文件: index.php 项目: mul14/FiyoCMS
* @name			Comment
* @version		2.0
* @package		Fiyo CMS
* @copyright	Copyright (C) 2014 Fiyo CMS.
* @license		GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.txt
* @description	
defined('_FINDEX_') or die('Access Denied');
$db = new FQuery();
if (!defined('SEF_URL')) {
    $link = check_permalink('link', getLink(), 'link');
    $go_link = FUrl . getLink() . "&pid={$_GET['pid']}";
} else {
    $link = @check_permalink('permalink', $_REQUEST['link'], 'link');
    $go_link = FUrl . @$_REQUEST['link'] . SEF_EXT;
require 'entry_comment.php';
define('CAPTCHA', false);
if (!CAPTCHA) {
    $valid = true;
    if (!isset($_SESSION['captcha'])) {
        $_SESSION['captcha'] = 99;
    $_POST['secure'] = $_SESSION['captcha'];
    $_SESSION['ENABLE_CAPTCHA'] = false;
if (isset($_POST['send-comment'])) {
    $privatekey = oneQuery('comment_setting', 'name', "'recaptcha_privatekey'", 'value');
文件: sys_pdf.php 项目: mul14/FiyoCMS
$id = app_param('id');
if ($view != 'default') {
    $a = FQuery("pustaka_category", "id={$id}", '', 1);
    if (!$a) {
        $a = FQuery("pustaka_file", "id={$id}", '', 1);
    if (!$a and app_param('label') != null) {
        $a = app_param('label');
} else {
    $a = app_param('view') == 'default';
if ($a) {
    $sef_prefix = "pustaka";
    if (defined('SEF_URL')) {
        $page = check_permalink('permalink', 'addons', 'pid');
        if ($view == 'item') {
            $item = oneQuery('pustaka_file', 'id', $id, 'title');
            $vcat = oneQuery('pustaka_file', 'id', $id, 'category');
            $ncat = oneQuery('pustaka_category', 'id', $vcat, 'name');
            $page = oneQuery('menu', 'link', "'?app=pdf&view=category&id={$vcat}'", 'id');
            if (!$page) {
                $page = oneQuery('permalink', 'link', "'?app=pdf&view=default'", 'pid');
            if (app_param('go') != 'pdf') {
                add_permalink("{$id}-{$item}", "{$sef_prefix}/{$ncat}", $page);
            } else {
                add_permalink("{$id}-{$item}/pdf", "{$sef_prefix}/{$ncat}", $page);
        } else {
            if ($view == 'category') {
define('_FINDEX_', 1);
if (!isset($_SESSION['USER_ID']) or !isset($_SESSION['USER_ID']) or $_SESSION['USER_LEVEL'] > 3 or !isset($_POST['url'])) {
require_once '../../../system/jscore.php';
<table class="table  tools">
$db = new FQuery();
$sql = $db->select(FDBPrefix . "article", "*,DATE_FORMAT(date,'%W, %b %d %Y') as dates", "", 'date DESC LIMIT 10');
$no = 1;
while ($qr = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) {
    $read = check_permalink("link", "?app=article&view=item&id={$qr['id']}", "permalink");
    if ($read) {
        $read = $_POST['url'] . $read;
    } else {
        $read = $_POST['url'] . "?app=article&view=item&id={$qr['id']}";
    $edit = "?app=article&act=edit&id={$qr['id']}";
    $auth = userInfo("name", "{$qr['author_id']}");
    $info = "{$qr['date']}";
    $read_article = Read;
    $edit_article = Edit;
    if ($no % 2 == 0) {
        $class = 'clr';
    } else {
        $class = 'cln';
function getLink()
    if (defined('SEF_URL') and _FINDEX_ != 'BACK') {
        $tapos = strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], "?");
        if (!_Page) {
            $link = substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $tapos);
        } else {
            $link = substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 0, $tapos);
        if (isset($_GET['pid'])) {
            echo 1;
            $link = str_replace("&pid={$_GET['pid']}", "", $link);
        $link = str_replace("&pid=", "", $link);
    } else {
        $trim = strlen(siteConfig('sef_extention'));
        $link = str_replace(siteConfig('site_url'), "", getUrl());
        $trim = strlen($link) - $trim;
        if (defined('SEF_URL')) {
            $link = substr($link, 0, $trim);
        } else {
            $link = substr($link, 0);
    //no inject please :)
    $link = str_replace("'", "", $link);
    $link = str_replace('"', "", $link);
    if (checkLocalhost()) {
        $base = str_replace('localhost', '', FBase);
        $link = str_replace($base, '', $link);
    if (SEF_URL and check_permalink('permalink', $link, 'link')) {
        $link = check_permalink('permalink', $link, 'link');
    return $link;
function add_permalink($title, $cat = NULL, $pid = null, $ext = null, $next = null)
    $page = _Page;
    if (!preg_match("/[0-9]/", $page)) {
        $page = null;
    if (SEF_URL and !checkHomePage() and !$page) {
        $db = new FQuery();
        $eqpos = strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], "=");
        $tapos = strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], "?");
        if ($eqpos > 0 and $tapos > 0 and empty($_GET['page'])) {
            $permalink = str_replace(" ", "-", strtolower($title));
            if (app_param('app') == 'article' and app_param('view') == 'item') {
                while (substr_count($permalink, '/')) {
                    $permalink = str_replace("/", "-", $permalink);
            $category = str_replace(" ", "-", strtolower($cat));
            if (!empty($cat)) {
                $permalink = strtolower($category) . "/" . $permalink;
            } else {
                $permalink = $permalink;
            while (substr_count($permalink, "[")) {
                $permalink = str_replace("[", "", $permalink);
            while (substr_count($permalink, "]")) {
                $permalink = str_replace("]", "", $permalink);
            while (substr_count($permalink, "(")) {
                $permalink = str_replace("(", "", $permalink);
            while (substr_count($permalink, ")")) {
                $permalink = str_replace(")", "", $permalink);
            while (substr_count($permalink, "{")) {
                $permalink = str_replace("{", "", $permalink);
            while (substr_count($permalink, "}")) {
                $permalink = str_replace("}", "", $permalink);
            while (substr_count($permalink, "&amp;")) {
                $permalink = str_replace("&amp;", "", $permalink);
            while (substr_count($permalink, "&")) {
                $permalink = str_replace("&", "", $permalink);
            /************ ? removal **************/
            while (substr_count($permalink, "?")) {
                $permalink = str_replace("?", "", $permalink);
            /************ + removal **************/
            while (substr_count($permalink, "+")) {
                $permalink = str_replace("+", "", $permalink);
            /************ # removal **************/
            while (substr_count($permalink, "#")) {
                $permalink = str_replace("#", "", $permalink);
            /************ & removal **************/
            while (substr_count($permalink, "\\&")) {
                $permalink = str_replace("\\&", "", $permalink);
            /************ . removal **************/
            while (substr_count($permalink, ".")) {
                $permalink = str_replace(".", "-", $permalink);
            /************ ! removal **************/
            while (substr_count($permalink, "!")) {
                $permalink = str_replace("!", "", $permalink);
            /************ ` removal **************/
            while (substr_count($permalink, "`")) {
                $permalink = str_replace("`", "", $permalink);
            /************ ' removal **************/
            while (substr_count($permalink, "'")) {
                $permalink = str_replace("'", "", $permalink);
            /************ " removal **************/
            while (substr_count($permalink, "\"")) {
                $permalink = str_replace('"', "", $permalink);
            /************ ; removal **************/
            while (substr_count($permalink, ";")) {
                $permalink = str_replace(';', "", $permalink);
            /************ " removal **************/
            while (substr_count($permalink, '|')) {
                $permalink = str_replace('|', "", $permalink);
            /************ % removal **************/
            while (substr_count($permalink, '%')) {
                $permalink = str_replace('%', "", $permalink);
            /************ * removal **************/
            while (substr_count($permalink, '*')) {
                $permalink = str_replace('*', "", $permalink);
            /************ ^ removal **************/
            while (substr_count($permalink, '^')) {
                $permalink = str_replace('^', "", $permalink);
            /************ \ removal **************/
            while (substr_count($permalink, '\\')) {
                $permalink = str_replace("\\", "", $permalink);
            /************ \ removal **************/
            /************ , removal **************/
            while (substr_count($permalink, ',')) {
                $permalink = str_replace(",", "", $permalink);
            /************ $ removal **************/
            while (substr_count($permalink, '$')) {
                $permalink = str_replace("\$", "", $permalink);
            /************ @ removal **************/
            while (substr_count($permalink, '@')) {
                $permalink = str_replace("@", "", $permalink);
            while (substr_count($permalink, "--")) {
                $permalink = str_replace("--", "-", $permalink);
            if (empty($pid)) {
                $pid = Page_ID;
            $link = getLink();
            if (!empty($category) and empty($ext)) {
                $permalink = $permalink . SEF_EXT;
            } else {
                if (!empty($ext)) {
                    $ext = str_replace(".", "", $ext);
                    $permalink = "{$permalink}.{$ext}";
            if (check_permalink('link', $link)) {
                redirect(FUrl . $permalink);
            } else {
                if (!empty($permalink)) {
                    if ($c = check_permalink('permalink', $permalink)) {
                        $x = 2;
                        $permalink = str_replace(SEF_EXT, "", $permalink);
                        while ($c) {
                            $p = "{$permalink}-{$x}";
                            $c = check_permalink('permalink', $p . SEF_EXT);
                        $permalink = $p . SEF_EXT;
                    if (!empty($permalink) and $permalink != "-" and !empty($link)) {
                        $qr = $db->insert(FDBPrefix . 'permalink', array("", "{$link}", "{$permalink}", $pid, 1, 0));
                    if (isset($qr)) {
                        redirect(FUrl . $permalink);
    $info = "{$qr['date']}";
    $imgr = md5("{$qr['email']}");
    $foto = " <span class='c_gravatar' data-gravatar-hash=\"{$imgr}\"></span>";
    $comment = cutWords(htmlToText($qr['comment']), 10);
    $hide = Hide;
    $cedit = Edit;
    $read = Read;
    $delete = Delete;
    $approve = Approve;
    $app = link_param('app', "{$qr['link']}");
    $aid = link_param('id', "{$qr['link']}");
    $app = "{$qr['apps']}";
    if (empty($app)) {
        $app = 'article';
    $lread = $_POST['url'] . check_permalink("link", "?app=article&view=item&id={$aid}", "permalink");
    $edit = "?app={$app}&view=comment&act=edit&id={$id}";
    $title = oneQuery('article', 'id', $aid, 'title');
    $red = '';
    if ($qr['status']) {
        $approven = "<a class='btn-tools btn btn-danger btn-sm btn-grad disable-user' title='{$hide}' data-id='{$id}'>{$hide}</a><a class='btn-tools btn btn-success btn-sm btn-grad approve-user' title='{$approve}' style='display:none;' data-id='{$id}'>{$approve}</a>";
    } else {
        $approven = "<a data-id='{$id}' class='btn-tools btn btn-success btn-sm btn-grad approve-user' title='{$approve}'>{$approve}</a><a data-id='{$id}' class='btn-tools btn btn-danger btn-sm btn-grad disable-user' title='{$hide}'  style='display:none;'>{$hide}</a>";
        $red = "class='unapproved'";
    echo "<tr {$red}><td style='text-align: center; vertical-align: middle;  padding: 7px 8px 6px 10px;'>{$foto}</td><td style='width: 97%; padding: 7px 8px 8px 0;'><b>{$qr['name']}</b> <span>on</span> {$title}<a data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='right' title='{$info}' class='icon-time tooltips'></a><a data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='left' title='{$qr['email']}' class='icon-envelope-alt tooltips'></a>\n\t\t\t<br/><span>{$comment} ...</span><br/>\n\t\t\t<div class='tool-box tool-{$no}'>\n\t\t\t\t{$approven}\n\t\t\t\t<a href='{$edit}' class='btn btn-tools tips' title='{$cedit}'>{$cedit}</a>\n\t\t\t\t<a href='{$lread}#comment-{$qr['id']}' target='_blank'  class='btn btn-tools tips' title='{$read}'>{$read}</a>\n\t\t\t\t<!--a class='btn btn-tools tips' title='{$delete}'>{$delete}</a-->\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t</td></tr>";
if ($no < 1) {
    echo "<tr><td style='text-align:center; padding: 40px 0; color: #ccc; font-size: 1.5em'>" . No_Comment . "</td></tr>";
文件: site.php 项目: mul14/FiyoCMS
                    if (isset($_GET['pid']) and is_numeric($_GET['pid'])) {
                        define('Page_ID', pageInfo($_GET['pid'], 'id'));
                    } else {
                        define('Page_ID', oneQuery('menu', 'global', 1, 'id'));
        } else {
            if (SEF_URL) {
                if (!empty($pid) and $pid == menuInfo('id')) {
                    define('Page_ID', $pid);
                } else {
                    if (isset($_GET['pid']) and is_numeric($_GET['pid'])) {
                        define('Page_ID', pageInfo($_GET['pid'], 'id'));
                    } else {
                        $pid = @check_permalink('permalink', $_REQUEST['link'], 'pid');
                        if ($pid == 0) {
                            $pid = oneQuery('menu', 'global', 1, 'id');
                        if ($pid == 0) {
                            $pid = oneQuery('menu', 'home', 1, 'id');
                        define('Page_ID', $pid);
/*  	  	  Delete Installer  			*/
         $lcat = "{$ncat}/{$lcat}";
     $lcat = strtolower($lcat);
     $item = articleInfo('title');
     add_permalink($item, $lcat, $page);
 } else {
     if ($view == 'category' or $view == 'catlist') {
         $icat = categoryInfo('id');
         $ncat = categoryInfo('name');
         $page = menuInfo('id', "?app=article&view=category&id={$icat}");
         $lcat = "{$ncat}";
         $i = 1;
         while (empty($page) and !check_permalink('link', getLink()) and $i < 10 and $icat != 0) {
             $icat = categoryInfo('parent_id', $icat);
             $ncat = categoryInfo('name', $icat);
             $page = menuInfo('id', "?app=article&view=category&id={$icat}");
             if ($icat == 0) {
             $lcat = "{$ncat}/{$lcat}";
         $lcat = strtolower($lcat);
         $item = articleInfo('title');
         if (_FEED_ == 'rss') {
             add_permalink("{$lcat}", "", "", "rss");
         } else {
             add_permalink($lcat, '', $page);