function couch_query($server)
    $date = new DateTime();
    $startdate = create_startdate($date);
    $enddate = create_enddate($startdate);
    $client = new couchClient('http://<hostname>:5984', 'watchcat_stats');
    try {
        $opts = array("startkey" => array($server, $startdate), "endkey" => array($server, $enddate), "limit" => 12, "descending" => true);
        $cat_stats = $client->setQueryParameters($opts)->getView('stats', 'by_server_date');
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        echo "something weird happened: " . $e->getMessage() . "<BR>\n";
    return $cat_stats;

require_once 'couchlib/couch.php';
require_once 'couchlib/couchClient.php';
require_once 'couchlib/couchDocument.php';
require_once 'date_functions.php';
// set a new connector to the CouchDB server server stats
$client = new couchClient('', 'watchcat_stats');
$server = $_GET['server'];
$status = json_decode(file_get_contents(trim("http://" . $server . ":4569/metrics")));
$health = json_decode(file_get_contents(trim("http://" . $server . ":4569/status")));
//get stats from couchdb for $server (name)
//but first create dates to go in our query
$date = new DateTime();
$startdate = create_startdate($date);
//echo $startdate."<br>";
$enddate = create_enddate($startdate, 24);
//echo $enddate."<br>";
try {
    $opts = array("startkey" => array($server, $startdate), "endkey" => array($server, $enddate), "limit" => 24, "descending" => true);
    $cat_stats = $client->setQueryParameters($opts)->getView('stats', 'by_server_date');
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo "something weird happened: " . $e->getMessage() . "<BR>\n";
// Remove decimal places
$formatted_avg = number_format($status->disk_space[0]->percent_used, 2, '.', '');
#echo $formatted_avg;
$time = $status->uptime;
// time duration in seconds
$days = floor($time / (60 * 60 * 24));