 140) { if (mb_strlen(fake_normalize($post_sentence)) > 140) { $post_sentence = mb_substr($post_sentence, 0, 139, $encoding); } } else { // what is the excerpt supposed to be? $length = get_option('jd_post_excerpt'); // build an array of variable names and the number of characters in that variable. $length_array = array(); $length_array['excerpt'] = mb_strlen(fake_normalize($excerpt), $encoding); $length_array['title'] = mb_strlen(fake_normalize($title), $encoding); $length_array['date'] = mb_strlen(fake_normalize($date), $encoding); $length_array['category'] = mb_strlen(fake_normalize($category), $encoding); $length_array['blogname'] = mb_strlen(fake_normalize($blogname), $encoding); $length_array['author'] = mb_strlen(fake_normalize($author), $encoding); $length_array['account'] = mb_strlen(fake_normalize($account), $encoding); $length_array['tags'] = mb_strlen(fake_normalize($tags), $encoding); $length_array['modified'] = mb_strlen(fake_normalize($modified), $encoding); // if the total length is too long, truncate items until the length is appropriate. // truncation is in order of items which can most afford to be truncated. URL is never truncated. // Twitter has made their shortener automatic and mandatory; this has some weird effects on // character counting prior to posting. All URLS are automatically 19 characters. Period. $order = get_option('wpt_truncation_order'); if (is_array($order)) { asort($order); $preferred = array(); foreach ($order as $k => $v) { $preferred[$k] = $length_array[$k]; } } else { $preferred = $length_array; } $diff = $url_strlen - 19; if ($str_length > 140 + $diff) { foreach ($preferred as $key => $value) { $str_length = mb_strlen(urldecode(fake_normalize(trim($post_sentence))), $encoding); if ($str_length > 140 + $diff) { $trim = $str_length - (140 + $diff); $old_value = ${$key}; // prevent URL from being modified $post_sentence = str_ireplace($thisposturl, '#url#', $post_sentence); // modify the value and replace old with new if ($key == 'account' || $key == 'author' || $key == 'category' || $key == 'date' || $key == 'modified') { // these elements make no sense if truncated, so remove them entirely. $new_value = ''; } else { if ($key == 'tags') { // replaced, keeps the tags as such intact. // remove any stray hash characters due to string truncation // $new_value = str_replace( ' # ','',' '.mb_substr( $old_value,0,-( $trim ),$encoding ).' '); if (mb_strlen($old_value) - $trim <= 2) { $new_value = ''; } else { $new_value = $old_value; while (mb_strlen($old_value) - $trim < mb_strlen($new_value)) { $new_value = trim(mb_substr($new_value, 0, mb_strrpos($new_value, '#', $encoding) - 1)); } } } else { $new_value = mb_substr($old_value, 0, -$trim, $encoding); } } $post_sentence = str_ireplace($old_value, $new_value, $post_sentence); // put URL back before checking length $post_sentence = str_ireplace('#url#', $thisposturl, $post_sentence); } else { if (mb_strlen(fake_normalize($post_sentence), $encoding) > 140 + $diff) { $post_sentence = mb_substr($post_sentence, 0, 139 + $diff, $encoding); } } } } // this is needed in case a tweet needs to be truncated outright and the truncation values aren't in the above. // 1) removes URL 2) checks length of remainder 3) Replaces URL $temp_sentence = str_ireplace($thisposturl, '#url#', $post_sentence); if (mb_strlen(fake_normalize($temp_sentence)) > 127) { $post_sentence = trim(mb_substr($temp_sentence, 0, 127, $encoding)); $post_sentence = strpos($post_sentence, '#url#') === false ? $post_sentence . ' ' . $thisposturl : str_ireplace('#url#', $thisposturl, $post_sentence); } } return $post_sentence; }