function ct_on_admin_init() { // if there is a submit to update theme if (isset($_POST['ct_update_theme'])) { $envato_username = ot_get_option('envato_username', ''); $envato_api = ot_get_option('envato_api', ''); // if user has entered username and api if ($envato_username != '' && $envato_api != '') { // include the library require_once locate_template('/inc/plugins/envato-wordpress-toolkit/class-envato-wordpress-theme-upgrader.php'); $upgrader = new Envato_WordPress_Theme_Upgrader($envato_username, $envato_api); $upgrader->upgrade_theme(PARENT_THEME); add_action('admin_notices', 'ct_admin_notice_theme_updated'); } //add_action( 'admin_notices', 'ct_admin_notice_theme_updated' ); } else { // if Auto Update is set if (ot_get_option('envato_auto_update') == 'on') { $envato_username = ot_get_option('envato_username', ''); $envato_api = ot_get_option('envato_api', ''); // if user has entered username and api if ($envato_username != '' && $envato_api != '') { // include the library require_once locate_template('/inc/plugins/envato-wordpress-toolkit/class-envato-wordpress-theme-upgrader.php'); $upgrader = new Envato_WordPress_Theme_Upgrader($envato_username, $envato_api); if (ct_check_for_update(PARENT_THEME) == 1) { $upgrader->upgrade_theme(PARENT_THEME); add_action('admin_notices', 'ct_admin_notice_theme_updated'); } } } } }
/** * Loads the content for each page * * @return string * * @access public * @since 2.0 */ public function display_page() { $screen = get_current_screen(); /* loop through settings */ foreach ((array) $this->options as $option) { /* loop through pages */ foreach ((array) $this->get_pages($option) as $page) { /* verify page */ if (!isset($page['hidden_page']) && $screen->id == $this->page_hook[$page['id']]) { $show_buttons = isset($page['show_buttons']) && $page['show_buttons'] == false ? false : true; /* update active layout content */ if (isset($_REQUEST['settings-updated']) && $_REQUEST['settings-updated'] == 'true') { $layouts = get_option(ot_layouts_id()); /* has active layout */ if (isset($layouts['active_layout'])) { $option_tree = get_option($option['id']); $layouts[$layouts['active_layout']] = ot_encode(serialize($option_tree)); update_option(ot_layouts_id(), $layouts); } } echo '<div class="wrap settings-wrap" id ="page-' . $page['id'] . '">'; echo '<h2>' . $page['page_title'] . '</h2>'; echo ot_alert_message($page); settings_errors('option-tree'); /* Header */ echo '<div id="option-tree-header-wrap">'; echo '<ul id="option-tree-header">'; echo '<li id="option-tree-logo">' . apply_filters('ot_header_logo_link', '<a href="" target="_blank">OptionTree</a>', $page['id']) . '</li>'; echo '<li id="option-tree-version"><span>' . apply_filters('ot_header_version_text', 'OptionTree ' . OT_VERSION, $page['id']) . '</span></li>'; // Add additional theme specific links here. do_action('ot_header_list', $page['id']); echo '</ul>'; /* layouts form */ if ($page['id'] == 'ot_theme_options' && OT_SHOW_NEW_LAYOUT == true) { ot_theme_options_layouts_form(); } echo '</div>'; /* remove forms on the custom settings pages */ if ($show_buttons) { echo '<form action="options.php" method="post" id="option-tree-settings-api">'; settings_fields($option['id']); } else { echo '<div id="option-tree-settings-api">'; } /* Sub Header */ echo '<div id="option-tree-sub-header">'; echo '<span class="option-tree-ui-button left image"></span>'; $current_theme = wp_get_theme(PARENT_THEME); echo '<span class="option-tree-ui-button left vesion ">ver. ' . $current_theme->get('Version') . '</span>'; if ($show_buttons) { echo '<button class="option-tree-ui-button grey right">' . $page['button_text'] . '</button>'; echo '<button class="option-tree-ui-button grey right imgok"></button>'; } echo '<span class="option-tree-ui-button right document"><a href="">Documentation</a></span>'; echo '<span class="option-tree-ui-button grey right imgok1"><a href="#"></a></span>'; echo '<span class="option-tree-ui-button grey right support"><a href="">Support Forum</a></span>'; echo '<span class="option-tree-ui-button grey right imgok2"><a href="#"></a></span>'; if (ct_check_for_update(PARENT_THEME) == 1) { echo '<button class="button right" style="margin:6px" name="ct_update_theme" type="submit" value="ct_update_theme" onclick="jQuery(\'#option-tree-settings-api\').attr(\'action\',\'themes.php?page=ot-theme-options&ct_update_theme=true\')">' . __('New Version Found! Update Theme?', 'cactusthemes') . '</button>'; } echo '</div>'; /* Navigation */ echo '<div class="ui-tabs">'; /* check for sections */ if (isset($page['sections']) && count($page['sections']) > 0) { echo '<ul class="ui-tabs-nav">'; /* loop through page sections */ foreach ((array) $page['sections'] as $section) { echo '<li id="tab_' . $section['id'] . '"><a href="#section_' . $section['id'] . '">' . $section['title'] . '</a></li>'; } echo '</ul>'; } /* sections */ echo '<div id="poststuff" class="metabox-holder">'; echo '<div id="post-body">'; echo '<div id="post-body-content">'; $this->do_settings_sections($_GET['page']); echo '</div>'; echo '</div>'; echo '</div>'; echo '<div class="clear"></div>'; echo '</div>'; /* buttons */ if ($show_buttons) { echo '<div class="option-tree-ui-buttons">'; echo '<button class="option-tree-ui-button blue right">' . $page['button_text'] . '</button>'; echo '</div>'; } echo $show_buttons ? '</form>' : '</div>'; /* reset button */ if ($show_buttons) { echo '<form method="post" action="' . str_replace('&settings-updated=true', '', $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]) . '">'; /* form nonce */ wp_nonce_field('option_tree_reset_form', 'option_tree_reset_nonce'); echo '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="reset" />'; echo '<button type="submit" class="option-tree-ui-button red left reset-settings" title="' . __('Reset Options', 'option-tree') . '">' . __('Reset Options', 'option-tree') . '</button>'; /* Display Import Sample Data Button */ echo '<a href="' . str_replace('&settings-updated=true', '', $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]) . '&import_data=true" class="button red" style="left:30px;position: relative;top: -40px;height: 30px; padding-top: 1px" onclick="return confirm(\'This will import sample data. It may take a couple of minitues to finish. Are you sure?\');">' . __('Import Sample Data', '') . '</a>'; echo '</form>'; } echo '</div>'; } } } return false; }
function ct_on_admin_init() { // if there is a submit to update theme if (isset($_POST['ct_update_theme'])) { ct_do_update_theme(); //add_action( 'admin_notices', 'ct_admin_notice_theme_updated' ); } else { // if Auto Update is set if (ot_get_option('envato_auto_update', 0) == 1) { if (ct_check_for_update(PARENT_THEME) == 1) { ct_do_update_theme(); } } } }