文件: Filter.php 项目: groovey/grid
 public function render($hidden = true)
     $app = $this->app;
     $yaml = $this->yaml;
     $html = '';
     $filters = coalesce($yaml['filters']);
     if (!$filters) {
         return '';
     foreach ($filters as $filter) {
         $type = element('type', $filter);
         $custom = element('custom', $filter);
         $attributes = element('attributes', $filter);
         $permission = element('permission', $filter);
         if ($permission && !$app['acl']->allow($permission)) {
         if ($custom) {
             $class = element('class', $custom);
             $action = element('action', $custom);
             $response = call_user_func_array([$class, $action], [$app]);
             $html .= coalesce($response['html']);
         } else {
             $html .= $this->{$type}($attributes);
     return $html . $this->renderHidden($hidden);
 public function execute(PhutilArgumentParser $args)
     $commits = $this->loadCommits($args, 'commits');
     if (!$commits) {
         throw new PhutilArgumentUsageException('Specify one or more commits to resolve users for.');
     $console = PhutilConsole::getConsole();
     foreach ($commits as $commit) {
         $repo = $commit->getRepository();
         $name = $repo->formatCommitName($commit->getCommitIdentifier());
         $console->writeOut("%s\n", pht('Examining commit %s...', $name));
         $ref = id(new DiffusionLowLevelCommitQuery())->setRepository($repo)->withIdentifier($commit->getCommitIdentifier())->execute();
         $author = $ref->getAuthor();
         $console->writeOut("%s\n", pht('Raw author string: %s', coalesce($author, 'null')));
         if ($author !== null) {
             $handle = $this->resolveUser($commit, $author);
             if ($handle) {
                 $console->writeOut("%s\n", pht('Phabricator user: %s', $handle->getFullName()));
             } else {
                 $console->writeOut("%s\n", pht('Unable to resolve a corresponding Phabricator user.'));
         $committer = $ref->getCommitter();
         $console->writeOut("%s\n", pht('Raw committer string: %s', coalesce($committer, 'null')));
         if ($committer !== null) {
             $handle = $this->resolveUser($commit, $committer);
             if ($handle) {
                 $console->writeOut("%s\n", pht('Phabricator user: %s', $handle->getFullName()));
             } else {
                 $console->writeOut("%s\n", pht('Unable to resolve a corresponding Phabricator user.'));
     return 0;
 public function view($idOrNodeName = null)
     if (!($this->Node = $this->Node->findNode(coalesce($idOrNodeName, @$this->params['name'], @$this->params['id'])))) {
         return false;
     $this->data->set('Node', $this->Node);
     // add pagetitle and keywords to metatags
     $this->data->set('pageTitle', $this->Node->getText('headline') . ' - ' . AppController::NAME);
     if ($tags = $this->Node->getText('tags')) {
         $this->AppMetaTags->keywords->prependFromArray(preg_split('/[\\s]+/i', $tags));
     // check if node has any children
     if ($this->Node->level == 2) {
         $this->Node->bind('FirstImage', 'hasOne', array('class' => 'MediaImage'));
     // find children of the node
     if ($this->Node->hasChildren() && ($ChildNodes = $this->Node->tree(0, 0))) {
         $this->data->set('ChildNodes', $ChildNodes);
     // custom template
     if (!$this->Node->isEmpty('template')) {
         if ($this->Node->get('template') != 'view') {
             return $this->action($this->Node->get('template'), $this->params);
         } else {
             if ($SubMenu = $this->Node->findByName('Projects')) {
                 $this->data->set('SubMenu', $SubMenu->tree(1, 0));
     return true;
 protected function main()
     global $argv;
     // get desired job name from console argument list
     $jobname = coalesce(@$argv[1], false);
     $jobname = preg_replace('@[^A-Z0-9a-z_-]@i', '', $jobname);
     if (empty($jobname)) {
         $availableJobs = $this->availableJobs();
         if (empty($availableJobs)) {
             $this->console->quit('No tasks found.');
         foreach ($availableJobs as $index => $jobname) {
             $this->console->out(sprintf('[%s] %s', str_pad($index + 1, strlen(count($availableJobs)), ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT), $jobname));
         $result = trim($this->console->read('Please choose job:')) - 1;
         if (empty($availableJobs[$result])) {
             $this->console->quit('invalid job selected');
         $jobname = $availableJobs[$result];
     try {
         $task = $this->loadTask($jobname, array_slice($argv, 1));
     } catch (AppConsoleControllerTaskNotFoundException $e) {
         $this->console->quit(sprintf('Unable to open task "%s"', $jobname));
     return true;
  * Construct an instance of a StyleConfig.
  * @param string $name
  * @param string $description
  * @param null $finder
 public function __construct($name = 'chroma', $description = 'Chroma default configuration', $finder = null)
     parent::__construct($name, $description);
     $this->finder = coalesce($finder, $this->makeFinder());
     $this->fixers(['encoding', 'short_tag', 'braces', 'elseif', 'eof_ending', 'function_call_space', 'function_declaration', 'indentation', 'line_after_namespace', 'linefeed', 'lowercase_constants', 'lowercase_keywords', 'method_argument_space', 'multiple_use', 'parenthesis', 'php_closing_tag', 'trailing_spaces', 'visibility', 'duplicate_semicolon', 'extra_empty_lines', 'multiline_array_trailing_comma', 'new_with_braces', 'object_operator', 'operators_spaces', 'remove_lines_between_uses', 'return', 'single_array_no_trailing_comma', 'spaces_before_semicolon', 'spaces_cast', 'standardize_not_equal', 'ternary_spaces', 'whitespacy_lines', 'concat_with_spaces', 'multiline_spaces_before_semicolon', 'short_array_syntax', 'remove_leading_slash_use', 'phpdoc_order', 'unused_use', 'single_quote', 'single_blank_line_before_namespace', 'spaces_before_semicolon', 'trim_array_spaces', 'phpdoc_var_without_name', 'phpdoc_to_comment', 'phpdoc_short_description', 'phpdoc_scalar', 'phpdoc_no_empty_return', 'phpdoc_no_access', 'no_empty_lines_after_phpdocs', 'no_blank_lines_after_class_opening', 'join_function_fixer', 'blankline_after_open_tag', 'unalign_double_arrow', 'unalign_equals', 'short_echo_tag', 'php4_constructor']);
文件: Listing.php 项目: groovey/grid
 public function body($message = 'No Matching Records Found.')
     $app = $this->app;
     $yaml = $this->yaml;
     $records = $this->getRecords();
     $datas = [];
     foreach ($records as $record) {
         $record = (array) $record;
         $cnt = 0;
         foreach ($yaml['listing'] as $value) {
             $body = $value['body'];
             $permission = element('permission', $value);
             $custom = element('custom', $body);
             $row = element('row', $body);
             $align = element('align', $body);
             $actions = element('actions', $body);
             $label = coalesce($record[$row]);
             if ($permission && !$app['acl']->allow($permission)) {
             if ($custom) {
                 $class = element('class', $custom);
                 $action = element('action', $custom);
                 $label = call_user_func_array([$class, $action], [$app, $record]);
             } elseif ($actions) {
                 $label = $this->renderActions($actions);
             $temp[$cnt++] = ['row' => $label, 'align' => $align];
         $datas[] = $temp;
     return $app['twig']->render('grid/listing/body.html', ['datas' => $datas, 'message' => $message]);
文件: Run.php 项目: groovey/seeder
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $class = $input->getArgument('class');
     $total = $input->getArgument('total');
     $fs = new Filesystem();
     $output = Output::style($output);
     $filename = getcwd() . "/database/seeds/{$class}.php";
     $helper = $this->getHelper('question');
     if (!$fs->exists($filename)) {
         $output->writeln('<error>The seeder class does not exits.</error>');
     $output->writeln('<highlight>Running seeder file:</highlight>');
     $question = new ConfirmationQuestion('<question>Are you sure you want to proceed? (Y/n):</question> ', false);
     if (!$helper->ask($input, $output, $question)) {
     include_once __DIR__ . '/../Factory.php';
     include_once __DIR__ . '/../Seeder.php';
     include_once $filename;
     $instance = new $class();
     $instance->inject($output, $this->app, coalesce($total, 1));
 public static function newFromParts(PhabricatorUser $viewer, $year, $month, $day, $time = null, $enabled = true)
     $value = new AphrontFormDateControlValue();
     $value->viewer = $viewer;
     list($value->valueDate, $value->valueTime) = $value->getFormattedDateFromParts($year, $month, $day, coalesce($time, '12:00 AM'));
     $value->valueEnabled = $enabled;
     return $value;
 public function renderCommitMessageValue(array $handles)
     $id = coalesce($this->revisionID, $this->getObject()->getID());
     if (!$id) {
         return null;
     return PhabricatorEnv::getProductionURI('/D' . $id);
 public static function getFullNameForChangeType($type)
     static $types = null;
     if ($types === null) {
         $types = array(self::TYPE_ADD => pht('Added'), self::TYPE_CHANGE => pht('Modified'), self::TYPE_DELETE => pht('Deleted'), self::TYPE_MOVE_AWAY => pht('Moved Away'), self::TYPE_COPY_AWAY => pht('Copied Away'), self::TYPE_MOVE_HERE => pht('Moved Here'), self::TYPE_COPY_HERE => pht('Copied Here'), self::TYPE_MULTICOPY => pht('Deleted After Multiple Copy'), self::TYPE_MESSAGE => pht('Commit Message'), self::TYPE_CHILD => pht('Contents Modified'));
     return idx($types, coalesce($type, '?'), pht('Unknown'));
function cp_fetch_site_info($site_id = 0)
    static $info;
    if (!isset($info)) {
        $rsSites = CSite::GetByID(coalesce($site_id, SITE_ID));
        $info = $rsSites->Fetch();
    return $info;
 public function __construct($isCritical, $body, array $to = array(), array $from = array(), $subject = NULL, array $files = array())
     $this->to = $to ? $to : array(cp_get_site_email());
     $this->from = $from ? $from : array("noreply@{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}");
     $this->subject = @coalesce($subject, 'Сообщение на ' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
     $this->body_template = $body;
     $this->files = $files;
     require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/lib/php-mailer/PHPMailerAutoload.php';
     $this->mailer = new \PHPMailer();
 public function getText($varname, $default = null)
     $languageId = I18n::locale();
     $languageModelName = 'Text' . ucFirst(substr($languageId, 0, 2));
     if (!isset($this->{$languageModelName})) {
         $languageModelName = 'Text' . ucfirst(substr(Registry::get('I18n.language'), 0, 2));
     if ($this->{$languageModelName} instanceof Model && $this->{$languageModelName}->hasField($varname)) {
         return coalesce($this->{$languageModelName}->get($varname), $default, false);
文件: Menu.php 项目: groovey/menu
 public function make()
     $app = $this->app;
     $html = $this->html;
     foreach ($this->yaml as $menu) {
         if (!isset($menu['submenu'])) {
             $html .= $app['twig']->render('menus/parent.html', ['title' => coalesce($menu['title']), 'url' => coalesce($menu['url']), 'icon' => coalesce($menu['icon'])]);
         } else {
             $html .= $app['twig']->render('menus/child.html', ['title' => coalesce($menu['title']), 'icon' => coalesce($menu['icon']), 'submenu' => coalesce($menu['submenu'])]);
     $this->html = $html;
function translateString($originalString)
    $langCode = coalesce(@$GLOBALS['SETTINGS']['language'], 'en');
    if (!$langCode && !$GLOBALS['SETTINGS']['advanced']['languageDeveloperMode']) {
        return $originalString;
    // skip if no language defined
    static $translation = array();
    // get language dirs
    list($defaultLangDir, $adminLangDir, $pluginLangDir) = _languageFiles_getDirs();
    $isAdminMenu = in_array(@$_REQUEST['menu'], array('admin', 'database', '_codeGenerator'));
    if ($pluginLangDir) {
        $tryDirs = array($pluginLangDir, $adminLangDir, $defaultLangDir);
    } elseif ($isAdminMenu) {
        $tryDirs = array($adminLangDir, $defaultLangDir);
    } else {
        $tryDirs = array($defaultLangDir);
    $targetLangDir = $tryDirs[0];
    // first dir to try and where language strings are added
    // load/cache language file and return translation
    $langFile = "{$langCode}.php";
    foreach ($tryDirs as $thisDir) {
        $thisFilepath = "{$thisDir}/{$langFile}";
        // load/cache file
        if (!array_key_exists($thisFilepath, $translation)) {
            $translation[$thisFilepath] = _languageFile_load($thisFilepath);
        // load string
        if (array_key_exists($originalString, $translation[$thisFilepath])) {
            // return translation
            $string = $translation[$thisFilepath][$originalString];
            if ($langCode == 'd|e|b|u|g') {
                $string = preg_replace("/(?<=\\w)(\\w)/", "|\\1", $string);
            // added in v2.50
            return $langCode ? $string : $originalString;
            // v2.53 - if 'default' language selected, return original text here if translation found.  If no translation found, return original string below so string can be added to files.
    // if not found, add string if in developer mode and return original
    if ($GLOBALS['SETTINGS']['advanced']['languageDeveloperMode']) {
        _languageFiles_addString($defaultLangDir, $targetLangDir, $originalString);
    if ($langCode == 'd|e|b|u|g') {
        $originalString = preg_replace("/(?<=\\w)(\\w)/", "|\\1", $originalString);
    // added in v2.50
    return $originalString;
function category_history_recent_changes($list) {
  $res=sql_query("select * from category where version_tags ? 'date' order by version_tags->'date' desc limit 50");
  while($elem=pg_fetch_assoc($res)) {
    $t=new tags(parse_hstore($elem['tags']));

    $entry['name']=sprintf("%s \"%s\"", lang("category", 1), $t->get_lang("name"));
    $entry['msg']=coalesce($elem['version_tags']['msg'], "no message");
    $entry['href']="javascript:category_show(\"osm:{$elem['category_id']}\", { version: \"{$elem['version']}\"})";

 public function loadMailer()
     $transportConfig = $this->getConfig('email-transport');
     $encryptionMethod = coalesce($transportConfig['encryption']);
     // 'SSL' and 'TLS' are supported
     $transport = Swift_SmtpTransport::newInstance($transportConfig['host'], coalesce($transportConfig['port'], 25));
     if ($encryptionMethod) {
     if ($recipientOverride = coalesce($transportConfig['recipient-override'])) {
         $transport = new NodeTemplateProjectNS_Email_RecipientOverrideTransport($transport, $recipientOverride);
     return Swift_Mailer::newInstance($transport);
function ezdie()
    if (!headers_sent()) {
        header("HTTP/1.0 500 EZDied");
        header("Content-Type: text/plain");
    foreach (func_get_args() as $v) {
        echo ezformat($v), "\n";
    echo "------- stack trace -------\n";
    foreach (debug_backtrace() as $frame) {
        if (!isset($frame['file']) and !isset($frame['line'])) {
        echo "  from ", coalesce($frame['file']), ":", coalesce($frame['line']), "\n";
function showCopyOptions()
    $includedTypes = array('single', 'multi', 'category');
    $skippedTables = array('accounts');
    foreach (getSortedSchemas() as $tableName => $schema) {
        if (preg_match("/^_/", $tableName)) {
        // skip private tables
        if (in_array($tableName, $skippedTables)) {
        // skip system tables
        if (!in_array(@$schema['menuType'], $includedTypes)) {
        // skip unknown menu types
        $encodedValue = htmlencode($tableName);
        $encodedLabel = htmlencode(coalesce(@$schema['menuName'], $tableName));
        print "<option value='{$encodedValue}'>{$encodedLabel}</option>\n";
 public function execute(PhutilArgumentParser $args)
     $commits = $this->loadCommits($args, 'commits');
     if (!$commits) {
         throw new PhutilArgumentUsageException(pht('Specify one or more commits to resolve users for.'));
     $console = PhutilConsole::getConsole();
     foreach ($commits as $commit) {
         $repo = $commit->getRepository();
         $name = $repo->formatCommitName($commit->getCommitIdentifier());
         $console->writeOut("%s\n", pht('Examining commit %s...', $name));
         $refs_raw = DiffusionQuery::callConduitWithDiffusionRequest($this->getViewer(), DiffusionRequest::newFromDictionary(array('repository' => $repo, 'user' => $this->getViewer())), 'diffusion.querycommits', array('repositoryPHID' => $repo->getPHID(), 'phids' => array($commit->getPHID()), 'bypassCache' => true));
         if (empty($refs_raw['data'])) {
             throw new Exception(pht('Unable to retrieve details for commit "%s"!', $commit->getPHID()));
         $ref = DiffusionCommitRef::newFromConduitResult(head($refs_raw['data']));
         $author = $ref->getAuthor();
         $console->writeOut("%s\n", pht('Raw author string: %s', coalesce($author, 'null')));
         if ($author !== null) {
             $handle = $this->resolveUser($commit, $author);
             if ($handle) {
                 $console->writeOut("%s\n", pht('Phabricator user: %s', $handle->getFullName()));
             } else {
                 $console->writeOut("%s\n", pht('Unable to resolve a corresponding Phabricator user.'));
         $committer = $ref->getCommitter();
         $console->writeOut("%s\n", pht('Raw committer string: %s', coalesce($committer, 'null')));
         if ($committer !== null) {
             $handle = $this->resolveUser($commit, $committer);
             if ($handle) {
                 $console->writeOut("%s\n", pht('Phabricator user: %s', $handle->getFullName()));
             } else {
                 $console->writeOut("%s\n", pht('Unable to resolve a corresponding Phabricator user.'));
     return 0;
 public function getDefaultArcanistBranch()
     return coalesce($this->getDefaultBranch(), 'svn');
 public function run()
     $source = $this->getSource();
     $param = $this->getSourceParam();
     try {
         switch ($source) {
             case self::SOURCE_PATCH:
                 if ($param == '-') {
                     $patch = @file_get_contents('php://stdin');
                     if (!strlen($patch)) {
                         throw new ArcanistUsageException(pht('Failed to read patch from stdin!'));
                 } else {
                     $patch = Filesystem::readFile($param);
                 $bundle = ArcanistBundle::newFromDiff($patch);
             case self::SOURCE_BUNDLE:
                 $path = $this->getArgument('arcbundle');
                 $bundle = ArcanistBundle::newFromArcBundle($path);
             case self::SOURCE_REVISION:
                 $bundle = $this->loadRevisionBundleFromConduit($this->getConduit(), $param);
             case self::SOURCE_DIFF:
                 $bundle = $this->loadDiffBundleFromConduit($this->getConduit(), $param);
     } catch (ConduitClientException $ex) {
         if ($ex->getErrorCode() == 'ERR-INVALID-SESSION') {
             // Phabricator is not configured to allow anonymous access to
             // Differential.
             return $this->run();
         } else {
             throw $ex;
     $try_encoding = nonempty($this->getArgument('encoding'), null);
     if (!$try_encoding) {
         if ($this->requiresConduit()) {
             try {
                 $try_encoding = $this->getRepositoryEncoding();
             } catch (ConduitClientException $e) {
                 $try_encoding = null;
     if ($try_encoding) {
     $sanity_check = !$this->getArgument('force', false);
     // we should update the working copy before we do ANYTHING else to
     // the working copy
     if ($this->shouldUpdateWorkingCopy()) {
     if ($sanity_check) {
     $repository_api = $this->getRepositoryAPI();
     $has_base_revision = $repository_api->hasLocalCommit($bundle->getBaseRevision());
     if ($this->canBranch() && ($this->shouldBranch() || $this->shouldCommit() && $has_base_revision)) {
         if ($repository_api instanceof ArcanistGitAPI) {
             $original_branch = $repository_api->getBranchName();
         } else {
             if ($repository_api instanceof ArcanistMercurialAPI) {
                 $original_branch = $repository_api->getActiveBookmark();
         // If we weren't on a branch, then record the ref we'll return to
         // instead.
         if ($original_branch === null) {
             if ($repository_api instanceof ArcanistGitAPI) {
                 $original_branch = $repository_api->getCanonicalRevisionName('HEAD');
             } else {
                 if ($repository_api instanceof ArcanistMercurialAPI) {
                     $original_branch = $repository_api->getCanonicalRevisionName('.');
         $new_branch = $this->createBranch($bundle, $has_base_revision);
     if (!$has_base_revision && $this->shouldApplyDependencies()) {
     if ($sanity_check) {
     if ($repository_api instanceof ArcanistSubversionAPI) {
         $patch_err = 0;
         $copies = array();
         $deletes = array();
         $patches = array();
         $propset = array();
         $adds = array();
         $symlinks = array();
         $changes = $bundle->getChanges();
         foreach ($changes as $change) {
             $type = $change->getType();
             $should_patch = true;
             $filetype = $change->getFileType();
             switch ($filetype) {
                 case ArcanistDiffChangeType::FILE_SYMLINK:
                     $should_patch = false;
                     $symlinks[] = $change;
             switch ($type) {
                 case ArcanistDiffChangeType::TYPE_MOVE_AWAY:
                 case ArcanistDiffChangeType::TYPE_MULTICOPY:
                 case ArcanistDiffChangeType::TYPE_DELETE:
                     $path = $change->getCurrentPath();
                     $fpath = $repository_api->getPath($path);
                     if (!@file_exists($fpath)) {
                         $ok = phutil_console_confirm(pht("Patch deletes file '%s', but the file does not exist in " . "the working copy. Continue anyway?", $path));
                         if (!$ok) {
                             throw new ArcanistUserAbortException();
                     } else {
                         $deletes[] = $change->getCurrentPath();
                     $should_patch = false;
                 case ArcanistDiffChangeType::TYPE_COPY_HERE:
                 case ArcanistDiffChangeType::TYPE_MOVE_HERE:
                     $path = $change->getOldPath();
                     $fpath = $repository_api->getPath($path);
                     if (!@file_exists($fpath)) {
                         $cpath = $change->getCurrentPath();
                         if ($type == ArcanistDiffChangeType::TYPE_COPY_HERE) {
                             $verbs = pht('copies');
                         } else {
                             $verbs = pht('moves');
                         $ok = phutil_console_confirm(pht("Patch %s '%s' to '%s', but source path does not exist " . "in the working copy. Continue anyway?", $verbs, $path, $cpath));
                         if (!$ok) {
                             throw new ArcanistUserAbortException();
                     } else {
                         $copies[] = array($change->getOldPath(), $change->getCurrentPath());
                 case ArcanistDiffChangeType::TYPE_ADD:
                     $adds[] = $change->getCurrentPath();
             if ($should_patch) {
                 $cbundle = ArcanistBundle::newFromChanges(array($change));
                 $patches[$change->getCurrentPath()] = $cbundle->toUnifiedDiff();
                 $prop_old = $change->getOldProperties();
                 $prop_new = $change->getNewProperties();
                 $props = $prop_old + $prop_new;
                 foreach ($props as $key => $ignored) {
                     if (idx($prop_old, $key) !== idx($prop_new, $key)) {
                         $propset[$change->getCurrentPath()][$key] = idx($prop_new, $key);
         // Before we start doing anything, create all the directories we're going
         // to add files to if they don't already exist.
         foreach ($copies as $copy) {
             list($src, $dst) = $copy;
         foreach ($patches as $path => $patch) {
         foreach ($adds as $add) {
         // TODO: The SVN patch workflow likely does not work on windows because
         // of the (cd ...) stuff.
         foreach ($copies as $copy) {
             list($src, $dst) = $copy;
             passthru(csprintf('(cd %s; svn cp %s %s)', $repository_api->getPath(), ArcanistSubversionAPI::escapeFileNameForSVN($src), ArcanistSubversionAPI::escapeFileNameForSVN($dst)));
         foreach ($deletes as $delete) {
             passthru(csprintf('(cd %s; svn rm %s)', $repository_api->getPath(), ArcanistSubversionAPI::escapeFileNameForSVN($delete)));
         foreach ($symlinks as $symlink) {
             $link_target = $symlink->getSymlinkTarget();
             $link_path = $symlink->getCurrentPath();
             switch ($symlink->getType()) {
                 case ArcanistDiffChangeType::TYPE_ADD:
                 case ArcanistDiffChangeType::TYPE_CHANGE:
                 case ArcanistDiffChangeType::TYPE_MOVE_HERE:
                 case ArcanistDiffChangeType::TYPE_COPY_HERE:
                     execx('(cd %s && ln -sf %s %s)', $repository_api->getPath(), $link_target, $link_path);
         foreach ($patches as $path => $patch) {
             $err = null;
             if ($patch) {
                 $tmp = new TempFile();
                 Filesystem::writeFile($tmp, $patch);
                 passthru(csprintf('(cd %s; patch -p0 < %s)', $repository_api->getPath(), $tmp), $err);
             } else {
                 passthru(csprintf('(cd %s; touch %s)', $repository_api->getPath(), $path), $err);
             if ($err) {
                 $patch_err = max($patch_err, $err);
         foreach ($adds as $add) {
             passthru(csprintf('(cd %s; svn add %s)', $repository_api->getPath(), ArcanistSubversionAPI::escapeFileNameForSVN($add)));
         foreach ($propset as $path => $changes) {
             foreach ($changes as $prop => $value) {
                 if ($prop == 'unix:filemode') {
                     // Setting this property also changes the file mode.
                     $prop = 'svn:executable';
                     $value = octdec($value) & 0111 ? 'on' : null;
                 if ($value === null) {
                     passthru(csprintf('(cd %s; svn propdel %s %s)', $repository_api->getPath(), $prop, ArcanistSubversionAPI::escapeFileNameForSVN($path)));
                 } else {
                     passthru(csprintf('(cd %s; svn propset %s %s %s)', $repository_api->getPath(), $prop, $value, ArcanistSubversionAPI::escapeFileNameForSVN($path)));
         if ($patch_err == 0) {
             echo phutil_console_format("<bg:green>** %s **</bg> %s\n", pht('OKAY'), pht('Successfully applied patch to the working copy.'));
         } else {
             echo phutil_console_format("\n\n<bg:yellow>** %s **</bg> %s\n", pht('WARNING'), pht("Some hunks could not be applied cleanly by the unix '%s' " . "utility. Your working copy may be different from the revision's " . "base, or you may be in the wrong subdirectory. You can export " . "the raw patch file using '%s', and then try to apply it by " . "fiddling with options to '%s' (particularly, %s), or manually. " . "The output above, from '%s', may be helpful in " . "figuring out what went wrong.", 'patch', 'arc export --unified', 'patch', '-p', 'patch'));
         return $patch_err;
     } else {
         if ($repository_api instanceof ArcanistGitAPI) {
             $patchfile = new TempFile();
             Filesystem::writeFile($patchfile, $bundle->toGitPatch());
             $passthru = new PhutilExecPassthru('git apply --index --reject -- %s', $patchfile);
             $err = $passthru->execute();
             if ($err) {
                 echo phutil_console_format("\n<bg:red>** %s **</bg>\n", pht('Patch Failed!'));
                 // NOTE: Git patches may fail if they change the case of a filename
                 // (for instance, from 'example.c' to 'Example.c'). As of now, Git
                 // can not apply these patches on case-insensitive filesystems and
                 // there is no way to build a patch which works.
                 throw new ArcanistUsageException(pht('Unable to apply patch!'));
             // in case there were any submodule changes involved
             $repository_api->execpassthru('submodule update --init --recursive');
             if ($this->shouldCommit()) {
                 if ($bundle->getFullAuthor()) {
                     $author_cmd = csprintf('--author=%s', $bundle->getFullAuthor());
                 } else {
                     $author_cmd = '';
                 $commit_message = $this->getCommitMessage($bundle);
                 $future = $repository_api->execFutureLocal('commit -a %C -F - --no-verify', $author_cmd);
                 $verb = pht('committed');
             } else {
                 $verb = pht('applied');
             if ($this->canBranch() && !$this->shouldBranch() && $this->shouldCommit() && $has_base_revision) {
                 $repository_api->execxLocal('checkout %s', $original_branch);
                 $ex = null;
                 try {
                     $repository_api->execxLocal('cherry-pick %s', $new_branch);
                 } catch (Exception $ex) {
                     // do nothing
                 $repository_api->execxLocal('branch -D %s', $new_branch);
                 if ($ex) {
                     echo phutil_console_format("\n<bg:red>** %s**</bg>\n", pht('Cherry Pick Failed!'));
                     throw $ex;
             echo phutil_console_format("<bg:green>** %s **</bg> %s\n", pht('OKAY'), pht('Successfully %s patch.', $verb));
         } else {
             if ($repository_api instanceof ArcanistMercurialAPI) {
                 $future = $repository_api->execFutureLocal('import --no-commit -');
                 try {
                 } catch (CommandException $ex) {
                     echo phutil_console_format("\n<bg:red>** %s **</bg>\n", pht('Patch Failed!'));
                     $stderr = $ex->getStdErr();
                     if (preg_match('/case-folding collision/', $stderr)) {
                         echo phutil_console_wrap(phutil_console_format("\n<bg:yellow>** %s **</bg> %s\n", pht('WARNING'), pht("This patch may have failed because it attempts to change " . "the case of a filename (for instance, from '%s' to '%s'). " . "Mercurial cannot apply patches like this on case-insensitive " . "filesystems. You must apply this patch manually.", 'example.c', 'Example.c')));
                     throw $ex;
                 if ($this->shouldCommit()) {
                     $author = coalesce($bundle->getFullAuthor(), $bundle->getAuthorName());
                     if ($author !== null) {
                         $author_cmd = csprintf('-u %s', $author);
                     } else {
                         $author_cmd = '';
                     $commit_message = $this->getCommitMessage($bundle);
                     $future = $repository_api->execFutureLocal('commit %C -l -', $author_cmd);
                     if (!$this->shouldBranch() && $has_base_revision) {
                         $original_rev = $repository_api->getCanonicalRevisionName($original_branch);
                         $current_parent = $repository_api->getCanonicalRevisionName(hgsprintf('%s^', $new_branch));
                         $err = 0;
                         if ($original_rev != $current_parent) {
                             list($err) = $repository_api->execManualLocal('rebase --dest %s --rev %s', hgsprintf('%s', $original_branch), hgsprintf('%s', $new_branch));
                         $repository_api->execxLocal('bookmark --delete %s', $new_branch);
                         if ($err) {
                             $repository_api->execManualLocal('rebase --abort');
                             throw new ArcanistUsageException(phutil_console_format("\n<bg:red>** %s**</bg>\n", pht('Rebase onto %s failed!', $original_branch)));
                     $verb = pht('committed');
                 } else {
                     $verb = pht('applied');
                 echo phutil_console_format("<bg:green>** %s **</bg> %s\n", pht('OKAY'), pht('Successfully %s patch.', $verb));
             } else {
                 throw new Exception(pht('Unknown version control system.'));
     return 0;
 private function findMercurialPushKeyRefUpdates()
     $key_namespace = getenv('HG_NAMESPACE');
     if ($key_namespace === 'phases') {
         // Mercurial changes commit phases as part of normal push operations. We
         // just ignore these, as they don't seem to represent anything
         // interesting.
         return array();
     $key_name = getenv('HG_KEY');
     $key_old = getenv('HG_OLD');
     if (!strlen($key_old)) {
         $key_old = null;
     $key_new = getenv('HG_NEW');
     if (!strlen($key_new)) {
         $key_new = null;
     if ($key_namespace !== 'bookmarks') {
         throw new Exception(pht("Unknown Mercurial key namespace '%s', with key '%s' (%s -> %s). " . "Rejecting push.", $key_namespace, $key_name, coalesce($key_old, pht('null')), coalesce($key_new, pht('null'))));
     if ($key_old === $key_new) {
         // We get a callback when the bookmark doesn't change. Just ignore this,
         // as it's a no-op.
         return array();
     $ref_flags = 0;
     $merge_base = null;
     if ($key_old === null) {
         $ref_flags |= PhabricatorRepositoryPushLog::CHANGEFLAG_ADD;
     } else {
         if ($key_new === null) {
             $ref_flags |= PhabricatorRepositoryPushLog::CHANGEFLAG_DELETE;
         } else {
             list($merge_base_raw) = $this->getRepository()->execxLocalCommand('log --template %s --rev %s', '{node}', hgsprintf('ancestor(%s, %s)', $key_old, $key_new));
             if (strlen(trim($merge_base_raw))) {
                 $merge_base = trim($merge_base_raw);
             if ($merge_base && $merge_base === $key_old) {
                 $ref_flags |= PhabricatorRepositoryPushLog::CHANGEFLAG_APPEND;
             } else {
                 $ref_flags |= PhabricatorRepositoryPushLog::CHANGEFLAG_REWRITE;
     $ref_update = $this->newPushLog()->setRefType(PhabricatorRepositoryPushLog::REFTYPE_BOOKMARK)->setRefName($key_name)->setRefOld(coalesce($key_old, self::EMPTY_HASH))->setRefNew(coalesce($key_new, self::EMPTY_HASH))->setChangeFlags($ref_flags);
     return array($ref_update);
 public function getHeadCommit()
     if ($this->resolvedHeadCommit === null) {
         $this->resolvedHeadCommit = $this->resolveCommit(coalesce($this->symbolicHeadCommit, 'HEAD'));
     return $this->resolvedHeadCommit;
 public function testCoalesce()
     $this->assertEquals('zebra', coalesce(null, 'zebra'));
     $this->assertEquals(null, coalesce());
     $this->assertEquals(false, coalesce(false, null));
     $this->assertEquals(false, coalesce(null, false));
 public function willSendResponse(AphrontResponse $response)
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     if ($response instanceof AphrontDialogResponse) {
         if (!$request->isAjax() && !$request->isQuicksand()) {
             $dialog = $response->getDialog();
             $title = $dialog->getTitle();
             $short = $dialog->getShortTitle();
             $crumbs = $this->buildApplicationCrumbs();
             $crumbs->addTextCrumb(coalesce($short, $title));
             $page_content = array($crumbs, $response->buildResponseString());
             $view = id(new PhabricatorStandardPageView())->setRequest($request)->setController($this)->setDeviceReady(true)->setTitle($title)->appendChild($page_content);
             $response = id(new AphrontWebpageResponse())->setContent($view->render())->setHTTPResponseCode($response->getHTTPResponseCode());
         } else {
             return id(new AphrontAjaxResponse())->setContent(array('dialog' => $response->buildResponseString()));
     } else {
         if ($response instanceof AphrontRedirectResponse) {
             if ($request->isAjax() || $request->isQuicksand()) {
                 return id(new AphrontAjaxResponse())->setContent(array('redirect' => $response->getURI()));
     return $response;
function cg2_listpage_getCode()
    $tableName = @$_REQUEST['tableName'];
    $schema = loadSchema($tableName);
    $menuName = coalesce(@$schema['menuName'], $tableName);
    // define variable names
    $tableRecordsVar = '$' . preg_replace("/[^\\w]/", '_', $tableName) . "Records";
    $metaDataVar = '$' . preg_replace("/[^\\w]/", '_', $tableName) . "MetaData";
    $recordVar = '$record';
    // define getRecords() options
    $options = array();
    $options[] = "'tableName'   => '{$tableName}',";
    if (@$_REQUEST['howMany'] == 'firstN') {
        $options[] = "'limit'       => '{$_REQUEST['limit']}',";
    } else {
        if (@$_REQUEST['howMany'] == 'paged') {
            $options[] = "'perPage'     => '{$_REQUEST['perPage']}',";
        } else {
            /* default to showing all */
    if (@$_REQUEST['orderBy'] == 'random') {
        $options[] = "'orderBy'     => 'RAND()',";
    if (@$_REQUEST['showUploads'] == 'all') {
        $options[] = "'loadUploads' => true,";
    } elseif (@$_REQUEST['showUploads'] == 'limit') {
        $options[] = "'loadUploads' => true,";
    } else {
        $options[] = "'loadUploads' => false,";
    if (@$_REQUEST['allowSearching']) {
        $options[] = "'allowSearch' => true,";
    } else {
        $options[] = "'allowSearch' => false,";
    $padding = "    ";
    $getRecordsOptions = "\n{$padding}" . implode("\n{$padding}", $options) . "\n  ";
    ### generate code
<#php header('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); #>
  /* STEP 1: LOAD RECORDS - Copy this PHP code block near the TOP of your page */

  // load records from '<?php 
    echo $tableName;
    echo $tableRecordsVar;
, <?php 
    echo $metaDataVar;
) = getRecords(array(<?php 
    echo $getRecordsOptions;


  <!-- STEP2: Display Records (Paste this where you want your records to be listed) -->
    echo $menuName;
 - <?php 
    echo t('List Page Viewer');
    <#php foreach (<?php 
    echo $tableRecordsVar;
 as <?php 
    echo $recordVar;
): #>
    cg2_code_schemaFields($schema, $recordVar, $tableName);
    if (@$_REQUEST['showUploads']) {
        cg2_code_uploads($schema, $recordVar);
    <#php endforeach #>

    <#php if (!<?php 
    echo $tableRecordsVar;
): #>
    echo t('No records were found!');
    <#php endif #>
  <!-- /STEP2: Display Records -->

    if (@$_REQUEST['howMany'] == 'paged') {
  <!-- STEP3: Display Page Links (Paste anywhere below "Load Record List") -->
    <#php if (<?php 
        echo $metaDataVar;
['prevPage']): #>
      <a href="<#php echo <?php 
        echo $metaDataVar;
['prevPageLink'] #>"><?php 
        echo t('&lt;&lt;  prev');
    <#php else: #>
      &lt;&lt; prev
    <#php endif #>

    - page <#php echo <?php 
        echo $metaDataVar;
['page'] #> of <#php echo <?php 
        echo $metaDataVar;
['totalPages'] #> -

    <#php if (<?php 
        echo $metaDataVar;
['nextPage']): #>
      <a href="<#php echo <?php 
        echo $metaDataVar;
['nextPageLink'] #>"><?php 
        echo t('next');
    <#php else: #>
      next &gt;&gt;
    <#php endif #>
  <!-- /STEP3: Display Page Links -->

    // return code
    $code = ob_get_clean();
    return $code;
 public function getDestination()
     return coalesce($this->buildDestination, $this->getDefaultDestination());
    public function __construct(array $argv)
        $original_argv = $argv;
        $args = new PhutilArgumentParser($argv);
        $args->setTagline('daemon overseer');
**launch_daemon.php** [__options__] __daemon__
    Launch and oversee an instance of __daemon__.
        $args->parsePartial(array(array('name' => 'trace-memory', 'help' => 'Enable debug memory tracing.'), array('name' => 'log', 'param' => 'file', 'help' => 'Send output to __file__.'), array('name' => 'daemonize', 'help' => 'Run in the background.'), array('name' => 'phd', 'param' => 'dir', 'help' => 'Write PID information to __dir__.'), array('name' => 'verbose', 'help' => 'Enable verbose activity logging.'), array('name' => 'load-phutil-library', 'param' => 'library', 'repeat' => true, 'help' => 'Load __library__.')));
        $argv = array();
        $more = $args->getUnconsumedArgumentVector();
        $this->daemon = array_shift($more);
        if (!$this->daemon) {
        if ($args->getArg('trace')) {
            $this->traceMode = true;
            $argv[] = '--trace';
        if ($args->getArg('trace-memory')) {
            $this->traceMode = true;
            $this->traceMemory = true;
            $argv[] = '--trace-memory';
        if ($args->getArg('load-phutil-library')) {
            foreach ($args->getArg('load-phutil-library') as $library) {
                $argv[] = '--load-phutil-library=' . $library;
        $log = $args->getArg('log');
        if ($log) {
            ini_set('error_log', $log);
            $argv[] = '--log=' . $log;
        $verbose = $args->getArg('verbose');
        if ($verbose) {
            $this->verbose = true;
            $argv[] = '--verbose';
        $this->daemonize = $args->getArg('daemonize');
        $this->phddir = $args->getArg('phd');
        $this->argv = $argv;
        $this->moreArgs = coalesce($more, array());
        error_log("Bringing daemon '{$this->daemon}' online...");
        if (self::$instance) {
            throw new Exception('You may not instantiate more than one Overseer per process.');
        self::$instance = $this;
        if ($this->daemonize) {
            // We need to get rid of these or the daemon will hang when we TERM it
            // waiting for something to read the buffers. TODO: Learn how unix works.
            $pid = pcntl_fork();
            if ($pid === -1) {
                throw new Exception('Unable to fork!');
            } else {
                if ($pid) {
        if ($this->phddir) {
            $desc = array('name' => $this->daemon, 'argv' => $this->moreArgs, 'pid' => getmypid(), 'start' => time());
            Filesystem::writeFile($this->phddir . '/daemon.' . getmypid(), json_encode($desc));
        $this->daemonID = $this->generateDaemonID();
        $this->dispatchEvent(self::EVENT_DID_LAUNCH, array('argv' => array_slice($original_argv, 1), 'explicitArgv' => $this->moreArgs));
        declare (ticks=1);
        pcntl_signal(SIGUSR1, array($this, 'didReceiveKeepaliveSignal'));
        pcntl_signal(SIGUSR2, array($this, 'didReceiveNotifySignal'));
        pcntl_signal(SIGINT, array($this, 'didReceiveGracefulSignal'));
        pcntl_signal(SIGTERM, array($this, 'didReceiveTerminalSignal'));
 public function getValue($key, $default = null)
     return coalesce(idx($this->params, $key), $default);