function cpg_akismet_submit_data($variable_array, $type = '') { global $akismet_config; $result = cpg_akismet_verify_key(); if ($result != TRUE) { return FALSE; } if ($type == 'ham') { $submit_type = 'submit-ham'; } elseif ($type == 'spam') { $submit_type = 'submit-spam'; } else { $submit_type = 'comment-check'; } $variable_array['blog'] = $akismet_config['blog']; $host = $akismet_config['key'] . '.' . $akismet_config['akismet_host']; $url = 'http://' . $host . '/' . $akismet_config['akismet_version'] . '/' . $submit_type; $result = cpg_akismet_send($variable_array, $host, $url); // Akismet sends the a lower-case string "true" back, not to be confused with a boolean! // We convert this to a boolean return value. if ($result[1] == 'true') { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } }
list($timestamp, $form_token) = getFormToken(); echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"form_token\" value=\"{$form_token}\" />\n <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"timestamp\" value=\"{$timestamp}\" /></form>"; if ($CONFIG['comment_akismet_api_key'] != '') { print '<br /><a name="akismet"></a>'; starttable('-2', $icon_array['info'] . $lang_reviewcom_php['akismet'], 2); print <<<EOT <tr> <td class="tableb" colspan="2"> EOT; print sprintf($lang_reviewcom_php['akismet_count'] . '.', '<strong>' . cpg_float2decimal($CONFIG['comment_akismet_counter']) . '</strong>'); print <<<EOT </td> </tr> EOT; $test_text = sprintf($lang_reviewcom_php['akismet_test_result'], '<strong>' . $CONFIG['comment_akismet_api_key'] . '</strong>'); $result = cpg_akismet_verify_key(); if (stripos($result[0], '404 Not Found') != FALSE) { $test_result = $icon_array['cancel'] . $lang_reviewcom_php['not_found']; $test_error = $result[0]; } elseif (stripos($result[1], 'Error') != FALSE) { $test_result = $icon_array['stop'] . $lang_reviewcom_php['unknown_error']; $test_error = $result[1]; } elseif ($result == TRUE) { $test_result = $icon_array['ok'] . $lang_common['ok']; $test_error = ''; } elseif (stripos($result[0], 'Empty "blog" value') != FALSE) { $test_result = $icon_array['stop'] . $lang_reviewcom_php['missing_gallery_url']; $test_error = ''; } elseif ($result[1] == 'invalid') { $test_result = $icon_array['stop'] . $lang_reviewcom_php['invalid']; $test_error = '';