echo "\n\t" . '<h1>' . plog_tr('Plogger Configuration Complete') . '</h1>'; echo "\n\n\t" . '<form action="_install.php" method="post">'; echo "\n\n\t\t" . '<p>' . plog_tr('Configuration setup is now complete.') . '</p>'; echo "\n\n\t\t" . '<p>' . plog_tr('Click <strong>Install</strong> to complete the installation.') . '</p>'; if (!empty($_SESSION['plogger_config'])) { echo "\n\n\t\t" . '<p>' . sprintf(plog_tr('Before you can proceed, please %s to download configuration file for your gallery, then upload it to your webhost (into the same directory where you installed Plogger itself).'), '<input type="submit" class="submit-inline" name="dlconfig" value="' . plog_tr('click here') . '" />') . '</p>'; } echo "\n\n\t\t" . '<p><input type="submit" class="submit" name="proceed" id="proceed" value="' . plog_tr('Install') . '" /></p>'; echo "\n\n\t" . '</form>' . "\n"; // Otherwise, do the install } else { $errors = array(); $mysql = check_mysql(PLOGGER_DB_HOST, PLOGGER_DB_USER, PLOGGER_DB_PW, PLOGGER_DB_NAME); if (empty($mysql)) { create_tables(); configure_plogger($_SESSION['install_values']); // undefined index install_values include_once PLOGGER_DIR . 'plog-load-config.php'; // If open permissions, have Plogger fix them if (isset($_SESSION['plogger_close_perms'])) { fix_open_perms($_SESSION['plogger_close_perms'], 'delete'); } $col = add_collection(plog_tr('Plogger Test Collection'), plog_tr('Feel free to delete it')); // Only attempt to create an album if the collection was created - sloppy fix for multiple installs if (!empty($col['id'])) { $alb = add_album(plog_tr('Plogger Test Album'), plog_tr('Feel free to delete it'), $col['id']); } } else { echo plog_tr('There was an error with the MySQL connection') . '!'; } // If no errors, tell the user their login and password and link them to the login
require dirname(__FILE__) . '/plog-globals.php'; require PLOGGER_DIR . 'plog-functions.php'; require PLOGGER_DIR . 'lib/plogger/install_functions.php'; // serve the config file if (!empty($_POST['dlconfig']) && !empty($_SESSION['plogger_config'])) { header('Content-type: application/octet-stream'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="plog-config.php"'); print $_SESSION['plogger_config']; die; } // try to proceed to the admin interface. Only succeeds if the configuration is set if (!empty($_POST['proceed']) && defined('PLOGGER_DB_HOST')) { $mysql = check_mysql(PLOGGER_DB_HOST, PLOGGER_DB_USER, PLOGGER_DB_PW, PLOGGER_DB_NAME); if (empty($mysql)) { create_tables(); configure_plogger($_SESSION["install_values"]); require "plog-load_config.php"; connect_db(); $col = add_collection("Plogger test collection", "feel free to delete it"); $alb = add_album("Plogger test album", "feel free to delete it", $col["id"]); unset($_SESSION["plogger_config"]); unset($_SESSION["install_values"]); header("Location: admin/index.php"); exit; } } ?> <html> <head> <title>Install Plogger</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/admin.css">