function aff_config()
    global $config;
    config_set_notebook_comment('Affiliates', 'affiliate program configuration');
    add_config_field('aff.payout_methods', 'Accepted Payout methods', 'multi_select', "affiliate can choose a method for payout comissions.<br />\n    If nothing will be selected, comissions will not be included to automated<br />\n    payout report.\n    ", "Affiliates", '', '', '', array('store_type' => 1, 'options' => aff_get_payout_methods()));
    add_config_field('aff.aff_commission', 'Affiliate commission for first payment', 'integer', "affiliate comissions for first payment, ex.: 1.5 or 2.5%", "Affiliates", '', '', '');
    add_config_field('aff.aff_commission_rec', 'Affiliate commission for the following payments', 'integer', "affiliate comissions for the following payments, ex.: 1.5 or 2.5%", "Affiliates", '', '', '');
    add_config_field('aff.aff_commission2', '2 Tier - Affiliate commission for the first payment', 'integer', 'affiliate comissions for referrer of the affiliate, can be set to<br />
                 percentage of commission received by immediate affiliate only, ex.: 1.5 or 15%<br />
                 in first case 2 tier affiliate will get USD 1.5 for each sale,<br />
                 in second case 2 tier affiliate will receive 15% of all related<br />
                 affiliate commissions', "Affiliates", '', '', '');
    add_config_field('aff.aff_commission_rec2', '2 Tier - Affiliate commission for the following payments', 'integer', 'affiliate comissions for referrer of the affiliate, can be set to<br />
                 percentage of commission received by immediate affiliate only, ex.: 1.5 or 15%<br />
                 in first case 2 tier affiliate will get USD 1.5 for each sale,<br />
                 in second case 2 tier affiliate will receive 15% of all related<br />
                 affiliate commissions', "Affiliates", '', '', '');
    add_config_field('aff.cookie_lifetime', 'Affiliate cookie lifetime', 'integer', "how long (in days) store cookies about referrer.<br />\n    So if customer will return to the site later, comission will be<br />\n    paid to referring affiliate.\n    ", "Affiliates", '', '', '', array('default' => 365));
    add_config_field('aff.only_first', 'Pay only first commission', 'checkbox', "affiliate will get commision only for first purchase.<br />\n    In case of recurring payments, only one (first) commission will<br />\n    be generated.\n    ", "Affiliates", '', '', '', array('store_type' => 1));
    add_config_field('aff.do_not_pay_for_free_subscriptions', 'Do not give commision for free subscriptions', 'select', "sale commission will not be credited to affiliate account<br />\n    if user subscribed to free subscription. Of course, it only affects<br />\n    'fixed' affiliate commissions.\n    ", "Affiliates", '', '', '', array('store_type' => 1, 'options' => array('' => 'Give Commission even for free subscriptions', 1 => 'Do not give commissions for free subscriptions')));
    add_config_field('aff.signup_type', 'Affiliates Signup Type', 'select', "affiliate will get commision only for first purchase.<br />\n    In case of recurring payments, only one (first) commission will<br />\n    be generated.\n    ", "Affiliates", '', '', '', array('store_type' => 1, 'options' => array('' => 'Default - user have to click link to become affiliate', 1 => 'All new members automatically become affiliates', 2 => 'Only admin can enable user as an affiliate')));
    add_config_field('aff.mail_sale_admin', 'E-Mail commission to admin', 'checkbox', "when new sale commission credited to affiliate account<br />\n    send an e-mail message to admin\n    ", "Affiliates", '', 'email_checkbox_get', '', array('store_type' => 1));
    add_config_field('aff.mail_sale_user', 'E-Mail commission to customer', 'checkbox', "when new sale commission credited to affiliate account<br />\n    send an e-mail message to affiliate\n    ", "Affiliates", '', 'email_checkbox_get', '', array('store_type' => 1));
    add_config_field('aff.mail_signup_user', 'Send Signup E-Mail to Affiliate', 'checkbox', "send email when affiliate will signup\n    ", "Affiliates", '', 'email_checkbox_get', '', array('store_type' => 1));

if (!defined('INCLUDED_AMEMBER_CONFIG')) {
    die("Direct access to this location is not allowed");
$notebook_page = 'GoEmerchant';
config_set_notebook_comment($notebook_page, 'GoEmerchant configuration');
if (file_exists($rm = dirname(__FILE__) . "/readme.txt")) {
    config_set_readme($notebook_page, $rm);
add_config_field('payment.goemerchant.merchant_id', 'GoEmerchant ID', 'text', "your GoEmerchant Username", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.goemerchant.merchant_pass', 'GoEmerchant password', 'password_c', "your GoEmerchant Password", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.goemerchant.testmode', 'Test Mode Enabled', 'select', 
    "Set to No after you complete testing.", $notebook_page, '','','',
    array('options' => array(0 => 'No', 1 => 'Yes'))
add_config_field('payment.goemerchant.title', 'Payment Method Title', 'text', "displayed on signup page and on renewal page", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('default' => 'GoEmerchant'));
add_config_field('payment.goemerchant.description', 'Payment Method Description', 'text', "displayed on signup page", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('default' => 'Credit Card Payment'));
if (!defined('INCLUDED_AMEMBER_CONFIG')) {
    die("Direct access to this location is not allowed");
*     Author: Alex Scott
*      Email: alex@cgi-central.net
*        Web: http://www.cgi-central.net
*    Details: securepay payment plugin config
*    FileName $RCSfile$
*    Release: 3.1.8PRO ($Revision: 1785 $)
* Please direct bug reports,suggestions or feedback to the cgi-central forums.
* http://www.cgi-central.net/forum/
* aMember PRO is a commercial software. Any distribution is strictly prohibited.
global $config;
require_once $config['root_dir'] . "/plugins/payment/cc_core/cc_core.inc.php";
include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/securepay.php";
$notebook_page = "SecurePay";
config_set_notebook_comment($notebook_page, $notebook_page . ' configuration');
if (file_exists($rm = dirname(__FILE__) . "/readme.txt")) {
    config_set_readme($notebook_page, $rm);
add_config_field('payment.securepay.host', 'SecurePay Host', 'text', "Your SecurePay host (e.g. https://www.securepay.com/secure1/index.asp).", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.securepay.timeout', 'SecurePay Timeout', 'text', "Custom timeout value in seconds, default 120 seconds.", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.securepay.merchant_id', 'SecurePay Default Merchant Identifier', 'text', "Your default SecurePay Merchant Identifier (usually a number, e.g. 123456).", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.securepay.debug', 'Test Mode Enabled', 'select', "Set to No after you complete testing.", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('options' => array(0 => 'No', 1 => 'Yes')));
add_config_field('payment.securepay.avsreq', 'AVS Check', 'select', "Use AVS system check (The AVS system used by SecurePay.Com supports the United States)", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('options' => array(0 => 'Do not use AVS Check', 1 => 'Full AVS (both street address and zip code)', 2 => 'AVS only, Full AVS but do not authorize the Credit Card', 3 => 'Credit Card Authorization and Zip Code AVS Only', 4 => 'AVS with Zip Code only, do not authorize the Credit Card')));
cc_core_add_config_items('securepay', $notebook_page);

if (!defined('INCLUDED_AMEMBER_CONFIG')) {
    die("Direct access to this location is not allowed");
$notebook_page = 'Locaweb';
config_set_notebook_comment($notebook_page, 'Locaweb plugin configuration');
if (file_exists($rm = dirname(__FILE__) . "/readme.txt")) {
    config_set_readme($notebook_page, $rm);
add_config_field('payment.locaweb.identificacao', 'Identificacao', 'text', "Code for the Locaweb e-commerce service", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.locaweb.secret', 'Security Code', 'text', "Securyty Code that you set in your AlerPay account", $notebook_page, '', '', '');
add_config_field('payment.locaweb.testing', 'Test Mode Enabled', 'select', "set to No after you complete testing", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('options' => array(0 => 'No', 1 => 'Yes')));
add_config_field('payment.locaweb.title', 'Payment Method Title', 'text', "displayed on signup page and on renewal page", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('default' => 'Locaweb'));
add_config_field('payment.locaweb.description', 'Payment Method Description', 'text', "displayed on signup page", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('default' => 'Pay by credit card/debit card - Visa/Mastercard'));

if (!defined('INCLUDED_AMEMBER_CONFIG')) {
    die("Direct access to this location is not allowed");
$notebook_page = '4CS';
config_set_notebook_comment($notebook_page, '4CS plugin configuration');
if (file_exists($rm = dirname(__FILE__) . "/readme.txt")) {
    config_set_readme($notebook_page, $rm);
add_config_field('payment.4cs.merchkey', 'Your 4CS merchant key', 'text', "A unique assigned code identifying the<br />\n\tmerchant under which transactions will<br />\n\tbe processed", $notebook_page);
add_config_field('payment.4cs.tranpage', 'Your 4CS transaction URL', 'text', "You will be provided with a URL <br />\n\tfor testing and live transaction processing by the processor when<br />\n\tyour merchant accounts have been configured.", $notebook_page);
add_config_field('payment.4cs.currency', 'Currency', 'text', "ISO alpha order currency code, <br/>\n\tfor example: EUR, USD, GBP, CHF, :", $notebook_page);

if (!defined('INCLUDED_AMEMBER_CONFIG')) {
    die("Direct access to this location is not allowed");
$notebook_page = 'NetBilling';
config_set_notebook_comment($notebook_page, 'NetBilling configuration');
if (file_exists($rm = dirname(__FILE__) . "/readme.txt")) {
    config_set_readme($notebook_page, $rm);
add_config_field('payment.netbilling.login', 'NetBilling login', 'text', "your NetBilling username", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.netbilling.testing', 'Test Mode Enabled',
    'select', "set to No after you complete testing",
    array('options' => array(0 => 'No', 1 => 'Yes')));
add_config_field('payment.netbilling.title', 'Payment Method Title', 'text', "displayed on signup page and on renewal page", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('default' => 'NetBilling'));
add_config_field('payment.netbilling.description', 'Payment Method Description', 'text', "displayed on signup page", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('default' => 'Credit Card Payment'));

if (!defined('INCLUDED_AMEMBER_CONFIG')) {
    die("Direct access to this location is not allowed");
$notebook_page = 'mod_auth_mysql';
config_set_notebook_comment($notebook_page, 'mod_auth_mysql Integration');
if (file_exists($rm = dirname(__FILE__) . "/readme.txt")) {
    config_set_readme($notebook_page, $rm);
add_config_field('protect.mod_auth_mysql.db', 'mod_auth_mysql Db and Tablename', function_exists('amDb') ? 'dbprefix' : 'text', "database name (if other database) plus mod_auth_mysql table<br />\n    name, like <i>mod_auth_mysql.users</i><br />\n    here <i>mod_auth_mysql</i> is database, and tables with users named as <i>users</i><br />\n    Please backup your table FIRST! aMember will manage it exclusively and<br />\n    if user is not present in aMember database, it will be removed from<br />\n    mod_auth_mysql table.\n    ", $notebook_page, 'validate_mod_auth_mysql_db');
function validate_mod_auth_mysql_db($field, $vars)
    global $db;
    $v = $vars[$field['name']];
    $v = $db->escape($v);
    mysql_query("SELECT username,passwd,groups FROM {$v} LIMIT 1");
    if (mysql_errno()) {
        return "{$field['title']} - incorrect value. Error: " . mysql_error();

if (!defined('INCLUDED_AMEMBER_CONFIG')) {
    die("Direct access to this location is not allowed");
$notebook_page = 'FirstPay.Net';
config_set_notebook_comment($notebook_page, 'FirstPay  configuration');
if (file_exists($rm = dirname(__FILE__) . "/readme.txt")) {
    config_set_readme($notebook_page, $rm);
global $config;
require_once $config['root_dir'] . "/plugins/payment/cc_core/cc_core.inc.php";
add_config_field('payment.firstpay.login', 'FirstPay.Net  merchant', 'text', "The Visa/Mastercard merchant number assigned <br/>to each individual merchant, starting with '4154...'", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.firstpay.secret', 'Secret ID', 'text', "A secret merchant identifier that will be issued <br />by FirstPay.Net to each merchant.", $notebook_page, '');
cc_core_add_config_items('firstpay', $notebook_page);

if (!defined('INCLUDED_AMEMBER_CONFIG')) {
    die("Direct access to this location is not allowed");
$notebook_page = 'FastSpring';
config_set_notebook_comment($notebook_page, 'FastSpring plugin configuration');
if (file_exists($rm = dirname(__FILE__) . "/readme.txt")) {
    config_set_readme($notebook_page, $rm);
add_config_field('payment.fastspring.company', 'Company Name', 'text', "your Company name as registered at FastSpring", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.fastspring.private_key', 'Private Key Security', 'text', "FastSpring -> Account -> Notification Configuration -> Order Notification -> Security", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.fastspring.testmode', 'Test Mode', 'select', "Set to No after you complete testing.", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('options' => array(0 => 'No', 1 => 'Yes')));
add_config_field('payment.fastspring.title', 'Payment Method Title', 'text', "displayed on signup page and on renewal page", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('default' => 'FastSpring'));
add_config_field('payment.fastspring.description', 'Payment Method Description', 'text', "displayed on signup page", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('default' => 'Credit Card Payment'));

if (!defined('INCLUDED_AMEMBER_CONFIG')) {
    die("Direct access to this location is not allowed");
$notebook_page = 'PayPal NVP';
config_set_notebook_comment($notebook_page, 'Paypal NVP configuration');
if (file_exists($rm = dirname(__FILE__) . "/readme.txt")) {
    config_set_readme($notebook_page, $rm);
global $config;
require_once $config['root_dir'] . "/plugins/payment/cc_core/cc_core.inc.php";
add_config_field('payment.paypal_nvp.business', 'Merchant ID', 'text', "your PayPal account PRIMARY email address", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.paypal_nvp.api_user', 'API Username', 'text', "", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.paypal_nvp.api_pass', 'API Password', 'password_c', "your API Password (it is different<br />\n                  from your PayPal account password)", $notebook_page, 'validate_password', '', '', array('store_type' => 3));
add_config_field('payment.paypal_nvp.api_sig', 'API Signature', 'textarea', "it is a long string of characters from PayPal, copy&paste - it is one-line!", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('size' => 40));
add_config_field('payment.paypal_nvp.testing', 'Sandbox testing', 'select', "you have to signup here <a href='http://developer.paypal.com/'>developer.paypal.com</a><br />\n    to use this feature", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('default' => "", 'options' => array('' => 'No', '1' => 'Yes')));
cc_core_add_config_items('paypal_nvp', $notebook_page);

if (!defined('INCLUDED_AMEMBER_CONFIG')) {
    die("Direct access to this location is not allowed");
$notebook_page = 'TheInternetCommerce';
config_set_notebook_comment($notebook_page, 'TheInternetCommerce configuration');
if (file_exists($rm = dirname(__FILE__) . "/readme.txt")) {
    config_set_readme($notebook_page, $rm);
add_config_field('payment.theinternetcommerce.login', 'TheInternetCommerce Merchant ID', 'text', "your TheInternetCommerce username", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.theinternetcommerce.pass', 'Transaction Password', 'text', "", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.theinternetcommerce.title', 'Payment Method Title', 'text', "displayed on signup page and on renewal page", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('default' => 'TheInternetCommerce'));
add_config_field('payment.theinternetcommerce.description', 'Payment Method Description', 'text', "displayed on signup page", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('default' => 'Credit Card Payment'));

if (!defined('INCLUDED_AMEMBER_CONFIG')) {
    die("Direct access to this location is not allowed");
$notebook_page = 'Protx VSP direct';
config_set_notebook_comment($notebook_page, 'Protx VSP direct configuration');
if (file_exists($rm = dirname(__FILE__) . "/readme.txt")) {
    config_set_readme($notebook_page, $rm);
global $config;
require_once $config['root_dir'] . "/plugins/payment/cc_core/cc_core.inc.php";
add_config_field('payment.protxdirect.login', 'Protx  login', 'text', "your protx username", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.protxdirect.testing', 'Test Mode Enabled', 'select', "set to No after you complete testing", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('options' => array(0 => 'No', 1 => 'Yes')));
cc_core_add_config_items('protxdirect', $notebook_page);

if (!defined('INCLUDED_AMEMBER_CONFIG')) {
    die("Direct access to this location is not allowed");
$notebook_page = 'Euro Bank Payment';
config_set_notebook_comment($notebook_page, 'Manual Euro Bank plugin configuration');
if (file_exists($rm = dirname(__FILE__) . "/readme.txt")) {
    config_set_readme($notebook_page, $rm);
add_config_field('payment.manual_euro_bank.title', 'Payment Method Title', 'text', "displayed on signup page and on renewal page", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('default' => 'Manual Euro Bank Payment'));
add_config_field('payment.manual_euro_bank.description', 'Payment Method Description', 'text', "displayed on signup page", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('default' => 'Manual Payment'));

if (!defined('INCLUDED_AMEMBER_CONFIG')) {
    die("Direct access to this location is not allowed");
$notebook_page = 'passwordcall';
config_set_notebook_comment($notebook_page, 'passwordcall plugin configuration');
if (file_exists($rm = dirname(__FILE__) . "/readme.txt")) {
    config_set_readme($notebook_page, $rm);
add_config_field('payment.passwordcall.webmaster_id', 'Deine passwordcall.de Webmaster ID', 'text', "", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.passwordcall.aname_id1', 'Angebot Nr1: Titel/&Uuml;berschrift', 'text', "", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.passwordcall.tarif_id1', 'Angebot Nr1: passwordcall.de Tarif, "T4" oder "T5" eintragen!', 'text', "", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.passwordcall.angebots_id1', 'Angebot Nr1: Angebots ID, Siehe passwordcall.de unter Link Generieren', 'text', "", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.passwordcall.product_id1', 'Angebot Nr1: Product ID, siehe amember CP Manage Products', 'text', "", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.passwordcall.aname_id2', 'Angebot Nr2: Titel/&Uuml;berschrift', 'text', "", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.passwordcall.tarif_id2', 'Angebot Nr2: passwordcall.de Tarif, "T4" oder "T5" eintragen!', 'text', "", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.passwordcall.angebots_id2', 'Angebot Nr2: Angebots ID, Siehe passwordcall.de unter Link Generieren', 'text', "", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.passwordcall.product_id2', 'Angebot Nr2: Product ID, siehe amember CP Manage Products', 'text', "", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.passwordcall.aname_id3', 'Angebot Nr3: Titel/&Uuml;berschrift', 'text', "", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.passwordcall.tarif_id3', 'Angebot Nr3: passwordcall.de Tarif, "T4" oder "T5" eintragen!', 'text', "", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.passwordcall.angebots_id3', 'Angebot Nr3: Angebots ID, Siehe passwordcall.de unter Link Generieren', 'text', "", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.passwordcall.product_id3', 'Angebot Nr3: Product ID, siehe amember CP Manage Products', 'text', "", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.passwordcall.aname_id4', 'Angebot Nr4: Titel/&Uuml;berschrift', 'text', "", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.passwordcall.tarif_id4', 'Angebot Nr4: passwordcall.de Tarif, "T4" oder "T5" eintragen!', 'text', "", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.passwordcall.angebots_id4', 'Angebot Nr4: Angebots ID, Siehe passwordcall.de unter Link Generieren', 'text', "", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.passwordcall.product_id4', 'Angebot Nr4: Product ID, siehe amember CP Manage Products', 'text', "", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.passwordcall.title', 'Payment Method Title', 'text', "displayed on signup page and on renewal page", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('default' => 'PasswordCall'));
add_config_field('payment.passwordcall.description', 'Payment Method Description', 'text', "displayed on signup page", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('default' => 'Phonecall Payment - Only Germany, Austria and Switzerland'));

if (!defined('INCLUDED_AMEMBER_CONFIG')) {
    die("Direct access to this location is not allowed");
$notebook_page = 'AnyLink';
config_set_notebook_comment($notebook_page, 'AnyLink plugin configuration');
if (file_exists($rm = dirname(__FILE__) . "/readme.txt")) {
    config_set_readme($notebook_page, $rm);
add_config_field('payment.anylink.title', 'Payment Method Title', 'text', "displayed on signup page and on renewal page", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('default' => 'AnyLink'));
add_config_field('payment.anylink.description', 'Payment Method Description', 'text', "displayed on signup page", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('default' => 'all major credit cards accepted'));
 * Copyright (C) 2010 Kencinnus, LLC. All rights reserved.
 * This file may not be distributed by anyone outside of
 * Kencinnus, LLC or authorized contractors as specified.
 * Purchasers of this plugin can modify it for the site
 * it is installed on.
 * This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING
 * All support wuestions regarding this plugin should be sent to:
 *		http://kencinnus.com/contact
 * (See amthankyou.inc.php for revision history.)
if (!defined('INCLUDED_AMEMBER_CONFIG')) {
    die("Direct access to this location is not allowed");
$notebook_page = 'amThankYou';
config_set_notebook_comment($notebook_page, 'amThankYou v3.2.3.1');
if (file_exists($rm = dirname(__FILE__) . "/readme.txt")) {
    config_set_readme($notebook_page, $rm);
add_config_field('protect.amthankyou.debug', 'Debug?', 'checkbox', 'Debug statements are written to the error log.', $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('protect.amthankyou.enjoytext', 'Text For Please Enjoy Phrase Above Product Links', 'textarea', "This is the text that is displayed at the top of the Thank You page before the list of product links.", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('store_type' => 1, 'default' => 'Please enjoy the products you have purchased<br />today by clicking on a link below...'));

if (!defined('INCLUDED_AMEMBER_CONFIG')) {
    die("Direct access to this location is not allowed");
$notebook_page = 'htpasswd';
config_set_notebook_comment($notebook_page, '');
if (file_exists($rm = dirname(__FILE__) . "/readme.txt")) {
    config_set_readme($notebook_page, $rm);
add_config_field('protect.htpasswd.use_plain_text', 'Use Plain Text', 'select', "set to Yes on the Windows platform, set to No otherwise", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('options' => array(0 => 'No', 1 => 'Yes')));
add_config_field('protect.htpasswd.add_htpasswd', 'Add another .htpasswd',
    'text', "add content of another .htpasswd file to generated file",

if (!defined('INCLUDED_AMEMBER_CONFIG')) {
    die("Direct access to this location is not allowed");
$notebook_page = 'Free';
config_set_notebook_comment($notebook_page, 'Free payment plugin configuration');
if (file_exists($rm = dirname(__FILE__) . "/readme.txt")) {
    config_set_readme($notebook_page, $rm);
add_config_field('payment.free.admin_approval', 'Require admin approval for new payments', 'checkbox', "", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array());
add_config_field('payment.free.mail_admin', 'Send E-Mail to admin about new subscription', 'checkbox', "", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array());

if (!defined('INCLUDED_AMEMBER_CONFIG')) {
    die("Direct access to this location is not allowed");
$notebook_page = 'AdultProcessor';
config_set_notebook_comment($notebook_page, 'AdultProcessor plugin configuration');
if (file_exists($rm = dirname(__FILE__) . "/readme.txt")) {
    config_set_readme($notebook_page, $rm);
add_config_field('payment.adultprocessor.url', 'AdultProcessor Post Url', 'text', "for example https://secure2.adultprocessor.com/", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('default' => 'https://secure2.adultprocessor.com/'));
add_config_field('payment.adultprocessor.merchantid', 'AdultProcessor Merchant ID', 'text', "", $notebook_page, '', '', '');
add_config_field('payment.adultprocessor.merchant_password', 'AdultProcessor Merchant Password', 'text', "", $notebook_page, '', '', '');
add_config_field('payment.adultprocessor.serverid', 'AdultProcessor Remote Server ID', 'text', "", $notebook_page, '', '', '');
add_config_field('payment.adultprocessor.method', 'AdultProcessor Request method', 'select', "request method for initial payment", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('options' => array(0 => 'Hosted forms', 1 => 'POST method')));
add_config_field('payment.adultprocessor.title', 'Payment Method Title', 'text', "displayed on signup page and on renewal page", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('default' => 'AdultProcessor'));
add_config_field('payment.adultprocessor.description', 'Payment Method Description', 'text', "displayed on signup page", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('default' => 'Pay by credit card/debit card - Visa/Mastercard'));

if (!defined('INCLUDED_AMEMBER_CONFIG')) {
    die("Direct access to this location is not allowed");
$notebook_page = 'PaySbuy';
config_set_notebook_comment($notebook_page, 'PaySbuy plugin configuration');
if (file_exists($rm = dirname(__FILE__) . "/readme.txt")) {
    config_set_readme($notebook_page, $rm);
add_config_field('payment.paysbuy.merchant_id', 'Your PaySbuy Merchant ID', 'text', "Username or Login email", $notebook_page);
add_config_field('payment.paysbuy.currency', 'PaySbuy Currency', 'select', 'currency for PaySbuy gateway', $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('options' => array('' => '- use default -', '840' => 'US Dollar', '036' => 'Australian Dollar', '826' => 'POUND STERLING', '124' => 'Canadian Dollar', '208' => 'Danish Krone', '978' => 'EURO', '344' => 'HongKong Dollar', '356' => 'Indian Rupee', '392' => 'YEN(100)', '554' => 'Newzealand Dollar', '578' => 'Norwegien Krone', '702' => 'Singapore Dollar', '752' => 'Swedish Krone', '756' => 'Swiss Franc')));
add_config_field('payment.paysbuy.title', 'Payment Method Title', 'text', "displayed on signup page and on renewal page", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('default' => 'PaySbuy'));
add_config_field('payment.paysbuy.description', 'Payment Method Description', 'text', "displayed on signup page", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('default' => "Make payments with PaySbuy - it's fast, free and secure!"));
    array('options' => array(
        'USD'      => 'US Dollar',
        'AUD'      => 'Australian Dollar',
        'GBP'      => 'POUND STERLING',
        'CAD'      => 'Canadian Dollar',
        'DKK'      => 'Danish Krone',
        'EUR'      => 'EURO',
        'HKD'      => 'HongKong Dollar',
        'INR'      => 'Indian Rupee',
        'JPY'      => 'YEN(100)',
        'NZD'      => 'Newzealand Dollar',
        'NOK'      => 'Norwegien Krone',
        'SGD'      => 'Singapore Dollar',
        'SEK'      => 'Swedish Krone',
        'CHF'      => 'Swiss Franc'

if (!defined('INCLUDED_AMEMBER_CONFIG')) {
    die("Direct access to this location is not allowed");
$notebook_page = 'Authorize.Net SIM';
config_set_notebook_comment($notebook_page, 'Authorize.Net configuration');
if (file_exists($rm = dirname(__FILE__) . "/readme.txt")) {
    config_set_readme($notebook_page, $rm);
add_config_field('payment.authorize.login', 'Authorize.Net API Login', 'text', "The API login is different from your Authorize.net username.<br />\n    You can get at the same time as the Transaction Key", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.authorize.tkey', 'Transaction Key', 'text', "The transaction key is generated by the system <br />\n    and can be obtained from Merchant Interface. <br />\n    To obtain the transaction key from the Merchant <br />\n    Interface<br />\n1. Log into the Merchant Interface<br />\n2. Select Settings from the Main Menu<br />\n3. Click on Obtain Transaction Key in the Security section<br />\n4. Type in the answer to the secret question configured on setup<br />\n5. Click Submit<br />", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.authorize.secret', 'Secret Word', 'text', "From authorize.net MD5 Hash menu. You have to create secret word", $notebook_page, '', '', '');
add_config_field('payment.authorize.testing', 'Test Mode Enabled', 'select', "set to No after you complete testing", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('options' => array(0 => 'No', 1 => 'Yes')));
add_config_field('payment.authorize.title', 'Payment Method Title', 'text', "displayed on signup page and on renewal page", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('default' => 'Authorize.Net Web Payment'));
add_config_field('payment.authorize.description', 'Payment Method Description', 'text', "displayed on signup page", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('default' => 'Credit card payment'));

if (!defined('INCLUDED_AMEMBER_CONFIG')) {
    die("Direct access to this location is not allowed");
$notebook_page = '1ShoppingCart/MCSSL';
config_set_notebook_comment($notebook_page, '1ShoppingCart/MCSSL Integration');
if (file_exists($rm = dirname(__FILE__) . "/readme.txt")) {
    config_set_readme($notebook_page, $rm);
add_config_field('payment.1shoppingcart.merchant_id', 'Merchant ID', 'text', "your 1ShoppingCart merchant ID#", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.1shoppingcart.postback_password', 'PostBack Password', 'password_c', "you must set the same value in 1ShoppingCart control panel", $notebook_page, 'validate_password', '', '', array('store_type' => 3));
add_config_field('payment.1shoppingcart.api_key', 'API Key', 'text', "Required only for 1SC in from of aMember", $notebook_page, '');
if (class_exists('payment_1shoppingcart')) {
    $pl =& instantiate_plugin('payment', '1shoppingcart');

if (!defined('INCLUDED_AMEMBER_CONFIG')) {
    die("Direct access to this location is not allowed");
$notebook_page = 'ClickAndBuy';
config_set_notebook_comment($notebook_page, 'ClickAndBuy plugin configuration');
if (file_exists($rm = dirname(__FILE__) . "/readme.txt")) {
    config_set_readme($notebook_page, $rm);
add_config_field('payment.clickandbuy.purchase_code', 'Your ClickAndBuy Purchase Link code', 'text', "your ClickAndBuy Purchase Link code <b><i>pe2lstz7ep13r0</i></b> from URL like<br />\n    ( http://premium-<b>pe2lstz7ep13r0</b>.eu.clickandbuy.com/clickandbuy.php )<br />\n    It is set up by your Account Support Manager, who will notify you of the exact URL.", $notebook_page);
add_config_field('payment.clickandbuy.seller_id', 'Your ClickAndBuy Seller ID', 'text', "your ClickAndBuy Seller ID", $notebook_page, 'validate_integer');
add_config_field('payment.clickandbuy.tm_password', 'Your ClickAndBuy TM Password', 'password_c', "your ClickAndBuy Transaction Manager Password", $notebook_page);
add_config_field('payment.clickandbuy.disable_second_confirmation', 'Disable Second Confirmation', 'checkbox', "For testing only!!! Enable it in case of 'Soap Request Fault' error.<br />\n    The Second Confirmation procedure enables you to ensure that a transaction is only evaluated<br />\n    as successful if the transaction was actually able to be created in the ClickandBuy system.", $notebook_page);
add_config_field('payment.clickandbuy.title', 'Payment Method Title', 'text', "displayed on signup page and on renewal page", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('default' => 'ClickAndBuy'));
add_config_field('payment.clickandbuy.description', 'Payment Method Description', 'text', "displayed on signup page", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('default' => 'Pay by ClickandBuy'));

if (!defined('INCLUDED_AMEMBER_CONFIG')) {
    die("Direct access to this location is not allowed");
$notebook_page = 'PlugNPay';
config_set_notebook_comment($notebook_page, 'plugnpay configuration');
if (file_exists($rm = dirname(__FILE__) . "/readme.txt")) {
    config_set_readme($notebook_page, $rm);
add_config_field('payment.plugnpay.login', 'plugnpay login', 'text', "your PlugNPay Username", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.plugnpay.domain', 'plugnpay Payment Domain',
    'text', "your secure payment server domain - assigned by PlugNPay",
add_config_field('payment.plugnpay.app_level', 'AVS approval Level', 'select', " Please see AVS Specifications in PlugNPay for level details.", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('options' => array(-1 => '-1', 0 => 0, 1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3, 4 => 4, 5 => 5, 6 => 6), 'default' => '1'));
add_config_field('payment.plugnpay.title', 'Payment Method Title', 'text', "displayed on signup page and on renewal page", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('default' => 'PlugNPay'));
add_config_field('payment.plugnpay.description', 'Payment Method Description', 'text', "displayed on signup page", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('default' => 'Credit Card Payment'));
add_config_field('payment.plugnpay.currency', 'plugnpay Currency', 'select', 'default plugnpay Currency', $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('options' => array('aud' => 'Australian dollars', 'cad' => 'Canadian dollars', 'chf' => 'Swiss francs', 'eur' => 'Euro', 'gbp' => 'Pounds', 'jpy' => 'Yen', 'usd' => 'US Dollars', 'jmd' => 'Jamaican Dollar'), 'default' => 'usd'));

if (!defined('INCLUDED_AMEMBER_CONFIG')) {
    die("Direct access to this location is not allowed");
$notebook_page = 'BluePay';
config_set_notebook_comment($notebook_page, 'BluePay configuration');
if (file_exists($rm = dirname(__FILE__) . "/readme.txt")) {
    config_set_readme($notebook_page, $rm);
global $config;
require_once $config['root_dir'] . "/plugins/payment/cc_core/cc_core.inc.php";
add_config_field('payment.bluepay.account_id', 'BluePay account ID', 'text', "", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.bluepay.secret', 'Secret Key', 'text', "", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.bluepay.test', 'Test Mode Enabled', 'select', "set to No after you complete testing", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('options' => array(0 => 'No', 1 => 'Yes')));
cc_core_add_config_items('bluepay', $notebook_page);

if (!defined('INCLUDED_AMEMBER_CONFIG')) {
    die("Direct access to this location is not allowed");
$notebook_page = 'Mollie';
config_set_notebook_comment($notebook_page, 'Mollie plugin configuration');
add_config_field('payment.mollie.id', 'Your Mollie Partner ID', 'text', "", $notebook_page, '');

if (!defined('INCLUDED_AMEMBER_CONFIG')) {
    die("Direct access to this location is not allowed");
$notebook_page = 'Icepay';
config_set_notebook_comment($notebook_page, 'Icepay plugin configuration');
if (file_exists($rm = dirname(__FILE__) . "/readme.txt")) {
    config_set_readme($notebook_page, $rm);
add_config_field('payment.icepay.merchkey', 'Your Icepay Merchant number', 'text', "A unique assigned code identifying the<br />\n\tmerchant under which transactions will<br />\n\tbe processed", $notebook_page);
add_config_field('payment.icepay.secret', 'Your Icepay Encryption code', 'text', "", $notebook_page);

if (!defined('INCLUDED_AMEMBER_CONFIG')) {
    die("Direct access to this location is not allowed");
$notebook_page = 'Virtual Merchant';
config_set_notebook_comment($notebook_page, 'Vertual Merchant configuration');
if (file_exists($rm = dirname(__FILE__) . "/readme.txt")) {
    config_set_readme($notebook_page, $rm);
global $config;
require_once $config['root_dir'] . "/plugins/payment/cc_core/cc_core.inc.php";
add_config_field('payment.vmerchant.merchant_id', 'Virtual Merchant account ID', 'text', "Set the value to the Virtual Merchant account ID.", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.vmerchant.pin', 'PIN', 'text', "Set the value to the merchant PIN associated with the\nVirtual Merchant ID.", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.vmerchant.user_id', 'User ID', 'text', "", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.vmerchant.testing', 'Test Mode Enabled', 'select', "set to No after you complete testing", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('options' => array('0' => 'No', '1' => 'Yes')));
cc_core_add_config_items('vmerchant', $notebook_page);

if (!defined('INCLUDED_AMEMBER_CONFIG')) {
    die("Direct access to this location is not allowed");
$notebook_page = 'TripleDeal';
config_set_notebook_comment($notebook_page, 'TripleDeal plugin configuration');
if (file_exists($rm = dirname(__FILE__) . "/readme.txt")) {
    config_set_readme($notebook_page, $rm);
add_config_field('payment.tripledeal.merchant_name', 'Your TripleDeal Merchant Name', 'text', "your TripleDeal merchant name", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.tripledeal.merchant_password', 'Your TripleDeal Merchant Password', 'password_c', "your TripleDeal merchant password", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.tripledeal.profile', 'Your TripleDeal Profile', 'text', "your TripleDeal profile", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('default' => 'OnlyCreditCards'));
add_config_field('payment.tripledeal.debugmode', 'Debug Mode Enabled', 'select', "Set to No after you complete testing.", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('options' => array(0 => 'No', 1 => 'Yes')));
add_config_field('payment.tripledeal.title', 'Payment Method Title', 'text', "displayed on signup page and on renewal page", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('default' => 'TripleDeal'));
add_config_field('payment.tripledeal.description', 'Payment Method Description', 'text', "displayed on signup page", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('default' => 'Credit Card Payment'));

if (!defined('INCLUDED_AMEMBER_CONFIG')) {
    die("Direct access to this location is not allowed");
$notebook_page = 'Internetsecure';
config_set_notebook_comment($notebook_page, 'Internetsecure plugin configuration');
if (file_exists($rm = dirname(__FILE__) . "/readme.txt")) {
    config_set_readme($notebook_page, $rm);
add_config_field('payment.internetsecure.merchant_id', 'Your Internetsecure Merhcant Number', 'text', "it must be a numeric value", $notebook_page, '');
add_config_field('payment.internetsecure.testing', 'Test Mode', 'select', "", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('options' => array('' => 'No', 1 => 'Yes'), 'default' => ''));
add_config_field('payment.internetsecure.title', 'Payment Method Title', 'text', "displayed on signup page and on renewal page", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('default' => 'InternetSecure'));
add_config_field('payment.internetsecure.description', 'Payment Method Description', 'text', "displayed on signup page", $notebook_page, '', '', '', array('default' => 'Credit Card Payment'));