function bl_frontend_form_submit_check($post) { if (isset($post['post_id']) && is_numeric($post['post_id']) && $post['post_id'] != 0) { $data = get_option("bepro_listings"); //check if in-sufficient funds $uid = get_current_user_id(); $current_points = cp_getPoints($uid); //if insufficient funds then abort listing save altogether if ($current_points == 0) { header("Location: " . get_bloginfo("url") . "/?p=" . $data["redirect_need_funds"]); } //update cubepoint records $new_points = $current_points - $data["charge_amount"]; cp_updatePoints($uid, $new_points); cp_log("listing", $uid, -$data["charge_amount"], "Listing payment"); } }
function bp_gameful_check_rules() { global $wp, $bp; if (preg_match("/^\\/blogging-tips\\/\$/i", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) { cp_log('Read blogging tips', $bp->loggedin_user->id, 1, 'Gameful'); } }
/** * Function called when a comment has been deleted or marked as SPAM * * @param int id Comment id * @access public */ function sk_actionDelete($id) { global $wpdb; //Getcomment data $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . "schreikasten"; $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$table_name} WHERE id={$id}"; $comments = $wpdb->get_results($sql); if (count($comments) > 0) { foreach ($comments as $comment) { if (function_exists('cp_alterPoints') && $comment->user_id >= 0) { cp_alterPoints($comment->user_id, -get_option('cp_del_comment_points')); cp_log('schreikasten', $comment->user_id, -get_option('cp_del_comment_points'), $comment->id); } } } }
/** Set points and add to logs */ function cp_points_set($type, $uid, $points, $data) { $points = apply_filters('cp_points_set', $points, $type, $uid, $data); $difference = $points - cp_getPoints($uid); cp_updatePoints($uid, $points); cp_log($type, $uid, $difference, $data); }