 } else {
     //if security key submitted
     if (cmtx_setting('security_key') != $_POST['cmtx_security_key']) {
         //security key incorrect
         //ban user for incorrect security key
 /* Resubmit Key */
 if (!isset($_POST['cmtx_resubmit_key'])) {
     //no resubmit key submitted
     //ban user for no resubmit key
 } else {
     //if resubmit key submitted
     if (!ctype_alnum($_POST['cmtx_resubmit_key']) || cmtx_strlen($_POST['cmtx_resubmit_key']) != 20) {
         //if resubmit key invalid
         //ban user for invalid resubmit key
 /* Check Honeypot */
 if (cmtx_setting('check_honeypot')) {
     //if honeypot-check enabled
     if (!isset($_POST['cmtx_honeypot'])) {
         //if honeypot not submitted
         //reject user for no honeypot
     } else {
         //if honeypot submitted
         if (!empty($_POST['cmtx_honeypot'])) {
function cmtx_load_form_cookie()
    //load cookie form field values
    global $cmtx_default_name, $cmtx_default_email, $cmtx_default_website, $cmtx_default_town, $cmtx_default_country;
    //globalise variables
    if (isset($_COOKIE['Commentics-Form']) && cmtx_strlen($_COOKIE['Commentics-Form']) < 500) {
        $values = explode('|', $_COOKIE['Commentics-Form']);
        if (count($values) == 5) {
            $cmtx_default_name = $values[0];
            $cmtx_default_email = $values[1];
            $cmtx_default_website = $values[2];
            $cmtx_default_town = $values[3];
            $cmtx_default_country = $values[4];
function cmtx_get_random_key($length)
    //generates a random key
    $characters = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
    //allowed characters
    $key = '';
    for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
        $key .= $characters[mt_rand(0, cmtx_strlen($characters) - 1)];
    return $key;
function cmtx_generate_comment($is_preview, $alternate, $id, $name, $email, $website, $town, $country, $rating, $reply_to, $comment, $reply, $is_admin, $likes, $dislikes, $is_sticky, $is_locked, $dated)
    //generate comment
    $cmtx_box = '';
    //initialise box
    for ($i = 1; $i <= cmtx_get_reply_depth($id); $i++) {
        if (cmtx_setting('reply_arrow') && $i == cmtx_get_reply_depth($id)) {
            $cmtx_box .= '<div class="cmtx_reply_arrow">';
            //add the reply arrow
        $cmtx_box .= '<div class="cmtx_reply_indent">';
        //indent the reply
    $perm = '';
    if (isset($_GET['cmtx_perm']) && ctype_digit($_GET['cmtx_perm'])) {
        $cmtx_perm = (int) $_GET['cmtx_perm'];
        if ($cmtx_perm == $id) {
            $perm = ' cmtx_permalink_box';
    if ($alternate == 1) {
        //if it's the first box
        if (!$reply_to && !$is_admin) {
            $cmtx_box .= '<div class="cmtx_comment_box_1' . $perm . '" id="cmtx_perm_' . $id . '">';
            //comment and not admin
        } else {
            if ($reply_to && !$is_admin) {
                $cmtx_box .= '<div class="cmtx_reply_box_1' . $perm . '" id="cmtx_perm_' . $id . '">';
                //reply and not admin
            } else {
                if (!$reply_to && $is_admin) {
                    $cmtx_box .= '<div class="cmtx_admin_comment_box_1' . $perm . '" id="cmtx_perm_' . $id . '">';
                    //comment and is admin
                } else {
                    if ($reply_to && $is_admin) {
                        $cmtx_box .= '<div class="cmtx_admin_reply_box_1' . $perm . '" id="cmtx_perm_' . $id . '">';
                        //reply and is admin
    } else {
        //if it's the second box
        if (!$reply_to && !$is_admin) {
            $cmtx_box .= '<div class="cmtx_comment_box_2' . $perm . '" id="cmtx_perm_' . $id . '">';
            //comment and not admin
        } else {
            if ($reply_to && !$is_admin) {
                $cmtx_box .= '<div class="cmtx_reply_box_2' . $perm . '" id="cmtx_perm_' . $id . '">';
                //reply and not admin
            } else {
                if (!$reply_to && $is_admin) {
                    $cmtx_box .= '<div class="cmtx_admin_comment_box_2' . $perm . '" id="cmtx_perm_' . $id . '">';
                    //comment and is admin
                } else {
                    if ($reply_to && $is_admin) {
                        $cmtx_box .= '<div class="cmtx_admin_reply_box_2' . $perm . '" id="cmtx_perm_' . $id . '">';
                        //reply and is admin
    //Sticky (1/2)
    if ($is_sticky) {
        $cmtx_box .= '<div class="cmtx_sticky_image">';
    //Gravatar (1/2)
    if (cmtx_setting('show_gravatar')) {
        $cmtx_box .= '<div class="cmtx_gravatar_block">';
        $gravatar_parameter = '&amp;r=' . cmtx_setting('gravatar_rating');
        if (cmtx_setting('gravatar_default') != 'default') {
            if (cmtx_setting('gravatar_default') == 'custom') {
                $gravatar_parameter .= '&amp;d=' . cmtx_url_encode(cmtx_setting('gravatar_custom'));
            } else {
                $gravatar_parameter .= '&amp;d=' . cmtx_setting('gravatar_default');
        $cmtx_box .= '<img src="http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/' . md5(strtolower(trim($email))) . '.png?s=' . cmtx_setting('gravatar_size') . $gravatar_parameter . '" alt="Gravatar" title="Gravatar"/>';
        $cmtx_box .= '</div>';
        $cmtx_box .= '<div style="clear: right;"></div>';
        $cmtx_box .= '<div style="margin-left:' . (cmtx_setting('gravatar_size') + 5) . 'px;">';
    if (cmtx_setting('show_rating') && $rating != 0) {
        $cmtx_box .= '<div class="cmtx_rating_block">';
        if ($rating == 1) {
            $cmtx_box .= cmtx_star_full(1, CMTX_RATING_ONE);
            $cmtx_box .= cmtx_star_empty(4, CMTX_RATING_ONE);
        } else {
            if ($rating == 2) {
                $cmtx_box .= cmtx_star_full(2, CMTX_RATING_TWO);
                $cmtx_box .= cmtx_star_empty(3, CMTX_RATING_TWO);
            } else {
                if ($rating == 3) {
                    $cmtx_box .= cmtx_star_full(3, CMTX_RATING_THREE);
                    $cmtx_box .= cmtx_star_empty(2, CMTX_RATING_THREE);
                } else {
                    if ($rating == 4) {
                        $cmtx_box .= cmtx_star_full(4, CMTX_RATING_FOUR);
                        $cmtx_box .= cmtx_star_empty(1, CMTX_RATING_FOUR);
                    } else {
                        if ($rating == 5) {
                            $cmtx_box .= cmtx_star_full(5, CMTX_RATING_FIVE);
        $cmtx_box .= '</div>';
    //Name and Website
    if (cmtx_setting('show_website') && !empty($website) && $website != 'http://') {
        $cmtx_website_attribute = '';
        //initialize variable
        if (cmtx_setting('website_new_window')) {
            $cmtx_website_attribute = ' target="_blank"';
        //if website should open in new window
        if (cmtx_setting('website_nofollow')) {
            $cmtx_website_attribute .= ' rel="nofollow"';
        //if website should contain nofollow tag
        if ($is_admin) {
            $cmtx_box .= '<a class="cmtx_admin_name_with_website_text" href="' . $website . '"' . $cmtx_website_attribute . '>' . $name . '</a>';
        } else {
            $cmtx_box .= '<a class="cmtx_name_with_website_text" href="' . $website . '"' . $cmtx_website_attribute . '>' . $name . '</a>';
    } else {
        if ($is_admin) {
            $cmtx_box .= '<span class="cmtx_admin_name_without_website_text">';
            $cmtx_box .= $name;
            $cmtx_box .= '</span>';
        } else {
            $cmtx_box .= '<span class="cmtx_name_without_website_text">';
            $cmtx_box .= $name;
            $cmtx_box .= '</span>';
    //Town and Country
    if (cmtx_setting('show_town') && !empty($town) && cmtx_setting('show_country') && !empty($country)) {
        $cmtx_box .= '<span class="cmtx_town_country_text">';
        $cmtx_box .= ' (' . $town . ', ' . $country . ')';
        $cmtx_box .= '</span>';
    } else {
        if (cmtx_setting('show_town') && !empty($town)) {
            $cmtx_box .= '<span class="cmtx_town_country_text">';
            $cmtx_box .= ' (' . $town . ')';
            $cmtx_box .= '</span>';
        } else {
            if (cmtx_setting('show_country') && !empty($country)) {
                $cmtx_box .= '<span class="cmtx_town_country_text">';
                $cmtx_box .= ' (' . $country . ')';
                $cmtx_box .= '</span>';
    if (cmtx_setting('show_says')) {
        $cmtx_box .= '<span class="cmtx_says_text">';
        $cmtx_box .= ' ' . CMTX_SAYS;
        $cmtx_box .= '</span>';
    $cmtx_box .= '<div class="cmtx_height_above_comment_text"></div>';
    $cmtx_box .= '<div class="cmtx_comment_text">';
    if (cmtx_setting('show_read_more') && !$is_preview && cmtx_strlen(strip_tags($comment)) > cmtx_setting('read_more_limit')) {
        $comment_less = str_ireplace('<br />', ' ', $comment);
        $comment_less = str_ireplace('<br/>', ' ', $comment_less);
        $comment_less = str_ireplace('<br>', ' ', $comment_less);
        $comment_less = str_ireplace('<p></p>', ' ', $comment_less);
        $comment_less = str_ireplace('<p />', ' ', $comment_less);
        $comment_less = str_ireplace('<p/>', ' ', $comment_less);
        $comment_less = strip_tags($comment_less);
        $comment_cut = substr($comment_less, 0, cmtx_setting('read_more_limit'));
        $comment_less = substr($comment_cut, 0, strrpos($comment_cut, ' '));
        $cmtx_box .= '<div id="cmtx_comment_less_' . $id . '">';
        $cmtx_box .= $comment_less;
        $cmtx_box .= ' <a href="' . cmtx_url_encode(cmtx_current_page()) . '" class="cmtx_read_more_link" title="' . CMTX_TITLE_READ_MORE . '" rel="nofollow" onclick="cmtx_read_more(' . $id . ');return false;">' . CMTX_READ_MORE . '</a>';
        $cmtx_box .= '</div>';
        $cmtx_box .= '<div id="cmtx_comment_more_' . $id . '" style="display:none;">';
        $cmtx_box .= $comment;
        $cmtx_box .= '</div>';
    } else {
        $cmtx_box .= $comment;
    $cmtx_box .= '</div>';
    //Admin Reply
    if (!empty($reply)) {
        $cmtx_box .= '<div class="cmtx_height_above_reply_text"></div>';
        $cmtx_box .= '<div class="cmtx_reply_area">';
        $cmtx_box .= '<div class="cmtx_reply_intro">';
        $cmtx_box .= CMTX_REPLY_INTRO;
        $cmtx_box .= '</div>';
        $cmtx_box .= ' ';
        $cmtx_box .= '<div class="cmtx_reply_text">';
        $cmtx_box .= $reply;
        $cmtx_box .= '</div>';
        $cmtx_box .= '</div>';
    $cmtx_box .= '<div class="cmtx_height_below_comment_text"></div>';
    //Preview Message
    if ($is_preview) {
        $cmtx_box .= '<div class="cmtx_preview_text">';
        $cmtx_box .= CMTX_PREVIEW_TEXT;
        $cmtx_box .= '</div>';
    $cmtx_box .= '<div class="cmtx_buttons_block">';
    if (cmtx_setting('show_reply') && !$is_preview) {
        $cmtx_box .= '<div class="cmtx_reply_block">';
        $cmtx_box .= '<div class="cmtx_buttons">';
        if (cmtx_get_reply_depth($id) < cmtx_setting('reply_depth') && !$is_locked) {
            $cmtx_box .= '<a href="' . cmtx_url_encode(cmtx_current_page() . CMTX_ANCHOR_FORM) . '" id="cmtx_reply_' . $id . '" class="cmtx_reply_enabled" title="' . CMTX_TITLE_REPLY . '" rel="nofollow" onclick="';
            if (cmtx_setting('hide_form')) {
                $cmtx_box .= 'cmtx_open_form();';
            $cmtx_box .= 'document.getElementById(\'cmtx_hide_reply\').style.display=\'block\';';
            $cmtx_box .= 'document.getElementById(\'cmtx_reply_id\').value=\'' . $id . '\';';
            $cmtx_box .= 'document.getElementById(\'cmtx_reply_message\').innerHTML=\'' . CMTX_REPLY_MESSAGE . ' ' . $name . '. ' . '\';';
            $cmtx_box .= 'document.getElementById(\'cmtx_reset_reply\').style.display=\'inline\'">';
            $cmtx_box .= '<img src="' . cmtx_commentics_url() . 'images/buttons/reply.png" alt="Reply" title="' . CMTX_TITLE_REPLY . '"/>' . CMTX_REPLY . '</a>';
        } else {
            $cmtx_box .= '<a href="' . cmtx_url_encode(cmtx_current_page()) . '" id="cmtx_reply_' . $id . '" class="cmtx_reply_disabled" title="" rel="nofollow" onclick="return false;">';
            $cmtx_box .= '<img src="' . cmtx_commentics_url() . 'images/buttons/reply.png" alt="Reply" title=""/>' . CMTX_REPLY . '</a>';
        $cmtx_box .= '</div>';
        $cmtx_box .= '</div>';
    if (cmtx_setting('show_permalink') && !$is_preview) {
        $cmtx_box .= '<div class="cmtx_permalink_block">';
        $cmtx_box .= '<div class="cmtx_buttons">';
        $cmtx_box .= '<a class="cmtx_permalink" href="' . cmtx_get_permalink($id, cmtx_get_page_url()) . '" id="cmtx_permalink_' . $id . '" title="' . CMTX_TITLE_PERMALINK . '" rel="nofollow"><img src="' . cmtx_commentics_url() . 'images/buttons/permalink.png" alt="Permalink" title="' . CMTX_TITLE_PERMALINK . '"/>' . CMTX_PERMALINK . '</a>';
        $cmtx_box .= '</div>';
        $cmtx_box .= '</div>';
    if (cmtx_setting('show_flag') && !$is_preview) {
        $cmtx_box .= '<div class="cmtx_flag_block">';
        $cmtx_box .= '<div class="cmtx_buttons">';
        $cmtx_box .= '<a class="cmtx_flag" href="' . cmtx_url_encode(cmtx_current_page()) . '" id="cmtx_flag_' . $id . '" title="' . CMTX_TITLE_FLAG . '" rel="nofollow"><img src="' . cmtx_commentics_url() . 'images/buttons/flag.png" alt="Flag" title="' . CMTX_TITLE_FLAG . '"/>' . CMTX_FLAG . '</a>';
        $cmtx_box .= '</div>';
        $cmtx_box .= '</div>';
    if ((cmtx_setting('show_like') || cmtx_setting('show_dislike')) && !$is_preview) {
        $cmtx_box .= '<div class="cmtx_like_block">';
        $cmtx_box .= '<div class="cmtx_buttons">';
        if (cmtx_setting('show_like')) {
            $cmtx_box .= '<a class="cmtx_vote cmtx_like" href="' . cmtx_url_encode(cmtx_current_page()) . '" id="cmtx_like_' . $id . '" title="' . CMTX_TITLE_LIKE . '" rel="nofollow"><img src="' . cmtx_commentics_url() . 'images/buttons/like.png" alt="Like" title="' . CMTX_TITLE_LIKE . '"/>' . $likes . '</a>';
        if (cmtx_setting('show_dislike')) {
            $cmtx_box .= '<a class="cmtx_vote cmtx_dislike" href="' . cmtx_url_encode(cmtx_current_page()) . '" id="cmtx_dislike_' . $id . '" title="' . CMTX_TITLE_DISLIKE . '" rel="nofollow"><img src="' . cmtx_commentics_url() . 'images/buttons/dislike.png" alt="Dislike" title="' . CMTX_TITLE_DISLIKE . '"/>' . $dislikes . '</a>';
        $cmtx_box .= '</div>';
        $cmtx_box .= '</div>';
    $cmtx_box .= '</div>';
    if (cmtx_setting('show_date')) {
        $cmtx_box .= '<div class="cmtx_date_text">';
        if (date('Y-m-d', strtotime($dated)) == date('Y-m-d')) {
            //if comment's date is today
            $cmtx_box .= CMTX_TODAY . ' ' . cmtx_format_date(date(CMTX_TIME_FORMAT, strtotime($dated)));
        } else {
            if (date('Y-m-d', strtotime($dated)) == date('Y-m-d', mktime(date('H'), date('i'), date('s'), date('m'), date('d') - 1, date('Y')))) {
                //if comment's date is yesterday
                $cmtx_box .= CMTX_YESTERDAY . ' ' . cmtx_format_date(date(CMTX_TIME_FORMAT, strtotime($dated)));
            } else {
                $cmtx_box .= cmtx_format_date(date(CMTX_DATE_FORMAT, strtotime($dated))) . ' ' . cmtx_format_date(date(CMTX_TIME_FORMAT, strtotime($dated)));
        $cmtx_box .= '</div>';
    //Sticky (2/2)
    if ($is_sticky) {
        $cmtx_box .= '</div>';
    //Gravatar (2/2)
    if (cmtx_setting('show_gravatar')) {
        $cmtx_box .= '</div>';
    $cmtx_box .= '</div>';
    //end div
    for ($i = 1; $i <= cmtx_get_reply_depth($id); $i++) {
        if (cmtx_setting('reply_arrow') && $i == cmtx_get_reply_depth($id)) {
            $cmtx_box .= '</div>';
        $cmtx_box .= '</div>';
    if ($is_preview) {
        $cmtx_box .= '<div class="cmtx_height_below_preview_box"></div>';
    return $cmtx_box;
function cmtx_comment_check_capitals($comment)
    //checks comment for too many capital letters
    if (cmtx_is_encoding_iso($comment)) {
        //if encoding is ISO-8859-1
        $comment = preg_replace('/[^a-z]/i', '', $comment);
        //remove non-letters
        $number_of_letters = cmtx_strlen($comment);
        //number of letters
        $number_of_capitals = cmtx_strlen(preg_replace('/[^A-Z]/', '', $comment));
        //number of capitals
        if ($number_of_letters != 0 && $number_of_letters > 3 && $number_of_capitals != 0) {
            //if check is appropriate
            $percentage_of_capitals = $number_of_capitals / $number_of_letters * 100;
            //percentage of capitals
            if ($percentage_of_capitals >= cmtx_setting('check_capitals_percentage')) {
                //if too many capitals
                if (cmtx_setting('check_capitals_action') == 'approve') {
                    //if entering too many capitals should require approval
                    //approve user for too many capitals
                } else {
                    if (cmtx_setting('check_capitals_action') == 'reject') {
                        //if entering too many capitals should be rejected
                        //reject user for too many capitals
                    } else {
                        if (cmtx_setting('check_capitals_action') == 'ban') {
                            //if entering too many capitals should result in a ban
                            //ban user for too many capitals
            //end of if-too-many-capitals
if (!cmtx_setting('show_rss')) {
if (!cmtx_is_administrator()) {
    //if not administrator
    if (cmtx_in_maintenance()) {
        //check if under maintenance
header('Content-Type:text/xml; charset=utf-8');
/* Error Reporting */
/* Time Zone */
if (isset($_GET['id']) && ctype_digit($_GET['id']) && cmtx_strlen($_GET['id']) < 10) {
    //if page ID is in URL and it validates
    $id = (int) $_GET['id'];
    $id = cmtx_sanitize($id, true, true);
    $query = "SELECT * FROM `" . $cmtx_mysql_table_prefix . "comments` WHERE `is_approved` = '1' AND `page_id` = '{$id}' ORDER BY `dated` DESC";
    //get page's items
} else {
    $query = "SELECT * FROM `" . $cmtx_mysql_table_prefix . "comments` WHERE `is_approved` = '1' ORDER BY `dated` DESC";
    //get all items
/* Last Build Date */
$lbd_query = $query . " LIMIT 1";
$lbd_query = cmtx_db_query($lbd_query);
if (cmtx_db_num_rows($lbd_query)) {
    $lbd_result = cmtx_db_fetch_assoc($lbd_query);
    $last_build_date = date("r", strtotime($lbd_result["dated"]));
/* Error Reporting */
/* Time Zone */


if (isset($_GET['id'])) {
    //get subscriber
    $token = $_GET['id'];
    if (cmtx_strlen($token) != 20 || !ctype_alnum($token)) {
<div class="error"><?php 
        echo CMTX_SUB_MSG_INVALID;
    $token = cmtx_sanitize($token, true, true);
    if (cmtx_db_num_rows(cmtx_db_query("SELECT * FROM `" . $cmtx_mysql_table_prefix . "subscribers` WHERE `token` = '{$token}'"))) {
        $subscriber = cmtx_db_query("SELECT * FROM `" . $cmtx_mysql_table_prefix . "subscribers` WHERE `token` = '{$token}'");
        $subscriber = cmtx_db_fetch_assoc($subscriber);
    } else {
<div class="error"><?php