echo "        <form name='dbform1123' id='dbform1123' method='post' action='admin.php'>\n                    <div class='submenu y2'>\n                        <ul>\n            ";
if ($db1_set == "0") {
    echo "                <li class = \"warnadmin\"><a href='db_config.php' title='Create/configure'>&nbsp;&nbsp;Configure&nbsp;&nbsp;</a></li>";
} else {
    echo "                <li><a href='db_config.php' title='Create/configure'>&nbsp;&nbsp;Configure&nbsp;&nbsp;</a></li>";
echo "\n                            <li><a href='db_activate.php' title='Activate/disable'>&nbsp;&nbsp;Activate / disable&nbsp;&nbsp;</a></li>\n                            <li><a href='admin.php?f=database&amp;del=99' title='Backup &amp; Restore'>&nbsp;&nbsp;Backup &amp; Restore&nbsp;&nbsp;</a></li>\n                            <li><a href='db_copy.php' title='Copy databases'>&nbsp;&nbsp;Copy / Move&nbsp;&nbsp;</a></li>\n                        </ul>\n                    </div>\n                </form>\n            ";
//      Check if any database is available
if (!$db1_set) {
    echo "\n                <center><br />\n                <span class='red'>No database available</p>\n                <br /><br />\n                <span class='red'>Please configure at least one database</p>\n                <br /><br /><br /></center>\n                </form>\n            ";
echo "    <div class='submenu cntr'>| Database Activation |</div>\n        ";
if ($Submit == '1') {
    //      clean text and media cache
    //      write all to database.php
    $fhandle = fopen("../settings/database.php", "wb");
    fwrite($fhandle, "<?php \n");
    fwrite($fhandle, "/************************************************\n ");
    fwrite($fhandle, "Sphider-plus version {$plus_nr} Database configuration file.\n");
    fwrite($fhandle, "\n > > >  DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE. < < < \n\n");
    fwrite($fhandle, "Any changes must be done by Admin's database settings. \n");
    fwrite($fhandle, "*************************************************/");
    fwrite($fhandle, "\n\n\n\n/******************************* Check for forbidden direct access ************************************/\n\n");
    fwrite($fhandle, "    if (!defined('_SECURE')) die (\"No direct access to database file\");");
    fwrite($fhandle, "\n\n\n\n/*********************** \nGlobal database settings\n***********************/");
    fwrite($fhandle, "\n\n// Count of successfully created databases\n");
    fwrite($fhandle, "\$" . "db_count = \"" . $db_count . "\";");
    fwrite($fhandle, "\n\n// Currently activated Admin database\n");
echo "<div class='submenu cntr'>| Database Copy and Move utility |</div>\n        ";
$bgcolor = 'odrow';
//      define default source database
if ($db_source != "2" && $db_source != "3" && $db_source != "4" && $db_source != "5") {
    $db_source = "1";
if ($db_source == $db_dest) {
    echo "  <center><br />\n                <span class='red'>&nbsp;Invalid selection!&nbsp;<br /><br />&nbsp;Source (db" . $db_source . ") = Destination (db" . $db_dest . ")&nbsp;</p>\n                <br /><br /><br />\n                </center>\n                <p class='evrow cntr'>\n                <a class='bkbtn' href='db_copy.php'Go back'>Complete this process</a></p>\n            </div>\n        </body>\n    </html>\n                ";
//      enter here to copy or move db
if (isset($copy)) {
    $starttime = time();
    $count = clear_TCache();
    //      we will get different results from the new database
    echo "\n                <p class='cntr em sml'>Text cache cleared [<span class='warnok'> " . $count . " </span>] files deleted.</p>\n            ";
    $count = clear_MCache();
    //      so we need to delete the old results from the caches
    echo "\n                <p class='cntr em sml'>Media cache cleared [<span class='warnok'> " . $count . " </span>] files deleted.</p>\n                ";
    //      Prepare source database
    if ($db_source == '1') {
        $db_con = db_connect($mysql_host1, $mysql_user1, $mysql_password1, $database1);
        $database = $database1;
        $mysql_table_prefix = $mysql_table_prefix1;
    if ($db_source == '2') {
        $db_con = db_connect($mysql_host2, $mysql_user2, $mysql_password2, $database2);
        $database = $database2;
        $mysql_table_prefix = $mysql_table_prefix2;