            @unlink($_CONF['backup_path'] . 'test.txt');
        } else {
            $display .= '<li>' . sprintf($LANG_SECTEST['failed_tmp'], 'backups') . '</li>';
    if (makeTempfile($_CONF['path_data'] . 'test.txt')) {
        $display .= doTest($url, 'data/test.txt', 'data directory');
        @unlink($_CONF['path_data'] . 'test.txt');
    } else {
        $display .= '<li>' . sprintf($LANG_SECTEST['failed_tmp'], 'data') . '</li>';
    $display .= checkDefaultPassword();
    $display .= '</ol>';
} else {
    $resultInstallDirCheck = checkInstallDir();
    $resultPasswordCheck = checkDefaultPassword();
    if ($failed_tests == 0) {
        $display .= '<p>' . $LANG_SECTEST['okay'] . '</p>';
    } else {
        $display .= '<ol>';
        $display .= $resultInstallDirCheck . LB . $resultPasswordCheck;
        $display .= '</ol>';
if ($failed_tests > 0) {
    $display .= '<p class="warningsmall"><strong>' . $LANG_SECTEST['please_fix'] . '</strong></p>';
    DB_save($_TABLES['vars'], 'name,value', "'security_check','0'");
} else {
    $display .= '<p>' . $LANG_SECTEST['please_note'] . '</p>';
    DB_save($_TABLES['vars'], 'name,value', "'security_check','1'");
//validate the token
//if token validates, check for user and add session variables
if (isset($_POST['form_token']) && validateTokenField($_POST)) {
    //sanitize all these data before they get to the database !! IMPORTANT
    $db_pass = getHashValue($_POST['password']);
    $db_username = sanitize($_POST['username']);
    include_once ROOT_DIR . '/database/dbUserProfile.php';
    //Retrieve the user category using the username and password
    $currentUser = retrieve_UserByAuth($db_username, $db_pass);
    if ($currentUser) {
        //if the usercategory is returned, log the user in and assign session variables
        $_SESSION['logged_in'] = true;
        $_SESSION['access_level'] = $accessLevel[$currentUser['UserCategory']];
        $_SESSION['_username'] = $db_username;
        $_SESSION['_id'] = $currentUser['UserProfileID'];
        //check if the user is still using the default password
        echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">window.location = \"index.php\";</script>";
    } else {
        //if no user category was found, then the credentials were wrong
        $error['invalid_username'] = "******";
} else {
    if (isset($_POST['form_token']) && !validateTokenField($_POST)) {
        //if data was posted but the token was invalid then add it to the error array
        $error['csrf'] = 'The request could not be completed: security check failed!';
/*How should errors be displayed:
 * if(!empty($error))