function GetFactionIcon($chatpath, $faction) { global $handler; $faction = intval($faction); $result = count_mysql_query("SELECT icon FROM uo_chat_faction WHERE id={$faction} AND chat='{$chatpath}'", $handler); if (mysql_num_rows($result) && ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result))) { return $row[0]; } mysql_free_result($result); return NULL; }
function GetViewers($pid) { global $handler; $pid = trim($pid); $numview = 0; if (mt_rand(0, 10) == 5) { @count_mysql_query("DELETE FROM uo_chat WHERE utime<'" . (time() - 300) . "'", $handler, "std_uo.php: GetViewers() 1/2"); } $result = @count_mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT ip FROM uo_chat WHERE chat='{$pid}' AND utime>'" . (time() - 300) . "'", $handler, "std_uo.php: GetViewers() 2/2"); $numview = @mysql_numrows($result); @mysql_free_result($result); return $numview; }
$urlblock = $logblock; } if (!empty($altdata)) { $chatpath = $altdata; } else { $chatpath = ereg_replace(".*/([^/]+)/gui_opt.php\$", "chat\\1", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); if ($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] != '' && strstr($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], '')) { $chatpath = preg_replace('/(.*?)\\.pjj\\.cc/is', 'chat\\1', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); } } $fn = "options.php"; $flags = ChatVerifyLogin($_REQUEST['login'], $_REQUEST['password'], $chatpath); $bing = GetChatPrefs($chatpath); if (!empty($message) && CheckFlags("oXZmM", $flags)) { @count_mysql_query("DELETE FROM uo_chat_adminlog WHERE stamp<DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL 28 DAY)", $handler); @count_mysql_query("INSERT INTO uo_chat_adminlog\n\t\t\t(page_id,chat_id,user_id,user_ip,stamp)\n\t\t\tVALUES (\n\t\t\t2,\n\t\t\t{$GLOBALS['biglog']['chat_id']},\n\t\t\t{$GLOBALS['biglog']['user_id']},\n\t\t\t'{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}',\n\t\t\tnow()\n\t\t\t)", $handler); $fi = fopen($fn, "w"); if (!$fi) { die("An error occured trying to write to the file."); } fwrite($fi, "<?php\n\$banwords = array (\n"); for ($cc = 0; $cc < count($_REQUEST['iname']); $cc++) { if (trim($_REQUEST['iname'][$cc]) != "") { fwrite($fi, var_export(stripslashes(trim($_REQUEST['iname'][$cc])), true) . " => " . var_export(stripslashes(trim($_REQUEST['ifile'][$cc])), true) . ",\n"); } } fwrite($fi, ");\n\$images = array(\n"); for ($cc = 0; $cc < count($_REQUEST['images']); $cc++) { fwrite($fi, "\"" . trim($_REQUEST['images'][$cc]) . "\",\n"); } fwrite($fi, ");\n\$jbbc = array(\n");
function GenerateXML($last = 0, $info = 0) { global $realpath, $handler, $maxlines, $ctitle, $nview; header('Content-Type: text/xml'); $rez = count_mysql_query("SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(MAX(posttime)) as stamp FROM uo_chat_log WHERE chat='{$realpath}'", $handler, "reader.php: GenerateXML() 1/1"); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rez); mysql_free_result($rez); if (!empty($last) && $last >= intval($row['stamp'])) { header('HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified'); die; } // $last = 0; $last = intval(MMC_Get($realpath . '.xml.last')); if (empty($info) && !empty($last) && $last >= intval($row['stamp'])) { $output = MMC_Get($realpath . '.xml.output'); if (!empty($output)) { echo $output; echo '<!-- cached version -->', "\n"; die; } } MMC_Set($realpath . '.xml.last', intval($row['stamp']), 900); $tz = date('Z'); $path = mb_substr($realpath, 4); $rez = @count_mysql_query("SELECT count(chat) FROM uo_chat_ulist WHERE chat='{$realpath}' AND utime>" . (time() - 300) . "", $handler, "reader.php: GenerateXML() 1/1"); $active = mysql_fetch_row($rez); $active = intval($active[0]); mysql_free_result($rez); $rez = @count_mysql_query("SELECT count(chat) FROM uo_chat_ulist WHERE chat='{$realpath}'", $handler, "reader.php: GenerateXML() 1/1"); $chatters = mysql_fetch_row($rez); $chatters = intval($chatters[0]); mysql_free_result($rez); $output = ''; $output .= '<' . '?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?' . ">\n"; $xinfo = <<<XMLEND <info> \t<chat>{$path}</chat> \t<title>{$ctitle}</title> \t<lastpost>{$row['stamp']}</lastpost> \t<timezone>{$tz}</timezone> \t<viewers>{$nview}</viewers> \t<chatters>{$chatters}</chatters> \t<active>{$active}</active> </info> XMLEND; if (!empty($info)) { echo $output; echo $xinfo; return; } $output .= <<<XMLEND <reader> \t{$xinfo} \t<lines> XMLEND; $rez = @count_mysql_query("SELECT\n\t\tUNIX_TIMESTAMP(posttime) as stamp,ident,username,line,rawpost,\n\t\txmlpost,color\n\t\tFROM uo_chat_log\n\t\tWHERE\n\t\tchat='{$realpath}'\n\t\tORDER BY posttime DESC LIMIT {$maxlines}\n\t\t", $handler, "reader.php: GenerateXML() 1/1"); for ($i = 0; $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rez); $i++) { $row['line'] = EncodeLtGt($row['line']); $row['rawpost'] = EncodeLtGt($row['rawpost']); $row['xmlpost'] = EncodeLtGt($row['xmlpost']); $output .= <<<XMLEND \t\t<line> \t\t\t<id>{$i}</id> \t\t\t<ident>{$row['ident']}</ident> \t\t\t<color>#{$row['color']}</color> \t\t\t<username>{$row['username']}</username> \t\t\t<posttime>{$row['stamp']}</posttime> \t\t\t<fullpost>{$row['line']}</fullpost> \t\t\t<rawpost>{$row['rawpost']}</rawpost> \t\t\t<post>{$row['xmlpost']}</post> \t\t</line> XMLEND; } $output .= <<<XMLEND \t</lines> </reader> XMLEND; echo $output; echo '<!-- generated fresh -->', "\n"; MMC_Set($realpath . '.xml.output', $output, 900); }
} echo "</td>\n\n<td valign=top align=right>\n<!-- <a href='register/viewer.php' target=_blank><img alt='Profiles' src='{$images['9']}' border=0></a><br> -->\n<img src='{$images['14']}' border=0><br>"; //* if (!empty($_SESSION[$realpath]['user']['uid'])) { $result = @count_mysql_query("SELECT count(*) as cnt FROM uo_chat_message WHERE rcpt_uid=" . $_SESSION[$realpath]['user']['uid'] . " AND archived='no'", $handler, "sendmsg.php: Check 'private msg' 1/1"); $nmsg = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); $rmsg = intval($nmsg['cnt']); mysql_free_result($result); $result = @count_mysql_query("SELECT count(*) as cnt FROM uo_chat_message WHERE rcpt_uid=" . $_SESSION[$realpath]['user']['uid'] . " AND unread='yes'", $handler, "sendmsg.php: Check 'private msg' 1/1"); $nmsg = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); $umsg = intval($nmsg['cnt']); mysql_free_result($result); if (!empty($umsg)) { echo '[<span style="color: #ff0000;">', $umsg, '</span>] '; } $result = @count_mysql_query("SELECT count(*) as cnt FROM uo_chat_message WHERE rcpt_uid=" . $_SESSION[$realpath]['user']['uid'] . " AND archived='yes'", $handler, "sendmsg.php: Check 'private msg' 1/1"); $nmsg = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); $amsg = intval($nmsg['cnt']); mysql_free_result($result); $button = "<img alt='{$umsg}/{$rmsg}/{$amsg} unread/read/archived messages' src='{$images[6]}' border=0>"; if (!preg_match('@^(ht|f)tps?://@ui', $images[6])) { $button = $images[6]; } echo "<a href='reader.php?p=msgs&uid=", $_SESSION[$realpath]['user']['uid'], "' target='TextWindow' title='", $umsg, "/", $rmsg, "/", $amsg, " unread/read/archived messages'>{$button}</a>"; echo "<br><img src='", $images[14], "' border=0><br>"; } //*/ if (!empty($musiclink)) { $button = "<img alt='Misc' src='{$images[7]}' border=0>"; if (!preg_match('@^(ht|f)tps?://@ui', $images[7])) { $button = $images[7];
function ClearIgnore($userident, $chatpath) { global $handler; @count_mysql_query("DELETE FROM uo_chat_ignore WHERE chat='{$chatpath}' AND auth='{$userident}'", $handler, "ignore.php: ClearIgnore() 1/1"); }
function CacheChatLines() { global $realpath, $handler, $start, $maxlines; $result = @count_mysql_query("SELECT line, posttime FROM uo_chat_log WHERE chat='{$realpath}' ORDER BY posttime DESC LIMIT {$maxlines}", $handler, "helpers.php: CacheChatLines() 1/2"); $oldest = null; $lines = array(); while ($line = @mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $lines[] = $line['line']; $oldest = $line['posttime']; } for ($i = 0; $i < count($lines); $i++) { $lines[$i] = str_replace("\\'", "'", $lines[$i]); } @mysql_free_result($result); @count_mysql_query("DELETE FROM uo_chat_log WHERE chat='{$realpath}' AND posttime < '{$oldest}'", $handler, "helpers.php: CacheChatLines() 2/2"); echo "\n<!-- {$realpath}.lines -->\n"; MMC_Lock("{$realpath}.lines"); $fcac = ''; // @fopen("../common/cache/$realpath.cache", "wb"); for ($cc = 0; $cc < count($lines); $cc++) { $fcac .= str_replace("`", "'", $lines[$cc]) . "\n"; } MMC_Set("{$realpath}.cache", $fcac, 60); $fcac = ''; // @fopen("../common/cache/$realpath.rache", "wb"); for ($cc = count($lines) - 1; $cc >= 0; $cc--) { $fcac .= str_replace("`", "'", $lines[$cc]) . "\n"; } MMC_Set("{$realpath}.rache", $fcac, 60); if ($exit == 0) { echo "<!-- Debug: " . round(getmicrotime() - $start, 5) . " secs / {$cqs} queries -->"; echo "<!-- {$creas} -->"; } MMC_Unlock("{$realpath}.lines"); }
if (!empty($regadmcom)) { $regadmcom = $GLOBALS['sql']->escapeString($regadmcom); $GLOBALS['sql']->query("UPDATE chatv2.chats SET regnotes='{$regadmcom}' WHERE chat_id=" . $GLOBALS['biglog']['chat_id']); echo "Admin comment edited.<BR>"; } if ($decline) { $decline = intval($decline); count_mysql_query("UPDATE uo_chat_regapps SET appstat=2 WHERE chat='{$chatpath}' AND id='{$decline}'", $handler); $rsubject = "Application for chat {$ctitle} declined"; $rmessage = "Your application for chat {$ctitle} with the username {$runame}, has been declined and deleted from the database.\n\n" . ucwords($login) . "\nAdministrator of {$ctitle}."; mail($rmail, $rsubject, $rmessage, "From: {$master_email}\nReply-To: {$cadmin}\nBCC: {$master_email}\nX-pJJ-IP: {$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}\nX-pJJ-Chat:{$chatpath}/\nX-pJJ-Auth: {$_REQUEST['login']}\n"); echo "Declined applicant {$runame}<BR>"; } echo "<a href='login.php?adminaction=regapps&admcomed=edit&login={$login}&password={$password}'>Edit admin comment</a>\n<BR><BR>\n"; // Applications $regapps = count_mysql_query("SELECT id,username,email,faction,rtime,appstat FROM uo_chat_regapps WHERE chat='{$chatpath}' ORDER BY rtime ASC", $handler); $rn = $rd = $ra = 0; $apps_n = $apps_d = $apps_a = "\t<table cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 style='border-collapse: collapse'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td style='border: 1px black solid;'>Username</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td style='border: 1px black solid;'>E-Mail</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td style='border: 1px black solid;'>Faction</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td style='border: 1px black solid;'>Applied date</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</tr>"; while (list($ruid, $rname, $remail, $rfaction, $regtime, $rstat) = mysql_fetch_row($regapps)) { $regtime = date("F j, g:i a", $regtime); $rfaction = $arr[$rfaction]; $apps_n .= "<tr>\n"; $apps_d .= "<tr>\n"; $apps_a .= "<tr>\n"; if ($rstat == 0) { $rn++; $apps_n .= "<td style='border: 1px black solid;'><a href='login.php?adminaction=regapps&ruid={$ruid}&login={$login}&password={$password}'>{$rname}</a></td>\n"; $apps_n .= "<td style='border: 1px black solid;'>{$remail}</td>\n<td style='border: 1px black solid;'>{$rfaction}</td>\n<td style='border: 1px black solid;'>{$regtime}</td>\n</tr>"; } elseif ($rstat == 1) { $ra++; $apps_a .= "<td style='border: 1px black solid;'><a href='login.php?adminaction=regapps&ruid={$ruid}&login={$login}&password={$password}'>{$rname}</a></td>\n";
$nu_err = true; } if (empty($_POST['nu_antispam_q']) || empty($_POST['nu_antispam_a']) || empty($GLOBALS['anti-spam-questions-sha1'][$_POST['nu_antispam_q']]) || $GLOBALS['anti-spam-questions-sha1'][$_POST['nu_antispam_q']] !== $_POST['nu_antispam_a']) { print '<div style="color: #CC0000;">Your anti-spam answer was wrong.</div>'; $nu_err = true; } if (UserExists($chatpath, $nu_handle) != 0) { print '<div style="color: #CC0000;">A user already exists with the chosen handle</div>'; $nu_err = true; } if (!$nu_err) { $query = sprintf("INSERT INTO uo_chat_regapps SET chat='%s', username='******', email='%s', description='%s', faction=%d, rtime=%d, appstat=%d", $chatpath, $nu_handle, $nu_email, $nu_desc, $nu_faction, time(), 0); count_mysql_query($query, $handler); $emails = array(); $query = "SELECT DISTINCT email\r\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM uo_chat_database\r\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE chat='" . $chatpath . "'\r\n\t\t\t\t\tAND email IS NOT NULL AND email != ''\r\n\t\t\t\t\tAND (flags LIKE BINARY '%m%' OR flags LIKE BINARY '%A%' OR flags LIKE BINARY '%X%' OR flags LIKE BINARY '%Z%')\r\n\t\t\t\t\t"; $rez = count_mysql_query($query, $handler); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rez)) { $row['email'] = mb_strtolower($row['email']); if (preg_match('/^[-@.+_\\pL\\pN\\pM]+$/u', $row['email'])) { $emails[] = $row['email']; } } mysql_free_result($rez); sort($emails); $emails = array_unique($emails); $chatpath = substr($chatpath, 4); $headers = ''; $headers .= "From: {$master_email}\n"; $headers .= "BCC: " . implode(', ', $emails) . "\n"; $headers .= "Reply-To: {$master_email}\n"; $headers .= "X-pJJ-IP: {$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}\n";
function ShowProfile($selecteduser, $chatpath) { global $handler, $master_name_filter, $master_zlib; $selecteduser = trim(eregi_replace($master_name_filter, "", strtolower($selecteduser))); $rez = @count_mysql_query("SELECT profile FROM uo_chat_database WHERE chat='{$chatpath}' AND username='******' AND profile!='' AND dtime IS NULL", $handler); if ($prof = @mysql_fetch_assoc($rez)) { if ($prof['profile'][0] != 'x') { echo stripslashes($prof['profile']); } else { echo stripslashes(gzuncompress($prof['profile'])); } } else { echo "User {$selecteduser} doesn't have a profile."; } @mysql_free_result($rez); }
require_once "../settings.php"; require_once "../options.php"; require_once "../../common/tome_of_power.php"; $realpath = ereg_replace(".*/([^/]+)/register/adminlog.php\$", "chat\\1", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); if ($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] != '' && strstr($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], '')) { $realpath = preg_replace('/(.*?)\\.pjj\\.cc/is', 'chat\\1', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); } if (!CheckFlags('MmZX', $_SESSION[$realpath]['flags'])) { die('Only administrators can view this page.'); } $cpref = GetChatPrefs($realpath); $output = ''; if ($_REQUEST['log'] === 'cpanel') { $output = '<pre>' . file_get_contents('wizard_locked/actionlog.log') . '</pre>'; } else { $rez = count_mysql_query("SELECT\n\t\t\talog.user_id, dtbs.username, alog.page_id, alog.stamp, alog.user_ip\n\t\t\tFROM uo_chat_adminlog as alog\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN uo_chat_database as dtbs ON (alog.user_id=dtbs.uid)\n\t\t\tWHERE alog.chat_id={$GLOBALS['biglog']['chat_id']}\n\t\t\tORDER BY alog.entry_id ASC\n\t\t\t", $handler); if (mysql_num_rows($rez)) { $pages = array(1 => 'Settings', 2 => 'Options', 3 => 'Icons', 4 => 'Language'); $output .= '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" border="1">'; $output .= '<tr valign="top"> <td><b>Page</b></td> <td><b>ID: Username</b></td> <td><b>IP</b></td> <td><b>Timestamp</b></td> </tr>'; while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rez)) { $row['page_id'] = $pages[$row['page_id']]; $output .= <<<HTMLEND \t\t\t\t<tr valign="top"> \t\t\t\t<td>{$row['page_id']}</td> \t\t\t\t<td>{$row['user_id']}: {$row['username']}</td>
function DeleteGag($userident, $chatpath) { global $handler; @count_mysql_query("DELETE FROM uo_chat_gag WHERE (chat='{$chatpath}' AND ident='{$userident}') OR (utime<'" . time() . "')", $handler, "banhelp.php: DeleteGag() 1/1"); }
<?php // This file is part of the Project JJ PHP Chat distribution. // Created and maintained by Tino Didriksen <*****@*****.**> // The contents of this file is subject to a license. // Read license.txt and readme.txt for more information. require_once "mysql.php"; require_once "setup.php"; $base = getcwd() . "/"; //echo "$base<p>"; $rez = count_mysql_query('SELECT DISTINCT chat FROM uo_chat_last', $handler); $oldumask = umask(0); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rez)) { $nchat = mb_substr($row['chat'], 4); echo $nchat . "<br>\n"; if ($nchat != "" && $nchat != "_new" && $nchat != $master_chat) { if (is_dir($base . $nchat) || mkdir($base . $nchat, 0777)) { if (!is_dir($base . $nchat . "/jbb")) { echo mkdir($base . $nchat . "/jbb", 0777) . "<br>\n"; } if (is_dir($base . $nchat . "/register") || mkdir($base . $nchat . "/register", 0777)) { if (!is_dir($base . $nchat . "/register/wizard_locked")) { echo mkdir($base . $nchat . "/register/wizard_locked", 0777) . "<br>\n"; } $files = array("/sendmsg.php", "/index.php", "/login.php", "/reader.php", "/manual.php", "/gui_opt.php", "/gui_set.php", "/gui_icon.php", "/gui_lang.php", "/custom.php", "/userlist.php", "/register/biglist.php", "/register/adminlog.php", "/register/dblog.php", "/register/biglog.php", "/register/index.php", "/register/login.php", "/register/viewer.php", "/register/regapp.php", "/jbb/index.php"); for ($cc = 0; $cc < count($files); $cc++) { if (!file_exists($base . $nchat . $files[$cc])) { echo copy($base . "_new" . $files[$cc], $base . $nchat . $files[$cc]) . " " . $base . $nchat . $files[$cc] . "<br>"; echo chmod($base . $nchat . $files[$cc], 0666) . '<br>'; } }