    echo $error;
    echo '</div>' . "\n";
<form role="form" method="post" name="pathfinder-form" id="pathfinder-form" action="<?php 
echo site_url('/taxonomy/save/' . $type);
echo create_bootstrap_input('text', 'name', array(), 'Term Name', '', '', isset($record->name) ? $record->name : '', '', 'Name of term', true);
echo create_bootstrap_input('text', 'description', array(), 'Description', '', '', isset($record->description) ? $record->description : '', '', 'Description/qualifier of term');
$weight_options = array();
for ($i = -50; $i < 51; $i++) {
    $weight_options[$i] = $i;
echo create_bootstrap_input('select', 'weight', $weight_options, 'Weight', '', '', isset($record->weight) ? $record->weight : '', 'style="width: 75px;"', 'Weight for term');
<input type="hidden" name="type" value="<?php 
echo $type;
" />
if (isset($update_ID)) {
    echo text_input('hidden', 'update_ID', '', '', $update_ID);
    echo text_input('button', 'cancel', 'btn btn-warning', '', 'Cancel', 'onclick="javascript: history.back()"');
    echo '&nbsp;';
echo text_input('submit', 'save', 'btn btn-primary', '', 'Save Term');
        $subject_options[$subject] = $subject;
echo create_bootstrap_input('select', 'subjects[]', $subject_options, 'Subject(s)', 'chosen-ajax', '', isset($record->subjects_array) && $record->subjects_array ? unserialize($record->subjects_array) : '', 'multiple="multiple" data-ajax-source="' . site_url('/taxonomy/ajax/subject') . '"', 'Give one or more subject/topic terms of this resource');
echo create_bootstrap_input('textarea', 'abstract', null, 'Abstract', '', '', isset($record->abstract) ? $record->abstract : '', '', 'Write an abstract in one or two paragraph explaining this resource');
echo create_bootstrap_input('text', 'classification', null, 'Classification', '', '', isset($record->classification) ? $record->classification : '', '', 'Give one or more in comma separated classification code in DDC, UDC or LC format related to this Subject');
echo create_bootstrap_input('select', 'location', $this->Taxonomy_model->getForSelect('location', 100, true), 'Resource Location', 'chosen-ajax', '', isset($record->location) ? $record->location : '', 'data-ajax-source="' . site_url('/taxonomy/ajax/location') . '"', 'Name of place where this resource located');
echo create_bootstrap_input('text', 'publish_year', null, 'Publish year', '', '', isset($record->publish_year) ? $record->publish_year : '', '', 'Year of publication of this resource');
echo create_bootstrap_input('select', 'publisher', $this->Taxonomy_model->getForSelect('publisher', 100, true), 'Publisher', 'chosen-ajax', '', isset($record->publisher) ? $record->publisher : '', 'data-ajax-source="' . site_url('/taxonomy/ajax/publisher') . '"', 'Name of publisher for this resource');
echo create_bootstrap_input('select', 'publish_place', $this->Taxonomy_model->getForSelect('place', 100, true), 'Publish Place', 'chosen-ajax', '', isset($record->publish_place) ? $record->publish_place : '', 'data-ajax-source="' . site_url('/taxonomy/ajax/place') . '"', 'Name of publisher for this resource');
echo create_bootstrap_input('select', 'format', $this->Taxonomy_model->getForSelect('format', 100, true), 'Format', '', '', isset($record->format) ? $record->format : '', '', 'Format of this resource');
echo create_bootstrap_input('select', 'language', $this->Taxonomy_model->getForSelect('language', 100, true), 'Language', '', '', isset($record->language) ? $record->language : '', '', 'Language of this resource content');
echo create_bootstrap_input('text', 'collation', null, 'Collation/Physical Description', '', '', isset($record->collation) ? $record->collation : '', '', 'Physical description of this resource such as page numbers');
echo create_bootstrap_input('text', 'doi_id', null, 'Digital Object Identifier (DOI)', '', '', isset($record->doi_id) ? $record->doi_id : '', '', 'DOI identifier of this resource');
echo create_bootstrap_input('text', 'isbn', null, 'ISBN', '', '', isset($record->isbn) ? $record->isbn : '', '', 'ISBN number');
echo create_bootstrap_input('text', 'issn', null, 'ISSN', '', '', isset($record->issn) ? $record->issn : '', '', 'ISSN number');
echo create_bootstrap_input('text', 'other_id', null, 'Other ID', '', '', isset($record->other_id) ? $record->other_id : '', '', 'Other ID/local ID for this resource');
echo create_bootstrap_input('text', 'url', null, 'URL', '', '', isset($record->url) ? $record->url : '', '', 'URL for this resource');
echo create_bootstrap_input('file', 'filename', array(), 'File', '', '', '', '', 'Digital file of this resource. DON\'T UPLOAD copyrighted material unless you have license to it');
if (isset($pathfinder_ID)) {
    echo text_input('hidden', 'pathfinder_ID', '', '', $pathfinder_ID);
if (isset($update_ID)) {
    echo text_input('hidden', 'update_ID', '', '', $update_ID);
echo text_input('submit', 'save', 'btn btn-primary', '', 'Save Resource');
$main_content = ob_get_clean();
require './assets/themes/default/index.tpl.php';
    $category_options[$category] = $category;
echo create_bootstrap_input('select', 'category', $category_options, 'Category', 'chosen', '', isset($record->category) ? $record->category : '', '', 'Choose category for this pathfinder', true);
echo create_bootstrap_input('text', 'scope', array(), 'Scope', '', '', isset($record->scope) ? $record->scope : '', '', 'Scope of this pathfinder');
echo create_bootstrap_input('text', 'target_users', array(), 'Target users', '', '', isset($record->target_users) ? $record->target_users : '', '', 'Intended user type for this pathfinder');
$subject_options = array();
$subjects = @unserialize($record->subjects_array);
if ($subjects) {
    foreach ($subjects as $subject) {
        $subject_options[$subject] = $subject;
echo create_bootstrap_input('select', 'subjects[]', $subject_options, 'Subject(s)', 'chosen-ajax', '', isset($record->subjects_array) ? unserialize($record->subjects_array) : '', 'multiple="multiple" data-ajax-source="' . site_url('/taxonomy/ajax/subject') . '"', 'Give one or more subject/topic terms of this pathfinder');
$types = $this->Taxonomy_model->getForSelect('type', 100);
$type_options = array();
foreach ($types as $type) {
    $type_options[$type] = $type;
echo create_bootstrap_input('select', 'hidden_type[]', $type_options, 'Hidden Resource Type', 'chosen', '', $hidden_type, 'multiple="multiple"', 'Choose category for this pathfinder', true);
echo create_bootstrap_input('file', 'image_filename', array(), 'Image', '', '', '', '', 'Optional image representing this pathfinder');
if (isset($update_ID)) {
    echo text_input('hidden', 'update_ID', '', '', $update_ID);
    echo text_input('hidden', 'update_ID', '', '', $update_ID);
    echo ' ';
echo text_input('submit', 'save', 'btn btn-primary', '', 'Save Pathfinder');
$main_content = ob_get_clean();
require './assets/themes/default/index.tpl.php';
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
$site_name_data = $this->Pathfinder_model->getConfig('site_name');
$contact_data = $this->Pathfinder_model->getConfig('content.contact');
$homepage_data = $this->Pathfinder_model->getConfig('content.homepage');
<form role="form" method="post" name="pathfinder-form" id="pathfinder-form" action="<?php 
echo site_url('/pathfinder/config/save');
echo create_bootstrap_input('text', 'site_name', array(), 'Site name', '', '', isset($site_name_data['site_name']) ? $site_name_data['site_name'] : '', '', 'Name of this pathfinder site');
echo create_bootstrap_input('textarea', 'contact', array(), 'Contact Information', '', '', isset($contact_data['content.contact']['content']) ? $contact_data['content.contact']['content'] : '', '', 'Library/Librarian contact information');
echo create_bootstrap_input('textarea', 'homepage', array(), 'Homepage Information', '', '', isset($homepage_data['content.homepage']['content']) ? $homepage_data['content.homepage']['content'] : '', '', 'Information that appears on the homepage');
echo text_input('submit', 'save', 'btn btn-primary', '', 'Save Configuration');
$main_content = ob_get_clean();
require './assets/themes/default/index.tpl.php';
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
<form role="form" name="user-form" id="user-form" method="post" action="<?php 
echo site_url('/user/save');
echo create_bootstrap_input('text', 'realname', array(), 'Real name', '', '', isset($record->realname) ? $record->realname : '', '', 'Real name of user', true);
echo create_bootstrap_input('text', 'username', array(), 'Login username', '', '', isset($record->username) ? $record->username : '', '', 'Name to be used on login page', true);
echo create_bootstrap_input('text', 'email', array(), 'E-mail', '', '', isset($record->email) ? $record->email : '', '', 'E-mail', true);
$group_options['Patron'] = 'Library Patron/User';
$group_options['Librarian'] = 'Librarian';
echo create_bootstrap_input('select', 'groups', $group_options, 'Group', '', '', isset($record->groups) ? $record->groups : '', '', 'Group for this user', true);
echo create_bootstrap_input('password', 'passwd', array(), 'Password', '', '', '', '', 'Password (case sensitive)', true);
echo create_bootstrap_input('password', 'passwd2', array(), 'Password Confirmation', '', '', '', '', 'Password Confirmation, must be exactly same with Password', true);
if (isset($update_ID)) {
    echo text_input('hidden', 'update_ID', '', '', $update_ID);
echo text_input('submit', 'save', 'btn btn-primary', '', 'Save Resource');
$main_content = ob_get_clean();
require './assets/themes/default/index.tpl.php';