function getCommentDbByTypeid($type, $typeid, $page, $url) { global $db, $groupid, $db_shield, $db_perpage, $db_windpost; if (!checkCommType($type)) { Showmsg('undefined_action'); } $wordsfb = L::loadClass('FilterUtil'); $commentdb = $subcommentdb = array(); $count = $db->get_value("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pw_comment WHERE type=" . pwEscape($type) . " AND typeid=" . pwEscape($typeid) . " AND upid='0'"); $numofpage = ceil($count / $db_perpage); $start = ($page - 1) * $db_perpage; $limit = pwLimit($start, $db_perpage); $query = $db->query("SELECT,c.uid,c.username,c.title,c.postdate,c.typeid,c.upid,c.ifwordsfb,m.icon as face,m.groupid FROM pw_comment c LEFT JOIN pw_members m ON c.uid=m.uid WHERE c.type=" . pwEscape($type) . " AND c.typeid=" . pwEscape($typeid) . " AND upid='0' ORDER BY postdate DESC {$limit}"); while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $rt['postdate'] = get_date($rt['postdate']); list($rt['face']) = showfacedesign($rt['face'], 1, 'm'); if ($rt['groupid'] == 6 && $db_shield && $groupid != 3) { $rt['title'] = getLangInfo('other', 'ban_comment'); } elseif (!$wordsfb->equal($rt['ifwordsfb'])) { $rt['title'] = $wordsfb->convert($rt['title'], array('id' => $rt['id'], 'type' => 'comments', 'code' => $rt['ifwordsfb'])); } if (strpos($rt['title'], '[s:') !== false) { $rt['title'] = showface($rt['title']); } if (strpos($rt['title'], '[url') !== false) { $rt['title'] = convert($rt['title'], $db_windpost); } $commentids[] = $rt['id']; $commentdb[$rt['id']] = $rt; } if ($commentids) { $query = $db->query("SELECT,c.uid,c.username,c.title,c.postdate,c.typeid,c.upid,c.ifwordsfb,m.icon as face,m.groupid FROM pw_comment c LEFT JOIN pw_members m ON c.uid=m.uid WHERE c.type=" . pwEscape($type) . " AND c.typeid=" . pwEscape($typeid) . " AND upid IN (" . pwImplode($commentids) . ") ORDER BY postdate ASC"); while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $rt['postdate'] = get_date($rt['postdate']); list($rt['face']) = showfacedesign($rt['face'], 1, 'm'); if ($rt['groupid'] == 6 && $db_shield && $groupid != 3) { $rt['title'] = getLangInfo('other', 'ban_comment'); } elseif (!$wordsfb->equal($rt['ifwordsfb'])) { $rt['title'] = $wordsfb->convert($rt['title'], array('id' => $rt['id'], 'type' => 'comments', 'code' => $rt['ifwordsfb'])); } $subcommentdb[$rt['upid']][$rt['id']] = $rt; } } $pages = numofpage($count, $page, $numofpage, $url); return array($commentdb, $subcommentdb, $pages); }
$lastcomment = end($comment); $a = 'showcommlist'; require_once printEOT('m_ajax'); ajax_footer(); } elseif ($a == 'commreply') { require_once R_P . 'require/showimg.php'; require_once R_P . 'require/postfunc.php'; banUser(); S::gp(array('type', 'id', 'title', 'upid', 'position', 'other'), 'P'); $title = nl2br(str_replace(array('=', '%26'), array('=', '&'), $title)); $id = (int) $id; $upid = (int) $upid ? (int) $upid : 0; if (!$id) { Showmsg('undefined_action'); } if (!checkCommType($type)) { Showmsg('undefined_action'); } $app_table = $id_filed = ''; list($app_table, $id_filed) = getCommTypeTable($type); $count = $db->get_value("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM pw_comment WHERE type=" . S::sqlEscape($type) . " AND typeid=" . S::sqlEscape($id)); if ($count > 99) { Showmsg('mode_o_com_count_max'); } if (strlen($title) < 3 || strlen($title) > 200) { Showmsg('mode_o_com_title_error'); } require_once R_P . 'require/bbscode.php'; $wordsfb = L::loadClass('FilterUtil', 'filter'); if (($banword = $wordsfb->comprise($title, true, true)) !== false) { Showmsg('title_wordsfb');