
 * @package Catch Themes
 * @subpackage Catch_Kathmandu
 * @since Catch Kathmandu 1.0
 * Set the default values for all the settings. If no user-defined values
 * is available for any setting, these defaults will be used.
global $catchkathmandu_options_defaults;
$catchkathmandu_options_defaults = array('disable_responsive' => '0', 'enable_menus' => '1', 'fav_icon' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/images/favicon.ico', 'remove_favicon' => '1', 'web_clip' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/images/apple-touch-icon.png', 'remove_web_clip' => '1', 'homepage_headline' => 'Catch Kathmandu is a Responsive WordPress Theme', 'homepage_subheadline' => 'It is Simple, Clean and Responsive WordPress Theme which automatically adapts to the screen\'s size.', 'homepage_headline_button' => 'Reviews', 'homepage_headline_url' => esc_url('http://wordpress.org/support/view/theme-reviews/catch-kathmandu'), 'reset_featured_image' => '2', 'featured_header_image' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/images/demo/header-image-1280x400.jpg', 'enable_featured_header_image' => 'disable', 'page_featured_image' => 'full', 'featured_header_image_url' => '', 'featured_header_image_alt' => '', 'featured_header_image_base' => '0', 'disable_header_right_sidebar' => '0', 'color_scheme' => 'light', 'reset_typography' => '2', 'custom_css' => '', 'sidebar_layout' => 'right-sidebar', 'content_layout' => 'full', 'featured_image' => 'featured', 'reset_layout' => '2', 'more_tag_text' => 'Continue Reading &rarr;', 'reset_moretag' => '2', 'excerpt_length' => 30, 'search_display_text' => 'Search &hellip;', 'feed_url' => '', 'disable_homepage_headline' => '0', 'disable_homepage_subheadline' => '0', 'disable_homepage_button' => '0', 'disable_homepage_featured' => '0', 'homepage_featured_headline' => '', 'homepage_featured_qty' => 4, 'homepage_featured_layout' => 'four-columns', 'homepage_featured_image' => array(), 'homepage_featured_url' => array(), 'homepage_featured_base' => array(), 'homepage_featured_title' => array(), 'homepage_featured_content' => array(), 'enable_posts_home' => '1', 'move_posts_home' => '0', 'front_page_category' => array(), 'select_slider_type' => 'demo-slider', 'enable_slider' => 'enable-slider-homepage', 'featured_slider' => array(), 'featured_slider_page' => array(), 'slider_category' => array(), 'featured_image_slider_image' => array(), 'featured_image_slider_link' => array(), 'featured_image_slider_base' => array(), 'featured_image_slider_title' => array(), 'featured_image_slider_content' => array(), 'slider_qty' => 4, 'transition_effect' => 'fade', 'transition_delay' => 4, 'transition_duration' => 1, 'exclude_slider_post' => 0, 'social_facebook' => '', 'social_twitter' => '', 'social_googleplus' => '', 'social_pinterest' => '', 'social_youtube' => '', 'social_vimeo' => '', 'social_linkedin' => '', 'social_slideshare' => '', 'social_foursquare' => '', 'social_flickr' => '', 'social_tumblr' => '', 'social_deviantart' => '', 'social_dribbble' => '', 'social_myspace' => '', 'social_wordpress' => '', 'social_rss' => '', 'social_delicious' => '', 'social_lastfm' => '', 'social_instagram' => '', 'social_github' => '', 'social_vkontakte' => '', 'social_myworld' => '', 'social_odnoklassniki' => '', 'social_goodreads' => '', 'social_skype' => '', 'social_soundcloud' => '', 'social_email' => '', 'social_contact' => '', 'social_xing' => '', 'social_meetup' => '', 'analytic_header' => '', 'analytic_footer' => '', 'footer_code' => '<div class="copyright">' . esc_attr__('Copyright', 'catch-kathmandu') . ' &copy; ' . catchkathmandu_the_year() . '&nbsp;' . catchkathmandu_site_link() . '&nbsp;' . esc_attr__('All Rights Reserved', 'catch-kathmandu') . '.</div><div class="powered">' . esc_attr__('Catch Kathmandu by', 'catch-kathmandu') . '&nbsp;' . catchkathmandu_shop_link() . '</div>', 'reset_footer' => '2');
global $catchkathmandu_options_settings;
$catchkathmandu_options_settings = catchkathmandu_options_set_defaults($catchkathmandu_options_defaults);
function catchkathmandu_options_set_defaults($catchkathmandu_options_defaults)
    $catchkathmandu_options_settings = array_merge($catchkathmandu_options_defaults, (array) get_option('catchkathmandu_options', array()));
    return $catchkathmandu_options_settings;
 * Returns the current year.
 * @uses date() Gets the current year.
 * @return string
function catchkathmandu_the_year()
    return date(__('Y', 'catch-kathmandu'));
 * Change the footer_code saved in theme options
 * @uses catchkathmandu_the_year(), catchkathmandu_site_link(), catchkathmandu_shop_link(), delete_transient, update_option
function catchkathmandu_make_footer_modifications()
    global $catchkathmandu_options_settings;
    $new_footer_code = '<div class="copyright">' . esc_attr__('Copyright', 'catch-kathmandu') . ' &copy; ' . catchkathmandu_the_year() . '&nbsp;' . catchkathmandu_site_link() . '&nbsp;' . esc_attr__('All Rights Reserved', 'catch-kathmandu') . '.</div><div class="powered">' . esc_attr__('Catch Kathmandu by', 'catch-kathmandu') . '&nbsp;' . catchkathmandu_shop_link() . '</div>';
    //Check if new footer code and old footer code match, if they don't perform following
    if ($new_footer_code != $catchkathmandu_options_settings['footer_code']) {
        // Footer Content
        $catchkathmandu_options_settings['footer_code'] = $new_footer_code;
        update_option('catchkathmandu_options', $catchkathmandu_options_settings);