// end while write topics announcement and important
$query_2 = "SELECT * \n\t\t\t  FROM " . __PREFIX__ . "topic \n\t\t\t WHERE f_id = '" . $id . "' \n\t\t\t   AND replyof < 0\n\t\t\t   AND ((important = 0 OR important = NULL) \n\t\t\t   AND (announcement = 0 OR announcement = NULL)) \n\t\t\t ORDER by last DESC \n\t\t\t LIMIT " . $limit . " \n\t\t\tOFFSET " . $offset;
$result = mysql_query($query_2) or _err(mysql_error());
while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
    $query = "SELECT id FROM " . __PREFIX__ . "topic WHERE replyof = '" . $row[0] . "'";
    $res2 = mysql_query($query);
    $replies = 0;
    while (mysql_fetch_row($res2)) {
		<td class="forums"><a href = 'viewtopic.php?id=<?php 
    print $row[0] . "'>" . $row[4] . "</a> " . check_graphic_block_topic($row[0]);
		<td class="forums"><a href = 'profile.php?id=<?php 
    print nick2uid($row[3]) . "'>" . $row[3];
		<td class="forums"><?php 
    print $replies;
	<td colspan="3"><hr style="margin:1px;height:1px;border:none;background-color:white;"></td>
			<input class='karma_più' type = 'submit' value = '+1' name = 'vote' > <input class='karma_meno' type = 'submit' value = '-1' name = 'vote'>
		<div style="float: right;"><a href="pm.php?mode=3&to=<?php 
    print $row[3];
">PM</a>  <a href = 'profile.php?id=<?php 
    print nick2uid($row[3]);
	<div id="topic">	

		<b>Titolo: </b><?php 
    print $row[4] . check_graphic_block_topic($row[0]) . check_graphic_important_topic($row[0]) . check_graphic_announcement_topic($row[0]) . "<br />\n<font size=1> @<i>Scritto il " . $row[9] . " alle ore " . $row[8] . "</i></font>\n";
		<br />
    if (login($username, $password) && ($row[2] == $username || level($username) == 'admin') || level($username) == 'mod') {
        print "\n<a href = 'manage.php?id=" . $row[0] . "&t_id=" . $id . "'>[Edita]</a>" . "\n<a href='manage.php?id=" . $row[0] . "&t_id=" . $id . "&delete=1'>[Elimina]</a>";
		<br />
		<br />
    //parte del messaggio
    //print wordwrap (br($row [5]), 200 , "<br />");
    print BBcode($row[5]);
    //chiusura della div di topic
    print "\n</div>";