function core_getGoBack($backURL = '') { return core_getLink('go back', $backURL ? $backURL : eregi_replace("quit=yes", "", $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"])); }
function errorPage($text, $title = "Manage preprints", $h1 = "Unauthorized access", $return = False) { global $_SERVER; if (!$return) { $return = $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]; } //startPage($title, "", "pic/person_NO_l.gif"); startPage($title); print "<center>" . "<table>" . "<tr valign=bottom><td colspan=2><h2>{$h1}</h2></td>" . "<tr valign=bottom><td><img src='pic/person_NO_r.gif' align='left' alt='' valign='top'></td>" . "<td>{$text}<br>" . core_getLink("go back", $return) . "</td>" . "</tr></table></center>\n"; endPage(); }
startPage(join(" ", $title)); $t = new table("width='95%'", "<form action='index.php' method='get'>"); $t->tro(); $t->td("align='left'", getSelection()); if ($authClass->authenticated()) { if (getAllPreprints()) { $t->td("", core_getLink("manage preprints", "show_preprints.php")); } if ($authClass->isAdmin()) { $t->td("", core_getLink("manage users", "edit_users.php")); } if ($authClass->isAdmin()) { $t->td("", core_getLink("see access log", "listLog.php")); } if (True) { $t->td("", core_getLink(PP_RESERVE, "edit_preprints.php?nor_pp_period=" . $nor_pp_period . "&nor_pp_mode=" . NOR_PP_MODE_RESERVE)); } } else { $t->td("", "<div class='only_online'>" . pp_getLink("how to submit preprint", "howto.php", $modal = True) . "</div>"); } $t->trc(); $t->close("</form>"); $t = new table("class='filled' align='center' width='100%'", "<div id='preprints' class='pp_list'>"); $t->tro(); $t->th("width='60'", "<span class='only_online'>Serial</span>"); $t->th("", "Title and author(s)"); $t->th("", "Published in"); $t->trc(); if ($group != "all") { $queryG = " AND Field=" . $dbClass->quote($group); } else {