//print_r( $employee );
 if ($employee->is_active == "Y") {
     $session->message("<div class='error'>" . format_lang('errormsg', 60) . "</div>");
     redirect_to(BASE_URL . "login/");
 } else {
     // if found
     //echo sizeof($employee);
     if ($employee) {
         $reg_email = $employee->email_address;
         $reg_key = $employee->actkey;
         $username = $employee->username;
         // generate the verication code
         $reg_pass = $new_pass = create_new_password();
         $password_change = Employee::change_password($username, $new_pass);
         if ($password_change) {
             $email_template = get_lang('email_template', 'employee_signup');
             $subject = str_replace("#SiteName#", SITE_NAME, $email_template['email_subject']);
             $body = $email_template['email_text'];
             if (REG_CONFIRMATION == "N") {
                 $reg_confirmation = $lang['email_template']['reg_confirmation'];
                 $body = str_replace("#Message#", $reg_confirmation, $body);
             $body = str_replace("#Password#", $reg_pass, $body);
             $body = str_replace("#Link#", BASE_URL, $body);
             $body = str_replace("#FullName#", $employee->full_name(), $body);
             $body = str_replace("#UserId#", $employee->username, $body);
             $body = str_replace("#Domain#", $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], $body);
//if user is logged in and session is valid.
if ($fbme) {
    //Calling users.getinfo legacy api call example
    try {
        $param = array('method' => 'users.getinfo', 'uids' => $fbme['id'], 'fields' => 'id, email, first_name, last_name, name, current_location, profile_url', 'callback' => '');
        $userInfo = $facebook->api($param);
        foreach ($userInfo as $key => $data) {
            $first_name = $data['first_name'];
            $last_name = $data['last_name'];
            $email = $data['email'];
            $id = $data['id'];
        $pass = create_new_password();
        $employee = new Employee();
        $employee->terms = 1;
        $username = explode("@", $email);
        $employee->username = $username[0];
        $employee->email_address = $email;
        $employee->passwd = $pass;
        $employee->confirm_passwd = $pass;
        $employee->fname = $first_name;
        $employee->sname = $last_name;
        $employee->country = "UK";
        $employee->employee_status = "active";
        $employee->is_active = "Y";
        $employee->extra_id = "facebook_" . $id;
        if ($employee->save()) {
            $user_id = $db->insert_id();