function create_tables() { global $errors, $DFLT; //$PHP_SELF = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; $gallery_dir = strtr(dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), '\\', '/'); $protocol = isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? 'https' : 'http'; $gallery_url_prefix = $protocol . '://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $gallery_dir . (substr($gallery_dir, -1) == '/' ? '' : '/'); $db_schema = "{$DFLT['sql_d']}/schema.sql"; $db_basic = "{$DFLT['sql_d']}/basic.sql"; if (($sch_open = fopen($db_schema, 'r')) === FALSE) { $errors .= "<hr /><br />The file '{$db_schema}' could not be found. Check that you have uploaded all Coppermine files to your server<br /><br />"; return; } else { $sql_query = fread($sch_open, filesize($db_schema)); if (($bas_open = fopen($db_basic, 'r')) === FALSE) { $errors .= "<hr /><br />The file '{$db_basic}' could not be found. Check that you have uploaded all Coppermine files to your server<br /><br />"; return; } else { $sql_query .= fread($bas_open, filesize($db_basic)); } } require 'include/'; $password_params = explode(':', cpg_password_create_hash($_POST['admin_password'])); // Insert the admin account $sql_query .= "INSERT INTO CPG_users (user_id, user_group, user_active, user_name, user_password, user_password_salt, user_password_hash_algorithm, user_password_iterations, user_lastvisit, user_regdate, user_group_list, user_email, user_profile1, user_profile2, user_profile3, user_profile4, user_profile5, user_profile6, user_actkey ) VALUES (1, 1, 'YES', '{$_POST['admin_username']}', '{$password_params[HASH_PBKDF2_INDEX]}', '{$password_params[HASH_SALT_INDEX]}', '{$password_params[HASH_ALGORITHM_INDEX]}', '{$password_params[HASH_ITERATION_INDEX]}', NOW(), NOW(), '', '{$_POST['admin_email']}', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');\n"; // Set configuration values for image package $sql_query .= "REPLACE INTO CPG_config VALUES ('thumb_method', '{$_POST['thumb_method']}');\n"; $sql_query .= "REPLACE INTO CPG_config VALUES ('impath', '{$_POST['impath']}');\n"; $sql_query .= "REPLACE INTO CPG_config VALUES ('ecards_more_pic_target', '{$gallery_url_prefix}');\n"; $sql_query .= "REPLACE INTO CPG_config VALUES ('gallery_admin_email', '{$_POST['admin_email']}');\n"; // Enable silly_safe_mode if test has shown that it is not configured properly if (test_silly_safe_mode() == TRUE) { $sql_query .= "REPLACE INTO CPG_config VALUES ('silly_safe_mode', '1');\n"; } // Test write permissions for main dir if (!is_writable('.')) { $sql_query .= "REPLACE INTO CPG_config VALUES ('default_dir_mode', '0777');\n"; $sql_query .= "REPLACE INTO CPG_config VALUES ('default_file_mode', '0666');\n"; } // Update table prefix $sql_query = preg_replace('/CPG_/', $_POST['table_prefix'], $sql_query); $sql_query = remove_remarks($sql_query); $sql_query = split_sql_file($sql_query, ';'); foreach ($sql_query as $q) { if (!mysql_query($q)) { $errors .= "MySQL Error: " . mysql_error() . " on query '{$q}'<br /><br />"; return; } } }
function check_user_info(&$error) { global $CONFIG; global $lang_register_php, $lang_common, $lang_register_approve_email; global $lang_register_user_login, $lang_errors; $superCage = Inspekt::makeSuperCage(); $user_name = trim(get_post_var('username')); $password = trim(get_post_var('password')); $password_again = trim(get_post_var('password_verification')); $email = trim(get_post_var('email')); $profile1 = $superCage->post->getEscaped('user_profile1'); $profile2 = $superCage->post->getEscaped('user_profile2'); $profile3 = $superCage->post->getEscaped('user_profile3'); $profile4 = $superCage->post->getEscaped('user_profile4'); $profile5 = $superCage->post->getEscaped('user_profile5'); $profile6 = $superCage->post->getEscaped('user_profile6'); $agree_disclaimer = $superCage->post->getEscaped('agree'); $captcha_confirmation = $superCage->post->getEscaped('confirmCode'); $sql = "SELECT null FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_USERS']} WHERE user_name = '{$user_name}'"; $result = cpg_db_query($sql); if ($result->numRows(free)) { $error = '<li style="list-style-image:url(images/icons/stop.png)">' . $lang_register_php['err_user_exists'] . '</li>'; return false; } if (utf_strlen($user_name) < 2) { $error .= '<li style="list-style-image:url(images/icons/stop.png)">' . $lang_register_php['username_warning2'] . '</li>'; } if (!empty($CONFIG['global_registration_pw'])) { $global_registration_pw = get_post_var('global_registration_pw'); if ($global_registration_pw != $CONFIG['global_registration_pw']) { $error .= '<li style="list-style-image:url(images/icons/stop.png)">' . $lang_register_php['err_global_pw'] . '</li>'; } elseif ($password == $CONFIG['global_registration_pw']) { $error .= '<li style="list-style-image:url(images/icons/stop.png)">' . $lang_register_php['err_global_pass_same'] . '</li>'; } } if (utf_strlen($password) < 2) { $error .= '<li style="list-style-image:url(images/icons/stop.png)">' . $lang_register_php['password_warning1'] . '</li>'; } if ($password == $user_name) { $error .= '<li style="list-style-image:url(images/icons/stop.png)">' . $lang_register_php['password_warning2'] . '</li>'; } if ($password != $password_again) { $error .= '<li style="list-style-image:url(images/icons/stop.png)">' . $lang_register_php['password_verification_warning1'] . '</li>'; } if (!Inspekt::isEmail($email)) { $error .= '<li style="list-style-image:url(images/icons/stop.png)">' . $lang_register_php['email_warning2'] . '</li>'; } if ($CONFIG['user_registration_disclaimer'] == 2 && $agree_disclaimer != 1) { $error .= '<li style="list-style-image:url(images/icons/stop.png)">' . $lang_register_php['err_disclaimer'] . '</li>'; } // Perform the ban check against email address and username $result = cpg_db_query("SELECT null FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_BANNED']} WHERE user_name = '{$user_name}' AND brute_force = 0 LIMIT 1"); if ($result->numRows(true)) { $error .= '<li style="list-style-image:url(images/icons/stop.png)">' . $lang_register_php['user_name_banned'] . '</li>'; } $result = cpg_db_query("SELECT null FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_BANNED']} WHERE email = '{$email}' AND brute_force = 0 LIMIT 1"); if ($result->numRows(true)) { $error .= '<li style="list-style-image:url(images/icons/stop.png)">' . $lang_register_php['email_address_banned'] . '</li>'; } // check captcha if ($CONFIG['registration_captcha'] != 0) { if (!captcha_plugin_enabled('register')) { require "include/"; if (!PhpCaptcha::Validate($captcha_confirmation)) { $error .= '<li style="list-style-image:url(images/icons/stop.png)">' . $lang_errors['captcha_error'] . '</li>'; } } else { $error = CPGPluginAPI::filter('captcha_register_validate', $error); } } if (!$CONFIG['allow_duplicate_emails_addr']) { $sql = "SELECT null FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_USERS']} WHERE user_email = '{$email}'"; $result = cpg_db_query($sql); if ($result->numRows(true)) { $error = '<li style="list-style-image:url(images/icons/stop.png)">' . $lang_register_php['err_duplicate_email'] . '</li>'; } } $error = CPGPluginAPI::filter('register_form_validate', $error); if ($error != '') { return false; } if ($CONFIG['reg_requires_valid_email'] || $CONFIG['admin_activation']) { $active = 'NO'; list($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime()); $seed = (double) $sec + (double) $usec * 100000; srand($seed); $act_key = md5(uniqid(rand(), 1)); } else { $active = 'YES'; $act_key = ''; } require 'include/'; $password_params = explode(':', cpg_password_create_hash($password)); $sql = "INSERT INTO {$CONFIG['TABLE_USERS']} (user_regdate, user_active, user_actkey, user_name, user_password, user_password_salt, user_password_hash_algorithm, user_password_iterations, user_email, user_profile1, user_profile2, user_profile3, user_profile4, user_profile5, user_profile6, user_language) VALUES (NOW(), '{$active}', '{$act_key}', '{$user_name}', '{$password_params[HASH_PBKDF2_INDEX]}', '{$password_params[HASH_SALT_INDEX]}', '{$password_params[HASH_ALGORITHM_INDEX]}', '{$password_params[HASH_ITERATION_INDEX]}', '{$email}', '{$profile1}', '{$profile2}', '{$profile3}', '{$profile4}', '{$profile5}', '{$profile6}', '{$CONFIG['lang']}')"; $result = cpg_db_query($sql); $user_array = array(); $user_array['user_id'] = cpg_db_last_insert_id(); $user_array['user_name'] = $user_name; $user_array['user_email'] = $email; $user_array['user_active'] = $active; CPGPluginAPI::action('register_form_submit', $user_array); if ($CONFIG['log_mode']) { log_write('New user "' . $user_name . '" registered', CPG_ACCESS_LOG); } // Create a personal album if corresponding option is enabled if ($CONFIG['personal_album_on_registration'] == 1) { $user_id = cpg_db_last_insert_id(); $catid = $user_id + FIRST_USER_CAT; cpg_db_query("INSERT INTO {$CONFIG['TABLE_ALBUMS']} (`title`, `category`, `owner`) VALUES ('{$user_name}', {$catid}, {$user_id})"); } // Registrations must be activated/verified by the user clicking a link in an email if ($CONFIG['reg_requires_valid_email']) { // Mail the user the activation/verification link $act_link = rtrim($CONFIG['site_url'], '/') . '/register.php?activate=' . $act_key; $template_vars = array('{SITE_NAME}' => $CONFIG['gallery_name'], '{USER_NAME}' => $user_name, '{ACT_LINK}' => $act_link); if (!cpg_mail($email, sprintf($lang_register_php['confirm_email_subject'], $CONFIG['gallery_name']), nl2br(strtr($lang_register_php['confirm_email'], $template_vars)))) { cpg_die(CRITICAL_ERROR, $lang_register_php['failed_sending_email'], __FILE__, __LINE__); } msg_box($lang_register_php['information'], $lang_register_php['thank_you'], $lang_common['continue'], 'index.php'); } else { if ($CONFIG['admin_activation']) { // We need admin activation only msg_box($lang_register_php['information'], $lang_register_php['thank_you_admin_activation'], $lang_common['continue'], 'index.php'); } else { // No activation required, account is ready for login msg_box($lang_register_php['information'], $lang_register_php['acct_active'], $lang_common['continue'], 'index.php'); } } // email notification or actication link to admin if ($CONFIG['reg_notify_admin_email'] || $CONFIG['admin_activation'] && !$CONFIG['reg_requires_valid_email']) { if (UDB_INTEGRATION == 'coppermine') { // get default language in which to inform the admins $result = cpg_db_query("SELECT user_id, user_email, user_language FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_USERS']} WHERE user_group = 1"); while ($row = $result->fetchAssoc()) { if (!empty($row['user_email'])) { $admins[$row['user_id']] = array('email' => $row['user_email'], 'lang' => $row['user_language']); } } $result->free(); } else { //@todo: is it possible to get the language from bridged installs? $admins[] = array('email' => $CONFIG['gallery_admin_email'], 'lang' => 'english'); } foreach ($admins as $admin) { //check if the admin language is available if (file_exists("lang/{$admin['lang']}.php")) { $lang_register_php_def = cpg_get_default_lang_var('lang_register_php', $admin['lang']); $lang_register_approve_email_def = cpg_get_default_lang_var('lang_register_approve_email', $admin['lang']); } else { $lang_register_php_def = cpg_get_default_lang_var('lang_register_php'); $lang_register_approve_email_def = cpg_get_default_lang_var('lang_register_approve_email'); } // if the admin has to activate the login, give them the link to do so; but only if users don't have to verify their email address if ($CONFIG['admin_activation'] && !$CONFIG['reg_requires_valid_email']) { $act_link = rtrim($CONFIG['site_url'], '/') . '/register.php?activate=' . $act_key; $template_vars = array('{SITE_NAME}' => $CONFIG['gallery_name'], '{USER_NAME}' => $user_name, '{ACT_LINK}' => $act_link); cpg_mail($admin['email'], sprintf($lang_register_php_def['notify_admin_request_email_subject'], $CONFIG['gallery_name']), nl2br(strtr($lang_register_approve_email_def, $template_vars))); } elseif ($CONFIG['reg_notify_admin_email']) { // otherwise, email is for information only cpg_mail($admin['email'], sprintf($lang_register_php_def['notify_admin_email_subject'], $CONFIG['gallery_name']), sprintf($lang_register_php_def['notify_admin_email_body'], $user_name)); } } } return true; }
function createAdmin() { global $CONFIG, $config, $language; if (!isset($config['admin_username']) || $config['admin_username'] == '') { $GLOBALS['error'] = $language['no_admin_username']; return false; } if (!isset($config['admin_password']) || $config['admin_password'] == '') { $GLOBALS['error'] = $language['no_admin_password']; return false; } if (!isset($config['admin_email']) || $config['admin_email'] == '') { $GLOBALS['error'] = $language['no_admin_email']; return false; } require 'include/'; $password_params = explode(':', cpg_password_create_hash($config['admin_password'])); // Insert the admin account $sql_query = "INSERT INTO {$config['db_prefix']}users " . "(user_group, user_active, user_name, user_password, user_password_salt, " . " user_password_hash_algorithm, user_password_iterations, user_lastvisit, " . " user_regdate, user_group_list, user_email, user_profile1, user_profile2, " . " user_profile3, user_profile4, user_profile5, user_profile6, user_actkey) " . "VALUES " . "(1, 'YES', '{$config['admin_username']}', '{$password_params[HASH_PBKDF2_INDEX]}', " . " '{$password_params[HASH_SALT_INDEX]}', '{$password_params[HASH_ALGORITHM_INDEX]}', '{$password_params[HASH_ITERATION_INDEX]}', " . " NOW(), NOW(), '', '{$config['admin_email']}', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');\n"; // Set gallery admin mail $sql_query .= "REPLACE INTO CPG_config VALUES ('gallery_admin_email', '{$config['admin_email']}');\n"; // Update table prefix $sql_query = preg_replace('/CPG_/', $config['db_prefix'], $sql_query); require_once 'include/sql_parse.php'; $sql_query = remove_remarks($sql_query); $sql_query = split_sql_file($sql_query, ';'); // Get a connection with the db. // if (!checkSqlConnection()) { // return false; // } foreach ($sql_query as $q) { if (!cpg_db_query($q)) { $GLOBALS['error'] = $language['dbase_error'] . cpg_db_getError() . ' ' . $language['on_q'] . " '{$q}'"; return false; } } return true; }
function cpg_password_create_update_string($password) { $password_params = explode(':', cpg_password_create_hash($password)); return "user_password = '******', user_password_salt = '{$password_params[HASH_SALT_INDEX]}', user_password_hash_algorithm = '{$password_params[HASH_ALGORITHM_INDEX]}', user_password_iterations = '{$password_params[HASH_ITERATION_INDEX]}'"; }