 * @param template $template
 * @param string $query_where
 * @param int    $query_limit
function nws_render(&$template, $query_where = '', $query_limit = 20)
    global $config, $user;
    $announce_list = doquery("SELECT a.*, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`tsTimeStamp`) AS unix_time, u.authlevel, s.*\n    FROM\n      {{announce}} AS a\n      LEFT JOIN {{survey}} AS s ON s.survey_announce_id = a.idAnnounce\n      LEFT JOIN {{users}} AS u ON u.id = a.user_id\n    {$query_where}\n    ORDER BY `tsTimeStamp` DESC, idAnnounce" . ($query_limit ? " LIMIT {$query_limit}" : ''));
    $template->assign_var('NEWS_COUNT', db_num_rows($announce_list));
    $users = array();
    while ($announce = db_fetch($announce_list)) {
        if ($announce['user_id'] && !isset($users[$announce['user_id']])) {
            $users[$announce['user_id']] = db_user_by_id($announce['user_id']);
        $survey_vote = array('survey_vote_id' => 1);
        $survey_complete = strtotime($announce['survey_until']) < SN_TIME_NOW;
        if ($announce['survey_id'] && !empty($user['id'])) {
            $survey_vote = !$survey_complete ? $survey_vote = doquery("SELECT `survey_vote_id` FROM `{{survey_votes}}` WHERE survey_parent_id = {$announce['survey_id']} AND survey_vote_user_id = {$user['id']} LIMIT 1;", true) : array();
        $announce_exploded = explode("<br /><br />", cht_message_parse($announce['strAnnounce'], false, intval($announce['authlevel'])));
        $template->assign_block_vars('announces', array('ID' => $announce['idAnnounce'], 'TIME' => date(FMT_DATE_TIME, $announce['unix_time'] + SN_CLIENT_TIME_DIFF), 'ANNOUNCE' => cht_message_parse($announce['strAnnounce'], false, intval($announce['authlevel'])), 'DETAIL_URL' => $announce['detail_url'], 'USER_NAME' => isset($users[$announce['user_id']]) && $users[$announce['user_id']] ? player_nick_render_to_html($users[$announce['user_id']], array('color' => true)) : js_safe_string($announce['user_name']), 'NEW' => $announce['unix_time'] + $config->game_news_actual >= SN_TIME_NOW, 'FUTURE' => $announce['unix_time'] > SN_TIME_NOW, 'SURVEY_ID' => $announce['survey_id'], 'SURVEY_TEXT' => $announce['survey_question'], 'SURVEY_CAN_VOTE' => empty($survey_vote) && !$survey_complete, 'SURVEY_COMPLETE' => $survey_complete, 'SURVEY_UNTIL' => $announce['survey_until']));
        foreach ($announce_exploded as $announce_paragraph) {
            $template->assign_block_vars('announces.paragraph', array('TEXT' => $announce_paragraph));
        if ($announce['survey_id']) {
            $survey_query = doquery("SELECT survey_answer_text AS `TEXT`, count(DISTINCT survey_vote_id) AS `VOTES`\n          FROM `{{survey_answers}}` AS sa\n            LEFT JOIN `{{survey_votes}}` AS sv ON sv.survey_parent_answer_id = sa.survey_answer_id\n          WHERE sa.survey_parent_id = {$announce['survey_id']}\n          GROUP BY survey_answer_id\n          ORDER BY survey_answer_id;");
            $survey_vote_result = array();
            $total_votes = 0;
            while ($row = db_fetch($survey_query)) {
                $survey_vote_result[] = $row;
                $total_votes += $row['VOTES'];
            if (empty($survey_vote) && !$survey_complete) {
                // Can vote
                $survey_query = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{survey_answers}} WHERE survey_parent_id  = {$announce['survey_id']} ORDER BY survey_answer_id;");
                while ($row = db_fetch($survey_query)) {
                    $template->assign_block_vars('announces.survey_answers', array('ID' => $row['survey_answer_id'], 'TEXT' => $row['survey_answer_text']));
            } else {
                // Show result
                foreach ($survey_vote_result as &$vote_result) {
                    $vote_percent = $total_votes ? $vote_result['VOTES'] / $total_votes * 100 : 0;
                    $vote_result['PERCENT'] = $vote_percent;
                    $vote_result['PERCENT_TEXT'] = round($vote_percent, 1);
                    $vote_result['VOTES'] = pretty_number($vote_result['VOTES']);
                    $template->assign_block_vars('announces.survey_votes', $vote_result);
            // Dirty hack
            $template->assign_block_vars('announces.total_votes', array('TOTAL_VOTES' => $total_votes));
function sn_chat_msg_view($template = null)
    global $config, $skip_fleet_update, $user, $lang;
    define('IN_AJAX', true);
    $skip_fleet_update = true;
    $history = sys_get_param_str('history');
    if (!$history) {
        $config->array_set('users', $user['id'], 'chat_last_refresh', SN_TIME_MICRO);
    $page = 0;
    $last_message = '';
    $alliance = 0;
    $template_result['.']['chat'] = array();
    if (!$history && $config->_MODE != CACHER_NO_CACHE && $config->chat_timeout && SN_TIME_MICRO - $config->array_get('users', $user['id'], 'chat_last_activity') > $config->chat_timeout) {
        $result['disable'] = true;
        $template_result['.']['chat'][] = array('TIME' => date(FMT_DATE_TIME, htmlentities(SN_CLIENT_TIME_LOCAL, ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8')), 'DISABLE' => true);
    } else {
        $alliance = sys_get_param_str('ally') && $user['ally_id'] ? $user['ally_id'] : 0;
        $page_limit = 20;
        // Chat rows Limit
        $where_add = '';
        $last_message = 0;
        if ($history) {
            $rows = doquery("SELECT count(1) AS CNT FROM {{chat}} WHERE ally_id = '{$alliance}';", true);
            $page_count = ceil($rows['CNT'] / $page_limit);
            for ($i = 0; $i < $page_count; $i++) {
                $template_result['.']['page'][] = array('NUMBER' => $i);
            $page = min($page_count, max(0, sys_get_param_int('sheet')));
        } else {
            $last_message = sys_get_param_id('last_message');
            $where_add = $last_message ? "AND `messageid` > {$last_message}" : '';
        $start_row = $page * $page_limit;
        $query = doquery("SELECT c.*, u.authlevel\n      FROM\n        {{chat}} AS c\n        LEFT JOIN {{users}} AS u ON u.id = c.chat_message_sender_id\n      WHERE c.chat_message_recipient_id IS NULL AND c.ally_id = '{$alliance}' {$where_add} ORDER BY messageid DESC LIMIT {$start_row}, {$page_limit};");
        while ($chat_row = db_fetch($query)) {
            // Little magik here - to retain HTML codes from DB and stripping HTML codes from nick
            $chat_row['user'] = player_nick_render_to_html($chat_row['user']);
            $nick_stripped = htmlentities(strip_tags($chat_row['user']), ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8');
            $nick = str_replace(strip_tags($chat_row['user']), $nick_stripped, $chat_row['user']);
            if (!$history) {
                $nick = "<span style=\"cursor: pointer;\" onclick=\"addSmiley('({$nick_stripped})');\">{$nick}</span>";
            $template_result['.']['chat'][] = array('TIME' => cht_message_parse(date(FMT_DATE_TIME, $chat_row['timestamp'] + SN_CLIENT_TIME_DIFF)), 'NICK' => $nick, 'TEXT' => cht_message_parse($chat_row['message'], false, intval($chat_row['authlevel'])));
            $last_message = max($last_message, $chat_row['messageid']);
    $template_result['.']['chat'] = array_reverse($template_result['.']['chat']);
    $template_result += array('PAGE' => $page, 'ALLY' => $alliance, 'HISTORY' => $history);
    $template = gettemplate('chat_messages', $template);
    if ($history) {
        display($template, "{$lang['chat_history']} - {$lang[$alliance ? 'chat_ally' : 'chat_common']}", true, '', false, true);
    } else {
        $result['last_message'] = $last_message;
        $result['html'] = ob_get_contents();
        print json_encode($result);