function counterize_options_display_sendreportnow_callback() { echo "<input id='counterize_setting_sendreportnow' name='counterize_options[sendreportnow]' type='checkbox' value='wantsendreportnow' />"; if (isset($_SESSION['counterize_report_status'])) { if ($_SESSION['counterize_report_status'] == 'sent') { counterize_updateText(__('Report sent!', COUNTERIZE_TD)); unset($_SESSION['counterize_report_status']); } elseif ($_SESSION['counterize_report_status'] == 'error') { counterize_updateText(__('Error. The report could not be sent! Possible causes: <ol> <li>Create the email address</li> <li>Settings SMTP and smtp_port need to be set in your php.ini</li> <li>Either set the sendmail_from setting in php.ini</li> </ol>', COUNTERIZE_TD)); unset($_SESSION['counterize_report_status']); } } }
function counterize_display_dashboard_history_page_callback() { // Amount to pass as option to the graphs... $amount2 = counterize_get_option('amount2'); if ($amount2 == '' || $amount2 == ' ' || !is_numeric($amount2)) { $amount2 = 10; } echo ' <div id="icon-plugins" class="icon32"></div> <h1>' . __('Counterize', COUNTERIZE_TD) . ' - ' . __('Dashboard', COUNTERIZE_TD) . ' - ' . __('History', COUNTERIZE_TD) . '</h1> '; if (current_user_can('manage_options')) { $updateText = ''; if (isset($_GET['killmass']) && check_admin_referer('action_killmass')) { if ($_GET['killmass'] == 'yes') { if (isset($_POST['counterize_killemall'])) { foreach ($_POST['counterize_killemall'] as $key => $val) { $val = intval($val); counterize_killEntry($val); $updateText .= __('Entry: ' . $val . ' removed<br />', COUNTERIZE_TD); } counterize_updateText($updateText); unset($updateText); } } } // For the zap-an-entry-option if (isset($_GET['kill']) && check_admin_referer('action_uri_kill')) { $val = intval($_GET['kill']); counterize_killEntry($val); counterize_updateText(__('Deleting entry ', COUNTERIZE_TD) . $val); } //Show latest entries counterize_show_history('counterize_dashboard_history', true); } //Print the footer counterize_pagefooter(); }