function onsave($content) { if ($this->nosuchcomment) { return PANEL_REDIRECT_DEFAULT; } $comment = comment_parse($_REQUEST['entry'], $_REQUEST['comment']); if (isset($comment['loggedin'])) { $content['loggedin'] = $comment['loggedin']; } $content['ip-address'] = $comment['ip-address']; $content['date'] = $comment['date']; $success = comment_save($_REQUEST['entry'], $content); $this->smarty->assign('success', $success ? 1 : -1); return PANEL_REDIRECT_CURRENT; }
function &getComment() { if (!$this->hasMore()) { return false; } list($k, $id) = each($this->list); $comment = comment_parse($this->entryid, $id); $couplet = array(&$id, &$comment); return $couplet; }
function plugin_lastcomments_rss() { global $smarty; if (false === ($f = io_load_file(LASTCOMMENTS_CACHE_FILE))) { // no comments in cache $list = array(); } else { // if file exists and its correctly read, we get the stored list // (it is stored in encoded form) $list = unserialize($f); } $newlist = array(); foreach ($list as $c) { $newlist[] = comment_parse($list['entryid'], $list['id']); } $smarty->assign('lastcomments_list', $newlist); }