try {
    $resdb = db_resident(2007);
    if ($_POST['submit'] && $ACCESS >= 50) {
        $strippost = str_replace('"', "'", $_POST);
        // make all double quotes to be single
        extract($strippost, EXTR_SKIP);
        if (!is_numeric($prog_id) || strlen($prog_id) != 6) {
            throw new Exception('Program ID is invalid', __LINE__);
        $phone = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $phone);
        if ($editf) {
            $sql = "update resprograms set program=" . chknul($program) . ",addr1=" . chknul($addr1) . ",city=" . chknul($city) . ",state='{$state}',zip=" . chknul($zip) . ",dir_name=" . chknul($dir_name) . ",phone=" . chknul($phone) . ",uid_mod={$UUID} where prog_id='{$prog_id}'";
        } elseif ($ACCESS < 400) {
            throw new Exception('Insufficient Access Level', __LINE__);
        } else {
            $sql = "insert into resprograms values ('{$prog_id}'," . chknul($program) . "," . chknul($addr1) . "," . chknul($city) . ",'{$state}'," . chknul($zip) . "," . chknul($dir_name) . "," . chknul($phone) . ",{$UUID},NULL)";
        $result = $resdb->query($sql);
        if (!$result) {
            throw new Exception(DEBUG ? "{$resdb->error} : %sql" : 'Could not add/edit program', __LINE__);
        $resdb = db_amalist();
        $result = $resdb->query($sql);
        if (!$result) {
            throw new Exception(DEBUG ? "{$resdb->error} : %sql" : 'Could not add/edit AMA program', __LINE__);
    // update done, now to select
    $wher = '';
    if (!empty($statesel)) {
        $wher = " where state >= '{$statesel}'";
             $opp = new Opportunity($db, $ooid);
         if ($_POST['submit2'] || $_POST['submit3']) {
             //$redir = '1; URL=specific.php?oid='.$ooid;
             $redir = "specificadmin.php?oid={$ooid}&acct={$uacct}&cid={$usid}&mas={$masid}";
             //$mesg = "Saving your opportunity, please wait a moment... If automatic redirection would not work, please <a href=\"specific.php?oid=$ooid\">click here to proceed</a>.";
     } elseif (is_numeric($_POST['o_location']) && $_POST['spec'] && $_POST['spec'] != '---') {
         // no ooid = assume it was the create opp form
         // o_name, o_location, spec
         $opp = new Opportunity($db, 0, $_POST['o_location'], $usid, $uacct);
         $opp->o_name = $_POST['o_name'];
         $opp->specialty = $_POST['spec'];
         $db->query("update opportunities set specialty = '{$opp->spec}', o_name = " . chknul(addslashes($opp->o_name)) . " where oid = {$opp->oid}");
         $ooid = $opp->oid;
 // no master override yet, may be later
 if (!$ooid) {
     // list all what we have here
     if ($oopdate === "yes") {
         $sql = "update opportunities set o_datemod=now(), avail_date=now() where status= 1 and o_uid = {$usid}";
         $result = $db->query($sql);
         // ignore result
         $mesg = $db->affected_rows ? 'Jobs were refreshed successfully' : 'Nothing to Refresh';
         if (!$result) {
             throw new Exception(DEBUG ? "{$db->error}: {$sql}" : 'Can not refresh opportunities', __LINE__);
     $avail_date = 'curdate()';
 $pref_region = chknul(addslashes(trim($imp->pref_region)));
 // *
 $pref_states = addslashes(trim($imp->pref_states));
 // *
 if (!$pref_states || $pref_states == '--') {
     $pref_stopen = 1;
     $pref_states = 'NULL';
 } else {
     $pref_stopen = 0;
     $pref_states = "'{$pref_states}'";
 $languages = chknul(addslashes(trim($imp->languages)));
 // *
 $phg_source = chknul(addslashes(trim($imp->phg_source)));
 // *
 if (empty($fname) || empty($lname)) {
     throw new Exception('First &amp; Last name are required', __LINE__);
 if (empty($email)) {
     throw new Exception('Email address is required', __LINE__);
 $sql = "insert into physicians (fname,lname,email,pending,avail_date,data_entry,spec_2nd,school,amg,bcbe,bcbe_year, licensed, pstatus, visa_status,pref_region,pref_states,languages,res_id,`year`,`source`,phg_source) values ('{$fname}','{$lname}','{$email}',2,{$avail_date},now(), {$spec_2nd}, {$school}, {$amg}, {$bcbe}, {$bcbe_year}, {$licensed}, {$pstatus}, {$visa_status},{$pref_region},{$pref_states},{$languages},{$phg},2000,20,{$phg_source})";
 $result = $resdb->query($sql);
 if (!$result) {
     throw new Exception(DEBUG ? "{$resdb->error} : {$sql}" : 'Can not insert, may be email address is already registered', __LINE__);
 $docid = $resdb->insert_id;
 $sql = "insert into gestapo (phid,opid,action) values ({$docid},{$UUID},'IMPORT')";
 $result = $nodb->query($sql);
 function save()
     // does not save app_date and ph_msg, see PC version for that
     $sql = "update applications set `read_date`=" . chknul($this->obj->read_date) . ", `notes`=" . chknul($this->obj->notes) . ", `status`=" . $this->obj->status . " where opid = " . $this->obj->opid . " and phid = " . $this->obj->phid;
     $result = $this->cdb->query($sql);
     if (!$result) {
         throw new Exception(DEBUG ? "{$this->cdb->error}: {$sql}" : 'Can not update response', __LINE__);
 if ($notifications3) {
     $subscription |= 128;
 //if( $practice ) $subscription |= 2;
 if ($training) {
     $subscription |= 2;
 $subsql = '';
 $subspc = '';
 if ($client->subscription != $subscription) {
     $subsql .= ($subsql ? ', ' : '') . "subscription={$subscription}";
 $client->subscription = $subscription;
 if ($client->specs != $cli_specs) {
     $subsql .= ($subsql ? ', ' : '') . "specs=" . chknul($cli_specs);
 $client->specs = $cli_specs;
 if (is_numeric($opplimit) && $client->opplimit != $opplimit) {
     $subsql .= ($subsql ? ', ' : '') . "opplimit={$opplimit}";
 if (is_numeric($opplimit)) {
     $client->opplimit = $opplimit;
 if (is_numeric($emaillimit) && $client->emaillimit != $emaillimit) {
     $subsql .= ($subsql ? ', ' : '') . "emaillimit={$emaillimit}";
 if (is_numeric($emaillimit)) {
     $client->emaillimit = $emaillimit;
 //$mesg = $cli_specs;