function insert_pollresult($id) { global $conn; # GET ANSWER OF VOTE CATE GORY $sql = "SELECT * from poll_question where poll_id=' {$id['pollid']}'"; $rsc = $conn->execute($sql); $poll_answer = $rsc->fields['poll_answer']; # SPLIT IN ARRAY $list = explode("|", $poll_answer); #COUT OF EACH CATEGORY for ($i = 0; $list[$i]; $i++) { $sql = "select count(*) as poll_id from vote_result WHERE answer='" . $list[$i] . "'"; $rs = $conn->execute($sql); $Countlist[$i] = $rs->fields['poll_id']; } # CALCULATE THE PARCENTAGE return clulateParcentage($Countlist); }
function view_vote($id) { global $cp; global $conn; # GET ANSWER OF VOTE CATE GORY $sql = "SELECT * from poll_question where poll_id='{$id}'"; $rsc = $conn->execute($sql); $poll_answer = $rsc->fields['poll_answer']; # SPLIT IN ARRAY $list = explode("|", $poll_answer); #COUT OF EACH CATEGORY for ($i = 0; $list[$i]; $i++) { $sql = "select count(*) as poll_id from vote_result WHERE answer='" . $list[$i] . "'"; $rs = $conn->execute($sql); $Countlist[$i] = $rs->fields[poll_id]; } # CALCULATE THE PARCENTAGE $Countlist = clulateParcentage($Countlist); # CRETE NODE AND BACK TO PAVILION for ($i = 0; $list[$i]; $i++) { $a_result_node =& $cp->add_node("A1" . $i); $a_result_node->set_data($list[$i]); } # CRETE NODE AND BACK TO PAVILION for ($i = 0; 1; $i++) { $a_result_node =& $cp->add_node("P1" . $i); $a_result_node->set_data($Countlist[$i]); if ($Countlist[$i] == "") { break; } } $a_result_node =& $cp->add_node("count"); $a_result_node->set_data($i); }