  * แสดงผล
 public function render(Request $request)
     // แอดมิน
     if (Login::isAdmin()) {
         // รายการที่ต้องการ
         $index = \Index\Menuwrite\Model::getMenu(self::$request->get('id')->toInt());
         if ($index) {
             // สร้างหรือแก้ไข
             // แสดงผล
             $section = Html::create('section');
             // breadcrumbs
             $breadcrumbs = $section->add('div', array('class' => 'breadcrumbs'));
             $ul = $breadcrumbs->add('ul');
             $ul->appendChild('<li><span class="icon-modules">{LNG_Menus} &amp; {LNG_Web pages}</span></li>');
             $ul->appendChild('<li><a href="{BACKURL?module=pages&id=0}">{LNG_Menus}</a></li>');
             $ul->appendChild('<li><span>{LNG_' . (empty($index->id) ? 'Create' : 'Edit') . '}</span></li>');
             $section->add('header', array('innerHTML' => '<h1 class="icon-write">' . $this->title() . '</h1>'));
             if ($index) {
                 // แสดงฟอร์ม
                 return $section->render();
     // 404.html
     return \Index\Error\Controller::page404();
  * แสดงผล
 public function render()
     // แอดมิน
     if (Login::isAdmin()) {
         // ภาษาที่ต้องการ
         $language = self::$request->get('language', Language::name())->toString();
         if (preg_match('/^[a-z]{2,2}$/', $language)) {
             // intro detail
             $template = ROOT_PATH . DATA_FOLDER . 'intro.' . $language . '.php';
             if (is_file($template)) {
                 $template = trim(preg_replace('/<\\?php exit([\\(\\);])?\\?>/', '', file_get_contents($template)));
             } else {
                 $template = '<p style="padding: 20px; text-align: center; font-weight: bold;"><a href="index.php">Welcome<br>ยินดีต้อนรับ</a></p>';
             // แสดงผล
             $section = Html::create('section');
             // breadcrumbs
             $breadcrumbs = $section->add('div', array('class' => 'breadcrumbs'));
             $ul = $breadcrumbs->add('ul');
             $ul->appendChild('<li><span class="icon-settings">{LNG_Site settings}</span></li>');
             $ul->appendChild('<li><span>{LNG_Intro Page}</span></li>');
             $section->add('header', array('innerHTML' => '<h1 class="icon-write">' . $this->title() . '</h1>'));
             // แสดงฟอร์ม
             $section->appendChild(createClass('Index\\Intro\\View')->render($language, $template));
             return $section->render();
     // 404.html
     return \Index\Error\Controller::page404();
  * แสดงผล
 public function render()
     // แอดมิน
     if (Login::isAdmin()) {
         // รายการที่ต้องการ
         $index = \Index\Mailwrite\Model::getIndex(self::$request->get('id')->toInt());
         // สร้างหรือแก้ไข
         $title = Language::get(empty($index->id) ? 'Create' : 'Edit');
         // แสดงผล
         $section = Html::create('section');
         // breadcrumbs
         $breadcrumbs = $section->add('div', array('class' => 'breadcrumbs'));
         $ul = $breadcrumbs->add('ul');
         $ul->appendChild('<li><span class="icon-settings">{LNG_Site settings}</span></li>');
         $ul->appendChild('<li><a href="{BACKURL?module=mailtemplate&id=0}">{LNG_Email template}</a></li>');
         $ul->appendChild('<li><span>' . $title . '</span></li>');
         $section->add('header', array('innerHTML' => '<h1 class="icon-write">' . $title . ' ' . $index->name . '</h1>'));
         if ($index) {
             // แสดงฟอร์ม
             return $section->render();
     // 404.html
     return \Index\Error\Controller::page404();
  * แสดงผล
 public function render(Request $request)
     // แอดมิน
     if (Login::isAdmin()) {
         // โมดูลที่ต้องการติดตั้ง
         $module = $request->get('m')->filter('a-z');
         $widget = $request->get('w')->filter('a-z');
         $this->module = $module !== '' ? $module : $widget;
         // แสดงผล
         $section = Html::create('section');
         // breadcrumbs
         $breadcrumbs = $section->add('div', array('class' => 'breadcrumbs'));
         $ul = $breadcrumbs->add('ul');
         if ($module !== '') {
             $ul->appendChild('<li><span class="icon-modules">{LNG_Module}</span></li>');
             $type = 'module';
         } elseif ($widget !== '') {
             $ul->appendChild('<li><span class="icon-widgets">{LNG_Widgets}</span></li>');
             $type = 'widget';
         } else {
             // 404.html
             return \Index\Error\Controller::page404();
         $section->add('header', array('innerHTML' => '<h1 class="icon-inbox">' . $this->title() . '</h1>'));
         // แสดงฟอร์ม
         $section->appendChild(createClass('Index\\Install\\View')->render($type, $this->module));
         return $section->render();
     // 404.html
     return \Index\Error\Controller::page404();
  * แสดงผล
 public function render()
     // แอดมิน
     if (Login::isAdmin()) {
         // แสดงผล
         $section = Html::create('section');
         // breadcrumbs
         $breadcrumbs = $section->add('div', array('class' => 'breadcrumbs'));
         $ul = $breadcrumbs->add('ul');
         $ul->appendChild('<li><span class="icon-modules">{LNG_Menus} &amp; {LNG_Web pages}</span></li>');
         $ul->appendChild('<li><a href="{BACKURL?module=mods&id=0}">{LNG_installed module}</a></li>');
         $section->add('header', array('innerHTML' => '<h1 class="icon-new">' . $this->title() . '</h1>'));
         // owner
         $modules = array();
         foreach (Gcms::$install_owners as $owner => $item) {
             if (file_exists(ROOT_PATH . 'modules/' . $owner . '/controllers/admin/init.php')) {
                 $class = ucfirst($owner) . '\\Admin\\Init\\Controller';
                 if (method_exists($class, 'description')) {
                     // get module description
                     $description = $class::description();
                     if (!empty($description)) {
                         $modules[$owner] = $description . ' [' . $owner . ']';
         // แสดงฟอร์ม
         return $section->render();
     // 404.html
     return \Index\Error\Controller::page404();
  * แสดงผล
 public function render()
     // แอดมิน
     if (Login::isAdmin()) {
         // ภาษาที่ต้องการ
         $language = self::$request->get('language', Language::name())->toString();
         if (preg_match('/^[a-z]{2,2}$/', $language)) {
             // maintenance detail
             $template = ROOT_PATH . DATA_FOLDER . 'maintenance.' . $language . '.php';
             if (is_file($template)) {
                 $template = trim(preg_replace('/<\\?php exit([\\(\\);])?\\?>/', '', file_get_contents($template)));
             } else {
                 $template = '<p style="padding: 20px; text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">Website Temporarily Closed for Maintenance, Please try again in a few minutes.<br>ปิดปรับปรุงเว็บไซต์ชั่วคราวเพื่อบำรุงรักษา กรุณาลองใหม่ในอีกสักครู่</p>';
             // แสดงผล
             $section = Html::create('section');
             // breadcrumbs
             $breadcrumbs = $section->add('div', array('class' => 'breadcrumbs'));
             $ul = $breadcrumbs->add('ul');
             $ul->appendChild('<li><span class="icon-settings">{LNG_Site settings}</span></li>');
             $ul->appendChild('<li><span>{LNG_Maintenance Mode}</span></li>');
             $section->add('header', array('innerHTML' => '<h1 class="icon-write">' . $this->title() . '</h1>'));
             // แสดงฟอร์ม
             $section->appendChild(createClass('Index\\Maintenance\\View')->render($language, $template));
             return $section->render();
     // 404.html
     return \Index\Error\Controller::page404();
  * แสดงผลกรอบ login
  * @param array $login ข้อมูลการ Login
  * @return string ฟอร์ม
 public static function init($login)
     // ฟอร์ม
     if ($login) {
         return createClass('Index\\Login\\View')->member($login);
     } else {
         return createClass('Index\\Login\\View')->login();
  * inint index
 public function index()
     // ถ้าไม่มีโมดูลเลือกหน้า home
     $module = empty($_GET['module']) ? 'home' : $_GET['module'];
     // สร้าง View
     $view = $this->createView('Index\\Index\\View');
     // template default
     $view->add(array('MENU' => createClass('Index\\Menu\\Controller')->render($module), 'TITLE' => 'Welcome to GCMS++', 'CONTENT' => \Template::load('', '', $module), 'TIME' => \Date::format()));
     // output เป็น HTML
  * แสดงผล
  * @param Request $request
 public function index(Request $request)
     // เริ่มต้นการใช้งาน Template
     // ถ้าไม่มีโมดูลเลือกหน้า home
     $module = $request->get('module', 'home')->toString();
     // สร้าง View
     $view = new \Kotchasan\View();
     // template default
     $view->setContents(array('/{MENU}/' => createClass('Index\\Menu\\Controller')->render($module), '/{TITLE}/' => self::$cfg->web_title, '/{CONTENT}/' => Template::load('', '', $module), '/{TIME}/' => Date::format()));
     // ส่งออกเป็น HTML
     echo $view->renderHTML();
  * Useronline
  * @param array $query_string
 public function index(Request $request)
     // ตรวจสอบ Referer
     if ($request->initSession() && $request->isReferer()) {
         // ตัวแปรป้องกันการเรียกหน้าเพจโดยตรง
         define('MAIN_INIT', __FILE__);
         // เวลาปัจจุบัน
         $time = time();
         // sesssion ปัจจุบัน
         $session_id = session_id();
         // เวลาหมดอายุ
         $validtime = $time - self::$cfg->counter_gap;
         // ตาราง useronline
         $useronline = $this->getFullTableName('useronline');
         // ลบคนที่หมดเวลาและตัวเอง
         $this->db()->delete($useronline, array(array('time', '<', $validtime), array('session', $session_id)), 0, 'OR');
         // เพิ่มตัวเอง
         $save = array('time' => $time, 'session' => $session_id, 'ip' => $request->getClientIp());
         $login = Login::isMember();
         if ($login) {
             $save['member_id'] = (int) $login['id'];
             $save['displayname'] = $login['displayname'] == '' ? $login['email'] : $login['displayname'];
         $this->db()->insert($useronline, $save);
         // คืนค่า user online
         $ret = array('time' => $time);
         // โหลด useronline ของ module
         $dir = ROOT_PATH . 'modules/';
         $f = @opendir($dir);
         if ($f) {
             while (false !== ($text = readdir($f))) {
                 if ($text != "." && $text != "..") {
                     if (is_dir($dir . $text)) {
                         if (is_file($dir . $text . '/controllers/useronline.php')) {
                             include $dir . $text . '/controllers/useronline.php';
                             $class = ucfirst($text) . '\\Useronline\\Controller';
                             if (method_exists($class, 'index')) {
                                 $ret = createClass($class)->index($ret);
         // คืนค่า JSON
         echo json_encode($ret);
  * แสดงผลโมดูล Index
  * @param Request $request
  * @param Object $module ข้อมูลโมดูลจาก database
  * @return object||null คืนค่าข้อมูลหน้าที่เรียก ไม่พบคืนค่า null
 public function init(Request $request, $module)
     // เรียกจากโมดูล index
     $index = null;
     if (!empty($module->module_id)) {
         $index = \Index\Index\Model::getIndex((int) $module->module_id);
     } elseif (!empty($module->id)) {
         $index = \Index\Index\Model::getIndexById((int) $module->id);
     if ($index) {
         // view (index)
         return createClass('Index\\Index\\View')->render($index);
     return null;
  * มาจากการเรียกด้วย Ajax
  * @param Request $request
 public function index(Request $request)
     // ตรวจสอบ Referer
     if ($request->initSession() && $request->isReferer()) {
         // ตัวแปรป้องกันการเรียกหน้าเพจโดยตรง
         define('MAIN_INIT', __FILE__);
         // กำหนด skin ให้กับ template
         // ค่าจาก POST
         $query_string = $request->getParsedBody();
         // เรียก Class ที่กำหนด
         if (!empty($query_string['class']) && preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/', $query_string['method']) && method_exists($query_string['class'], $query_string['method'])) {
             $method = $query_string['method'];
  * หน้าแก้ไขข้อมูลส่วนตัว
  * @param Request $request
  * @return object
 public function render(Request $request)
     if ($login = Login::isMember()) {
         // tab ที่เลือก
         $tab = $request->request('tab')->toString();
         $member_tabs = array_keys(Gcms::$member_tabs);
         $tab = in_array($tab, $member_tabs) ? $tab : reset($member_tabs);
         $index = (object) array('description' => self::$cfg->web_description);
         // รายการ tabs
         $tabs = array();
         if (!empty($login['fb'])) {
         foreach (Gcms::$member_tabs as $key => $values) {
             if ($values[0] != '') {
                 if ($key == $tab) {
                     $class = "tab select {$key}";
                     $index->topic = Language::get($values[0]);
                     $className = $values[1];
                 } else {
                     $class = "tab {$key}";
                 if (preg_match('/^http:\\/\\/.*/', $values[1])) {
                     $tabs[] = '<li class="' . $class . '"><a href="' . $values[1] . '">' . Language::get($values[0]) . '</a></li>';
                 } else {
                     $tabs[] = '<li class="' . $class . '"><a href="{WEBURL}index.php?module=editprofile&amp;tab=' . $key . '">' . Language::get($values[0]) . '</a></li>';
         if (empty($className)) {
             // FB และแก้ไขรหัสผ่าน
             return createClass('Index\\PageNotFound\\Controller')->init($request, 'index');
         } else {
             $template = Template::create('member', 'member', 'main');
             $template->add(array('/{TAB}/' => implode('', $tabs), '/{DETAIL}/' => createClass($className)->render($request)));
             $index->detail = $template->render();
             $index->keywords = $index->topic;
             // menu
             $index->menu = 'member';
             return $index;
     } else {
         // ไม่ได้ login
         return createClass('Index\\PageNotFound\\Controller')->init($request, 'index');
  * แสดงผล sitemap.xml
  * @param Request $request
 public function index(Request $request)
     // ตัวแปรป้องกันการเรียกหน้าเพจโดยตรง
     define('MAIN_INIT', __FILE__);
     // create Response
     $response = new Response();
     // XML
     $content = '<' . '?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?' . '>';
     $content .= '<urlset xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9"';
     $content .= ' xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"';
     $content .= ' xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9';
     $content .= ' http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9/sitemap.xsd">';
     // วันนี้
     $cdate = date('Y-m-d');
     // view
     $view = new \Index\Sitemap\View();
     // หน้าหลัก
     $content .= $view->render(WEB_URL . 'index.php', $cdate);
     // โมดูลที่ติดตั้งแล้ว
     $modules = array();
     $owners = array();
     foreach (\Index\Sitemap\Model::getModules() as $item) {
         $modules[$item->id] = $item->module;
         $owners[$item->owner][] = $item->id;
         $content .= $view->render(Gcms::createUrl($item->module, '', 0, 0, $item->language == '' ? '' : 'lang=' . $item->language), $cdate);
     // modules
     $dir = ROOT_PATH . 'modules/';
     $f = @opendir($dir);
     if ($f) {
         while (false !== ($owner = readdir($f))) {
             if ($owner != '.' && $owner != '..' && $owner != 'index') {
                 if (is_file($dir . $owner . '/controllers/sitemap.php')) {
                     include $dir . $owner . '/controllers/sitemap.php';
                     foreach (createClass(ucfirst($owner) . '\\Sitemap\\Controller')->init($owners[$owner], $modules, $cdate) as $item) {
                         $content .= $view->render($item->url, $item->date);
     $content .= '</urlset>';
     // send Response
     $response->withContent($content)->withHeader('Content-Type', 'application/xml; charset=UTF-8')->send();
  * แสดงผล
 public function render()
     // แอดมิน
     if ($login = Login::isAdmin()) {
         $section = Html::create('section');
         // breadcrumbs
         $breadcrumbs = $section->add('div', array('class' => 'breadcrumbs'));
         $ul = $breadcrumbs->add('ul');
         $ul->appendChild('<li><span class="icon-email">{LNG_Mailbox}</span></li>');
         $ul->appendChild('<li><span>{LNG_Email send}</span></li>');
         $section->add('header', array('innerHTML' => '<h1 class="icon-email-sent">' . $this->title() . '</h1>'));
         // แสดงฟอร์ม
         return $section->render();
     // 404.html
     return \Index\Error\Controller::page404();
  * แสดงผล
 public function render()
     // แอดมิน
     if (Login::isAdmin()) {
         // แสดงผล
         $section = Html::create('section');
         // breadcrumbs
         $breadcrumbs = $section->add('div', array('class' => 'breadcrumbs'));
         $ul = $breadcrumbs->add('ul');
         $ul->appendChild('<li><span class="icon-home">{LNG_Home}</span></li>');
         $section->add('header', array('innerHTML' => '<h1 class="icon-dashboard">' . $this->title() . '</h1>'));
         // แสดงฟอร์ม
         return $section->render();
     } else {
         // 404.html
         return \Index\Error\Controller::page404();
  * แสดงผล
 public function render()
     // แอดมิน
     if (Login::isAdmin()) {
         // แสดงผล
         $section = Html::create('section');
         // breadcrumbs
         $breadcrumbs = $section->add('div', array('class' => 'breadcrumbs'));
         $ul = $breadcrumbs->add('ul');
         $ul->appendChild('<li><a class="icon-user" href="index.php?module=member">{LNG_Users}</a></li>');
         $section->add('header', array('innerHTML' => '<h1 class="icon-register">' . $this->title() . '</h1>'));
         // แสดงฟอร์ม
         return $section->render();
     // 404.html
     return \Index\Error\Controller::page404();
  * แสดงผล
 public function render()
     // แอดมิน
     if (Login::isAdmin()) {
         // แสดงผล
         $section = Html::create('section');
         // breadcrumbs
         $breadcrumbs = $section->add('div', array('class' => 'breadcrumbs'));
         $ul = $breadcrumbs->add('ul');
         $ul->appendChild('<li><span class="icon-tools">{LNG_Tools}</span></li>');
         $section->add('header', array('innerHTML' => '<h1 class="icon-language">' . $this->title() . '</h1>'));
         // แสดงตาราง
         return $section->render();
     // 404.html
     return \Index\Error\Controller::page404();
  * แสดงผล
 public function render(Request $request)
     // แอดมิน
     if (Login::isAdmin()) {
         // แสดงผล
         $section = Html::create('section');
         // breadcrumbs
         $breadcrumbs = $section->add('div', array('class' => 'breadcrumbs'));
         $ul = $breadcrumbs->add('ul');
         $ul->appendChild('<li><span class="icon-modules">{LNG_Menus} &amp; {LNG_Web pages}</span></li>');
         $ul->appendChild('<li><span>{LNG_installed module}</span></li>');
         $section->add('header', array('innerHTML' => '<h1 class="icon-modules">' . $this->title() . '</h1>'));
         // แสดงตาราง
         return $section->render();
     } else {
         // 404.html
         return \Index\Error\Controller::page404();
  * แสดงผล
 public function render()
     // แอดมิน
     if (Login::isAdmin()) {
         // แสดงผล
         $section = Html::create('section');
         // breadcrumbs
         $breadcrumbs = $section->add('div', array('class' => 'breadcrumbs'));
         $ul = $breadcrumbs->add('ul');
         $ul->appendChild('<li><span class="icon-settings">{LNG_Site settings}</span></li>');
         $section->add('header', array('innerHTML' => '<h1 class="icon-config">' . $this->title() . '</h1>'));
         // โหลด config
         $config = Config::load(ROOT_PATH . 'settings/config.php');
         // แสดงฟอร์ม
         return $section->render();
     // 404.html
     return \Index\Error\Controller::page404();
  * GLoader
  * @param Request $request
 public function index(Request $request)
     // session cookie
     // กำหนด skin ให้กับ template
     // ตรวจสอบโมดูลที่เรียก
     $index = \Index\Export\Model::module($request->get('module')->toString());
     if ($index) {
         $className = ucfirst($index->owner) . '\\Export\\Controller';
         if (method_exists($className, 'init')) {
             $detail = createClass($className)->init($request, $index);
         if ($detail != '') {
             $view = new \Kotchasan\View();
             $view->setContents(array('/{CONTENT}/' => $detail));
             echo $view->renderHTML(Template::load('', '', 'print'));
     // ไม่พบโมดูลหรือไม่มีสิทธิ
     new \Kotchasan\Http\NotFound();
  * หน้าส่งอีเมล์
  * สมาชิกส่งจดหมายถึงสมาชิก และ แอดมิน
  * @param Request $request
  * @return object
 public function render(Request $request)
     // สมาชิก
     if ($login = Login::isMember()) {
         // ค่าที่ส่งมา
         $to = strtolower($request->get('to')->filter('0-9a-zA-Z'));
         if (preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/', $to)) {
             $reciever = \Index\Sendmail\Model::getUser($to);
             $to = '';
             foreach ($reciever as $id => $item) {
                 $to_msg = empty($item['name']) ? $item['email'] : $item['name'];
                 $to = $id;
         } elseif ($to == 'admin') {
             $to_msg = self::$cfg->member_status[1];
         } else {
             $to = '';
         if ($to != '') {
             // antispam
             $antispam = new Antispam();
             // ข้อมูลส่งกลับ
             $index = (object) array('topic' => Language::replace('Send a message to the :name', array(':name' => $to_msg)), 'keywords' => self::$cfg->web_title, 'description' => self::$cfg->web_description, 'module' => 'sendmail');
             $template = Template::create('member', 'member', 'sendmail');
             $template->add(array('/{TOPIC}/' => $index->topic, '/{ANTISPAM}/' => $antispam->getId(), '/{ANTISPAMVAL}/' => Login::isAdmin() ? $antispam->getValue() : '', '/{RECIEVER}/' => $to_msg, '/{SENDER}/' => $login['email'], '/{RECIEVERID}/' => $to));
             $index->detail = $template->render();
             // breadcrumbs
             $index->canonical = WEB_URL . 'index.php?module=sendmail&to=' . $to;
             Gcms::$view->addBreadcrumb($index->canonical, $index->topic);
             return $index;
     // ไม่สามารถส่งอีเมล์ได้
     $message = Language::get('Unable to send e-mail, Because you can not send e-mail to yourself or can not find the email address of the recipient.');
     return createClass('Index\\PageNotFound\\Controller')->init($request, 'member', $message);
  * แสดงผล
 public function render()
     // แอดมิน
     if (Login::isAdmin()) {
         // รายการที่ต้องการ
         $id = self::$request->get('id')->toString();
         $title = Language::get(empty($id) ? 'Create' : 'Edit');
         // แสดงผล
         $section = Html::create('section');
         // breadcrumbs
         $breadcrumbs = $section->add('div', array('class' => 'breadcrumbs'));
         $ul = $breadcrumbs->add('ul');
         $ul->appendChild('<li><span class="icon-settings">{LNG_Site settings}</span></li>');
         $ul->appendChild('<li><a href="{BACKURL?module=languages&id=0}">{LNG_Language}</a></li>');
         $ul->appendChild('<li><span>' . $title . '</span></li>');
         $section->add('header', array('innerHTML' => '<h1 class="icon-language">' . $title . ' {LNG_Language} ' . $id . '</h1>'));
         // แสดงฟอร์ม
         return $section->render();
     } else {
         // 404.html
         return \Index\Error\Controller::page404();
  * แสดงผลโมดูล Index
  * @param Request $request
  * @param Object $module ข้อมูลโมดูลจาก database
  * @return object||null คืนค่าข้อมูลหน้าที่เรียก ไม่พบคืนค่า null
 public function init(Request $request, $module)
     return createClass('Index\\Search\\View')->render(\Index\Search\Model::findAll($request, $module));
  * แสดงผล
  * @param Request $request
 public function index(Request $request)
 public function activate(Request $request)
     return createClass('Index\\Activate\\View')->render($request);
	function exec($args, $stdin, &$stdout, &$stderr, &$system)
		if (!isAdmin())
			$stderr = ucf(i18n("not enough rights to create class"));
			return true;
		switch ($this->stage)
			case 1:
				$this->name = $args;
				$stdout = "$args\n";
				$stdout .= ucf(i18n("enter icon:"));
				$this->stage = 2;
				return false;
			case 2:
				$this->icon = $args;
				$stdout = "$args\n";
				$stdout .= ucf(i18n("are you sure you want to create this class"))." (Y/n)?";
				$this->stage = 3;
				return false;
			case 3:
				if (empty($args) || strtolower($args) == "y" || strtolower($args) == "yes")
					$result = createClass($this->name, $this->icon);
					if (is_numeric($result) || $result === true)
						$stdout = ucf(i18n("created new class successfully"));
						$this->stage = 0;
						return true;
					$stderr = $result;
					$this->stage = 0;
					return true;
				$stdout = ucf(i18n("aborted by user"));
				$this->stage = 0;
				return true;
		if (empty($args))
			$stdout = ucf(i18n("enter name:"));
			$this->stage = 1;
			$this->name = $args;
			$stdout .= ucf(i18n("enter icon:"));
			$this->stage = 2;
		return false;
/* Create Mocks */
$callbacks_during_save = array('beforeCreate','beforeValidation','beforeValidationOnUpdate','beforeValidationOnCreate','beforeSave','beforeUpdate','beforeDestroy',

function createClass ($classname, $parent, $functions, $function_body){
    $class_code = "class $classname extends $parent {";
    foreach ($functions as $function){
        $class_code .= "public function $function(){".$function_body."}";
    $class_code .= "}";

createClass('TestCallback','ActiveRecord',$callbacks_during_save,'$this->__called[]=__FUNCTION__;return true;');
createClass('TestObserver','AkObserver',$callbacks_during_save,'$this->__called[]=__FUNCTION__;return true;');

/* Test */
class TestCase_AkActiveRecord_callbacks extends  AkUnitTest
    public function test_start()
        if (!isset($this->Observer)) $this->Observer = new TestObserver($this->TestCallback);

    public function tearDown()
        $this->Observer->__called = array();
  * โหลด GCMS เพื่อแสดงผลหน้าเว็บไซต์
 public function run()
     return createClass(self::$defaultRouter)->inint(self::$defaultController);
function handleCreateCourse()
    global $classID, $className, $classes, $configFolderName, $dbConnection;
    global $session, $department, $courseNo, $sectionNo, $season;
    global $yteststudent_hashed_id, $iteststu_guest_id, $bteststu_basic_id;
    global $command, $commandState;
    global $Jenny_hashed_id, $Thomas_hashed_id;
    // get the command itself
    $command = Commands::CreateCourse;
    // get the state of the command
    $commandState = CommandStates::Execute;
    if (!empty($_POST)) {
        if (!(array_key_exists('session', $_POST) && array_key_exists('season', $_POST))) {
            $errors .= "Fatal Error: Session Year or Season is empty. This may be a bug<br/><br/>";
        } else {
            $session = $_POST['session'];
            $season = $_POST['season'];
        $is_SIS_course = $_POST['is_SIS_course'];
        if ($is_SIS_course == "yes") {
            $department = $_POST['department'];
            $courseNo = $_POST['course_number'];
            $sectionNo = $_POST['section_number'];
            $department = strtoupper($department);
        } else {
            $className = $_POST['course_name'];
            if (is_null($className) || strlen($className) == 0) {
                $errors .= "Error: You must enter a class name<br/>";
        $instructorIDs = $_POST['instructor_id'];
        $taIDs = $_POST['TA_ids'];
        // validate inputs
        if (!empty($instructorIDs)) {
            $instructorIDs = UTIL_textArea2Array($instructorIDs);
        } else {
            $errors .= "Fatal Error: Instructor List is Empty!<br/><br/>";
        if (!empty($taIDs)) {
            $taIDs = UTIL_textArea2Array($taIDs);
        // Extra admin hash ids, TODO: factor into an array for neatness
        $extraAdminHashIDs = array();
        $extraAdminHashIDs[] = $Jenny_hashed_id;
        $extraAdminHashIDs[] = $Thomas_hashed_id;
        // Extra student hash ids
        $extraStudentHashIDs = array();
        $extraStudentHashIDs[] = $yteststudent_hashed_id;
        if ($is_SIS_course == "yes") {
            if (is_null($courseNo) || strlen($courseNo) == 0) {
                $errors .= "Error: you must enter a course number<br/>";
            } else {
                if (is_numeric(substr($courseNo, 0, 3))) {
                    if (strlen($courseNo) == 4) {
                        if (!is_alpha(substr($courseNo, 3, 1))) {
                            $errors .= "Error: course number must be three digits plus an optional letter, ex. '300' or '300B'<br/><br/>";
                } else {
                    $errors .= "Error: course number must be three digits plus an optional letter, ex. '301' or '301A'<br/><br/>";
            if (is_null($sectionNo) || strlen($sectionNo) == 0) {
                $errors .= "Error: you must enter a section number<br/>";
            } else {
                // pad section number to three digits
                while (strlen($sectionNo) < 3) {
                    $sectionNo = "0" . $sectionNo;
            // Assemble the name
            $className = getCourseName($department, $courseNo, $sectionNo);
            $className = $className . "_{$session}{$season}";
            if (in_array($className, $classes)) {
                $errors .= "Error: {$className} already exists<br/><br/>";
        } else {
            $className = $className . "_{$session}{$season}";
            if (in_array($className, $classes)) {
                $errors .= "Error: {$className} already exists<br/><br/>";
        if (empty($errors)) {
            print "<b>Course Name to be Created: {$className}</b><br/><br/>";
            print "<b>Instructors List:</b><br/>";
            DEBUG_printSimpleArray($instructorIDs, 1);
            print "<br/><br/>";
            print "<b>TA's List:</b><br/>";
            DEBUG_printSimpleArray($taIDs, 1);
            print "<br/><br/>";
            print "<b>Creating Instructor Account(s) if Not Yet Existed</b><br/>";
            if (!empty($instructorIDs)) {
                // The rest of the debug messages (SQL output) goes into a text area, for neatness
                print "<div style=\"min-width:1024px;text-align:center;font-size:75%\">";
                print "<div style=\"margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;border:1px solid gray;height:200px;width:1030px;white-space:pre-wrap;overflow:scroll;\">";
                $instructorIDs = createUsers($instructorIDs, INSTRUCTOR, $dbConnection);
                print "</div></div><br/>";
            } else {
                print "Nothing To Do...<br/><br/>";
            print "<b>";
            if (!empty($taIDs)) {
                print "Creating Teaching Assistant Account(s) if Not Yet Existed<br/>";
            } else {
                print "There are no TA's in the Course (for now)<br/><br/>";
            print "</b>";
            if (!empty($taIDs)) {
                // The rest of the debug messages (SQL output) goes into a text area, for neatness
                print "<div style=\"min-width:1024px;text-align:center;font-size:75%\">";
                print "<div style=\"margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;border:1px solid gray;height:200px;width:1030px;white-space:pre-wrap;overflow:scroll;\">";
                $taIDs = createUsers($taIDs, TA, $dbConnection);
                print "</div></div><br/>";
            print "<b>";
            if (!empty($extraAdminHashIDs)) {
                print "Creating Extra Administrator Account(s) - Arts Helpdesk, LC, etc.<br/>";
            } else {
                print "There are no extra admin accounts in the course for now.<br/><br/>";
            print "</b>";
            $extraAdminIDs = null;
            if (!empty($extraAdminHashIDs)) {
                // The rest of the debug messages (SQL output) goes into a text area, for neatness
                print "<div style=\"min-width:1024px;text-align:center;font-size:75%\">";
                print "<div style=\"margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;border:1px solid gray;height:200px;width:1030px;white-space:pre-wrap;overflow:scroll;\">";
                $extraAdminIDs = createUsers($extraAdminHashIDs, INSTRUCTOR, $dbConnection, true);
                print "</div></div><br/>";
            print "<b>";
            if (!empty($extraStudentHashIDs)) {
                print "Creating Extra Student Account(s) for Testing (yteststudent, iteststu, bteststu)<br/>";
            } else {
                print "There are no extra student accounts in the course for now.<br/><br/>";
            print "</b>";
            $extraStudentIDs = null;
            if (!empty($extraStudentHashIDs)) {
                // The rest of the debug messages (SQL output) goes into a text area, for neatness
                print "<div style=\"min-width:1024px;text-align:center;font-size:75%\">";
                print "<div style=\"margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;border:1px solid gray;height:200px;width:1030px;white-space:pre-wrap;overflow:scroll;\">";
                $extraStudentIDs = createUsers($extraStudentHashIDs, STUDENT, $dbConnection, true);
                print "</div></div><br/>";
            // initial student list
            $studentIDs = $extraStudentIDs;
            // create and populate class
            $classID = createClass($className, $dbConnection);
            // merge admin lists
            $instructorIDs = array_merge($instructorIDs, $extraAdminIDs);
            addInstructorAndTAs($classID, $instructorIDs, $taIDs, $dbConnection);
            // create default groups
            $users = new users();
            print "<b>Create Default Group {$className}" . "_everyone</b><br/><br/>";
            $groupName = $className . "_everyone";
            // This can deal with a null userID list, only instructorID and classID is utterly necessary
            $users->createGroup($groupName, $studentIDs, $instructorIDs, $classID);
            // Instructors and TA
            print "<b>Create Default Group {$className}" . "_instructorAndTA</b><br/><br/>";
            $groupName = $className . "_instructorAndTA";
            $users->createGroup($groupName, null, $instructorIDs, $classID);
            // set default UI for each user, first, let's merge all the arrays created so far.
            if (empty($taIDs)) {
                $allIDs = array_merge($instructorIDs, $studentIDs);
            } else {
                $allIDs = array_merge($instructorIDs, $taIDs, $studentIDs);
            print "<h3>Course Creation Successful!</h3>";
            printOutputPageFooting($commandState, $className);
        } else {
            print "{$errors}";
            printOutputPageFooting(CommandStates::Error, $className);
    } else {
        print "<br/><span style=\"color:red;font-weight:bold\">\r\n\t\t\t\tFATAL ERROR! POST parameter list empty. You may have found a bug.<br/>\r\n\t\t\t\tPlease email thomas.dang@ubc.ca with as much info as possible of the context when this error appears.<br/>\r\n\t\t\t\t</span>\r\n\t\t\t\t<br/>";