public function index($id = '') { $this->c_categories_m = $this->load->model('c_categories/c_categories_m'); $cate = $this->c_categories_m->getCategory($id); $category = $this->c_categories_m->getCate(); $tree_option['0'] = lang('root'); if (count($cate) > 0) { $css = getCss($cate, 'module'); $this->data['css'] = $css; $this->data['category'] = $cate; $this->data['categories'] = categoriesToTree($category); $this->load->view('c_categories', $this->data); } }
public function edit($id = '') { $this->data['id'] = $id; if ($id == '') { $categories = $this->c_categories_m->getNew(); } else { $categories = $this->c_categories_m->getCategory($id); } $category = $this->c_categories_m->getCate(); $tree_option['0'] = lang('root'); $this->data['category'] = categoriesToTree($category); if (count($categories) > 0) { $this->data['categories'] = $categories; } else { echo '<p class="col-md-12">Data not found.</p>'; exit; } $this->load->view('admin/setting', $this->data); }
function edit($id = null) { $art = $this->input->post('art'); // save data if (count($art) > 3) { $upload = false; // upload file if (isset($_FILES["file"]["name"]) && $_FILES["file"]["name"] != '') { $upload = true; // check folder and create $this->root = ROOTPATH . DS . 'media' . DS . 'cliparts' . DS . $art['cate_id']; if (!file_exists($this->root)) { mkdir($this->root, 0755, TRUE); } $config['upload_path'] = $this->root . DS . 'print'; if (!is_dir($config['upload_path'])) { mkdir($config['upload_path'], 0755, TRUE); } $config['allowed_types'] = 'gif|png|jpg|jpge|svg'; $config['max_size'] = '5120'; // 5MB $this->load->library('upload', $config); if (!$this->upload->do_upload('file')) { $this->session->set_flashdata('error', $this->upload->display_errors()); redirect('admin/art'); } $file = $this->upload->data(); $art['fle_url'] = $art['cate_id'] . '/' . $file['file_name']; $art['file_name'] = $file['file_name']; $art['file_type'] = str_replace('.', '', $file['file_ext']); // get color of image $art['colors'] = '0'; if ($art['file_type'] == 'svg') { $this->load->library('svg'); $colors = $this->svg->getColors($file['full_path']); if (count($colors)) { $art['colors'] = json_encode($colors); } } } //echo '<pre>';print_r($art); echo '</pre>'; exit; if (!isset($art['change_color'])) { $art['change_color'] = '0'; } if ($art['slug'] == '') { $art['slug'] = $art['title']; } $art['slug'] = url_title($art['slug']); if ($art['fle_url'] != '' && $art['file_name'] != '' && $art['file_type'] != '') { $clipart_id = $this->input->post('clipart_id'); if ($clipart_id > 0) { $clipart_id = $this->art_m->save($art, $clipart_id); } else { $clipart_id = $this->art_m->save($art, NULL); } } if ($clipart_id > 0) { // create thumb if ($upload == true) { $this->load->library('thumb'); $this->thumb->file = $file['full_path']; $thumbs = $this->root . DS . 'thumbs'; if (!is_dir($thumbs)) { mkdir($thumbs, 0755, TRUE); } $this->thumb->resize($thumbs . DS . md5($clipart_id), array('width' => 100, 'height' => 100)); $medium = $this->root . DS . 'medium'; if (!is_dir($medium)) { mkdir($medium, 0755, TRUE); } $this->thumb->resize($medium . DS . md5($clipart_id . 'medium'), array('width' => 300, 'height' => 300)); $large = $this->root . DS . 'large'; if (!is_dir($large)) { mkdir($large, 0755, TRUE); } $this->thumb->resize($large . DS . md5($clipart_id . 'large'), array('width' => 800, 'height' => 800)); } } redirect('admin/art'); } else { // get data edit $data = array(); // add and edit clipart $this->load->model('categories_m'); $categories = $this->categories_m->getCategories('clipart'); if (count($categories) > 0) { $categories = categoriesToTree($categories); $data['categories'] = $categories; } else { $data['categories'] = array(); } // add new if ($id == null) { $data['title'] = lang('art_add'); $art = $this->art_m->getNew(); $art->category = $this->input->get('cate_id'); $art->tags = ''; $data['art'] = $art; } else { $data['title'] = lang('art_edit'); $cate_id = $this->input->get('cate_id'); $data['art'] = new stdclass(); if ($cate_id > 0) { $this->load->model('categories_m'); $category = $this->categories_m->getCategory('clipart', $cate_id); } $art = $this->art_m->getArt($id); $art->category = $category; $data['art'] = $art; } } $this->load->view('admin/clipart/edit', $data); }
public function delCategory($id = '') { $this->load->model('categories_m'); if ($id != '') { $categories = $this->categories_m->getAllCategories('article'); $categories = categoriesToTree($categories, $id); $categories = getChildCate($categories); $data['parent_id'] = 0; if ($this->categories_m->delete($id)) { $this->session->set_flashdata('msg', lang('custom_category_delete_success_msg')); // update parent_id. foreach ($categories as $cate_id) { $this->categories_m->save($data, $cate_id); } } else { $this->session->set_flashdata('error', lang('custom_category_delete_error_msg')); } } else { if ($checkb = $this->input->post('checkb')) { if (is_array($checkb)) { $categories = $this->categories_m->getAllCategories('article'); $data['parent_id'] = 0; foreach ($checkb as $id) { if ($this->categories_m->delete($id)) { $categories = categoriesToTree($categories, $id); $categories = getChildCate($categories); // update parent_id. foreach ($categories as $cate_id) { $this->categories_m->save($data, $cate_id); } $this->session->set_flashdata('msg', lang('custom_category_delete_success_msg')); } else { $this->session->set_flashdata('error', lang('custom_category_delete_some_error_msg')); break; } } } } } redirect(site_url() . 'admin/custom/categories'); }
public function delete($type = '', $id = null) { if ($id == null) { $type = $this->uri->segment(5); $id = $this->uri->segment(6); } $this->categories_m->_primary_key = 'id'; $this->categories_m->_table_name = 'categories'; if ($this->categories_m->delete($id)) { //udpate children cate. $categories = $this->categories_m->getAllCategories('article'); $categories = categoriesToTree($categories, $id); $categories = getChildCate($categories); $data['parent_id'] = 0; // update parent_id. foreach ($categories as $cate_id) { $this->categories_m->save($data, $cate_id); } } }