private function _userReportType($res, $rtype, $rid, $message) { global $_G; if ($rtype == 'post') { $tid = UserReport::getTidByPid($rid); } $fid = intval($_GET['fid']); $uid = intval($_GET['uid']); $message = WebUtils::t(rawurldecode($message)); $default_url = array('user' => 'home.php?mod=space&uid=', 'post' => 'forum.php?mod=redirect&goto=findpost&ptid=' . $tid . '&pid=', 'thread' => 'forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=', 'group' => 'forum.php?mod=group&fid=', 'album' => 'home.php?mod=space&do=album&uid=' . $uid . '&id=', 'blog' => 'home.php?mod=space&do=blog&uid=' . $uid . '&id=', 'pic' => 'home.php?mod=space&do=album&uid=' . $uid . '&picid='); $url = ''; if ($rid && !empty($default_url[$rtype])) { $url = $default_url[$rtype] . intval($rid); } else { $url = addslashes(dhtmlspecialchars(base64_decode($_GET['url']))); $url = preg_match("/^http[s]?:\\/\\/[^\\[\"']+\$/i", trim($url)) ? trim($url) : ''; } if (empty($url)) { $res = $this->makeErrorInfo($res, 'report_parameters_invalid'); } else { $urlkey = md5($url); $message = censor(cutstr(dhtmlspecialchars(trim($message)), 200, '')); $message = $_G['username'] . ' : ' . rtrim($message, "\\"); if ($reportid = C::t('common_report')->fetch_by_urlkey($urlkey)) { C::t('common_report')->update_num($reportid, $message); } else { $data = array('url' => $url, 'urlkey' => $urlkey, 'uid' => $_G['uid'], 'username' => $_G['username'], 'message' => $message, 'dateline' => TIMESTAMP); if ($fid) { $data['fid'] = $fid; } C::t('common_report')->insert($data); $report_receive = unserialize($_G['setting']['report_receive']); $moderators = array(); if ($report_receive['adminuser']) { foreach ($report_receive['adminuser'] as $touid) { notification_add($touid, 'report', 'new_report', array('from_id' => 1, 'from_idtype' => 'newreport'), 1); } } if ($fid && $rtype == 'post') { foreach (C::t('forum_moderator')->fetch_all_by_fid($fid, false) as $row) { $moderators[] = $row['uid']; } if ($report_receive['supmoderator']) { $moderators = array_unique(array_merge($moderators, $report_receive['supmoderator'])); } foreach ($moderators as $touid) { $touid != $_G['uid'] && !in_array($touid, $report_receive) && notification_add($touid, 'report', 'new_post_report', array('fid' => $fid, 'from_id' => 1, 'from_idtype' => 'newreport'), 1); } } } $params['noError'] = 1; $res = $this->makeErrorInfo($res, 'report_succeed', $params); } return $res; }
function music_upload($file_name, &$space_left) { global $database, $url, $user; // SET KEY VARIABLES $file_maxsize = $user->level_info['level_music_maxsize']; $file_exts = explode(",", str_replace(" ", "", strtolower($user->level_info['level_music_exts']))); $file_types = explode(",", str_replace(" ", "", strtolower($user->level_info['level_music_mimes']))); $new_music = new se_upload(); $new_music->new_upload($file_name, $file_maxsize, $file_exts, $file_types); // CHECK SPACE LEFT if ($new_music->file_size > $space_left) { $new_music->is_error = 4000087; } else { $space_left = $space_left - $file_filesize; } if (!$new_music->is_error) { // GENERATE TITLE $myId3 = new ID3($file_dest); if ($myId3->getInfo()) { $id3_artist = trim($myId3->getArtist()); $id3_title = trim($myId3->getTitle()); if ($id3_artist && $id3_title) { $music_title = $id3_artist . ' - ' . $id3_title; } } if (!trim($music_title)) { $music_title = $new_music->file_name; } $music_title = security(censor($music_title)); // INSERT ROW INTO MUSIC TABLE $time = time(); $track_num = $database->database_fetch_array($database->database_query("SELECT music_track_num as track FROM se_music WHERE music_user_id = '{$this->user_id}' ORDER BY music_track_num DESC LIMIT 1")); $track_num = $track_num['track'] + 1; $database->database_query("\r\n INSERT INTO se_music\r\n (\r\n music_user_id,\r\n music_track_num,\r\n music_date,\r\n music_title,\r\n music_ext,\r\n music_filesize\r\n )\r\n VALUES\r\n (\r\n '{$this->user_id}',\r\n '{$track_num}',\r\n '{$time}',\r\n '{$music_title}',\r\n '{$new_music->file_ext}',\r\n '{$new_music->file_size}'\r\n )\r\n "); $music_id = $database->database_insert_id(); // MOVE UPLOADED FILE $file_dest = $url->url_userdir($user->user_info[user_id]) . $music_id . "." . $new_music->file_ext; $new_music->upload_file($file_dest); } // RETURN AND DELETE FROM DATABASE IF ERROR if ($new_music->is_error) { if ($music_id) { $database->database_query("DELETE FROM se_music WHERE music_id='{$music_id}' && music_user_id='{$this->user_id}'"); } if ($file_dest) { @unlink($file_dest); } return array('is_error' => $new_music->is_error); } // RETURN FILE STATS return array('music_id' => $music_id, 'music_ext' => $new_music->file_ext, 'music_filesize' => $new_music->file_size, 'music_title' => $music_title); }
function mobcent_threadsort_validator($sortoption, $pid) { global $_G, $var; $postaction = $_G['tid'] && $pid ? "edit&tid={$_G['tid']}&pid={$pid}" : 'newthread'; $_G['forum_optiondata'] = array(); foreach ($_G['forum_checkoption'] as $var => $option) { if ($_G['forum_checkoption'][$var]['required'] && ($sortoption[$var] === '' && $_G['forum_checkoption'][$var]['type'] != 'number')) { return array('message' => 'threadtype_required_invalid', 'params' => array('{typetitle}' => $_G['forum_checkoption'][$var]['title'])); //showmessage('threadtype_required_invalid', "forum.php?mod=post&action=$postaction&fid=$_G[fid]&sortid=".$_G['forum_selectsortid'], array('typetitle' => $_G['forum_checkoption'][$var]['title'])); } elseif ($sortoption[$var] && ($_G['forum_checkoption'][$var]['type'] == 'number' && !is_numeric($sortoption[$var]) || $_G['forum_checkoption'][$var]['type'] == 'email' && !isemail($sortoption[$var]))) { return array('message' => 'threadtype_required_invalid', 'params' => array('{typetitle}' => $_G['forum_checkoption'][$var]['title'])); //showmessage('threadtype_format_invalid', "forum.php?mod=post&action=$postaction&fid=$_G[fid]&sortid=".$_G['forum_selectsortid'], array('typetitle' => $_G['forum_checkoption'][$var]['title'])); } elseif ($sortoption[$var] && $_G['forum_checkoption'][$var]['maxlength'] && strlen($sortoption[$var]) > $_G['forum_checkoption'][$var]['maxlength']) { return array('message' => 'threadtype_toolong_invalid', 'params' => array('{typetitle}' => $_G['forum_checkoption'][$var]['title'])); // showmessage('threadtype_toolong_invalid', "forum.php?mod=post&action=$postaction&fid=$_G[fid]&sortid=".$_G['forum_selectsortid'], array('typetitle' => $_G['forum_checkoption'][$var]['title'])); } elseif ($sortoption[$var] && ($_G['forum_checkoption'][$var]['maxnum'] && $sortoption[$var] > $_G['forum_checkoption'][$var]['maxnum'] || $_G['forum_checkoption'][$var]['minnum'] && $sortoption[$var] < $_G['forum_checkoption'][$var]['minnum'])) { return array('message' => 'threadtype_num_invalid', 'params' => array('{typetitle}' => $_G['forum_checkoption'][$var]['title'])); // showmessage('threadtype_num_invalid', "forum.php?mod=post&action=$postaction&fid=$_G[fid]&sortid=".$_G['forum_selectsortid'], array('typetitle' => $_G['forum_checkoption'][$var]['title'])); } elseif ($sortoption[$var] && $_G['forum_checkoption'][$var]['unchangeable'] && !($_G['tid'] && $pid)) { return array('message' => 'threadtype_unchangeable_invalid', 'params' => array('{typetitle}' => $_G['forum_checkoption'][$var]['title'])); //showmessage('threadtype_unchangeable_invalid', "forum.php?mod=post&action=$postaction&fid=$_G[fid]&sortid=".$_G['forum_selectsortid'], array('typetitle' => $_G['forum_checkoption'][$var]['title'])); } elseif ($sortoption[$var] && $_G['forum_checkoption'][$var]['type'] == 'select') { if ($_G['forum_optionlist'][$_G['forum_checkoption'][$var]['optionid']]['choices'][$sortoption[$var]]['level'] != 1) { //判断下拉选择项的必填项是否填写,如果为多级连动选择客户端会发不出去帖子,注释此行 //return array('message'=>'threadtype_select_invalid','params'=>array('{typetitle}' => $_G['forum_checkoption'][$var]['title'])); // showmessage('threadtype_select_invalid', "forum.php?mod=post&action=$postaction&fid=$_G[fid]&sortid=".$_G['forum_selectsortid'], array('typetitle' => $_G['forum_checkoption'][$var]['title'])); } } if ($_G['forum_checkoption'][$var]['type'] == 'checkbox') { $sortoption[$var] = $sortoption[$var] ? implode("\t", $sortoption[$var]) : ''; } elseif ($_G['forum_checkoption'][$var]['type'] == 'url') { $sortoption[$var] = $sortoption[$var] ? substr(strtolower($sortoption[$var]), 0, 4) == 'www.' ? 'http://' . $sortoption[$var] : $sortoption[$var] : ''; } if ($_G['forum_checkoption'][$var]['type'] == 'image') { if ($sortoption[$var]['aid']) { $_GET['attachnew'][$sortoption[$var]['aid']] = $sortoption[$var]; } $sortoption[$var] = serialize($sortoption[$var]); } elseif ($_G['forum_checkoption'][$var]['type'] == 'select') { $sortoption[$var] = censor(trim($sortoption[$var])); } else { $sortoption[$var] = dhtmlspecialchars(censor(trim($sortoption[$var]))); } $_G['forum_optiondata'][$_G['forum_checkoption'][$var]['optionid']] = $sortoption[$var]; } return $_G['forum_optiondata']; }
public function add_tag($tags, $itemid, $idtype = 'tid', $returnarray = 0) { if ($tags == '' || !in_array($idtype, array('', 'tid', 'blogid', 'uid'))) { return; } $tags = str_replace(array(chr(0xa3) . chr(0xac), chr(0xa1) . chr(0x41), chr(0xef) . chr(0xbc) . chr(0x8c)), ',', censor($tags)); if (strexists($tags, ',')) { $tagarray = array_unique(explode(',', $tags)); } else { $langcore = lang('core'); $tags = str_replace($langcore['fullblankspace'], ' ', $tags); $tagarray = array_unique(explode(' ', $tags)); } $tagcount = 0; foreach ($tagarray as $tagname) { $tagname = trim($tagname); if (preg_match('/^([\\x7f-\\xff_-]|\\w|\\s){3,20}$/', $tagname)) { $status = $idtype != 'uid' ? 0 : 3; $result = C::t('common_tag')->get_bytagname($tagname, $idtype); if ($result['tagid']) { if ($result['status'] == $status) { $tagid = $result['tagid']; } } else { $tagid = C::t('common_tag')->insert($tagname, $status); } if ($tagid) { if ($itemid) { C::t('common_tagitem')->replace($tagid, $itemid, $idtype); } $tagcount++; if (!$returnarray) { $return .= $tagid . ',' . $tagname . "\t"; } else { $return[$tagid] = $tagname; } } if ($tagcount > 4) { unset($tagarray); break; } } } return $return; }
$database->database_query("DELETE FROM se_notifys WHERE notify_user_id='{$user->user_info['user_id']}' AND notify_notifytype_id='1' AND notify_object_id='{$owner->user_info['user_id']}'"); $status = "remove"; $result = 914; } elseif ($task == "cancel_do") { $user->user_friend_remove($owner->user_info['user_id']); $database->database_query("DELETE FROM se_notifys WHERE notify_user_id='{$owner->user_info['user_id']}' AND notify_notifytype_id='1' AND notify_object_id='{$user->user_info['user_id']}'"); $status = "remove"; $result = 920; } elseif ($task == "remove_do") { $user->user_friend_remove($owner->user_info['user_id']); $status = "add"; $result = 890; } elseif ($task == "add_do") { $friend_type = $_POST['friend_type']; $friend_type_other = censor($_POST['friend_type_other']); $friend_explain = censor($_POST['friend_explain']); if (count($connection_types) == 0) { $friend_type = ""; } if ($setting['setting_connection_other'] == 0) { $friend_type_other = ""; } if ($setting['setting_connection_explain'] == 0) { $friend_explain = ""; } if ($friend_type == "other_friendtype") { $friend_type = ""; } if (trim($friend_type_other) != "") { $friend_type = $friend_type_other; }
require_once libfile('function/spacecp'); if (!$_G['collection']['ctid']) { showmessage('collection_permission_deny'); } $waittime = interval_check('post'); if ($waittime > 0) { showmessage('operating_too_fast', '', array('waittime' => $waittime), array('return' => true)); } $memberrate = C::t('forum_collectioncomment')->fetch_rate_by_ctid_uid($_G['collection']['ctid'], $_G['uid']); if (!trim($_GET['message']) && (!$memberrate && !$_GET['ratescore'] || $memberrate)) { showmessage('collection_edit_checkentire'); } if ($_G['setting']['maxpostsize'] && strlen($_GET['message']) > $_G['setting']['maxpostsize']) { showmessage('post_message_toolong', '', array('maxpostsize' => $_G['setting']['maxpostsize'])); } $newcomment = array('ctid' => $_G['collection']['ctid'], 'uid' => $_G['uid'], 'username' => $_G['username'], 'message' => censor($_GET['message']), 'dateline' => $_G['timestamp'], 'useip' => $_G['clientip']); if (!$memberrate) { $newcomment['rate'] = $_GET['ratescore']; } else { $_GET['ratescore'] = 0; } C::t('forum_collectioncomment')->insert($newcomment); C::t('forum_collection')->update_by_ctid($_G['collection']['ctid'], 0, 0, 1, 0, $_GET['ratescore'], $_G['collection']['ratenum']); if ($_G['collection']['uid'] != $_G['uid']) { notification_add($_G['collection']['uid'], "system", 'collection_becommented', array('from_id' => $_G['collection']['ctid'], 'from_idtype' => 'collectioncomment', 'ctid' => $_G['collection']['ctid'], 'collectionname' => $_G['collection']['name']), 1); } C::t('common_member_status')->update($_G['uid'], array('lastpost' => TIMESTAMP), 'UNBUFFERED'); showmessage('collection_comment_succ', $tid ? 'forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=' . $tid : dreferer()); } elseif ($op == 'del') { if (!submitcheck('formhash')) { showmessage('undefined_action', NULL);
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA **************************************************************************/ if (!defined('SCOUT_NUKE')) { die("You have accessed this page illegally, please go use the main menu"); } $level = $check['level']; $frontsql = $data->select_query("frontpage", "ORDER BY pos ASC"); $content = ""; while ($item = $data->fetch_array($frontsql)) { if ($item['type'] == 0) { if (get_auth($item['item'], 1) == 1) { $pagesql = $data->select_query("static_content", "WHERE id = '{$item['item']}' AND trash=0"); $stuff = $data->fetch_array($pagesql); $content .= "<div class=\"frontpage\">" . censor($stuff['content']) . "</div>"; } } elseif ($item['type'] == 1) { $funsql = $data->select_query("functions", "where id = '{$item['item']}'"); $stuff = $data->fetch_array($funsql); if (get_auth($stuff['code'], 0) == 1) { if (file_exists($stuff['code'] . $phpex)) { include $stuff['code'] . $phpex; } if ($dbpage == true && isset($pagename) && $pagename != "" && $pagename != "frontpage") { $content .= "<div class=\"frontpage\">" . get_temp($pagename, $pagenum) . "</div>"; } } } $content .= "<br />"; }
showmessage('operating_too_fast', '', 1, array($waittime)); } cknewuser(); if ($touid) { if (isblacklist($touid)) { showmessage('is_blacklist'); } } if (submitcheck('pmsubmit')) { checklowerlimit('sendpm'); $username = empty($_POST['username']) ? '' : $_POST['username']; $message = (!empty($_POST['messageappend']) ? $_POST['messageappend'] . "\n" : '') . trim($_POST['message']); if (empty($message)) { showmessage('unable_to_send_air_news'); } $message = censor($message); loadcache(array('smilies', 'smileytypes')); foreach ($_G['cache']['smilies']['replacearray'] as $key => $smiley) { $_G['cache']['smilies']['replacearray'][$key] = '[img]' . $_G['siteurl'] . 'static/image/smiley/' . $_G['cache']['smileytypes'][$_G['cache']['smilies']['typearray'][$key]]['directory'] . '/' . $smiley . '[/img]'; } $message = preg_replace($_G['cache']['smilies']['searcharray'], $_G['cache']['smilies']['replacearray'], $message); $subject = ''; $return = 0; if ($touid) { $return = uc_pm_send($_G['uid'], $touid, $subject, $message, 1, $pmid, 0); } elseif ($username) { $newusers = array(); $users = daddslashes(explode(',', dstripslashes($username))); if ($users) { $query = DB::query('SELECT uid, username FROM ' . DB::table('common_member') . " WHERE username IN (" . dimplode($users) . ')'); while ($value = DB::fetch($query)) {
cpmsg('members_email_illegal', '', 'error'); } elseif ($ucresult == -5) { cpmsg('members_email_domain_illegal', '', 'error'); } elseif ($ucresult == -6) { cpmsg('members_email_duplicate', '', 'error'); } } if ($_GET['clearavatar']) { C::t('common_member' . $tableext)->update($_GET['uid'], array('avatarstatus' => 0)); uc_user_deleteavatar($uid); } $creditsnew = intval($creditsnew); $regdatenew = strtotime($_GET['regdatenew']); $lastvisitnew = strtotime($_GET['lastvisitnew']); $secquesadd = $_GET['clearquestion'] ? ", secques=''" : ''; $signaturenew = censor($_GET['signaturenew']); $sigstatusnew = $signaturenew ? 1 : 0; $sightmlnew = discuzcode($signaturenew, 1, 0, 0, 0, $member['allowsigbbcode'] ? $member['allowcusbbcode'] ? 2 : 1 : 0, $member['allowsigimgcode'], 0); $oltimenew = round($_GET['totalnew'] / 60); $fieldadd = ''; $fieldarr = array(); include_once libfile('function/profile'); foreach ($_POST as $field_key => $field_val) { if (isset($fields[$field_key]) && (profile_check($field_key, $field_val) || $_G['adminid'] == 1)) { $fieldarr[$field_key] = $field_val; } } if ($_GET['deletefile'] && is_array($_GET['deletefile'])) { foreach ($_GET['deletefile'] as $key => $value) { if (isset($fields[$key]) && $_G['cache']['profilesetting'][$key]['formtype'] == 'file') { @unlink(getglobal('setting/attachdir') . './profile/' . $member[$key]);
$taobaonew = dhtmlspecialchars($taobaonew); $alipaynew = dhtmlspecialchars($alipaynew); $nicknamenew = $allownickname ? cutstr(censor(dhtmlspecialchars($nicknamenew)), 30) : ''; $cstatusadd = $allowcstatus ? ', customstatus=\'' . cutstr(censor(dhtmlspecialchars($cstatusnew)), 30) . '\'' : ''; $gendernew = empty($gendernew) ? 0 : intval($gendernew); $locationnew = cutstr(censor(dhtmlspecialchars($locationnew)), 30); if ($maxsigsize) { if (strlen($signaturenew) > $maxsigsize) { showmessage('profile_sig_toolong'); } } else { $signaturenew = ''; } $signaturenew = censor($signaturenew); $sigstatusnew = $signaturenew ? 1 : 0; $bionew = censor(dhtmlspecialchars($bionew)); $sightmlnew = discuzcode(stripslashes($signaturenew), 1, 0, 0, 0, $allowsigbbcode, $allowsigimgcode, 0, 0, 1); $biohtmlnew = discuzcode(stripslashes($bionew), 1, 0, 0, 0, $allowbiobbcode, $allowbioimgcode, 0, 0, 1); if ($member['msn'][1]) { if (strpos(strtolower($sightmlnew), '[imme]') !== FALSE) { $sightmlnew = str_replace('[imme]', "<imme><a target='_blank' href='" . $member['msn'][1] . "' title='MSN'><img style='vertical-align:middle' src='" . $member['msn'][1] . "' width='16' height='16' /></a></imme>", $sightmlnew); } if (strpos(strtolower($biohtmlnew), '[imme]') !== FALSE) { $biohtmlnew = str_replace('[imme]', "<imme><a target='_blank' href='" . $member['msn'][1] . "' title='MSN'><img style='vertical-align:middle' src='" . $member['msn'][1] . "' width='16' height='16' /></a></imme>", $biohtmlnew); } } $sightmlnew = addslashes($sightmlnew); $biohtmlnew = addslashes($biohtmlnew); $membersql = "gender='{$gendernew}', bday='{$bdaynew}', sigstatus='{$sigstatusnew}'"; $memberfieldsql = "nickname='{$nicknamenew}', site='{$sitenew}', location='{$locationnew}', icq='{$icqnew}', qq='{$qqnew}', yahoo='{$yahoonew}', msn='{$msnnew}', taobao='{$taobaonew}', alipay='{$alipaynew}', bio='{$biohtmlnew}', sightml='{$sightmlnew}' {$cstatusadd}"; if ($_DCACHE['fields_required'] || $_DCACHE['fields_optional']) {
C::t('forum_post')->increase_rate_by_pid('tid:' . $_G['tid'], $_GET['pid'], $rate, $ratetimes); if ($post['first']) { $threadrate = intval(@($post['rate'] + $rate) / abs($post['rate'] + $rate)); C::t('forum_thread')->update($_G['tid'], array('rate' => $threadrate)); } require_once libfile('function/discuzcode'); $sqlvalues = $comma = ''; $sqlreason = censor(trim($_GET['reason'])); $sqlreason = cutstr(dhtmlspecialchars($sqlreason), 40, '.'); foreach ($creditsarray as $id => $addcredits) { $insertarr = array('pid' => $_GET['pid'], 'uid' => $_G['uid'], 'username' => $_G['username'], 'extcredits' => $id, 'dateline' => $_G['timestamp'], 'score' => $addcredits, 'reason' => $sqlreason); C::t('forum_ratelog')->insert($insertarr); } include_once libfile('function/post'); $_G['forum']['threadcaches'] && @deletethreadcaches($_G['tid']); $reason = dhtmlspecialchars(censor(trim($reason))); if ($sendreasonpm) { $ratescore = $slash = ''; foreach ($creditsarray as $id => $addcredits) { $ratescore .= $slash . $_G['setting']['extcredits'][$id]['title'] . ' ' . ($addcredits > 0 ? '+' . $addcredits : $addcredits) . ' ' . $_G['setting']['extcredits'][$id]['unit']; $slash = ' / '; } sendreasonpm($post, 'rate_reason', array('tid' => $thread['tid'], 'pid' => $_GET['pid'], 'subject' => $thread['subject'], 'ratescore' => $ratescore, 'reason' => $reason, 'from_id' => 0, 'from_idtype' => 'rate')); } $logs = array(); foreach ($creditsarray as $id => $addcredits) { $logs[] = dhtmlspecialchars("{$_G['timestamp']}\t{$_G[member][username]}\t{$_G['adminid']}\t{$post['author']}\t{$id}\t{$addcredits}\t{$_G['tid']}\t{$thread['subject']}\t{$reason}"); } update_threadpartake($post['tid']); C::t('forum_postcache')->delete($_GET['pid']); writelog('ratelog', $logs);
public function before_editpost($parameters) { global $_G; $sortid = $parameters['sortid']; $isfirstpost = $this->post['first'] ? 1 : 0; if ($isfirstpost) { $parameters['typeid'] = isset($this->forum['threadtypes']['types'][$parameters['typeid']]) ? $parameters['typeid'] : 0; if (!$this->forum['ismoderator'] && !empty($this->forum['threadtypes']['moderators'][$this->thread['typeid']])) { $parameters['typeid'] = $this->thread['typeid']; } $parameters['sortid'] = isset($this->forum['threadsorts']['types'][$parameters['sortid']]) ? $parameters['sortid'] : 0; $typeexpiration = intval($_GET['typeexpiration']); if (!$parameters['typeid'] && $this->forum['threadtypes']['required'] && !$this->thread['special']) { showmessage('post_type_isnull'); } if ($this->forum['threadsorts']['types'][$sortid] && $_G['forum_checkoption']) { $_G['forum_optiondata'] = threadsort_validator($_GET['typeoption'], $this->post['pid']); } $this->param['threadimageaid'] = 0; $this->param['threadimage'] = array(); if ($this->forum['threadsorts']['types'][$parameters['sortid']] && $_G['forum_optiondata'] && is_array($_G['forum_optiondata'])) { $sql = $separator = $filedname = $valuelist = ''; foreach ($_G['forum_optiondata'] as $optionid => $value) { $value = censor(daddslashes($value)); if ($_G['forum_optionlist'][$optionid]['type'] == 'image') { $identifier = $_G['forum_optionlist'][$optionid]['identifier']; $newsortaid = intval($_GET['typeoption'][$identifier]['aid']); if ($newsortaid && $_GET['oldsortaid'][$identifier] && $newsortaid != $_GET['oldsortaid'][$identifier]) { $attach = C::t('forum_attachment_n')->fetch('tid:' . $this->thread['tid'], $_GET['oldsortaid'][$identifier]); C::t('forum_attachment')->delete($_GET['oldsortaid'][$identifier]); C::t('forum_attachment_n')->delete('tid:' . $this->thread['tid'], $_GET['oldsortaid'][$identifier]); dunlink($attach); $this->param['threadimageaid'] = $newsortaid; convertunusedattach($newsortaid, $this->thread['tid'], $this->post['pid']); } } else { if ($_G['forum_optionlist'][$optionid]['type'] == 'face') { $identifier = $_G['forum_optionlist'][$optionid]['identifier']; $newsortaid = intval($_GET['typeoption'][$identifier]['aid']); if ($newsortaid && $_GET['oldsortaid'][$identifier] && $newsortaid != $_GET['oldsortaid'][$identifier]) { $attach = C::t('forum_attachment_n')->fetch('tid:' . $this->thread['tid'], $_GET['oldsortaid'][$identifier]); C::t('forum_attachment')->delete($_GET['oldsortaid'][$identifier]); C::t('forum_attachment_n')->delete('tid:' . $this->thread['tid'], $_GET['oldsortaid'][$identifier]); dunlink($attach); $this->param['threadimageaid'] = $newsortaid; convertunusedattach($newsortaid, $this->thread['tid'], $this->post['pid']); } } } if ($_G['forum_optionlist'][$optionid]['unchangeable']) { continue; } if (($_G['forum_optionlist'][$optionid]['search'] || in_array($_G['forum_optionlist'][$optionid]['type'], array('radio', 'select', 'number'))) && $value) { $filedname .= $separator . $_G['forum_optionlist'][$optionid]['identifier']; $valuelist .= $separator . "'{$value}'"; $sql .= $separator . $_G['forum_optionlist'][$optionid]['identifier'] . "='{$value}'"; $separator = ' ,'; } C::t('forum_typeoptionvar')->update_by_tid($this->thread['tid'], array('value' => $value, 'sortid' => $parameters['sortid']), false, false, $optionid); } if ($typeexpiration) { C::t('forum_typeoptionvar')->update_by_tid($this->thread['tid'], array('expiration' => TIMESTAMP + $typeexpiration), false, false, null, $parameters['sortid']); } if ($sql || $filedname && $valuelist) { if (C::t('forum_optionvalue')->fetch_all_tid($parameters['sortid'], "WHERE tid='" . $this->thread['tid'] . "'")) { if ($sql) { C::t('forum_optionvalue')->update($parameters['sortid'], $this->thread['tid'], $this->forum['fid'], $sql); } } elseif ($filedname && $valuelist) { C::t('forum_optionvalue')->insert($parameters['sortid'], "({$filedname}, tid, fid) VALUES ({$valuelist}, '" . $this->thread['tid'] . "', '" . $this->forum['fid'] . "')"); } } } } }
} if ($groupbanner) { $groupbanner = '<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" name="deletebanner" value="yes" /> ' . $lang['delete'] . '<br /><img src="' . $groupbanner . '?' . random(6) . '" />'; } showsetting('groups_editgroup_icon', 'iconnew', '', 'file', '', 0, $groupicon); showsetting('groups_editgroup_banner', 'bannernew', '', 'file', '', 0, $groupbanner); showsubmit('editsubmit'); showtablefooter(); showformfooter(); } else { $_GET['jointypenew'] = intval($_GET['jointypenew']); $_GET['fupnew'] = intval($_GET['fupnew']); $_GET['gviewpermnew'] = intval($_GET['gviewpermnew']); require_once libfile('function/discuzcode'); $_GET['descriptionnew'] = discuzcode(dhtmlspecialchars(censor(trim($_GET['descriptionnew']))), 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1); $_GET['namenew'] = dhtmlspecialchars(censor(trim($_GET['namenew']))); $icondata = array(); $iconnew = upload_icon_banner($group, $_FILES['iconnew'], 'icon'); $bannernew = upload_icon_banner($group, $_FILES['bannernew'], 'banner'); if ($iconnew) { $icondata['icon'] = $iconnew; } if ($bannernew) { $icondata['banner'] = $bannernew; } if ($_GET['deleteicon']) { @unlink($_G['setting']['attachurl'] . 'group/' . $group['icon']); $icondata['icon'] = ''; } if ($_GET['deletebanner']) { @unlink($_G['setting']['attachurl'] . 'group/' . $group['banner']);
C::t('home_feed')->update($picid, array('hot' => $_POST['hot']), 'picid'); } showmessage('do_success', dreferer()); } } elseif ($_GET['op'] == 'saveforumphoto') { if (submitcheck('savephotosubmit')) { $aid = intval($_GET['aid']); $albumid = intval($_POST['albumid']); if (!$aid) { showmessage('parameters_error'); } $attach = C::t('forum_attachment_n')->fetch('aid:' . $aid, $aid); if (empty($attach) || $attach['uid'] != $_G['uid'] || !$attach['isimage']) { showmessage('parameters_error'); } if ($albumid) { $album = C::t('home_album')->fetch($albumid, $_G['uid']); if (empty($album)) { showmessage('album_does_not_exist'); } } else { $album = array('albumid' => 0); } $picdata = array('albumid' => $album['albumid'], 'uid' => $_G['uid'], 'username' => $_G['username'], 'dateline' => $attach['dateline'], 'postip' => $_G['clientip'], 'port' => $_G['remoteport'], 'filename' => censor($attach['filename']), 'title' => censor(cutstr(dhtmlspecialchars($attach['description']), 100)), 'type' => fileext($attach['attachment']), 'size' => $attach['filesize'], 'filepath' => $attach['attachment'], 'thumb' => $attach['thumb'], 'remote' => $attach['remote'] + 2); $picid = C::t('home_pic')->insert($picdata, 1); showmessage('do_success', dreferer(), array('picid' => $picid), array('showdialog' => true, 'showmsg' => true, 'closetime' => true)); } else { $albumlist = C::t('home_album')->fetch_all_by_uid($_G['uid'], 'updatetime'); } } include_once template("home/spacecp_album");
function getblockhtml($blockname, $parameters = array()) { global $_G, $space; $parameters = empty($parameters) ? array() : $parameters; $list = array(); $sql = $title = $html = $wheresql = $ordersql = $titlemore = $do = $view = $contentclassname = ''; $contenttagname = 'div'; $shownum = 6; $uid = intval($space['uid']); $shownum = empty($parameters['shownum']) ? $shownum : intval($parameters['shownum']); switch ($blockname) { case 'profile': $do = $blockname; $managehtml = ''; $avatar = empty($parameters['banavatar']) ? 'middle' : $parameters['banavatar']; $html .= "<div class=\"hm\"><p><a href=\"home.php?mod=space&uid={$uid}\" target=\"__blank\">" . avatar($uid, $avatar) . '</a></p>'; $html .= "<h2><a href=\"home.php?mod=space&uid={$uid}\" target=\"__blank\">" . $space['username'] . "</a></h2>"; $html .= '</div><ul class="xl xl2 cl ul_list">'; $magicinfo = $showmagicgift = false; if ($_G['setting']['magicstatus'] && $_G['setting']['magics']['gift']) { $showmagicgift = true; $magicinfo = !empty($space['magicgift']) ? unserialize($space['magicgift']) : array(); } if ($space['self']) { $html .= '<li class="ul_diy"><a href="home.php?mod=space&diy=yes">' . lang('space', 'block_profile_diy') . '</a></li>'; $html .= '<li class="ul_msg"><a href="home.php?mod=space&uid=' . $uid . '&do=wall">' . lang('space', 'block_profile_wall') . '</a></li>'; $html .= '<li class="ul_avt"><a href="home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=avatar">' . lang('space', 'block_profile_avatar') . '</a></li>'; $html .= '<li class="ul_profile"><a href="home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=profile">' . lang('space', 'block_profile_update') . '</a></li>'; if ($showmagicgift) { $html .= '<li class="ul_magicgift"><div style="' . 'background: url(' . STATICURL . 'image/magic/gift.small.gif) no-repeat 0 50%;' . '">'; if ($magicinfo) { $html .= '<a onclick="showWindow(\'magicgift\', this.href, \'get\', 0)" href="home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=magic&op=retiregift">' . lang('magic/gift', 'gift_gc') . '</a>'; } else { $html .= '<a onclick="showWindow(\'magicgift\', this.href, \'get\', 0)" href="home.php?mod=magic&mid=gift">' . lang('magic/gift', 'gift_use') . '</a>'; } $html .= '</div></li>'; } } else { require_once libfile('function/friend'); $isfriend = friend_check($uid); if (!$isfriend) { $html .= "<li class='ul_add'><a href=\"home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=friend&op=add&uid={$space['uid']}&handlekey=addfriendhk_{$space[uid]}\" id=\"a_friend_li_{$space[uid]}\" onclick=\"showWindow(, this.href, 'get', 0);\">" . lang('space', 'block_profile_friend_add') . "</a></li>"; } else { $html .= "<li class='ul_ignore'><a href=\"home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=friend&op=ignore&uid={$space['uid']}&handlekey=ignorefriendhk_{$space[uid]}\" id=\"a_ignore_{$space[uid]}\" onclick=\"showWindow(, this.href, 'get', 0);\">" . lang('space', 'block_profile_friend_ignore') . "</a></li>"; } $html .= "<li class='ul_msg'><a href=\"home.php?mod=space&uid={$space['uid']}&do=wall\">" . lang('space', 'block_profile_wall_to_me') . "</a></li>"; $html .= "<li class='ul_poke'><a href=\"home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=poke&op=send&uid={$space['uid']}&handlekey=propokehk_{$space[uid]}\" id=\"a_poke_{$space[uid]}\" onclick=\"showWindow(, this.href, 'get', 0);\">" . lang('space', 'block_profile_poke') . "</a></li>"; $html .= "<li class='ul_pm'><a href=\"home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=pm&op=showmsg&handlekey=showmsg_{$space['uid']}&touid={$space['uid']}&pmid=0&daterange=2\" id=\"a_sendpm_{$space['uid']}\" onclick=\"showWindow('showMsgBox', this.href, 'get', 0)\">" . lang('space', 'block_profile_sendmessage') . "</a></li>"; } $html .= '</ul>'; $encodeusername = rawurlencode($space['username']); if (checkperm('allowbanuser')) { $managehtml .= '<li><a href="' . ($_G['adminid'] == 1 ? "admin.php?action=members&operation=ban&username={$encodeusername}&frames=yes" : "forum.php?mod=modcp&action=member&op=ban&uid={$space['uid']}") . '" id="usermanageli" onmouseover="showMenu(" class="showmenu" target="_blank">' . lang('home/template', 'member_manage') . '</a></li>'; } elseif (checkperm('allowedituser')) { $managehtml .= '<li><a href="' . ($_G['adminid'] == 1 ? "admin.php?action=members&operation=search&username={$encodeusername}&submit=yes&frames=yes" : "forum.php?mod=modcp&action=member&op=edit&uid={$space['uid']}") . '" id="usermanageli" onmouseover="showMenu(" class="showmenu" target="_blank">' . lang('home/template', 'member_manage') . '</a></li>'; } if ($_G['adminid'] == 1) { $managehtml .= "<li><a href=\"forum.php?mod=modcp&action=thread&op=post&do=search&searchsubmit=1&users={$encodeusername}\" id=\"umanageli\" onmouseover=\"showMenu(\" class=\"showmenu\">" . lang('home/template', 'content_manage') . "</a></li>"; } if (!empty($managehtml)) { $html .= '<hr class="da mtn m0" /><ul class="ptn xl xl2 cl">' . $managehtml . '</ul><ul id="usermanageli_menu" class="p_pop" style="width: 80px; display:none;">'; if (checkperm('allowbanuser')) { $html .= '<li><a href="' . ($_G['adminid'] == 1 ? "admin.php?action=members&operation=ban&username={$encodeusername}&frames=yes" : "forum.php?mod=modcp&action=member&op=ban&uid={$space['uid']}") . '" target="_blank">' . lang('home/template', 'user_ban') . '</a></li>'; } if (checkperm('allowedituser')) { $html .= '<li><a href="' . ($_G['adminid'] == 1 ? "admin.php?action=members&operation=search&username={$encodeusername}&submit=yes&frames=yes" : "forum.php?mod=modcp&action=member&op=edit&uid={$space['uid']}") . '" target="_blank">' . lang('home/template', 'user_edit') . '</a></li>'; } $html .= '</ul>'; if ($_G['adminid'] == 1) { $html .= '<ul id="umanageli_menu" class="p_pop" style="width: 80px; display:none;">'; $html .= '<li><a href="admin.php?action=threads&users=' . $encodeusername . '" target="_blank">' . lang('space', 'manage_post') . '</a></li>'; $html .= '<li><a href="admin.php?action=doing&searchsubmit=1&users=' . $encodeusername . '" target="_blank">' . lang('space', 'manage_doing') . '</a></li>'; $html .= '<li><a href="admin.php?action=blog&searchsubmit=1&uid=' . $uid . '" target="_blank">' . lang('space', 'manage_blog') . '</a></li>'; $html .= '<li><a href="admin.php?action=feed&searchsubmit=1&uid=' . $uid . '" target="_blank">' . lang('space', 'manage_feed') . '</a></li>'; $html .= '<li><a href="admin.php?action=album&searchsubmit=1&uid=' . $uid . '" target="_blank">' . lang('space', 'manage_album') . '</a></li>'; $html .= '<li><a href="admin.php?action=pic&searchsubmit=1&users=' . $encodeusername . '" target="_blank">' . lang('space', 'manage_pic') . '</a></li>'; $html .= '<li><a href="admin.php?action=comment&searchsubmit=1&authorid=' . $uid . '" target="_blank">' . lang('space', 'manage_comment') . '</a></li>'; $html .= '<li><a href="admin.php?action=share&searchsubmit=1&uid=' . $uid . '" target="_blank">' . lang('space', 'manage_share') . '</a></li>'; $html .= '<li><a href="admin.php?action=threads&operation=group&users=' . $encodeusername . '" target="_blank">' . lang('space', 'manage_group_threads') . '</a></li>'; $html .= '<li><a href="admin.php?action=prune&searchsubmit=1&operation=group&users=' . $encodeusername . '" target="_blank">' . lang('space', 'manage_group_prune') . '</a></li>'; $html .= '</ul>'; } } if ($_G['setting']['magicstatus'] && $_G['setting']['magics']['gift']) { $info = !empty($space['magicgift']) ? unserialize($space['magicgift']) : array(); if ($space['self']) { } elseif ($info) { if ($info['left'] && !in_array($_G['uid'], (array) $info['receiver'])) { $percredit = min($info['percredit'], $info['left']); if ($info['credittype'] == 'credits') { $credittype = lang('core', 'title_credit'); } else { $extcredits = str_replace('extcredits', '', $info['credittype']); $credittype = $_G['setting']['extcredits'][$extcredits]['title']; } $html .= '<div id="magicreceivegift">'; $html .= '<a onclick="showWindow(\'magicgift\', this.href, \'get\', 0)" href="home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=magic&op=receivegift&uid=' . $uid . '" title="' . lang('magic/gift', 'gift_receive_gift', array('percredit' => $percredit, 'credittype' => $credittype)) . '">'; $html .= '<img src="' . STATICURL . 'image/magic/gift.gif" alt="gift" />'; $html .= '</a>'; $html .= '</div>'; } } } $html = '<div id="pcd">' . $html . '</div>'; break; case 'statistic': space_merge($space, 'count'); $html .= '<p class="mbm xw1">'; if (empty($parameters['banviews'])) { $html .= lang('space', 'space_views', array('views' => $space['views'] ? $space['views'] : '--')); } $html .= '</p><ul class="xl xl2 cl">'; if (empty($parameters['bancredits'])) { $html .= "<li>" . lang('space', 'credits') . ': <a href="home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=credit">' . ($space['credits'] ? $space['credits'] : '--') . "</a></li>"; foreach ($_G['setting']['extcredits'] as $extcreditid => $extcredit) { $html .= "<li>" . $extcredit['img'] . $extcredit['title'] . ': <a href="home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=credit">' . ($space['extcredits' . $extcreditid] ? $space['extcredits' . $extcreditid] : '--') . '</a>'; } } if (empty($parameters['banfriends'])) { $html .= "<li>" . lang('space', 'friends') . ': <a href="home.php?mod=space&uid=' . $uid . '&do=friend&view=me&from=space">' . ($space['friends'] ? $space['friends'] : '--') . "</a></li>"; } if (empty($parameters['banthreads']) && $_G['setting']['allowviewuserthread'] !== false || $_G['adminid'] == 1) { $html .= "<li>" . lang('space', 'threads') . ': <a href="home.php?mod=space&uid=' . $uid . '&do=thread&view=me&from=space">' . ($space['threads'] ? $space['threads'] : '--') . "</a></li>"; } if (empty($parameters['banblogs'])) { $html .= "<li>" . lang('space', 'blogs') . ': <a href="home.php?mod=space&uid=' . $uid . '&do=blog&view=me&from=space">' . ($space['blogs'] ? $space['blogs'] : '--') . "</a></li>"; } if (empty($parameters['banalbums'])) { $html .= "<li>" . lang('space', 'albums') . ': <a href="home.php?mod=space&uid=' . $uid . '&do=album&view=me&from=space">' . ($space['albums'] ? $space['albums'] : '--') . "</a></li>"; } if (empty($parameters['bansharings'])) { $html .= "<li>" . lang('space', 'sharings') . ': <a href="home.php?mod=space&uid=' . $uid . '&do=share&view=me&from=space">' . ($space['sharings'] ? $space['sharings'] : '--') . "</a></li>"; } $html .= '</ul>'; $html = '<div id="pcd">' . $html . '</div>'; break; case 'doing': $do = $blockname; if (ckprivacy('doing', 'view')) { $dolist = array(); $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . DB::table('home_doing') . " WHERE uid='{$uid}' ORDER BY dateline DESC LIMIT 0,{$shownum}"; $query = DB::query($sql); while ($value = DB::fetch($query)) { if ($value['status'] == 0 || $value['uid'] == $_G['uid']) { $dolist[] = $value; } } if ($dolist) { foreach ($dolist as $dv) { $doid = $dv['doid']; $_G[gp_key] = $key = random(8); $html .= "<li class=\"pbn bbda\">"; $html .= $dv['message']; $html .= " <a href=\"home.php?mod=space&uid={$dv['uid']}&do=doing&view=me&from=space&doid={$dv['doid']}\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"xg1\">" . lang('space', 'block_doing_reply') . "</a>"; $html .= "</li>"; } } else { $html .= "<p class=\"emp\">" . lang('space', 'block_doing_no_content') . "</p>"; } } else { $html .= "<p class=\"emp\">" . lang('space', 'block_view_noperm') . "</p>"; } $html = '<ul class="xl">' . $html . '</ul>'; break; case 'blog': $do = $blockname; $query = DB::query("SELECT bf.*, b.* FROM " . DB::table('home_blog') . " b\r\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . DB::table('home_blogfield') . " bf ON bf.blogid=b.blogid\r\n\t\t\t\tWHERE b.uid='{$uid}'\r\n\t\t\t\tORDER BY b.dateline DESC LIMIT 0,{$shownum}"); while ($value = DB::fetch($query)) { if (ckfriend($value['uid'], $value['friend'], $value['target_ids'])) { if ($value['pic']) { $value['pic'] = pic_cover_get($value['pic'], $value['picflag']); } $value['message'] = $value['friend'] == 4 ? '' : getstr($value['message'], 150, 0, 0, 0, -1); $html .= lang('space', 'blog_li', array('uid' => $value['uid'], 'blogid' => $value['blogid'], 'subject' => $value['subject'], 'date' => dgmdate($value['dateline'], 'Y-m-d'))); if (!isset($parameters['showmessage'])) { $parameters['showmessage'] = true; } if ($parameters['showmessage']) { if ($value['pic']) { $html .= lang('space', 'blog_li_img', array('uid' => $value['uid'], 'blogid' => $value['blogid'], 'src' => $value['pic'])); } $html .= "<dd>{$value['message']}</dd>"; } $html .= lang('space', 'blog_li_ext', array('uid' => $value['uid'], 'blogid' => $value['blogid'], 'viewnum' => $value['viewnum'], 'replynum' => $value['replynum'])); $html .= "</dl>"; } else { $html .= '<p>' . lang('space', 'block_view_noperm') . '</p>'; } } $more = $html ? '<p class="ptm" style="text-align: right;"><a href="home.php?mod=space&uid=' . $uid . '&do=blog&view=me&from=space">' . lang('space', 'viewmore') . '</a></p>' : ''; $contentclassname = ' xld'; $html = $html . $more; break; case 'album': $do = $blockname; if (ckprivacy('album', 'view')) { $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table('home_album') . " WHERE uid='{$uid}' ORDER BY updatetime DESC LIMIT 0,{$shownum}"); while ($value = DB::fetch($query)) { if (ckfriend($value['uid'], $value['friend'], $value['target_ids'])) { $value['pic'] = pic_cover_get($value['pic'], $value['picflag']); $html .= lang('space', 'album_li', array('albumid' => $value['albumid'], 'src' => $value['pic'], 'albumname' => $value['albumname'], 'uid' => $value['uid'], 'picnum' => $value['picnum'], 'date' => dgmdate($value['updatetime'], 'n-j'))); } } } else { $html .= '<li>' . lang('space', 'block_view_noperm') . '</li>'; } $html = '<ul class="ml mla cl">' . $html . '</ul>'; break; case 'feed': $do = $blockname; if (!IS_ROBOT && ckprivacy('feed', 'view')) { require_once libfile('function/feed'); $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table('home_feed') . " WHERE uid='{$uid}' ORDER BY dateline DESC LIMIT 0,{$shownum}"); while ($value = DB::fetch($query)) { if (ckfriend($value['uid'], $value['friend'], $value['target_ids'])) { $html .= mkfeedhtml(mkfeed($value)); } } } $contenttagname = 'ul'; $contentclassname = ' el'; $html = empty($html) ? '' : $html; break; case 'thread': $do = $blockname; if ($_G['setting']['allowviewuserthread'] !== false) { $fidsql = empty($_G['setting']['allowviewuserthread']) ? '' : " AND fid IN({$_G[setting][allowviewuserthread]}) "; $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table('forum_thread') . " WHERE authorid='{$uid}' {$fidsql} AND displayorder>='0' ORDER BY tid DESC LIMIT 0,{$shownum}"); while ($thread = DB::fetch($query)) { if ($thread['author']) { $html .= "<li><a href=\"forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid={$thread['tid']}\" target=\"_blank\">{$thread['subject']}</a></li>"; } } } $html = empty($html) ? '' : '<ul class="xl">' . $html . '</ul>'; break; case 'friend': $do = $blockname; require_once libfile('function/friend'); $friendlist = array(); $friendlist = friend_list($uid, $shownum); $fuids = array_keys($friendlist); getonlinemember($fuids); foreach ($friendlist as $key => $value) { $classname = $_G['ols'][$value['fuid']] ? 'gol' : ''; $html .= '<li><a href="home.php?mod=space&uid=' . $value['fuid'] . '" target="_blank"><em class="' . $classname . '"></em>' . avatar($value['fuid'], 'small') . '</a><p><a href="home.php?mod=space&uid=' . $value[fuid] . '" target="_blank">' . $value['fusername'] . '</a></p></li>'; } $html = '<ul class="ml mls cl">' . $html . '</ul>'; break; case 'visitor': $do = 'friend'; $view = 'visitor'; $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table('home_visitor') . " WHERE uid='{$uid}' ORDER BY dateline DESC LIMIT 0,{$shownum}"); $list = $fuids = array(); while ($value = DB::fetch($query)) { $list[] = $value; $fuids[] = $value['vuid']; } getonlinemember($fuids); foreach ($list as $value) { $html .= "<li>"; if ($value['vusername'] == '') { $html .= lang('space', 'visitor_anonymity'); } else { $html .= lang('space', 'visitor_list', array('uid' => $value['vuid'], 'username' => $value['vusername'], 'class' => $_G['ols'][$value['vuid']] ? 'gol' : '', 'avatar' => avatar($value['vuid'], 'small'))); } $html .= "<span class=\"xg2\">" . dgmdate($value['dateline'], 'u', '9999', 'Y-m-d') . "</span>"; $html .= "</li>"; } $html = '<ul class="ml mls cl">' . $html . '</ul>'; break; case 'share': $do = $blockname; if (!IS_ROBOT && ckprivacy('share', 'view')) { require_once libfile('function/share'); $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table('home_share') . " WHERE uid='{$uid}' ORDER BY dateline DESC LIMIT 0,{$shownum}"); while ($value = DB::fetch($query)) { $value = mkshare($value); $html .= '<li><em><a href="home.php?mod=space&uid=' . $value['uid'] . '&do=share&id=' . $value['sid'] . '">' . $value['title_template'] . '</a>(' . dgmdate($value['dateline'], 'u') . ')</em><div class="ec cl">'; if ($value['image']) { $html .= '<a href="' . $value['image_link'] . '" target="_blank"><img src="' . $value['image'] . '" class="tn" alt="" /></a>'; } $html .= '<div class="d">' . $value['body_template'] . '</div>'; if ($value['type'] == 'video') { if (!empty($value['body_data']['imgurl'])) { $html .= '<table class="mtm" title="' . lang('space', 'click_play') . '" onclick="javascript:showFlash(\'' . $value['body_data']['host'] . '\', \'' . $value['body_data']['flashvar'] . '\', this, \'' . $value['sid'] . '\');"><tr><td class="vdtn hm" style="background: url(' . $value['body_data']['imgurl'] . ') no-repeat"><img src="' . STATICURL . '/image/common/vds.png" alt="' . lang('space', 'click_play') . '" /></td></tr></table>'; } else { $html .= "<img src=\"" . STATICURL . "/image/common/vd.gif\" alt=\"" . lang('space', 'click_play') . "\" onclick=\"javascript:showFlash('{$value['body_data']['host']}', '{$value['body_data']['flashvar']}', this, '{$value['sid']}');\" class=\"tn\" />"; } } elseif ($value['type'] == 'music') { $html .= "<img src=\"" . STATICURL . "/image/common/music.gif\" alt=\"" . lang('space', 'click_play') . "\" onclick=\"javascript:showFlash('music', '{$value['body_data']['musicvar']}', this, '{$value['sid']}');\" class=\"tn\" />"; } elseif ($value['type'] == 'flash') { $html .= "<img src=\"" . STATICURL . "/image/common/flash.gif\" alt=\"" . lang('space', 'click_view') . "\" onclick=\"javascript:showFlash('flash', '{$value['body_data']['flashaddr']}', this, '{$value['sid']}');\" class=\"tn\" />"; } if ($value['body_general']) { $html .= '<div class="quote' . ($value['image'] ? 'z' : '') . "\"><blockquote>{$value['body_general']}</blockquote></div>"; } $html .= '</div></li>'; } $html = '<ul class="el">' . $html . '</ul>'; } break; case 'wall': $do = $blockname; $walllist = array(); if (ckprivacy('wall', 'view')) { $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table('home_comment') . " WHERE id='{$uid}' AND idtype='uid' ORDER BY dateline DESC LIMIT 0,{$shownum}"); while ($value = DB::fetch($query)) { $value['message'] = strlen($value['message']) > 500 ? getstr($value['message'], 500, 0, 0, 0, -1) . ' ...' : $value['message']; if ($value['status'] == 0 || $value['authorid'] == $_G['uid']) { $walllist[] = $value; } } } $html = '<div class="xld xlda el" id="comment_ul">'; foreach ($walllist as $key => $value) { $op = ''; if ($value['author']) { $author_avatar = '<a href="home.php?mod=space&uid=' . $value['authorid'] . '" target="_blank">' . avatar($value['authorid'], 'small') . '</a>'; $author = '<a href="home.php?mod=space&uid=' . $value['authorid'] . '" id="author_' . $value['cid'] . '" target="_blank">' . $value['author'] . '</a>'; } else { $author_avatar = '<img src="static/image/magic/hidden.gif" alt="hidden" />'; $author = lang('space', 'hidden_username'); } if ($value['authorid'] == $_G['uid']) { $op .= lang('space', 'wall_edit', array('cid' => $value['cid'])); } if ($value['authorid'] == $_G['uid'] || $space['self'] || checkperm('managecomment')) { $op .= lang('space', 'wall_del', array('cid' => $value['cid'])); } if ($value['authorid'] != $_G['uid'] && ($value['idtype'] != 'uid' || $space['self'])) { $op .= lang('space', 'wall_reply', array('cid' => $value['cid'])); } $moderate_need = $value['status'] == 1 ? lang('template', 'moderate_need') : ''; $date = dgmdate($value['dateline'], 'u'); $replacearr = array('author' => $author, 'author_avatar' => $author_avatar, 'moderated' => $moderate_need, 'cid' => $value['cid'], 'message' => $value['message'], 'date' => $date, 'op' => $op); $html .= lang('space', 'wall_li', $replacearr); } if (!empty($walllist)) { $html .= lang('space', 'wall_more', array('uid' => $uid)); } $html .= '</div>'; $html = lang('space', 'wall_form', array('uid' => $uid, 'FORMHASH' => FORMHASH)) . '<hr class="da mtm m0">' . $html; $titlemore = '<span class="y xw0"><a href="home.php?mod=space&uid=' . $uid . '&do=wall">' . lang('space', 'all') . '</a></span>'; break; case 'group': $do = $blockname; $view = 'groupthread'; require_once libfile('function/group'); $grouplist = mygrouplist($uid, 'lastupdate', array('', 'ff.icon'), $shownum); if (empty($grouplist)) { $grouplist = array(); } foreach ($grouplist as $groupid => $group) { $group['groupid'] = $groupid; $html .= lang('space', 'group_li', $group); } $html = '<ul class="ml mls cl">' . $html . '</ul>'; break; case 'music': if (!empty($parameters['mp3list'])) { $authcode = substr(md5($_G['authkey'] . $uid), 6, 16); $view = $_G['adminid'] == 1 && $_G['setting']['allowquickviewprofile'] ? '&view=admin' : ''; $querystring = urlencode("home.php?mod=space&uid={$uid}&do=index&op=getmusiclist&hash={$authcode}{$view}&t=" . TIMESTAMP); $swfurl = STATICURL . 'image/common/mp3player.swf?config=' . $querystring; if (empty($parameters['config']['height']) && $parameters['config']['height'] !== 0) { $parameters['config']['height'] = '200px'; } else { $parameters['config']['height'] .= 'px'; } $html = "<script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\">document.write(AC_FL_RunContent('id', 'mp3player', 'name', 'mp3player', 'devicefont', 'false', 'width', '100%', 'height', '" . $parameters['config']['height'] . "', 'src', '{$swfurl}', 'menu', 'false', 'allowScriptAccess', 'sameDomain', 'swLiveConnect', 'true', 'wmode', 'transparent'));</script>"; } else { $html = lang('space', 'music_no_content'); } $html = '<div class="ml mls cl">' . $html . '</div>'; break; default: if ($space['self']) { $_G['space_group'] = $_G['group']; } elseif (empty($_G['space_group'])) { $_G['space_group'] = DB::fetch_first("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table('common_usergroup_field') . " WHERE groupid='{$space['groupid']}'"); } require_once libfile('function/discuzcode'); if ($_G['space_group']['allowspacediyimgcode']) { if (empty($_G['cache']['smilies']['loaded'])) { loadcache(array('smilies', 'smileytypes')); foreach ($_G['cache']['smilies']['replacearray'] as $skey => $smiley) { $_G['cache']['smilies']['replacearray'][$skey] = '[img]' . $_G['siteurl'] . 'static/image/smiley/' . $_G['cache']['smileytypes'][$_G['cache']['smilies']['typearray'][$skey]]['directory'] . '/' . $smiley . '[/img]'; } $_G['cache']['smilies']['loaded'] = 1; } $parameters['content'] = preg_replace($_G['cache']['smilies']['searcharray'], $_G['cache']['smilies']['replacearray'], censor(trim($parameters['content']))); } if ($_G['space_group']['allowspacediybbcode'] || $_G['space_group']['allowspacediyimgcode'] || $_G['space_group']['allowspacediyhtml']) { $parameters['content'] = discuzcode($parameters['content'], 1, 0, 1, 0, $_G['space_group']['allowspacediybbcode'], $_G['space_group']['allowspacediyimgcode'], $_G['space_group']['allowspacediyhtml']); } else { $parameters['content'] = dhtmlspecialchars($parameters['content']); } $parameters['content'] = nl2br($parameters['content']); if (empty($parameters['content'])) { $parameters['content'] = lang('space', $blockname); } $html .= $parameters['content']; break; } if ($_G['setting']['allowviewuserthread'] === false && $blockname == 'thread') { $html = ''; } else { if (isset($parameters['title'])) { if (empty($parameters['title'])) { $title = ''; } else { $view = $view === false ? '' : ($view == '' ? '&view=me' : '&view=' . $view); $bnamelink = $do ? '<a href="home.php?mod=space&uid=' . $uid . '&do=' . $do . $view . '">' . stripslashes($parameters['title']) . '</a>' : stripslashes($parameters['title']); $title = lang('space', 'block_title', array('bname' => $bnamelink, 'more' => $titlemore)); } } else { $view = $view === false ? '' : ($view == '' ? '&view=me' : '&view=' . $view); $bnamelink = $do ? '<a href="home.php?mod=space&uid=' . $uid . '&do=' . $do . $view . '">' . getblockdata($blockname) . '</a>' : getblockdata($blockname); $title = lang('space', 'block_title', array('bname' => $bnamelink, 'more' => $titlemore)); } $html = $title . '<' . $contenttagname . ' id="' . $blockname . '_content" class="content' . $contentclassname . '">' . $html . '</' . $contenttagname . '>'; } return $html; }
function updateattach($modnewthreads, $tid, $pid, $attachnew, $attachupdate = array(), $uid = 0) { global $_G; $thread = C::t('forum_thread')->fetch($tid); $uid = $uid ? $uid : $_G['uid']; if ($attachnew) { $newaids = array_keys($attachnew); $newattach = $newattachfile = $albumattach = array(); foreach (C::t('forum_attachment_unused')->fetch_all($newaids) as $attach) { if ($attach['uid'] != $uid && !$_G['forum']['ismoderator']) { continue; } $attach['uid'] = $uid; $newattach[$attach['aid']] = daddslashes($attach); if ($attach['isimage']) { $newattachfile[$attach['aid']] = $attach['attachment']; } } if ($_G['setting']['watermarkstatus'] && empty($_G['forum']['disablewatermark']) || !$_G['setting']['thumbdisabledmobile']) { require_once libfile('class/image'); $image = new image(); } if (!empty($_GET['albumaid'])) { array_unshift($_GET['albumaid'], ''); $_GET['albumaid'] = array_unique($_GET['albumaid']); unset($_GET['albumaid'][0]); foreach ($_GET['albumaid'] as $aid) { if (isset($newattach[$aid])) { $albumattach[$aid] = $newattach[$aid]; } } } foreach ($attachnew as $aid => $attach) { $update = array(); $update['readperm'] = $_G['group']['allowsetattachperm'] ? $attach['readperm'] : 0; $update['price'] = $_G['group']['maxprice'] ? intval($attach['price']) <= $_G['group']['maxprice'] ? intval($attach['price']) : $_G['group']['maxprice'] : 0; $update['tid'] = $tid; $update['pid'] = $pid; $update['uid'] = $uid; $update['description'] = censor(cutstr(dhtmlspecialchars($attach['description']), 100)); C::t('forum_attachment_n')->update('tid:' . $tid, $aid, $update); if (!$newattach[$aid]) { continue; } $update = array_merge($update, $newattach[$aid]); if (!empty($newattachfile[$aid])) { if ($_G['setting']['thumbstatus'] && $_G['forum']['disablethumb']) { $update['thumb'] = 0; @unlink($_G['setting']['attachdir'] . '/forum/' . getimgthumbname($newattachfile[$aid])); if (!empty($albumattach[$aid])) { $albumattach[$aid]['thumb'] = 0; } } elseif (!$_G['setting']['thumbdisabledmobile']) { $_daid = sprintf("%09d", $aid); $dir1 = substr($_daid, 0, 3); $dir2 = substr($_daid, 3, 2); $dir3 = substr($_daid, 5, 2); $dw = 320; $dh = 320; $thumbfile = 'image/' . $dir1 . '/' . $dir2 . '/' . $dir3 . '/' . substr($_daid, -2) . '_' . $dw . '_' . $dh . '.jpg'; $image->Thumb($_G['setting']['attachdir'] . '/forum/' . $newattachfile[$aid], $thumbfile, $dw, $dh, 'fixwr'); $dw = 720; $dh = 720; $thumbfile = 'image/' . $dir1 . '/' . $dir2 . '/' . $dir3 . '/' . substr($_daid, -2) . '_' . $dw . '_' . $dh . '.jpg'; $image->Thumb($_G['setting']['attachdir'] . '/forum/' . $newattachfile[$aid], $thumbfile, $dw, $dh, 'fixwr'); } if ($_G['setting']['watermarkstatus'] && empty($_G['forum']['disablewatermark'])) { $image->Watermark($_G['setting']['attachdir'] . '/forum/' . $newattachfile[$aid], '', 'forum'); $update['filesize'] = $image->imginfo['size']; } } if (!empty($_GET['albumaid']) && isset($albumattach[$aid])) { $newalbum = 0; if (!$_GET['uploadalbum']) { require_once libfile('function/spacecp'); $_GET['uploadalbum'] = album_creat(array('albumname' => $_GET['newalbum'])); $newalbum = 1; } $picdata = array('albumid' => $_GET['uploadalbum'], 'uid' => $uid, 'username' => $_G['username'], 'dateline' => $albumattach[$aid]['dateline'], 'postip' => $_G['clientip'], 'filename' => censor($albumattach[$aid]['filename']), 'title' => censor(cutstr(dhtmlspecialchars($attach['description']), 100)), 'type' => fileext($albumattach[$aid]['attachment']), 'size' => $albumattach[$aid]['filesize'], 'filepath' => $albumattach[$aid]['attachment'], 'thumb' => $albumattach[$aid]['thumb'], 'remote' => $albumattach[$aid]['remote'] + 2); $update['picid'] = C::t('home_pic')->insert($picdata, 1); if ($newalbum) { require_once libfile('function/home'); require_once libfile('function/spacecp'); album_update_pic($_GET['uploadalbum']); } } C::t('forum_attachment_n')->insert('tid:' . $tid, $update, false, true); C::t('forum_attachment')->update($aid, array('tid' => $tid, 'pid' => $pid, 'tableid' => getattachtableid($tid))); C::t('forum_attachment_unused')->delete($aid); } if (!empty($_GET['albumaid'])) { $albumdata = array('picnum' => C::t('home_pic')->check_albumpic($_GET['uploadalbum']), 'updatetime' => $_G['timestamp']); C::t('home_album')->update($_GET['uploadalbum'], $albumdata); require_once libfile('function/home'); require_once libfile('function/spacecp'); album_update_pic($_GET['uploadalbum']); } if ($newattach) { ftpupload($newaids, $uid); } } if (!$modnewthreads && $newattach && $uid == $_G['uid']) { updatecreditbyaction('postattach', $uid, array(), '', count($newattach), 1, $_G['fid']); } if ($attachupdate) { $attachs = C::t('forum_attachment_n')->fetch_all_by_id('tid:' . $tid, 'aid', array_keys($attachupdate)); foreach ($attachs as $attach) { if (array_key_exists($attach['aid'], $attachupdate) && $attachupdate[$attach['aid']]) { dunlink($attach); } } $unusedattachs = C::t('forum_attachment_unused')->fetch_all($attachupdate); $attachupdate = array_flip($attachupdate); $unusedaids = array(); foreach ($unusedattachs as $attach) { if ($attach['uid'] != $uid && !$_G['forum']['ismoderator']) { continue; } $unusedaids[] = $attach['aid']; $update = $attach; $update['dateline'] = TIMESTAMP; $update['remote'] = 0; unset($update['aid']); if ($attach['isimage'] && $_G['setting']['watermarkstatus'] && empty($_G['forum']['disablewatermark'])) { $image->Watermark($_G['setting']['attachdir'] . '/forum/' . $attach['attachment'], '', 'forum'); $update['filesize'] = $image->imginfo['size']; } C::t('forum_attachment_n')->update('tid:' . $tid, $attachupdate[$attach['aid']], $update); @unlink($_G['setting']['attachdir'] . 'image/' . $attach['aid'] . '_100_100.jpg'); C::t('forum_attachment_exif')->delete($attachupdate[$attach['aid']]); C::t('forum_attachment_exif')->update($attach['aid'], array('aid' => $attachupdate[$attach['aid']])); ftpupload(array($attachupdate[$attach['aid']]), $uid); } if ($unusedaids) { C::t('forum_attachment_unused')->delete($unusedaids); } } $attachcount = C::t('forum_attachment_n')->count_by_id('tid:' . $tid, $pid ? 'pid' : 'tid', $pid ? $pid : $tid); $attachment = 0; if ($attachcount) { if (C::t('forum_attachment_n')->count_image_by_id('tid:' . $tid, $pid ? 'pid' : 'tid', $pid ? $pid : $tid)) { $attachment = 2; } else { $attachment = 1; } } else { $attachment = 0; } C::t('forum_thread')->update($tid, array('attachment' => $attachment)); C::t('forum_post')->update('tid:' . $tid, $pid, array('attachment' => $attachment), true); if (!$attachment) { C::t('forum_threadimage')->delete_by_tid($tid); } $_G['forum_attachexist'] = $attachment; }
function blog_post($POST, $olds=array()) { global $_G, $space; $isself = 1; if(!empty($olds['uid']) && $olds['uid'] != $_G['uid']) { $isself = 0; $__G = $_G; $_G['uid'] = $olds['uid']; $_G['username'] = addslashes($olds['username']); } $POST['subject'] = getstr(trim($POST['subject']), 80); $POST['subject'] = censor($POST['subject']); if(strlen($POST['subject'])<1) $POST['subject'] = dgmdate($_G['timestamp'], 'Y-m-d'); $POST['friend'] = intval($POST['friend']); $POST['target_ids'] = ''; if($POST['friend'] == 2) { $uids = array(); $names = empty($_POST['target_names'])?array():explode(',', preg_replace("/(\s+)/s", ',', $_POST['target_names'])); if($names) { $uids = C::t('common_member')->fetch_all_uid_by_username($names); } if(empty($uids)) { $POST['friend'] = 3; } else { $POST['target_ids'] = implode(',', $uids); } } elseif($POST['friend'] == 4) { $POST['password'] = trim($POST['password']); if($POST['password'] == '') $POST['friend'] = 0; } if($POST['friend'] !== 2) { $POST['target_ids'] = ''; } if($POST['friend'] !== 4) { $POST['password'] == ''; } $POST['tag'] = dhtmlspecialchars(trim($POST['tag'])); $POST['tag'] = getstr($POST['tag'], 500); $POST['tag'] = censor($POST['tag']); $POST['message'] = checkhtml($POST['message']); if($_G['mobile']) { $POST['message'] = getstr($POST['message'], 0, 0, 0, 1); $POST['message'] = censor($POST['message']); } else { $POST['message'] = getstr($POST['message'], 0, 0, 0, 0, 1); $POST['message'] = censor($POST['message']); $POST['message'] = preg_replace(array( "/\<div\>\<\/div\>/i", "/\<a\s+href\=\"([^\>]+?)\"\>/i" ), array( '', '<a href="\\1" target="_blank">' ), $POST['message']); } $message = $POST['message']; if(censormod($message) || censormod($POST['subject']) || $_G['group']['allowblogmod']) { $blog_status = 1; } else { $blog_status = 0; } if(empty($olds['classid']) || $POST['classid'] != $olds['classid']) { if(!empty($POST['classid']) && substr($POST['classid'], 0, 4) == 'new:') { $classname = dhtmlspecialchars(trim(substr($POST['classid'], 4))); $classname = getstr($classname); $classname = censor($classname); if(empty($classname)) { $classid = 0; } else { $classid = C::t('home_class')->fetch_classid_by_uid_classname($_G['uid'], $classname); if(empty($classid)) { $setarr = array( 'classname' => $classname, 'uid' => $_G['uid'], 'dateline' => $_G['timestamp'] ); $classid = C::t('home_class')->insert($setarr, true); } } } else { $classid = intval($POST['classid']); } } else { $classid = $olds['classid']; } if($classid && empty($classname)) { $query = C::t('home_class')->fetch($classid); $classname = ($query['uid'] == $_G['uid']) ? $query['classname'] : ''; if(empty($classname)) $classid = 0; } $blogarr = array( 'subject' => $POST['subject'], 'classid' => $classid, 'friend' => $POST['friend'], 'password' => $POST['password'], 'noreply' => empty($POST['noreply'])?0:1, 'catid' => intval($POST['catid']), 'status' => $blog_status, ); $titlepic = ''; $uploads = array(); if(!empty($POST['picids'])) { $picids = array_keys($POST['picids']); $query = C::t('home_pic')->fetch_all_by_uid($_G['uid'], 0, 0, $picids); foreach($query as $value) { if(empty($titlepic) && $value['thumb']) { $titlepic = getimgthumbname($value['filepath']); $blogarr['picflag'] = $value['remote']?2:1; } $picurl = pic_get($value['filepath'], 'album', $value['thumb'], $value['remote'], 0); $uploads[md5($picurl)] = $value; } if(empty($titlepic) && $value) { $titlepic = $value['filepath']; $blogarr['picflag'] = $value['remote']?2:1; } } if($uploads) { $albumid = 0; if($POST['savealbumid'] < 0 && !empty($POST['newalbum'])) { $albumname = addslashes(dhtmlspecialchars(trim($POST['newalbum']))); if(empty($albumname)) $albumname = dgmdate($_G['timestamp'],'Ymd'); $albumarr = array('albumname' => $albumname); $albumid = album_creat($albumarr); } else { $albumid = $POST['savealbumid'] < 0 ? 0 : intval($POST['savealbumid']); } if($albumid) { C::t('home_pic')->update_for_uid($_G['uid'], $picids, array('albumid' => $albumid)); album_update_pic($albumid); } preg_match_all("/\s*\<img src=\"(.+?)\".*?\>\s*/is", $message, $mathes); if(!empty($mathes[1])) { foreach ($mathes[1] as $key => $value) { $urlmd5 = md5($value); if(!empty($uploads[$urlmd5])) { unset($uploads[$urlmd5]); } } } foreach ($uploads as $value) { $picurl = pic_get($value['filepath'], 'album', $value['thumb'], $value['remote'], 0); $message .= "<div class=\"uchome-message-pic\"><img src=\"$picurl\"><p>$value[title]</p></div>"; } } $ckmessage = preg_replace("/(\<div\>|\<\/div\>|\s|\ \;|\<br\>|\<p\>|\<\/p\>)+/is", '', $message); if(empty($ckmessage)) { return false; } if(checkperm('manageblog')) { $blogarr['hot'] = intval($POST['hot']); } if($olds['blogid']) { if($blogarr['catid'] != $olds['catid']) { if($olds['catid']) { C::t('home_blog_category')->update_num_by_catid(-1, $olds['catid'], true, true); } if($blogarr['catid']) { C::t('home_blog_category')->update_num_by_catid(1, $blogarr['catid']); } } $blogid = $olds['blogid']; C::t('home_blog')->update($blogid, $blogarr); $fuids = array(); $blogarr['uid'] = $olds['uid']; $blogarr['username'] = $olds['username']; } else { if($blogarr['catid']) { C::t('home_blog_category')->update_num_by_catid(1, $blogarr['catid']); } $blogarr['uid'] = $_G['uid']; $blogarr['username'] = $_G['username']; $blogarr['dateline'] = empty($POST['dateline'])?$_G['timestamp']:$POST['dateline']; $blogid = C::t('home_blog')->insert($blogarr, true); C::t('common_member_status')->update($_G['uid'], array('lastpost' => $_G['timestamp'])); C::t('common_member_field_home')->update($_G['uid'], array('recentnote'=>$POST['subject'])); } $blogarr['blogid'] = $blogid; $class_tag = new tag(); $POST['tag'] = $olds ? $class_tag->update_field($POST['tag'], $blogid, 'blogid') : $class_tag->add_tag($POST['tag'], $blogid, 'blogid'); $fieldarr = array( 'message' => $message, 'postip' => $_G['clientip'], 'target_ids' => $POST['target_ids'], 'tag' => $POST['tag'] ); if(!empty($titlepic)) { $fieldarr['pic'] = $titlepic; } if($olds) { C::t('home_blogfield')->update($blogid, $fieldarr); } else { $fieldarr['blogid'] = $blogid; $fieldarr['uid'] = $blogarr['uid']; C::t('home_blogfield')->insert($fieldarr); } if($isself && !$olds && $blog_status == 0) { updatecreditbyaction('publishblog', 0, array('blogs' => 1)); include_once libfile('function/stat'); updatestat('blog'); } if($olds['blogid'] && $blog_status == 1) { updatecreditbyaction('publishblog', 0, array('blogs' => -1), '', -1); include_once libfile('function/stat'); updatestat('blog'); } if($POST['makefeed'] && $blog_status == 0) { include_once libfile('function/feed'); feed_publish($blogid, 'blogid', $olds?0:1); } if(!empty($__G)) $_G = $__G; if($blog_status == 1) { updatemoderate('blogid', $blogid); manage_addnotify('verifyblog'); } return $blogarr; }
function parse_keyword($keywords, $string = false, $filter = true) { if ($keywords == '') { return $string === true ? '' : array(); } $return = array(); if ($filter === true) { $keywords = str_replace(array(chr(0xa3) . chr(0xac), chr(0xa1) . chr(0x41), chr(0xef) . chr(0xbc) . chr(0x8c)), ',', censor($keywords)); } if (strexists($keywords, ',')) { $tagarray = array_unique(explode(',', $keywords)); } else { $langcore = lang('core'); $keywords = str_replace($langcore['fullblankspace'], ' ', $keywords); $tagarray = array_unique(explode(' ', $keywords)); } $tagcount = 0; foreach ($tagarray as $tagname) { $tagname = trim($tagname); if (preg_match('/^([\\x7f-\\xff_-]|\\w|\\s){3,20}$/', $tagname)) { $tagcount++; $return[] = $tagname; if ($tagcount > 4) { unset($tagarray); break; } } } if ($string === true) { $return = implode(',', $return); } return $return; }
showmessage('forum_nopermission', NULL, 'NOPERM'); } } if (!$forum['ismoderator'] || !$alloweditpost || in_array($orig['adminid'], array(1, 2, 3)) && $adminid > $orig['adminid']) { showmessage('post_edit_nopermission', NULL, 'HALTED'); } if (!submitcheck('editmessagesubmit', 1)) { include template('modcp_editpost'); exit; } else { require_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './include/discuzcode.func.php'; if ($do == 'notupdate') { $message = $orig['message']; $message = discuzcode($message, 0, 0, 0, $forum['allowsmilies'], $forum['allowbbcode'], $forum['allowimgcode'] && $showimages ? 1 : 0, $forum['allowhtml'], 0, 0, $orig['authorid']); showmessage(stripslashes($message)); } else { $message = censor(trim($message)); if (!$disablepostctrl) { if ($maxpostsize && strlen($message) > $maxpostsize) { showmessage('post_message_toolong'); } elseif ($minpostsize && strlen(preg_replace("/\\[quote\\].+?\\[\\/quote\\]/is", '', $message)) < $minpostsize) { showmessage('post_message_tooshort'); } } $query = $db->query("UPDATE {$tablepre}posts SET message='{$message}' WHERE pid='{$pid}'"); $message = discuzcode($message, 0, 0, 0, $forum['allowsmilies'], $forum['allowbbcode'], $forum['allowimgcode'] && $showimages ? 1 : 0, $forum['allowhtml'], 0, 0, $orig['authorid']); showmessage(stripslashes($message)); } } } include template('modcp_editpost');
$fid = intval($_GET['fid']); $uid = intval($_GET['uid']); $default_url = array('user' => 'home.php?mod=space&uid=', 'post' => 'forum.php?mod=redirect&goto=findpost&ptid=' . $tid . '&pid=', 'thread' => 'forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=', 'group' => 'forum.php?mod=group&fid=', 'album' => 'home.php?mod=space&do=album&uid=' . $uid . '&id=', 'blog' => 'home.php?mod=space&do=blog&uid=' . $uid . '&id=', 'pic' => 'home.php?mod=space&do=album&uid=' . $uid . '&picid='); $url = ''; if ($rid && !empty($default_url[$rtype])) { $url = $default_url[$rtype] . intval($rid); } else { $url = addslashes(dhtmlspecialchars(base64_decode($_GET['url']))); $url = preg_match("/^http[s]?:\\/\\/[^\\[\"']+\$/i", trim($url)) ? trim($url) : ''; } if (empty($url) || empty($_G['inajax'])) { showmessage('report_parameters_invalid'); } $urlkey = md5($url); if (submitcheck('reportsubmit')) { $message = censor(cutstr(dhtmlspecialchars(trim($_GET['message'])), 200, '')); $message = $_G['username'] . ' : ' . rtrim($message, "\\"); if ($reportid = C::t('common_report')->fetch_by_urlkey($urlkey)) { C::t('common_report')->update_num($reportid, $message); } else { $data = array('url' => $url, 'urlkey' => $urlkey, 'uid' => $_G['uid'], 'username' => $_G['username'], 'message' => $message, 'dateline' => TIMESTAMP); if ($fid) { $data['fid'] = $fid; } C::t('common_report')->insert($data); $report_receive = unserialize($_G['setting']['report_receive']); $moderators = array(); if ($report_receive['adminuser']) { foreach ($report_receive['adminuser'] as $touid) { notification_add($touid, 'report', 'new_report', array('from_id' => 1, 'from_idtype' => 'newreport'), 1); }
C::t('portal_category')->increase($setarr['catid'], array('articles' => 1)); C::t('portal_category')->update($setarr['catid'], array('lastpublish' => TIMESTAMP)); C::t('portal_article_count')->insert(array('aid' => $aid, 'catid' => $setarr['catid'], 'viewnum' => 1)); } else { if ($htmlname && $article['htmlname'] !== $htmlname) { $setarr['htmlname'] = $htmlname; $oldarticlename = $article['htmldir'] . $article['htmlname']; unlink($oldarticlename . '.' . $_G['setting']['makehtml']['extendname']); for ($i = 1; $i < $article['contents']; $i++) { unlink($oldarticlename . $i . '.' . $_G['setting']['makehtml']['extendname']); } } C::t('portal_article_title')->update($aid, $setarr); } $content = getstr($_POST['content'], 0, 0, 0, 0, 1); $content = censor($content); if (censormod($content) || $_G['group']['allowpostarticlemod']) { $article_status = 1; } else { $article_status = 0; } $regexp = '/(\\<strong\\>##########NextPage(\\[title=(.*?)\\])?##########\\<\\/strong\\>)+/is'; preg_match_all($regexp, $content, $arr); $pagetitle = !empty($arr[3]) ? $arr[3] : array(); $pagetitle = array_map('trim', $pagetitle); array_unshift($pagetitle, $_POST['pagetitle']); $contents = preg_split($regexp, $content); $cpostcount = count($contents); $dbcontents = C::t('portal_article_content')->fetch_all($aid); $pagecount = $cdbcount = count($dbcontents); if ($cdbcount > $cpostcount) {
$data->insert_query("comments", "'', {$id}, '{$check['id']}', 1, {$timestamp}, {$comment}, {$allowed}", "", "", false); if (confirm('comment')) { $page = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; if (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) { $page .= "?" . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; } $comment = $data->select_fetch_one_row("comments", "WHERE uid='{$check['id']}' AND item_id={$id} AND date={$timestamp}"); confirmMail("comment", $comment); show_message("The comment first needs to be reviewed before it will be visible", $page); } } $sql = $data->select_query("comments", "WHERE item_id={$id} AND type=1 AND allowed = 1"); $numcom = $data->num_rows($sql); $comments = array(); while ($temp = $data->fetch_array($sql)) { $temp['comment'] = censor($temp['comment']); $temp2 = $data->select_fetch_one_row("users", "WHERE id={$temp['uid']}", "uname"); $temp['uname'] = $temp2['uname']; $comments[] = $temp; } $tpl->assign("numcom", $numcom); $tpl->assign("com", $comments); $tpl->assign("comviewallowed", get_auth('comviewallowed', 2)); $tpl->assign("compostallowed", get_auth('compostallowed', 2)); $scriptList['slimbox'] = 1; $location = $view_album_name . " Photo Album"; } } else { if (!$inarticle) { $add = get_auth('addphotoalbum') == 1 ? true : false; $addlink = "index.php?page=addphotoalbum&menuid={$menuid}";
$allowpostimg = $_G['group']['allowpostimage'] && $imgexts; $enctype = $_G['group']['allowpostattach'] || $_G['group']['allowpostimage'] ? 'enctype="multipart/form-data"' : ''; $maxattachsize_mb = $_G['group']['maxattachsize'] / 1048576 >= 1 ? round($_G['group']['maxattachsize'] / 1048576, 1) . 'MB' : round($_G['group']['maxattachsize'] / 1024) . 'KB'; $postcredits = $_G['forum']['postcredits'] ? $_G['forum']['postcredits'] : $_G['setting']['creditspolicy']['post']; $replycredits = $_G['forum']['replycredits'] ? $_G['forum']['replycredits'] : $_G['setting']['creditspolicy']['reply']; $digestcredits = $_G['forum']['digestcredits'] ? $_G['forum']['digestcredits'] : $_G['setting']['creditspolicy']['digest']; $postattachcredits = $_G['forum']['postattachcredits'] ? $_G['forum']['postattachcredits'] : $_G['setting']['creditspolicy']['postattach']; $_G['group']['maxprice'] = isset($_G['setting']['extcredits'][$_G['setting']['creditstrans']]) ? $_G['group']['maxprice'] : 0; $extra = (!empty($_G['gp_extra']) ? rawurlencode($_G['gp_extra']) : '') . (!empty($_G['gp_from']) ? '&from=' . rawurlencode($_G['gp_from']) : ''); $notifycheck = empty($emailnotify) ? '' : 'checked="checked"'; $stickcheck = empty($sticktopic) ? '' : 'checked="checked"'; $digestcheck = empty($addtodigest) ? '' : 'checked="checked"'; $subject = isset($_G['gp_subject']) ? dhtmlspecialchars(censor(trim($_G['gp_subject']))) : ''; $subject = !empty($subject) ? str_replace("\t", ' ', $subject) : $subject; $message = isset($_G['gp_message']) ? censor($_G['gp_message']) : ''; $polloptions = isset($polloptions) ? censor(trim($polloptions)) : ''; $readperm = isset($_G['gp_readperm']) ? intval($_G['gp_readperm']) : 0; $price = isset($_G['gp_price']) ? intval($_G['gp_price']) : 0; $_G['setting']['tagstatus'] = $_G['setting']['tagstatus'] && $_G['forum']['allowtag'] ? $_G['setting']['tagstatus'] == 2 ? 2 : $_G['forum']['allowtag'] : 0; if (empty($bbcodeoff) && !$_G['group']['allowhidecode'] && !empty($message) && preg_match("/\\[hide=?\\d*\\].+?\\[\\/hide\\]/is", preg_replace("/(\\[code\\](.+?)\\[\\/code\\])/is", ' ', $message))) { showmessage('post_hide_nopermission'); } if (periodscheck('postmodperiods', 0)) { $modnewthreads = $modnewreplies = 1; } else { $censormod = censormod($subject . "\t" . $message); $modnewthreads = (!$_G['group']['allowdirectpost'] || $_G['group']['allowdirectpost'] == 1) && $_G['forum']['modnewposts'] || $censormod ? 1 : 0; $modnewreplies = (!$_G['group']['allowdirectpost'] || $_G['group']['allowdirectpost'] == 2) && $_G['forum']['modnewposts'] == 2 || $censormod ? 1 : 0; } if ($_G['group']['allowposturl'] < 3 && $message) { $urllist = get_url_list($message);
function threadsort_validator($sortoption) { global $checkoption, $var, $selectsortid, $fid, $tid, $pid; $postaction = $tid && $pid ? "edit&tid={$tid}&pid={$pid}" : 'newthread'; $optiondata = array(); foreach ($checkoption as $var => $option) { if ($checkoption[$var]['required'] && !$sortoption[$var]) { showmessage('threadtype_required_invalid', "post.php?action={$postaction}&fid={$fid}&sortid={$selectsortid}"); } elseif ($sortoption[$var] && ($checkoption[$var]['type'] == 'number' && !is_numeric($sortoption[$var]) || $checkoption[$var]['type'] == 'email' && !isemail($sortoption[$var]))) { showmessage('threadtype_format_invalid', "post.php?action={$postaction}&fid={$fid}&sortid={$selectsortid}"); } elseif ($sortoption[$var] && $checkoption[$var]['maxlength'] && strlen($typeoption[$var]) > $checkoption[$var]['maxlength']) { showmessage('threadtype_toolong_invalid', "post.php?action={$postaction}&fid={$fid}&sortid={$selectsortid}"); } elseif ($sortoption[$var] && ($checkoption[$var]['maxnum'] && $sortoption[$var] >= $checkoption[$var]['maxnum'] || $checkoption[$var]['minnum'] && $sortoption[$var] < $checkoption[$var]['minnum'])) { showmessage('threadtype_num_invalid', "post.php?action={$postaction}&fid={$fid}&sortid={$selectsortid}"); } elseif ($sortoption[$var] && $checkoption[$var]['unchangeable'] && !($tid && $pid)) { showmessage('threadtype_unchangeable_invalid', "post.php?action={$postaction}&fid={$fid}&sortid={$selectsortid}"); } if ($checkoption[$var]['type'] == 'checkbox') { $sortoption[$var] = $sortoption[$var] ? implode("\t", $sortoption[$var]) : ''; } elseif ($checkoption[$var]['type'] == 'url') { $sortoption[$var] = $sortoption[$var] ? substr(strtolower($sortoption[$var]), 0, 4) == 'www.' ? 'http://' . $sortoption[$var] : $sortoption[$var] : ''; } $sortoption[$var] = dhtmlspecialchars(censor(trim($sortoption[$var]))); $optiondata[$checkoption[$var]['optionid']] = $sortoption[$var]; } return $optiondata; }
space_merge($space, 'field_home'); getuserdiydata($space); $personalnv = isset($_G['blockposition']['nv']) ? $_G['blockposition']['nv'] : ''; if ($personalnv && !empty($_GET['show'])) { $personalnv['nvhidden'] = 0; } } if (submitcheck('blocksubmit')) { $blockname = getstr($_GET['blockname'], 15, 0, 1); if (check_ban_block($blockname, $space)) { space_merge($space, 'field_home'); $blockdata = unserialize($space['blockposition']); $title = getstr($_POST['blocktitle'], 50, 1, 1); $blockdata['parameters'][$blockname]['title'] = $title; if (in_array($blockname, array('block1', 'block2', 'block3', 'block4', 'block5'))) { $content = censor(getstr($_POST['content'], 1000, 1, 0, 0, 1)); $blockdata['parameters'][$blockname]['content'] = stripslashes($content); } elseif ($blockname == 'profile') { $blockdata['parameters'][$blockname]['banavatar'] = in_array($_G['gp_avatar'], array('big', 'middle', 'small')) ? $_G['gp_avatar'] : 'middle'; } elseif ($blockname == 'statistic') { $blockdata['parameters'][$blockname]['bancredits'] = $_G['gp_credits'] ? 0 : 1; $blockdata['parameters'][$blockname]['banfriends'] = $_G['gp_friends'] ? 0 : 1; $blockdata['parameters'][$blockname]['banthreads'] = $_G['gp_threads'] ? 0 : 1; $blockdata['parameters'][$blockname]['banblogs'] = $_G['gp_blogs'] ? 0 : 1; $blockdata['parameters'][$blockname]['banalbums'] = $_G['gp_albums'] ? 0 : 1; $blockdata['parameters'][$blockname]['bansharings'] = $_G['gp_sharings'] ? 0 : 1; $blockdata['parameters'][$blockname]['banviews'] = $_G['gp_views'] ? 0 : 1; } elseif (in_array($blockname, array('personalinfo'))) { } else { $shownum = max(1, intval($_POST['shownum'])); if ($shownum <= 20) {
function addportalarticlecomment($id, $message, $idtype = 'aid') { global $_G; $id = intval($id); if (empty($id)) { return 'comment_comment_noexist'; } $message = getstr($message, $_G['group']['allowcommentarticle'], 0, 0, 1, 0); if (strlen($message) < 2) { return 'content_is_too_short'; } $idtype = in_array($idtype, array('aid', 'topicid')) ? $idtype : 'aid'; $tablename = $idtype == 'aid' ? 'portal_article_title' : 'portal_topic'; $data = C::t($tablename)->fetch($id); if (empty($data)) { return 'comment_comment_noexist'; } if ($data['allowcomment'] != 1) { return 'comment_comment_notallowed'; } $message = censor($message); if (censormod($message)) { $comment_status = 1; } else { $comment_status = 0; } $setarr = array('uid' => $_G['uid'], 'username' => $_G['username'], 'id' => $id, 'idtype' => $idtype, 'postip' => $_G['clientip'], 'dateline' => $_G['timestamp'], 'status' => $comment_status, 'message' => $message); $pcid = C::t('portal_comment')->insert($setarr, true); if ($comment_status == 1) { updatemoderate($idtype . '_cid', $pcid); $notifykey = $idtype == 'aid' ? 'verifyacommont' : 'verifytopiccommont'; manage_addnotify($notifykey); } $tablename = $idtype == 'aid' ? 'portal_article_count' : 'portal_topic'; C::t($tablename)->increase($id, array('commentnum' => 1)); C::t('common_member_status')->update($_G['uid'], array('lastpost' => $_G['timestamp']), 'UNBUFFERED'); if ($data['uid'] != $_G['uid']) { updatecreditbyaction('portalcomment', 0, array(), $idtype . $id); } return 'do_success'; }
wapmsg('post_hide_nopermission'); } if (!$adminid && $newbiespan && (!$lastpost || $timestamp - $lastpost < $newbiespan * 3600)) { $regdate = $db->result_first("SELECT regdate FROM {$tablepre}members WHERE uid='{$discuz_uid}'"); if ($timestamp - $regdate < $newbiespan * 3600) { showmessage('post_newbie_span'); } } $postcredits = $forum['postcredits'] ? $forum['postcredits'] : $creditspolicy['post']; $replycredits = $forum['replycredits'] ? $forum['replycredits'] : $creditspolicy['reply']; $modnewthreads = (!$allowdirectpost || $allowdirectpost == 1) && ($forum['modnewposts'] || !empty($censormod)) ? 1 : 0; $modnewreplies = (!$allowdirectpost || $allowdirectpost == 2) && ($forum['modnewposts'] == 2 || !empty($censormod)) ? 1 : 0; $subject = wapconvert($subject); $subject = $subject != '' ? dhtmlspecialchars(censor(trim($subject))) : ''; $message = wapconvert($message); $message = $message != '' ? censor(trim($message)) : ''; if ($do == 'newthread') { $discuz_action = 195; if (empty($forum['allowpost']) && (!$forum['postperm'] && !$allowpost || $forum['postperm'] && !forumperm($forum['postperm']))) { wapmsg('post_newthread_nopermission'); } if (empty($subject) || empty($message)) { $typeselect = isset($forum['threadtypes']['required']) ? typeselect() : ''; echo "<p>" . ($typeselect ? "{$lang['type']}{$typeselect}<br />\n" : '') . "{$lang['subject']}<input type=\"text\" name=\"subject\" value=\"\" maxlength=\"80\" format=\"M*m\" /><br />\n" . "{$lang['message']}<input type=\"text\" name=\"message\" value=\"\" format=\"M*m\" /><br />\n" . "<anchor title=\"{$lang['submit']}\">{$lang['submit']}" . "<go method=\"post\" href=\"index.php?action=post&do=newthread&fid={$fid}&sid={$sid}\">\n" . "<postfield name=\"subject\" value=\"\$(subject)\" />\n" . "<postfield name=\"message\" value=\"\$(message)\" />\n" . "<postfield name=\"formhash\" value=\"" . formhash() . "\" />\n" . ($typeselect ? "<postfield name=\"typeid\" value=\"\$(typeid)\" />\n" : '') . "</go></anchor>\n<br /><br />" . "<a href=\"index.php?action=forum&fid={$fid}\">{$lang['return_forum']}</a></p>\n"; } else { if ($post_invalid = checkpost()) { wapmsg($post_invalid); } if ($formhash != formhash()) { wapmsg('wap_submit_invalid'); }
} elseif (!$thread['isgroup'] && ($post_autoclose = checkautoclose($thread))) { showmessage($post_autoclose, '', array('autoclose' => $_G['forum']['autoclose'])); } elseif (checkflood()) { showmessage('post_flood_ctrl', '', array('floodctrl' => $_G['setting']['floodctrl'])); } elseif (checkmaxperhour('pid')) { showmessage('post_flood_ctrl_posts_per_hour', '', array('posts_per_hour' => $_G['group']['maxpostsperhour'])); } $commentscore = ''; if (!empty($_GET['commentitem']) && !empty($_G['uid']) && $post['authorid'] != $_G['uid']) { foreach ($_GET['commentitem'] as $itemk => $itemv) { if ($itemv !== '') { $commentscore .= strip_tags(trim($itemk)) . ': <i>' . intval($itemv) . '</i> '; } } } $comment = cutstr(($commentscore ? $commentscore . '<br />' : '') . censor(trim(dhtmlspecialchars($_GET['message'])), '***'), 200, ' '); if (!$comment) { showmessage('post_sm_isnull'); } $pcid = C::t('forum_postcomment')->insert(array('tid' => $post['tid'], 'pid' => $post['pid'], 'author' => $_G['username'], 'authorid' => $_G['uid'], 'dateline' => TIMESTAMP, 'comment' => $comment, 'score' => $commentscore ? 1 : 0, 'useip' => $_G['clientip'], 'port' => $_G['remoteport']), true); C::t('forum_post')->update('tid:' . $_G['tid'], $_GET['pid'], array('comment' => 1)); $comments = $thread['comments'] ? $thread['comments'] + 1 : C::t('forum_postcomment')->count_by_tid($_G['tid']); C::t('forum_thread')->update($_G['tid'], array('comments' => $comments)); !empty($_G['uid']) && updatepostcredits('+', $_G['uid'], 'reply', $_G['fid']); if (!empty($_G['uid']) && $_G['uid'] != $post['authorid']) { notification_add($post['authorid'], 'pcomment', 'comment_add', array('tid' => $_G['tid'], 'pid' => $_GET['pid'], 'subject' => $thread['subject'], 'from_id' => $_G['tid'], 'from_idtype' => 'pcomment', 'commentmsg' => cutstr(str_replace(array('[b]', '[/b]', '[/color]'), '', preg_replace("/\\[color=([#\\w]+?)\\]/i", "", $comment)), 200))); } update_threadpartake($post['tid']); $pcid = C::t('forum_postcomment')->fetch_standpoint_by_pid($_GET['pid']); $pcid = $pcid['id']; if (!empty($_G['uid']) && $_GET['commentitem']) {
function threadsort_validator($sortoption, $pid) { global $_G, $var; $postaction = $_G['tid'] && $pid ? "edit&tid={$_G['tid']}&pid={$pid}" : 'newthread'; $_G['forum_optiondata'] = array(); foreach ($_G['forum_checkoption'] as $var => $option) { if ($_G['forum_checkoption'][$var]['required'] && !$sortoption[$var]) { showmessage('threadtype_required_invalid', "forum.php?mod=post&action={$postaction}&fid={$_G['fid']}&sortid=" . $_G['forum_selectsortid'], array('typetitle' => $_G['forum_checkoption'][$var]['title'])); } elseif ($sortoption[$var] && ($_G['forum_checkoption'][$var]['type'] == 'number' && !is_numeric($sortoption[$var]) || $_G['forum_checkoption'][$var]['type'] == 'email' && !isemail($sortoption[$var]))) { showmessage('threadtype_format_invalid', "forum.php?mod=post&action={$postaction}&fid={$_G['fid']}&sortid=" . $_G['forum_selectsortid'], array('typetitle' => $_G['forum_checkoption'][$var]['title'])); } elseif ($sortoption[$var] && $_G['forum_checkoption'][$var]['maxlength'] && strlen($typeoption[$var]) > $_G['forum_checkoption'][$var]['maxlength']) { showmessage('threadtype_toolong_invalid', "forum.php?mod=post&action={$postaction}&fid={$_G['fid']}&sortid=" . $_G['forum_selectsortid'], array('typetitle' => $_G['forum_checkoption'][$var]['title'])); } elseif ($sortoption[$var] && ($_G['forum_checkoption'][$var]['maxnum'] && $sortoption[$var] > $_G['forum_checkoption'][$var]['maxnum'] || $_G['forum_checkoption'][$var]['minnum'] && $sortoption[$var] < $_G['forum_checkoption'][$var]['minnum'])) { showmessage('threadtype_num_invalid', "forum.php?mod=post&action={$postaction}&fid={$_G['fid']}&sortid=" . $_G['forum_selectsortid'], array('typetitle' => $_G['forum_checkoption'][$var]['title'])); } elseif ($sortoption[$var] && $_G['forum_checkoption'][$var]['unchangeable'] && !($_G['tid'] && $pid)) { showmessage('threadtype_unchangeable_invalid', "forum.php?mod=post&action={$postaction}&fid={$_G['fid']}&sortid=" . $_G['forum_selectsortid'], array('typetitle' => $_G['forum_checkoption'][$var]['title'])); } if ($_G['forum_checkoption'][$var]['type'] == 'checkbox') { $sortoption[$var] = $sortoption[$var] ? implode("\t", $sortoption[$var]) : ''; } elseif ($_G['forum_checkoption'][$var]['type'] == 'url') { $sortoption[$var] = $sortoption[$var] ? substr(strtolower($sortoption[$var]), 0, 4) == 'www.' ? 'http://' . $sortoption[$var] : $sortoption[$var] : ''; } $sortoption[$var] = $_G['forum_checkoption'][$var]['type'] != 'image' ? dhtmlspecialchars(censor(trim($sortoption[$var]))) : addslashes(serialize($sortoption[$var])); $_G['forum_optiondata'][$_G['forum_checkoption'][$var]['optionid']] = $sortoption[$var]; } return $_G['forum_optiondata']; }
if($timestamp - $regdate < $newbiespan * 3600) { showmessage('post_newbie_span'); } } $postcredits = $forum['postcredits'] ? $forum['postcredits'] : $creditspolicy['post']; $replycredits = $forum['replycredits'] ? $forum['replycredits'] : $creditspolicy['reply']; $modnewthreads = (!$allowdirectpost || $allowdirectpost == 1) && ($forum['modnewposts'] || !empty($censormod)) ? 1 : 0; $modnewreplies = (!$allowdirectpost || $allowdirectpost == 2) && ($forum['modnewposts'] == 2 || !empty($censormod)) ? 1 : 0; $subject = wapconvert($subject); $subject = ($subject != '') ? dhtmlspecialchars(censor(trim($subject))) : ''; $message = wapconvert($message); $message = ($message != '') ? censor(trim($message)) : ''; if($do == 'newthread') { $discuz_action = 195; if(!$discuz_uid && !((!$forum['postperm'] && $allowpost) || ($forum['postperm'] && forumperm($forum['postperm'])))) { wapmsg('post_newthread_nopermission'); } elseif(empty($forum['allowpost'])) { if(!$forum['postperm'] && !$allowpost) { wapmsg('post_newthread_nopermission'); } elseif($forum['postperm'] && !forumperm($forum['postperm'])) { wapmsg('post_newthread_nopermission'); } } elseif($forum['allowpost'] == -1) { wapmsg('post_newthread_nopermission');