_e("Forgot Password?", 'modal-forgot-password'); ?> </h4> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <form id="forgot_form" class="auth-form forgot_form"> <div class="form-group"> <label for="forgot_user_email"><?php _e('Enter your email here', 'modal-forgot-password'); ?> </label> <input type="text" class="form-control" id="user_email" name="user_email" /> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> <?php if (function_exists('cptch_display_captcha')) { echo "<input type='hidden' name='cntctfrm_contact_action' value='true' />"; echo cptch_display_captcha(); } ?> <div class="clearfix"></div> <button type="submit" class="btn-submit btn-sumary btn-sub-create"> <?php _e('Send', 'modal-forgot-password'); ?> </button> </form> </div> </div><!-- /.modal-content --> </div><!-- /.modal-dialog --> </div><!-- /.modal -->
function cptch_reload() { check_ajax_referer('cptch', 'cptch_nonce'); echo cptch_display_captcha(); die; }
function cptch_register_form() { global $cptch_options; // the captcha html - register form echo '<p style="text-align:left;">'; if ("" != $cptch_options['cptch_label_form']) { echo '<label>' . $cptch_options['cptch_label_form'] . '</label><br />'; } echo '<br />'; cptch_display_captcha(); echo '</p> <br />'; return true; }
function wpmu_cptch_register_form($errors) { global $cptch_options; /* the captcha html - register form */ echo '<div class="cptch_block">'; if ("" != $cptch_options['cptch_label_form']) { echo '<label style="word-wrap: break-word;">' . $cptch_options['cptch_label_form'] . '<span class="required"> ' . $cptch_options['cptch_required_symbol'] . '</span></label><br />'; } if (is_wp_error($errors)) { $error_codes = $errors->get_error_codes(); if (is_array($error_codes) && !empty($error_codes)) { foreach ($error_codes as $error_code) { if ("captcha_" == substr($error_code, 0, 8)) { $error_message = $errors->get_error_message($error_code); echo '<p class="error">' . $error_message . '</p>'; } } } } cptch_display_captcha(); echo '</div><br />'; }
function cptch_register_form() { global $cptch_options; // the captcha html - register form echo '<p class="cptch_block" style="text-align:left;">'; if ("" != $cptch_options['cptch_label_form']) { echo '<label for="cptch_input">' . stripslashes($cptch_options['cptch_label_form']) . '</label><br />'; } echo '<br />'; cptch_display_captcha(); echo '</p> <br />'; return true; }
function frm_add_cptch_field($form, $action, $errors = '') { //insert captcha global $cptch_options, $frm_next_page, $frm_vars; // skip captcha if user is logged in and the settings allow if (is_admin() and !defined('DOING_AJAX') or is_user_logged_in() && 1 == $cptch_options['cptch_hide_register']) { return; } //skip if there are more pages for this form if (is_array($errors) and !isset($errors['cptch_number']) or is_array($frm_vars) and isset($frm_vars['next_page']) and isset($frm_vars['next_page'][$form->id]) or is_array($frm_next_page) and isset($frm_next_page[$form->id])) { return; } if (!function_exists('cptch_display_captcha') && !function_exists('cptchpr_display_captcha')) { _e('You are missing the BWS Captcha plugin', 'cptch'); return; } $opt = get_option('frm_cptch'); if ($opt and in_array($form->id, (array) $opt)) { return; } unset($opt); // captcha html echo '<div id="frm_field_cptch_number_container" class="form-field frm_top_container">'; if ('' != $cptch_options['cptch_label_form']) { echo '<label class="frm_primary_label">' . $cptch_options['cptch_label_form'] . '</label>'; } if (function_exists('cptch_display_captcha')) { cptch_display_captcha(); } else { if (function_exists('cptchpr_display_captcha')) { cptchpr_display_captcha(); } else { return; } } if (!isset($cptch_options['cptch_str_key'])) { global $str_key; update_option('frmcpt_str_key', $str_key); } if (is_array($errors) and isset($errors['cptch_number'])) { echo '<div class="frm_error">' . $errors['cptch_number'] . '</div>'; } echo '</div>'; }