/** * Проверяем e-mail * @param string $mail - проверяемый e-mail * * @return bool|string TRUE or Error message */ function subscribe_checkEmail($mail = '') { global $db_banlist, $db; // Проверяем бан-лист if (cot_plugin_active('banlist')) { $sql = cot::$db->query("SELECT banlist_reason, banlist_email FROM {$db_banlist}\n WHERE banlist_email LIKE " . cot::$db->quote('%' . $mail . '%')); if ($row = $sql->fetch()) { $ret = cot::$L['aut_emailbanned'] . $row['banlist_reason']; return $ret; } $sql->closeCursor(); } if (!cot_check_email($mail)) { $ret = cot::$L['subscribe_err_wrongmail']; return $ret; } return true; }
$ruser['user_birthdate'] = cot_import_date('ruserbirthdate', false); if (!is_null($ruser['user_birthdate']) && $ruser['user_birthdate'] > cot::$sys['now']) { cot_error('pro_invalidbirthdate', 'ruserbirthdate'); } $user_exists = (bool) cot::$db->query("SELECT user_id FROM " . cot::$db->users . " WHERE user_name = ? LIMIT 1", array($ruser['user_name']))->fetch(); $email_exists = (bool) cot::$db->query("SELECT user_id FROM " . cot::$db->users . " WHERE user_email = ? LIMIT 1", array($ruser['user_email']))->fetch(); if (preg_match('/&#\\d+;/', $ruser['user_name']) || preg_match('/[<>#\'"\\/]/', $ruser['user_name'])) { cot_error('aut_invalidloginchars', 'rusername'); } if (mb_strlen($ruser['user_name']) < 2) { cot_error('aut_usernametooshort', 'rusername'); } if (mb_strlen($rpassword1) < 4) { cot_error('aut_passwordtooshort', 'rpassword1'); } if (!cot_check_email($ruser['user_email'])) { cot_error('aut_emailtooshort', 'ruseremail'); } if ($user_exists) { cot_error('aut_usernamealreadyindb', 'rusername'); } if ($email_exists && !$cfg['useremailduplicate']) { cot_error('aut_emailalreadyindb', 'ruseremail'); } if ($rpassword1 != $rpassword2) { cot_error('aut_passwordmismatch', 'rpassword2'); } /* === Hook for the plugins === */ foreach (cot_getextplugins('users.register.add.validate') as $pl) { include $pl; }
break; case 3: // Misc settings and admin account if (empty($cfg['mainurl'])) { cot_error('install_error_mainurl', 'mainurl'); } if ($user['pass'] != $user['pass2']) { cot_error('aut_passwordmismatch', 'user_pass'); } if (mb_strlen($user['name']) < 2) { cot_error('aut_usernametooshort', 'user_name'); } if (mb_strlen($user['pass']) < 4) { cot_error('aut_passwordtooshort', 'user_pass'); } if (mb_strlen($user['email']) < 4 || !cot_check_email($user['email'])) { cot_error('aut_emailtooshort', 'user_email'); } if (!file_exists($file['config_sample'])) { cot_error(cot_rc('install_error_missing_file', array('file' => $file['config_sample']))); } if (!cot_error_found()) { $config_contents = file_get_contents($file['config']); cot_install_config_replace($config_contents, 'defaultlang', $rlang); cot_install_config_replace($config_contents, 'defaulttheme', $rtheme); cot_install_config_replace($config_contents, 'defaultscheme', $rscheme); cot_install_config_replace($config_contents, 'mainurl', $cfg['mainurl']); $new_site_id = cot_unique(32); cot_install_config_replace($config_contents, 'site_id', $new_site_id); $new_secret_key = cot_unique(32); cot_install_config_replace($config_contents, 'secret_key', $new_secret_key);
/* === Hook for the plugins === */ foreach (cot_getextplugins('users.auth.check') as $pl) { include $pl; } /* ===== */ $rusername = cot_import('rusername', 'P', 'TXT', 100); $rpassword = cot_import('rpassword', 'P', 'HTM', 32); $rcookiettl = cot_import('rcookiettl', 'P', 'INT'); $rremember = cot_import('rremember', 'P', 'BOL'); $token = cot_import('token', 'G', 'ALP'); $v = cot_import('v', 'G', 'ALP'); $validating = FALSE; if (empty($rremember) && $rcookiettl > 0 || $cfg['forcerememberme']) { $rremember = true; } $login_param = !$cfg['useremailduplicate'] && cot_check_email($rusername) ? 'user_email' : 'user_name'; if (!empty($v) && mb_strlen($v) == 32) { $validating = TRUE; $login_param = 'user_lostpass'; } // Load salt and algo from db $sql = $db->query("SELECT user_passsalt, user_passfunc FROM {$db_users} WHERE {$login_param}=" . $db->quote($rusername)); if ($sql->rowCount() == 0) { // If login has e-mail format, try to find it as user_name $sql = $db->query("SELECT user_passsalt, user_passfunc FROM {$db_users} WHERE user_name=" . $db->quote($rusername)); } if ($sql->rowCount() == 1) { $hash_params = $sql->fetch(); $rmdpass = cot_hash($rpassword, $hash_params['user_passsalt'], $hash_params['user_passfunc']); unset($hash_params); }
/** * Returns user email link * * @param string $email E-mail address * @param bool $hide Hide email option * @return string */ function cot_build_email($email, $hide = false) { global $L; if ($hide) { return $L['Hidden']; } elseif (!empty($email) && cot_check_email($email)) { $link = cot_rc('link_email', array('email' => $email)); return function_exists('cot_obfuscate') ? cot_obfuscate($link) : $link; } }
} if (!cot_check_email($rcontact['contact_email'])) { cot_error('contact_emailnotvalid', 'remail'); } if (mb_strlen($rcontact['contact_text']) < cot::$cfg['plugin']['contact']['minchars']) { cot_error('contact_entrytooshort', 'rtext'); } if (!cot_error_found()) { $rcontact['contact_authorid'] = (int) $usr['id']; $rcontact['contact_date'] = (int) $sys['now']; $rcontact['contact_val'] = 0; if (in_array($cfg['plugin']['contact']['save'], array('db', 'both'))) { $db->insert($db_contact, $rcontact); } $semail = !empty($cfg['plugin']['contact']['email']) ? $cfg['plugin']['contact']['email'] : $cfg['adminemail']; if (cot_check_email($semail) && in_array($cfg['plugin']['contact']['save'], array('email', 'both'))) { $headers = "From: \"" . $rcontact['contact_author'] . "\" <" . $rcontact['contact_email'] . ">\n"; $context = array('sitetitle' => $cfg["maintitle"], 'siteurl' => $cfg['mainurl'], 'author' => $rcontact['contact_author'], 'email' => $rcontact['contact_email'], 'subject' => $rcontact['contact_subject'], 'text' => $rcontact['contact_text']); $rextras = ''; if (!empty(cot::$extrafields[cot::$db->contact])) { foreach (cot::$extrafields[cot::$db->contact] as $exfld) { $exfld_title = cot_extrafield_title($exfld, 'contact_'); $ex_body = cot_build_extrafields_data('contact', $exfld, $rcontact['contact_' . $exfld['field_name']]); $rextras .= "\n" . $exfld_title . ": " . $ex_body; $context['extra' . $exfld['field_name']] = $ex_body; $context['extra' . $exfld['field_name'] . '_title'] = $exfld_title; $context['extra' . $exfld['field_name'] . '_value'] = $rcontact['contact_' . $exfld['field_name']]; } } $context['extra'] = $rextras; $rtextm = cot_rc(empty(cot::$cfg['plugin']['contact']['template']) ? cot::$R['contact_message'] : cot::$cfg['plugin']['contact']['template'], $context);
/** * Adds new user * * @param array $ruser User data array * @param string $email Email address * @param string $name User name; defaults to $email if omitted * @param string $password Password; randomly generated if omitted * @param string $maingrp Custom main grp * @param float $sendemail Send email if need activation * @return int New user ID or false * @global CotDB $db */ function cot_add_user($ruser, $email = null, $name = null, $password = null, $maingrp = null, $sendemail = true) { global $cfg, $cot_extrafields, $db, $db_users, $db_groups_users, $db_x, $L, $R, $sys, $uploadfiles, $usr; $ruser['user_email'] = !empty($email) ? $email : $ruser['user_email']; $ruser['user_name'] = !empty($name) ? $name : $ruser['user_name']; $ruser['user_password'] = !empty($password) ? $password : $ruser['user_password']; empty($ruser['user_password']) && ($ruser['user_password'] = cot_randomstring()); empty($ruser['user_name']) && ($ruser['user_name'] = $ruser['user_email']); $password = $ruser['user_password']; $user_exists = (bool) $db->query("SELECT user_id FROM {$db_users} WHERE user_name = ? LIMIT 1", array($ruser['user_name']))->fetch(); $email_exists = (bool) $db->query("SELECT user_id FROM {$db_users} WHERE user_email = ? LIMIT 1", array($ruser['user_email']))->fetch(); if (!cot_check_email($ruser['user_email']) || $user_exists || !$cfg['useremailduplicate'] && $email_exists) { return false; } $ruser['user_gender'] = in_array($ruser['user_gender'], array('M', 'F')) ? $ruser['user_gender'] : 'U'; $ruser['user_country'] = mb_strlen($ruser['user_country']) < 4 ? $ruser['user_country'] : ''; $ruser['user_timezone'] = !$ruser['user_timezone'] ? 'GMT' : $ruser['user_timezone']; $ruser['user_maingrp'] = $db->countRows($db_users) == 0 ? 5 : $cfg['users']['regnoactivation'] ? 4 : 2; $ruser['user_maingrp'] = (int) $maingrp > 0 ? $maingrp : $ruser['user_maingrp']; $ruser['user_passsalt'] = cot_unique(16); $ruser['user_passfunc'] = empty($cfg['hashfunc']) ? 'sha256' : $cfg['hashfunc']; $ruser['user_password'] = cot_hash($ruser['user_password'], $ruser['user_passsalt'], $ruser['user_passfunc']); $ruser['user_birthdate'] = is_null($ruser['user_birthdate']) || $ruser['user_birthdate'] > $sys['now'] ? '0000-00-00' : cot_stamp2date($ruser['user_birthdate']); $ruser['user_lostpass'] = md5(microtime()); cot_shield_update(20, "Registration"); $ruser['user_hideemail'] = 1; $ruser['user_theme'] = $cfg['defaulttheme']; $ruser['user_scheme'] = $cfg['defaultscheme']; $ruser['user_lang'] = empty($ruser['user_lang']) ? $cfg['defaultlang'] : $ruser['user_lang']; $ruser['user_regdate'] = (int) $sys['now']; $ruser['user_logcount'] = 0; $ruser['user_lastip'] = empty($ruser['user_lastip']) ? $usr['ip'] : $ruser['user_lastip']; $ruser['user_token'] = cot_unique(16); if (!$db->insert($db_users, $ruser)) { return; } $userid = $db->lastInsertId(); $db->insert($db_groups_users, array('gru_userid' => (int) $userid, 'gru_groupid' => (int) $ruser['user_maingrp'])); cot_extrafield_movefiles(); /* === Hook for the plugins === */ foreach (cot_getextplugins('users.adduser.done') as $pl) { include $pl; } /* ===== */ if ($ruser['user_maingrp'] == 2 && $sendemail) { if ($cfg['users']['regrequireadmin']) { $subject = $L['aut_regrequesttitle']; $body = sprintf($L['aut_regrequest'], $ruser['user_name']); $body .= "\n\n" . $L['aut_contactadmin']; cot_mail($ruser['user_email'], $subject, $body); $subject = $L['aut_regreqnoticetitle']; $inactive = $cfg['mainurl'] . '/' . cot_url('users', 'gm=2&s=regdate&w=desc', '', true); $body = sprintf($L['aut_regreqnotice'], $ruser['user_name'], $inactive); cot_mail($cfg['adminemail'], $subject, $body); } else { $subject = $L['Registration']; $activate = $cfg['mainurl'] . '/' . cot_url('users', 'm=register&a=validate&token=' . $ruser['user_token'] . '&v=' . $ruser['user_lostpass'] . '&y=1', '', true); $deactivate = $cfg['mainurl'] . '/' . cot_url('users', 'm=register&a=validate&token=' . $ruser['user_token'] . '&v=' . $ruser['user_lostpass'] . '&y=0', '', true); $body = sprintf($L['aut_emailreg'], $ruser['user_name'], $activate, $deactivate); $body .= "\n\n" . $L['aut_contactadmin']; cot_mail($ruser['user_email'], $subject, $body); } } return $userid; }
$ruserpass['user_password'] = cot_hash($rnewpass1, $ruserpass['user_passsalt'], $ruserpass['user_passfunc']); $db->update($db_users, $ruserpass, "user_id={$usr['id']}"); unset($ruserpass); cot_message('Password_updated'); } } if (!empty($ruseremail) && (!empty($rmailpass) || $cfg['users']['user_email_noprotection']) && $cfg['users']['useremailchange'] && $ruseremail != $urr['user_email']) { $sqltmp = $db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$db_users} WHERE user_email='" . $db->prep($ruseremail) . "'"); $res = $sqltmp->fetchColumn(); if (!$cfg['users']['user_email_noprotection']) { $rmailpass = cot_hash($rmailpass, $urr['user_passsalt'], $urr['user_passfunc']); if ($rmailpass != $urr['user_password']) { cot_error('pro_wrongpass', 'rmailpass'); } } if (!cot_check_email($ruseremail)) { cot_error('aut_emailtooshort', 'ruseremail'); } if ($res > 0) { cot_error('aut_emailalreadyindb', 'ruseremail'); } if (!cot_error_found()) { if (!$cfg['users']['user_email_noprotection']) { $validationkey = md5(microtime()); $db->update($db_users, array('user_email' => $ruseremail, 'user_lostpass' => $validationkey, 'user_maingrp' => '-1', 'user_sid' => $urr['user_maingrp']), "user_id='" . $usr['id'] . "'"); $rsubject = $L['aut_mailnoticetitle']; $ractivate = $cfg['mainurl'] . '/' . cot_url('users', 'm=register&a=validate&v=' . $validationkey, '', true); $rbody = sprintf($L['aut_emailchange'], $usr['name'], $ractivate); $rbody .= "\n\n" . $L['aut_contactadmin']; cot_mail($ruseremail, $rsubject, $rbody); if (cot_import($sys['site_id'], 'COOKIE', 'ALP')) {
cot_shield_protect(); /* === Hook === */ foreach (cot_getextplugins('marketorders.neworder.add.first') as $pl) { include $pl; } /* ===== */ $rorder['order_count'] = cot_import('rcount', 'P', 'INT'); $rorder['order_text'] = cot_import('rtext', 'P', 'TXT'); $email = cot_import('remail', 'P', 'TXT', 100, TRUE); /* === Hook === */ foreach (cot_getextplugins('marketorders.neworder.add.import') as $pl) { include $pl; } /* ===== */ //cot_check(empty($rorder['order_count']), 'marketorders_neworder_error_count', 'rcount'); if (!cot_check_email($email) && $usr['id'] == 0) { cot_error('aut_emailtooshort', 'remail'); } if (!empty($email) && $usr['id'] == 0) { $rorder['order_userid'] = $db->query("SELECT user_id FROM {$db_users} WHERE user_email = ? LIMIT 1", array($email))->fetchColumn(); } else { $rorder['order_userid'] = $usr['id']; } /* === Hook === */ foreach (cot_getextplugins('marketorders.neworder.add.error') as $pl) { include $pl; } /* ===== */ $rorder['order_count'] = $rorder['order_count'] > 0 ? $rorder['order_count'] : 1; if (!cot_error_found()) { $rorder['order_pid'] = $pid;