 * Nombre de forums d'un secteur dans la boite d'info
 * @param array $flux
 * @return array
function forum_boite_infos($flux)
    if ($flux['args']['type'] == 'rubrique' and $id_rubrique = $flux['args']['id']) {
        if (autoriser('publierdans', 'rubrique', $id_rubrique) and (!isset($flux['args']['row']['id_parent']) or !$flux['args']['row']['id_parent'])) {
            list($from, $where) = critere_statut_controle_forum('prop', $id_rubrique);
            $n_forums = sql_countsel($from, $where);
        } else {
            $n_forums = 0;
        if ($n_forums) {
            $aff = "<p class='forums'>" . singulier_ou_pluriel($n_forums, "forum:info_1_message_forum", "forum:info_nb_messages_forum") . '</p>';
            if (($pos = strpos($flux['data'], '<!--nb_elements-->')) !== FALSE) {
                $flux['data'] = substr($flux['data'], 0, $pos) . $aff . substr($flux['data'], $pos);
            } else {
                $flux['data'] .= $aff;
    } elseif ($flux['args']['type'] == 'auteur' and $id_auteur = $flux['args']['id']) {
        if ($nb = sql_countsel('spip_forum', "statut!='poubelle' AND id_auteur=" . intval($id_auteur))) {
            $nb = "<div>" . singulier_ou_pluriel($nb, "forum:info_1_message_forum", "forum:info_nb_messages_forum") . "</div>";
            if ($p = strpos($flux['data'], "<!--nb_elements-->")) {
                $flux['data'] = substr_replace($flux['data'], $nb, $p, 0);
    return $flux;
function exec_controle_forum_args2($id_rubrique, $type, $debut, $pas, $enplus, $recherche, $from, $where, $debut_id_forum)
	// Si un id_controle_forum est demande, on adapte le debut
	if ($debut_id_forum
	AND (NULL !== ($d = sql_getfetsel('date_heure', 'spip_forum', "id_forum=$debut_id_forum")))) {
	  $debut = sql_countsel($from, $where . (" AND F.date_heure > '$d'"));

	if ($recherche)
	  $args = 'recherche='.rawurlencode($recherche).'&';
	else $args = '';

	$args .= (!$id_rubrique ? "" : "id_rubrique=$id_rubrique&") . 'type=';

	$query = array('SELECT' => "F.id_forum, F.id_parent, F.id_rubrique, F.id_article, F.id_breve, F.date_heure, F.titre, F.texte, F.auteur, F.email_auteur, F.nom_site, F.url_site, F.statut, F.ip, F.id_auteur",
		       'FROM' => $from,
		       'WHERE' => $where,
		       'GROUP BY' => "",
		       'ORDER BY' => "F.date_heure DESC");
	$nav = affiche_navigation_forum($query, 'controle_forum', $args . $type, $debut, $pas, $enplus);

	$select = sql_select($query['SELECT'], $query['FROM'], $query['WHERE'], $query['GROUP BY'], $query['ORDER BY'], $query['LIMIT']);
	$res = '';
	while ($row = sql_fetch($select)) 
		$res .= controle_forum_boucle($row, "$args$type&debut=$debut");
	$res =  "<br />$nav<br />$res<br />$nav";	

	if (_AJAX) {
	} else {
		pipeline('exec_init',array('args'=>array('exec'=>'controle_forum', 'type'=>$type),'data'=>''));

		$commencer_page = charger_fonction('commencer_page', 'inc');
		echo $commencer_page(_T('titre_page_forum_suivi'), "forum", "forum-controle");

		echo "<br /><br /><br />";
		echo gros_titre(_T('titre_forum_suivi'),'',false);

		echo debut_onglet();
		echo onglet(_T('onglet_messages_publics'), generer_url_ecrire('controle_forum', $args . "public"), "public", $type=='public', "forum-public-24.gif");
		echo onglet(_T('onglet_messages_internes'), generer_url_ecrire('controle_forum', $args . "interne"), "interne", $type=='interne', "forum-interne-24.gif");

		list($from,$where) = critere_statut_controle_forum('vide', $id_rubrique);
		$n = sql_fetsel('1', $from, $where);
		if ($n) echo onglet(_T('onglet_messages_vide'), generer_url_ecrire('controle_forum', $args . "vide"), "vide", $type=='vide');

		list($from,$where) = critere_statut_controle_forum('prop', $id_rubrique);
		$f = sql_fetsel('1', $from, $where);
		if ($f)
			echo onglet(_T('texte_statut_attente_validation'), generer_url_ecrire('controle_forum', $args . "prop"), "prop", $type=='prop');

		echo fin_onglet();

		echo debut_gauche('', true);
		echo debut_boite_info(true);
		echo "<span class='verdana1 spip_small'>", _T('info_gauche_suivi_forum_2'), aide("suiviforum"), "</span>";

		// Afficher le lien RSS

		echo bouton_spip_rss("forums_$type");

		echo fin_boite_info(true);
		echo pipeline('affiche_gauche',array('args'=>array('exec'=>'controle_forum', 'type'=>$type),'data'=>''));
		echo creer_colonne_droite('', true);
		echo pipeline('affiche_droite',array('args'=>array('exec'=>'controle_forum', 'type'=>$type),'data'=>''));
		echo debut_droite('', true);
		echo pipeline('affiche_milieu',array('args'=>array('exec'=>'controle_forum', 'type'=>$type),'data'=>''));

		echo formulaire_recherche("controle_forum","<input type='hidden' name='type' value='$type' />");
		echo "<div class='nettoyeur'></div>";
		echo "<div id='controle_forum' class='serif2'>", $res, "</div>";
		echo fin_gauche(), fin_page();
文件: accueil.php 项目: rhertzog/lcs
function etat_base_accueil()
	global $spip_display, $spip_lang_left, $connect_id_rubrique;

	$where = count($connect_id_rubrique)
	? sql_in('id_rubrique', $connect_id_rubrique)	: '';

	$res = '';

	if ($spip_display != 1) {
		$chercher_logo = charger_fonction('chercher_logo', 'inc');
		if ($r = $chercher_logo(0, 'id_syndic', 'on'))  {
			list($fid, $dir, $nom, $format) = $r;
			$r = image_reduire("<img src='$fid' alt='' />", 170, 170);
			if ($r)
				$res ="<div style='text-align:center; margin-bottom: 5px;'>$r</div>";
	$res .= "<div class='verdana1'>";

	$res .= propre($GLOBALS['meta']["descriptif_site"]);

	$q = sql_select("COUNT(*) AS cnt, statut", 'spip_articles', '', 'statut', '','', "COUNT(*)<>0");
	$cpt = array();
	$cpt2 = array();
	$defaut = $where ? '0/' : '';
	while($row = sql_fetch($q)) {
	  $cpt[$row['statut']] = $row['cnt'];
	  $cpt2[$row['statut']] = $defaut;
	if ($cpt) {
		if ($where) {
			$q = sql_select("COUNT(*) AS cnt, statut", 'spip_articles', $where, "statut");
			while($row = sql_fetch($q)) {
				$r = $row['statut'];
				$cpt2[$r] = intval($row['cnt']) . '/';
		$res .= afficher_plus(generer_url_ecrire("articles_page",""))."<b>"._T('info_articles')."</b>";
		$res .= "<ul style='margin:0px; padding-$spip_lang_left: 20px; margin-bottom: 5px;'>";
		if (isset($cpt['prepa'])) $res .= "<li>"._T("texte_statut_en_cours_redaction").": ".$cpt2['prepa'] . $cpt['prepa'] .'</li>';
		if (isset($cpt['prop'])) $res .= "<li>"._T("texte_statut_attente_validation").": ".$cpt2['prop'] . $cpt['prop'] . '</li>';
		if (isset($cpt['publie'])) $res .= "<li><b>"._T("texte_statut_publies").": ".$cpt2['publie'].$cpt['publie'] ."</b>" . '</li>';
		$res .= "</ul>";

	$q = sql_select("COUNT(*) AS cnt, statut", 'spip_breves', '', 'statut', '','', "COUNT(*)<>0");

	$cpt = array();
	$cpt2 = array();
	$defaut = $where ? '0/' : '';
	while($row = sql_fetch($q)) {
	  $cpt[$row['statut']] = $row['cnt'];
	  $cpt2[$row['statut']] = $defaut;
	if ($cpt) {
		if ($where) {
			$q = sql_select("COUNT(*) AS cnt, statut", 'spip_breves', $where, "statut");
			while($row = sql_fetch($q)) {
				$r = $row['statut'];
				$cpt2[$r] = intval($row['cnt']) . '/';
		$res .= afficher_plus(generer_url_ecrire("breves",""))."<b>"._T('info_breves_02')."</b>";
		$res .= "<ul style='margin:0px; padding-$spip_lang_left: 20px; margin-bottom: 5px;'>";
		if (isset($cpt['prop'])) $res .= "<li>"._T("texte_statut_attente_validation").": ".$cpt2['prop'].$cpt['prop'] . '</li>';
		if (isset($cpt['publie'])) $res .= "<li><b>"._T("texte_statut_publies").": ".$cpt2['publie'] .$cpt['publie'] . "</b>" .'</li>';
		$res .= "</ul>";

	$q = sql_select('COUNT(*) AS cnt, statut', 'spip_forum', sql_in('statut', array('publie', 'prop')), 'statut', '','', "COUNT(*)<>0");

	$cpt = array();
	$cpt2 = array();
	$defaut = $where ? '0/' : '';
	while($row = sql_fetch($q)) {
	  $cpt[$row['statut']] = $row['cnt'];
	  $cpt2[$row['statut']] = $defaut;

	if ($cpt) {
		if ($where) {
		  list($f, $w) = critere_statut_controle_forum('public');
		  $q = sql_select("COUNT(*) AS cnt, F.statut", "$f", "$w ", "F.statut");
		  while($row = sql_fetch($q)) {
				$r = $row['statut'];
				$cpt2[$r] = intval($row['cnt']) . '/';

		if (autoriser('modererforum'))
			$res .= afficher_plus(generer_url_ecrire("controle_forum",""));
		$res .= "<b>" ._T('onglet_messages_publics') ."</b>";
		$res .= "<ul style='margin:0px; padding-$spip_lang_left: 20px; margin-bottom: 5px;'>";
		if (isset($cpt['prop'])) $res .= "<li>"._T("texte_statut_attente_validation").": ".$cpt2['prop'] .$cpt['prop'] . '</li>';
		if (isset($cpt['publie'])) $res .= "<li><b>"._T("texte_statut_publies").": ".$cpt2['publie'] .$cpt['publie'] . "</b>" .'</li>';
		$res .= "</ul>";
	$res .= accueil_liste_participants()
	. "</div>";

	return pipeline('accueil_informations',$res) ;
文件: naviguer.php 项目: rhertzog/lcs
function exec_naviguer_args($id_rubrique, $cherche_mot, $select_groupe)
	if (!$id_rubrique) {
		$lang = $statut = $titre = $extra = $id_parent=$id_secteur='';
		$ze_logo = "racine-site-24.gif";
		$row = array();
	} else {
		$row = sql_fetsel('id_parent, id_secteur, titre, statut, lang, descriptif, texte', 'spip_rubriques', "id_rubrique=$id_rubrique");

		if (!$row OR !autoriser('voir','rubrique',$id_rubrique)) {
			echo minipres();
		} else {
			$statut = $row['statut'];
			$lang = $row["lang"];

			if ($id_parent == 0) $ze_logo = "secteur-24.gif";
			else $ze_logo = "rubrique-24.gif";

	if ($ze_logo) {

	$commencer_page = charger_fonction('commencer_page', 'inc');
	echo $commencer_page(($titre ? ("&laquo; ".textebrut(typo($titre))." &raquo;") :

	echo debut_grand_cadre(true);
	if ($id_rubrique  > 0)
		echo afficher_hierarchie($id_parent,_T('titre_cadre_interieur_rubrique'),$id_rubrique,'rubrique',$id_secteur,(!$GLOBALS['connect_toutes_rubriques']));
	else $titre = _T('info_racine_site').": ". $GLOBALS['meta']["nom_site"];

	echo fin_grand_cadre(true);

	echo debut_gauche('', true);

	$flag_editable = autoriser('publierdans','rubrique',$id_rubrique);

	if ($flag_editable AND !$id_parent) {
		list($from, $where) = critere_statut_controle_forum('prop', $id_rubrique);
		$n_forums = sql_countsel($from, $where);
	} else 	$n_forums = 0;

	echo infos_naviguer($id_rubrique, $statut, $row, $n_forums);

	$iconifier = charger_fonction('iconifier', 'inc');
	echo $iconifier('id_rubrique', $id_rubrique, 'naviguer', false, $flag_editable);

	echo pipeline('affiche_gauche',array('args'=>array('exec'=>'naviguer','id_rubrique'=>$id_rubrique),'data'=>''));

	echo creer_colonne_droite('', true);
	echo raccourcis_naviguer($id_rubrique, $id_parent);
	echo pipeline('affiche_droite',array('args'=>array('exec'=>'naviguer','id_rubrique'=>$id_rubrique),'data'=>''));
	echo debut_droite('', true);

	$haut = montre_naviguer($id_rubrique, $titre, $id_parent, $ze_logo, $flag_editable);

	$boucles = contenu_naviguer($id_rubrique, $id_parent, $ze_logo, $flag_editable);

	if ($id_rubrique > 0) {
		$editer_mots = charger_fonction('editer_mots', 'inc');
		$editer_mots = $editer_mots('rubrique', $id_rubrique,  $cherche_mot,  $select_groupe, $flag_editable, true, 'naviguer');
	} else $editer_mots = '';

	echo naviguer_droite($row, $id_rubrique, $id_parent, $id_secteur, $haut, $n_forums, $editer_mots, $flag_editable, $boucles),