foreach (cot_getextplugins('folio.list.query') as $pl) {
    include $pl;
/* ===== */
$t = new XTemplate($mskin);
$where = $where ? 'WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $where) : '';
$order = $order ? 'ORDER BY ' . implode(', ', $order) : '';
$totalitems = $db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$db_folio} AS f {$join_condition} \n\tLEFT JOIN {$db_users} AS u ON u.user_id=f.item_userid\n\t" . $where . "")->fetchColumn();
$sqllist = $db->query("SELECT f.*, u.* {$join_columns} \n\tFROM {$db_folio} AS f {$join_condition} \n\tLEFT JOIN {$db_users} AS u ON u.user_id=f.item_userid \n\t" . $where . " \n\t" . $order . "\n\tLIMIT {$d}, " . $maxrowsperpage);
$pagenav = cot_pagenav('folio', $list_url_path, $d, $totalitems, $maxrowsperpage);
$catpatharray[] = array(cot_url('folio'), $L['folio']);
if (!empty($c)) {
    $catpatharray = array_merge($catpatharray, cot_structure_buildpath('folio', $c));
$catpath = cot_breadcrumbs($catpatharray, $cfg['homebreadcrumb'], true);
$t->assign(array("SEARCH_ACTION_URL" => cot_url('folio', '', '', true), "SEARCH_SQ" => cot_inputbox('text', 'sq', htmlspecialchars($sq), 'class="schstring"'), "SEARCH_CAT" => cot_folio_selectcat($c, 'c'), "SEARCH_SORTER" => cot_selectbox($sort, "sort", array('', 'costasc', 'costdesc'), array($L['folio_mostrelevant'], $L['folio_costasc'], $L['folio_costdesc']), false), "PAGENAV_PAGES" => $pagenav['main'], "PAGENAV_PREV" => $pagenav['prev'], "PAGENAV_NEXT" => $pagenav['next'], "PAGENAV_COUNT" => $totalitems, "CATALOG" => cot_build_structure_folio_tree('', array($c), 0), "BREADCRUMBS" => $catpath));
foreach ($cot_extrafields[$db_folio] as $exfld) {
    $uname = strtoupper($exfld['field_name']);
    $exfld_val = cot_build_extrafields($exfld['field_name'], $exfld, $shfld[$exfld['field_name']]);
    $exfld_title = isset($L['projects_' . $exfld['field_name'] . '_title']) ? $L['projects_' . $exfld['field_name'] . '_title'] : $exfld['field_description'];
    $t->assign(array('SEARCH_' . $uname => $exfld_val, 'SEARCH_' . $uname . '_TITLE' => $exfld_title));
/* === Hook === */
foreach (cot_getextplugins('folio.list.search.tags') as $pl) {
    include $pl;
/* ===== */
if (!empty($c) && is_array($structure['folio'][$c])) {
    foreach ($structure['folio'][$c] as $field => $val) {
        $t->assign('CAT' . strtoupper($field), $val);
    $sqlsearch = '%' . implode('%', $words) . '%';
    $where['search'] = "(item_title LIKE '" . $db->prep($sqlsearch) . "' OR item_text LIKE '" . $db->prep($sqlsearch) . "')";
$list_url_path = array('m' => 'folio', 'c' => $c, 'sort' => $sort, 'sq' => $sq);
$order['date'] = 'item_date DESC';
/* === Hook === */
foreach (cot_getextplugins('folio.admin.list.query') as $pl) {
    include $pl;
/* ===== */
$where = $where ? 'WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $where) : '';
$order = $order ? 'ORDER BY ' . implode(', ', $order) : '';
$totalitems = $db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$db_folio} \n\t" . $where . "")->fetchColumn();
$sqllist = $db->query("SELECT * FROM {$db_folio} AS m LEFT JOIN {$db_users} AS u ON u.user_id=m.item_userid\n\t" . $where . " \n\t" . $order . " \n\tLIMIT {$d}, " . $cfg['maxrowsperpage']);
$pagenav = cot_pagenav('admin', $list_url_path, $d, $totalitems, $cfg['maxrowsperpage']);
$t->assign(array("SEARCH_ACTION_URL" => cot_url('admin', "m=folio&c=" . $c, '', true), "SEARCH_SQ" => cot_inputbox('text', 'sq', $sq, 'class="schstring"'), "SEARCH_STATE" => cot_radiobox($state, 'state', array(0, 1, 2), array('опубликованные', 'скрытые', 'на проверке')), "SEARCH_CAT" => cot_folio_selectcat($c, 'c'), "SEARCH_SORTER" => cot_selectbox($sort, "sort", array('', 'costasc', 'costdesc'), array($L['folio_mostrelevant'], $L['folio_costasc'], $L['folio_costdesc']), false), 'PAGENAV_PAGES' => $pagenav['main'], 'PAGENAV_PREV' => $pagenav['prev'], 'PAGENAV_NEXT' => $pagenav['next'], "PAGENAV_COUNT" => $totalitems, 'CATALOG' => cot_build_structure_folio_tree('', array($c)), 'CATTITLE' => !empty($c) ? ' / ' . !empty($c) ? ' / ' . htmlspecialchars($structure['folio'][$c]['title']) : '' : ''));
$sqllist_rowset = $sqllist->fetchAll();
$sqllist_idset = array();
foreach ($sqllist_rowset as $item) {
    $sqllist_idset[$item['item_id']] = $item['item_alias'];
/* === Hook === */
$extp = cot_getextplugins('folio.admin.list.loop');
/* ===== */
foreach ($sqllist_rowset as $item) {
    $t->assign(cot_generate_usertags($item, 'PRD_ROW_OWNER_'));
    $t->assign(cot_generate_foliotags($item, 'PRD_ROW_', $cfg['folio']['shorttextlen'], $usr['isadmin'], $cfg['homebreadcrumb']));
    $t->assign(array('PRD_ROW_ODDEVEN' => cot_build_oddeven($jj), 'PRD_ROW_EDIT_URL' => cot_url('folio', 'm=edit&id=' . $item['item_id']), 'PRD_ROW_VALIDATE_URL' => cot_url('admin', 'm=folio&p=default&a=validate&id=' . $item['item_id']), 'PRD_ROW_DELETE_URL' => cot_url('admin', 'm=folio&p=default&a=delete&id=' . $item['item_id'])));
    /* === Hook - Part2 : Include === */
    foreach ($extp as $pl) {