 * main form generation code build the model to approximate HML, the form UI and the binding between UI and model
 * @staticvar   array [$dettypes] array detail type definitions for this database
 * @staticvar   object [$di] field name to index mapping for detail type definition
 * @staticvar   array [$rectypes] array record type structure definitions for this database
 * @staticvar   object [$ri] field name to index mapping for record field structure definition
 * @staticvar   object [$ti] field name to index mapping for term definition
 * @staticvar   array [$termLookup] array term structure definitions for the enumerations in this database
 * @staticvar   array [$relnLookup] array term structure definitions for the relationships in this database
 * @param       integer [$rt_id] the rectype locally unique identifier
 * @return      object an array of strings representing form, rtName, rtConceptID, rtDescription, and report on success
 * @uses        getXFormTypeFromBaseType()
 * @uses        createRecordLookup()
 * @uses        createTermSelect()
 * @uses        getTerms()
 * @uses        getAllDetailTypeStructures()
 * @uses        getAllRectypeStructures()
 * @uses        HEURIST_UPLOAD_DIR
 * @uses        HEURIST_BASE_URL
 * @uses        HEURIST_DBNAME
function buildform($rt_id)
    // mappings and lookups - static so we only retrieve once per service call
    static $dettypes, $di, $rectypes, $ri, $rid, $terms, $ti, $termLookup, $relnLookup;
    if (!$dettypes || !$di) {
        $dettypes = getAllDetailTypeStructures();
        $dettypes = $dettypes['typedefs'];
        $di = $dettypes['fieldNamesToIndex'];
    if (!$rectypes || !$ri || !$rid) {
        $rectypes = getAllRectypeStructures();
        $ri = $rectypes['typedefs']['commonNamesToIndex'];
        $rid = $rectypes['typedefs']['dtFieldNamesToIndex'];
    if (!$terms || !$ti || !$termLookup || !$relnLookup) {
        $terms = getTerms();
        $ti = $terms['fieldNamesToIndex'];
        $termLookup = $terms['termsByDomainLookup']['enum'];
        $relnLookup = $terms['termsByDomainLookup']['relation'];
    if (!array_key_exists($rt_id, $rectypes['typedefs'])) {
        error_log("rectypes " . print_r($rectypes['typedefs'][$rt_id], true));
        return array(null, null, null, null, "Rectype# {$rt_id} not found");
    $report = "";
    $rectype = $rectypes['typedefs'][$rt_id];
    //		error_log("rectype is ".print_r($rectype,true));
    //record type info
    $rtName = $rectypes['names'][$rt_id];
    //detail or field type info
    $fieldTypeConceptIDIndex = $di['dty_ConceptID'];
    $fieldTypeNameIndex = $di['dty_Name'];
    $fieldBaseTypeIndex = $di['dty_Type'];
    //record field info
    $fieldNameIndex = $rid['rst_DisplayName'];
    $fieldDefaultValIndex = $rid['rst_DefaultValue'];
    $fieldHelpTextIndex = $rid['rst_DisplayHelpText'];
    $fieldTermsListIndex = $rid['rst_FilteredJsonTermIDTree'];
    $fieldTermHeaderListIndex = $rid['rst_TermIDTreeNonSelectableIDs'];
    $fieldPtrRectypeIDsListIndex = $rid['rst_PtrFilteredIDs'];
    $fieldMaxRepeatIndex = $rid['rst_MaxValues'];
    $rtConceptID = $rectype['commonFields'][$ri['rty_ConceptID']];
    if (!$rtConceptID) {
        $rtConceptID = "0-" . $rt_id;
    $rtDescription = $rectype['commonFields'][$ri['rty_Description']];
    // output structure variables
    $model = "<instance>\n" . "<fhml id=\"heuristscholar.org:{$rtConceptID}\" version=\"" . date("Ymd") . "\">\n" . "<database id=\"" . HEURIST_DBID . "\" urlBase=\"" . HEURIST_BASE_URL . "\">" . HEURIST_DBNAME . "</database>\n" . "<query depth=\"0\" db=\"" . HEURIST_DBNAME . "\" q=\"t:{$rt_id}\" />\n" . "<generatedBy userID=\"" . get_user_id() . "\">" . get_user_name() . "</generatedBy>\n" . "<createdBy/>\n" . "<deviceID/>\n" . "<createTime/>\n" . "<uuid/>\n" . "<records count=\"1\">\n" . "<record depth=\"0\">\n" . "<type>\n" . "<conceptID>{$rtConceptID}</conceptID>\n" . "<label>{$rtName}</label>\n" . "</type>\n" . "<nonce/>\n" . "<details>\n";
    $bind = "<bind nodeset=\"createdBy\" type=\"string\" jr:preload=\"property\" jr:preloadParams=\"username\"/>\n" . "<bind nodeset=\"createTime\" type=\"dateTime\" jr:preload=\"timestamp\" jr:preloadParams=\"start\"/>\n" . "<bind nodeset=\"deviceID\" type=\"string\" jr:preload=\"property\" jr:preloadParams=\"deviceid\"/>\n" . "<bind nodeset=\"uuid\" type=\"string\" readonly=\"true()\" calculate=\"uuid()\"/>\n" . "<bind nodeset=\"records/record/nonce\" type=\"string\" readonly=\"true()\" calculate=\"concat(/fhml/deviceID,'|',/fhml/createTime,'|',/fhml/uuid)\"/>\n";
    $body = "<h:body>\n" . "<group appearance=\"field-list\">\n";
    $groupSeparator = "</group>\n" . "<group appearance=\"field-list\">\n";
    //@todo - sort by rst_DisplayOrder
    $fieldsLeft = count($rectype['dtFields']);
    $atGroupStart = true;
    //init separator detection for repatables
    foreach ($rectype['dtFields'] as $dt_id => $rt_dt) {
        if ($rt_dt[$rid['rst_NonOwnerVisibility']] == 'hidden') {
        // count down fields so we know when we hit the last one
        $dettype = $dettypes[$dt_id]['commonFields'];
        //get detail type description
        $baseType = $dettype[$fieldBaseTypeIndex];
        $fieldTypeName = $dettype[$fieldTypeNameIndex];
        $fieldName = $rt_dt[$fieldNameIndex];
        $fieldtype = getXFormTypeFromBaseType($baseType);
        $fieldMaxCount = $rt_dt[$fieldMaxRepeatIndex];
        $isRepeatable = $fieldMaxCount > 1 || $fieldMaxCount == NULL;
        //skip any unsupport field types
        if (!$fieldtype) {
            $report = $report . " {$rtName}." . $dettype[$fieldTypeNameIndex] . " ignored since type " . $baseType . " not supported<br/>";
            // not supported
        if ($fieldtype == "groupbreak" && $atGroupStart) {
            //skip double separator, note that this includes separators before non supported types
        if ($baseType == "resource") {
            $rtIDs = $dettype[$di['dty_PtrTargetRectypeIDs']];
            if (!$rtIDs || $rtIDs == "") {
                //unconstrained pointers not supported
                $report = $report . " {$rtName}." . $dettype[$fieldTypeNameIndex] . " ignored since unconstrained resource pointers are not supported<br/>";
        $dt_conceptid = $dettype[$fieldTypeConceptIDIndex];
        if (!$dt_conceptid) {
            $dt_conceptid = "0-" . $dt_id;
        $defaultValue = $rt_dt[$fieldDefaultValIndex];
        // load default value
        //for controlled vocabs convert any local term ID to it's concept ID
        if ($baseType == "enum" && array_key_exists("{$defaultValue}", $termLookup)) {
            $termID = $termLookup[$defaultValue][$ti['trm_ConceptID']];
            if ($termID) {
                $defaultValue = $termID;
            } else {
                $defaultValue = HEURIST_DBID . "-" . $defaultValue;
        } else {
            if ($baseType == "relation" && array_key_exists("{$defaultValue}", $relnLookup)) {
                $termID = $relnLookup[$defaultValue][$ti['trm_ConceptID']];
                if ($termID) {
                    $defaultValue = $termID;
                } else {
                    $defaultValue = HEURIST_DBID . "-" . $defaultValue;
        if ($fieldtype != "groupbreak") {
            $model = $model . "<dt{$dt_id} conceptID=\"{$dt_conceptid}\" type=\"{$fieldTypeName}\" name=\"{$fieldName}\">" . ($defaultValue ? htmlentities($defaultValue) : "") . "</dt" . $dt_id . ">\n";
        if ($rt_dt[$rid['rst_RequirementType']] == 'required') {
            $isrequired = 'required="true()"';
        } else {
            if ($rt_dt[$rid['rst_RequirementType']] == 'forbidden') {
                $isrequired = 'readonly="true()"';
            } else {
                $isrequired = '';
        $constraint = '';
        /* @todo
        			//constraint=". &gt; 10.51 and . &lt; 18.39" jr:constraintMsg="number must be between 10.51 and 18.39"
        // if repeatable vocab make it multi select. TODO: we should extend Heurist to include multi-select which is different than repeatable
        if ($fieldtype == "select1" && $isRepeatable) {
            $fieldtype = "select";
            $isRepeatable = false;
        $label = htmlentities($rt_dt[$fieldNameIndex]);
        $hint = htmlentities($rt_dt[$fieldHelpTextIndex]);
        $inputDefBody = "<label>{$label}</label>\n" . "<hint>{$hint}</hint>\n";
        $xpathPrefix = "/fhml/records/record/details/";
        $groupRepeatHdr = ($atGroupStart ? "" : $groupSeparator) . "<label>{$label}</label>\n" . "<repeat nodeset=\"/fhml/records/record/details/dt{$dt_id}\">\n";
        $groupRepeatFtr = "</repeat>\n" . ($fieldsLeft ? $groupSeparator : "");
        $atGroupStart = false;
        // past detection code so
        if ($fieldtype != "groupbreak") {
            $bind = $bind . "<bind nodeset=\"records/record/details/dt{$dt_id}\" type=\"{$fieldtype}\" {$isrequired} {$constraint}/>\n";
        if ($isRepeatable) {
            $body .= $groupRepeatHdr;
        if ($fieldtype == "select1" || $fieldtype == "select") {
            if ($baseType == "resource") {
                $body = $body . "<{$fieldtype} appearance=\"minimal\" ref=\"" . $xpathPrefix . "dt" . $dt_id . "\">\n" . $inputDefBody . createRecordLookup($rtIDs) . "</{$fieldtype}>\n";
            } else {
                $termIDTree = $dettype[$di['dty_JsonTermIDTree']];
                $disabledTermIDsList = $dettype[$di['dty_TermIDTreeNonSelectableIDs']];
                $fieldLookup = $baseType == "relation" ? $relnLookup : $termLookup;
                $body = $body . "<{$fieldtype} appearance=\"minimal\" ref=\"" . $xpathPrefix . "dt" . $dt_id . "\">\n" . $inputDefBody . createTermSelect($termIDTree, $disabledTermIDsList, $fieldLookup, false, $ti) . "</{$fieldtype}>\n";
        } else {
            if ($fieldtype == "binary") {
                //todo check for sketch type
                $isDrawing = false;
                $appearance = $dt_id == DT_DRAWING ? "draw" : "annotate";
                $body = $body . "<upload ref=\"" . $xpathPrefix . "dt{$dt_id}\" appearance=\"{$appearance}\"  mediatype=\"image/*\">\n" . $inputDefBody . "</upload>\n";
            } else {
                if ($fieldtype == "groupbreak") {
                    // if we get to here we have a legitament sepearator so break
                    $body .= $groupSeparator;
                    $atGroupStart = true;
                } else {
                    if ($dt_id == DT_COUNTER) {
                        //we have a counter field so let's launch the Inventory Counter
                        $body = $body . "<input appearance=\"ex:faims.android.INVENTORYCOUNT\" ref=\"" . $xpathPrefix . "dt{$dt_id}\">\n" . $inputDefBody . "</input>\n";
                    } else {
                        //all others and  $fieldtype=="geopoint"  as well
                        $body = $body . "<input ref=\"" . $xpathPrefix . "dt{$dt_id}\">\n" . $inputDefBody . "</input>\n";
        if ($isRepeatable) {
            $body .= $groupRepeatFtr;
            if ($fieldsLeft > 0) {
                $atGroupStart = true;
    $model = $model . "</details>\n" . "</record>\n" . "</records>\n" . "</fhml>\n" . "</instance>\n";
    $body = $body . "</group>\n" . "</h:body>\n";
    $form = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n" . "<h:html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2002/forms\" xmlns:h=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\" " . "xmlns:ev=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/xml-events\" " . "xmlns:xsd=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema\" " . "xmlns:jr=\"http://openrosa.org/javarosa\">\n" . "<h:head>\n" . "<h:title>{$rtName}</h:title>\n" . "<model>\n" . $model . $bind . "</model>\n" . "</h:head>\n" . $body . "</h:html>";
    return array($form, $rtName, $rtConceptID, $rtDescription, $report);
//parking address
echo createFormRowTextField('Parking Address', 'editDriverAddressLine1', $flag ? 'class="bg"' : '', false, "size='10px' value='" . $driverInfo['addressLine1'] . "'");
$flag = !$flag;
echo createFormRowTextField('Address Line 2', 'editDriverAddressLine2', $flag ? 'class="bg"' : '', false, "size='10px' value='" . $driverInfo['addressLine2'] . "'");
$flag = !$flag;
echo createFormRowTextField('City', 'editDriverAddressCity', $flag ? 'class="bg"' : '', false, "size='10px' value='" . $driverInfo['addressCity'] . "'");
$flag = !$flag;
echo createFormRow('State', $flag ? 'class="bg"' : '', false, createStateSelect($conexion, 'editDriverAddressState', $driverInfo['addressState']));
$flag = !$flag;
echo createFormRowTextField('Zip', 'editDriverAddressZip', $flag ? 'class="bg"' : '', false, "size='10px' value='" . $driverInfo['addressZip'] . "'");
$flag = !$flag;
echo createFormRowTextField('P.O.Box', 'editDriverAddressBox', $flag ? 'class="bg"' : '', false, "size='10px' value='" . $driverInfo['addressPOBox'] . "'");
$flag = !$flag;
echo createFormRow('Payment Terms', $flag ? 'class="bg"' : '', true, createTermSelect($conexion, 'editDriverTermId', $driverInfo['termId']));
$flag = !$flag;
echo createFormRowTextField('Percentage', 'editDriverPercentage', $flag ? 'class="bg"' : '', true, "size='10px' value='" . $driverInfo['driverPercentage'] . "'");
$flag = !$flag;
echo createFormRowTextField('Driver Start Date', 'editDriverStartDate', $flag ? 'class="bg"' : '', false, "size='10px' value='" . to_MDY($driverInfo['driverStartDate']) . "'");
$flag = !$flag;
echo createFormRow('Gender', $flag ? 'class="bg"' : '', true, arrayToSelect(array("0" => "--Select Gender--", "male" => "Male", "female" => "Female"), $driverInfo['driverGender'], 'editDriverGender', 'Gender', true));
$flag = !$flag;
echo createFormRow('Ethnicity', $flag ? 'class="bg"' : '', true, createEthnicitySelect($conexion, 'editDriverEthnicId', $driverInfo['ethnicId']));
$flag = !$flag;
echo createFormRow('Class', $flag ? 'class="bg"' : '', true, arrayToSelect(array("--Select Class--", "Class 1", "Class 2", "Class 3", "Class 4"), $driverInfo['driverClass'], 'editDriverClass', 'Class', true));
$flag = !$flag;
$flag = !$flag;
//parking address
echo createFormRowTextField('Parking Address', 'addressLine1', $flag ? 'class="bg"' : '', false, 'size=10px');
$flag = !$flag;
echo createFormRowTextField('Address Line 2', 'addressLine2', $flag ? 'class="bg"' : '', false, 'size=10px');
$flag = !$flag;
echo createFormRowTextField('City', 'addressCity', $flag ? 'class="bg"' : '', false, 'size=10px');
$flag = !$flag;
echo createFormRow('State', $flag ? 'class="bg"' : '', false, createStateSelect($conexion, 'addressState'));
$flag = !$flag;
echo createFormRowTextField('Zip', 'addressZip', $flag ? 'class="bg"' : '', false, 'size=10px');
$flag = !$flag;
echo createFormRowTextField('P.O.Box', 'addressBox', $flag ? 'class="bg"' : '', false, 'size=10px');
$flag = !$flag;
echo createFormRow('Payment Terms', $flag ? 'class="bg"' : '', true, createTermSelect($conexion, 'termId'));
$flag = !$flag;
echo createFormRowTextField('Percentage', 'percentage', $flag ? 'class="bg"' : '', true, 'size=10px');
$flag = !$flag;
echo createFormRowTextField('Driver Start Date', 'startDate', $flag ? 'class="bg"' : '', false, 'size=14px');
$flag = !$flag;
echo createFormRow('Gender', $flag ? 'class="bg"' : '', true, arrayToSelect(array("0" => "--Select Gender--", "male" => "Male", "female" => "Female"), "0", 'gender', 'Gender', true));
$flag = !$flag;
echo createFormRow('Ethnicity', $flag ? 'class="bg"' : '', true, createEthnicitySelect($conexion, 'ethnicId'));
$flag = !$flag;
echo createFormRow('Class', $flag ? 'class="bg"' : '', true, arrayToSelect(array("--Select Class--", "Class 1", "Class 2", "Class 3", "Class 4"), "0", 'driverClass', 'Class', true));
$flag = !$flag;