function includeDummyPartial($templateName, $vars = array(), $context = null)
     if (is_null($context)) {
         $context = createContext();
     if (false !== ($sep = strpos($templateName, '/'))) {
         $moduleName = substr($templateName, 0, $sep);
         $templateName = substr($templateName, $sep + 1);
     } else {
         $moduleName = 'module';
         // current module name
     $actionName = '_' . $templateName;
     $view = new sfTemplatingComponentPartialView($context, $moduleName, $actionName, '');
     try {
         return $view->render();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return false;
        public function doLoad($template, $renderer = 'php')
            $this->loaded = true;
            if ('invalidBool' === $template) {
                return false;
            } elseif ('invalidInt' === $template) {
                return 0;
            } elseif ('invalidString' === $template) {
                return '';
            return 'valid';
$context = createContext();
$view = new sfTemplatingComponentView($context, 'module', 'action', '');
$loader = new myLoader($view, $context, array('key' => 'value'));
$t->is($loader->configured, true, '->configure() is executed in the constructor');
$t->is($loader->getParameter('key'), 'value', '->getParameter() returns the value of the specified parameter');
$t->is($loader->getParameter('unknown-key'), null, '->getParameter() returns null if the specified parameter does not exist');
$t->is($loader->getParameter('unknown-key', 'default'), 'default', '->getParameter() returns the specified default value');
$t->is($loader->loaded, false, '->doLoad() is not executed in the constructor');
$t->is($loader->loaded, true, '->doLoad() is executed in the load() method');
$t->ok($loader->load('invalidBool') === false, '->laod() returns false if the doLoad() method returns false');
$t->ok($loader->load('invalidInt') === false, '->laod() returns false if the doLoad() method returns 0');
$t->ok($loader->load('invalidString') === false, '->laod() returns false if the doLoad() method returns empty string');
$agencyArray = $stmt->fetchAll();
$agencyId = $agencyArray[0]['agencyId'];
// Change '/' to '-' in  name, otherwise problem with filename
$agencyId = preg_replace('/\\//', '-', $agencyId);
$arrivalsFilename = 'dist/arrivals-' . $agencyId . '.jsonldstream';
$departuresFilename = 'dist/departures-' . $agencyId . '.jsonldstream';
// delete previous files
if (file_exists($arrivalsFilename)) {
if (file_exists($departuresFilename)) {
// Write context to the files
$context = createContext($agencyId);
writeToFile($arrivalsFilename, $context);
writeToFile($departuresFilename, $context);
// This holds array of dates with corresponding serviceIds
// We need serviceIds per day to query ordered arrivals/departures
$date_serviceIdsArray = [];
$arrivalNr = 1;
// counter for arrival @id
$departureNr = 1;
// counter for departure @id
// Let's generate list of dates with corresponding serviceId from calendars first
$sql = "\n        SELECT *\n          FROM calendars\n    ";
$stmt = $entityManager->getConnection()->prepare($sql);
$calendars = $stmt->fetchAll();
// When there are calendars