function blowCache() { $cache = common_memcache(); if ($cache) { $cache->delete(common_cache_key('notice_tag:notice_stream:' . $this->tag)); } }
function handle($args) { parent::handle($args); $c = common_memcache(); if (!empty($c)) { $cacheKey = common_cache_key(MinifyPlugin::cacheKey . ':' . $this->file . '?v=' . empty($this->v) ? '' : $this->v); $out = $c->get($cacheKey); } if (empty($out)) { $out = $this->minify($this->file); } if (!empty($c)) { $c->set($cacheKey, $out); } $sec = session_cache_expire() * 60; header('Cache-Control: public, max-age=' . $sec); header('Pragma: public'); $this->raw($out); }
/** * etag for file * * This returns the same data (inode, size, mtime) as Apache would, * but in decimal instead of hex. * * @return string etag http header */ function etag() { if (common_config('site', 'use_x_sendfile')) { return null; } $cache = common_memcache(); if ($cache) { $key = common_cache_key('attachments:etag:' . $this->path); $etag = $cache->get($key); if ($etag === false) { $etag = crc32(file_get_contents($this->path)); $cache->set($key, $etag); } return $etag; } $stat = stat($this->path); return '"' . $stat['ino'] . '-' . $stat['size'] . '-' . $stat['mtime'] . '"'; }
-k key Key to look up; other args are ignored ENDOFHELP; require_once INSTALLDIR . '/scripts/'; $karg = get_option_value('k'); if (!empty($karg)) { $k = common_cache_key($karg); } else { $table = get_option_value('t'); if (empty($table)) { die("No table or key specified\n"); } $column = get_option_value('c'); if (empty($column)) { $column = 'id'; } $value = get_option_value('v'); $k = Memcached_DataObject::cacheKey($table, $column, $value); } print "Checking key '{$k}'...\n"; $c = common_memcache(); if (empty($c)) { die("Can't initialize cache object!\n"); } $obj = $c->get($k); if (empty($obj)) { print "Empty.\n"; } else { var_dump($obj); print "\n"; }
} ini_set("max_execution_time", "0"); ini_set("max_input_time", "0"); set_time_limit(0); mb_internal_encoding('UTF-8'); define('INSTALLDIR', realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/..')); define('LACONICA', true); require_once INSTALLDIR . '/lib/common.php'; $start_at = $argc > 1 ? $argv[1] : null; common_log(LOG_INFO, 'Updating user inboxes.'); $user = new User(); if ($start_at) { $user->whereAdd('id >= ' . $start_at); } $cnt = $user->find(); $cache = common_memcache(); while ($user->fetch()) { common_log(LOG_INFO, 'Updating inbox for user ' . $user->id); $user->query('BEGIN'); $inbox = new Notice_inbox(); $result = $inbox->query('INSERT LOW_PRIORITY INTO notice_inbox (user_id, notice_id, created) ' . 'SELECT ' . $user->id . ',, notice.created ' . 'FROM subscription JOIN notice ON subscription.subscribed = notice.profile_id ' . 'WHERE subscription.subscriber = ' . $user->id . ' ' . 'AND notice.created >= subscription.created ' . 'AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT user_id, notice_id ' . 'FROM notice_inbox ' . 'WHERE user_id = ' . $user->id . ' ' . 'AND notice_id ='); if (is_null($result) || $result === false) { common_log_db_error($inbox, 'INSERT', __FILE__); continue; } $orig = clone $user; $user->inboxed = 1; $result = $user->update($orig); if (!$result) { common_log_db_error($user, 'UPDATE', __FILE__); continue;
static function memcache() { return common_memcache(); }
function blowNoticeCount() { $c = common_memcache(); if (!empty($c)) { $c->delete(common_cache_key('profile:notice_count:' . $this->id)); } }
static function getCachedStream($qry, $cachekey, $offset, $limit, $order) { # If outside our cache window, just go to the DB if ($offset + $limit > NOTICE_CACHE_WINDOW) { return Notice::getStreamDirect($qry, $offset, $limit, null, null, $order, null); } # Get the cache; if we can't, just go to the DB $cache = common_memcache(); if (!$cache) { return Notice::getStreamDirect($qry, $offset, $limit, null, null, $order, null); } # Get the notices out of the cache $notices = $cache->get(common_cache_key($cachekey)); # On a cache hit, return a DB-object-like wrapper if ($notices !== false) { $wrapper = new ArrayWrapper(array_slice($notices, $offset, $limit)); return $wrapper; } # If the cache was invalidated because of new data being # added, we can try and just get the new stuff. We keep an additional # copy of the data at the key + ';last' # No cache hit. Try to get the *last* cached version $last_notices = $cache->get(common_cache_key($cachekey) . ';last'); if ($last_notices) { # Reverse-chron order, so last ID is last. $last_id = $last_notices[0]->id; # XXX: this assumes monotonically increasing IDs; a fair # bet with our DB. $new_notice = Notice::getStreamDirect($qry, 0, NOTICE_CACHE_WINDOW, $last_id, null, $order, null); if ($new_notice) { $new_notices = array(); while ($new_notice->fetch()) { $new_notices[] = clone $new_notice; } $new_notice->free(); $notices = array_slice(array_merge($new_notices, $last_notices), 0, NOTICE_CACHE_WINDOW); # Store the array in the cache for next time $result = $cache->set(common_cache_key($cachekey), $notices); $result = $cache->set(common_cache_key($cachekey) . ';last', $notices); # return a wrapper of the array for use now return new ArrayWrapper(array_slice($notices, $offset, $limit)); } } # Otherwise, get the full cache window out of the DB $notice = Notice::getStreamDirect($qry, 0, NOTICE_CACHE_WINDOW, null, null, $order, null); # If there are no hits, just return the value if (!$notice) { return $notice; } # Pack results into an array $notices = array(); while ($notice->fetch()) { $notices[] = clone $notice; } $notice->free(); # Store the array in the cache for next time $result = $cache->set(common_cache_key($cachekey), $notices); $result = $cache->set(common_cache_key($cachekey) . ';last', $notices); # return a wrapper of the array for use now $wrapper = new ArrayWrapper(array_slice($notices, $offset, $limit)); return $wrapper; }
function repeatStream($limit = 100) { $cache = common_memcache(); if (empty($cache)) { $ids = $this->_repeatStreamDirect($limit); } else { $idstr = $cache->get(common_cache_key('notice:repeats:' . $this->id)); if ($idstr !== false) { $ids = explode(',', $idstr); } else { $ids = $this->_repeatStreamDirect(100); $cache->set(common_cache_key('notice:repeats:' . $this->id), implode(',', $ids)); } if ($limit < 100) { // We do a max of 100, so slice down to limit $ids = array_slice($ids, 0, $limit); } } return Notice::getStreamByIds($ids); }
/** * Update count of times we've re-encountered this message recently, * triggered when we get a message marked as 'redelivered'. * * Requires a CLI-friendly cache configuration. * * @param string $msgId message-id header from message * @return int number of retries recorded */ function incDeliveryCount($msgId) { $count = 0; $cache = common_memcache(); if ($cache) { $key = 'statusnet:stomp:message-retries:' . $msgId; $count = $cache->increment($key); if (!$count) { $count = 1; $cache->set($key, $count, null, 3600); $got = $cache->get($key); } } return $count; }
function setCache($attrs, $loc) { $c = common_memcache(); if (empty($c)) { return null; } $key = $this->cacheKey($attrs); $result = $c->set($key, $loc, 0, time() + $this->expiry); return $result; }
/** * Reconnect to the database for each child process, * or they'll get very confused trying to use the * same socket. */ protected function resetDb() { // @fixme do we need to explicitly open the db too // or is this implied? global $_DB_DATAOBJECT; unset($_DB_DATAOBJECT['CONNECTIONS']); // Reconnect main memcached, or threads will stomp on // each other and corrupt their requests. $cache = common_memcache(); if ($cache) { $cache->reconnect(); } // Also reconnect memcached for status_network table. if (!empty(Status_network::$cache)) { Status_network::$cache->close(); Status_network::$cache = null; } }
function onStartStyleElement($action, &$code, &$type, &$media) { if ($this->minifyInlineCss && $type == 'text/css') { $c = common_memcache(); if (!empty($c)) { $cacheKey = common_cache_key(self::cacheKey . ':' . crc32($code)); $out = $c->get($cacheKey); } if (empty($out)) { $out = $this->minifyCss($code); } if (!empty($c)) { $c->set($cacheKey, $out); } if (!empty($out)) { $code = $out; } } }
function subs_unsubscribe_to($user, $other) { if (!$user->isSubscribed($other)) { return _('Not subscribed!.'); } $sub = DB_DataObject::factory('subscription'); $sub->subscriber = $user->id; $sub->subscribed = $other->id; $sub->find(true); // note we checked for existence above if (!$sub->delete()) { return _('Couldn\'t delete subscription.'); } $cache = common_memcache(); if ($cache) { $cache->delete(common_cache_key('user:notices_with_friends:' . $user->id)); } return true; }
function get_ldap_connection($config = null) { if ($config == null) { $config = $this->ldap_config; } $config_id = crc32(serialize($config)); if (array_key_exists($config_id, self::$ldap_connections)) { $ldap = self::$ldap_connections[$config_id]; } else { //cannot use Net_LDAP2::connect() as StatusNet uses //PEAR::setErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_CALLBACK, 'handleError'); //PEAR handling can be overridden on instance objects, so we do that. $ldap = new Net_LDAP2($config); $ldap->setErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_RETURN); $err = $ldap->bind(); if (Net_LDAP2::isError($err)) { // if we were called with a config, assume caller will handle // incorrect username/password (LDAP_INVALID_CREDENTIALS) if (isset($config) && $err->getCode() == 0x31) { throw new LdapInvalidCredentialsException('Could not connect to LDAP server: ' . $err->getMessage()); } throw new Exception('Could not connect to LDAP server: ' . $err->getMessage()); } $c = common_memcache(); if (!empty($c)) { $cacheObj = new MemcacheSchemaCache(array('c' => $c, 'cacheKey' => common_cache_key('ldap_schema:' . $config_id))); $ldap->registerSchemaCache($cacheObj); } self::$ldap_connections[$config_id] = $ldap; } return $ldap; }
function blowFavesCache() { $cache = common_memcache(); if ($cache) { // Faves don't happen chronologically, so we need to blow // ;last cache, too $cache->delete(common_cache_key('fave:ids_by_user:'******'fave:ids_by_user:'******';last')); $cache->delete(common_cache_key('fave:ids_by_user_own:' . $this->id)); $cache->delete(common_cache_key('fave:ids_by_user_own:' . $this->id . ';last')); } $profile = $this->getProfile(); $profile->blowFaveCount(); }
function blowFavesCache() { $cache = common_memcache(); if ($cache) { # Faves don't happen chronologically, so we need to blow # ;last cache, too $cache->delete(common_cache_key('user:faves:' . $this->id)); $cache->delete(common_cache_key('user:faves:' . $this->id) . ';last'); } }