public function configure_dovecot() { global $conf; $config_dir = $conf['dovecot']['config_dir']; //* Configure and add a line for deliver if (is_file($config_dir . '/')) { copy($config_dir . '/', $config_dir . '/'); } if (is_file($config_dir . '/')) { chmod($config_dir . '/', 0400); } $content = rf($conf["postfix"]["config_dir"] . '/'); // Only add the content if we had not addded it before if (!stristr($content, "dovecot/deliver")) { $deliver_content = 'dovecot unix - n n - - pipe' . "\n" . ' flags=DRhu user=vmail:vmail argv=/usr/lib/dovecot/deliver -f ${sender} -d ${user}@${nexthop}'; af($conf["postfix"]["config_dir"] . '/', $deliver_content); } unset($content); unset($deliver_content); //* Reconfigure postfix to use dovecot authentication // Adding the amavisd commands to the postfix configuration $postconf_commands = array('dovecot_destination_recipient_limit = 1', 'virtual_transport = dovecot', 'smtpd_sasl_type = dovecot', 'smtpd_sasl_path = private/auth'); // Make a backup copy of the file copy($conf["postfix"]["config_dir"] . '/', $conf["postfix"]["config_dir"] . '/'); // Executing the postconf commands foreach ($postconf_commands as $cmd) { $command = "postconf -e '{$cmd}'"; caselog($command . " &> /dev/null", __FILE__, __LINE__, "EXECUTED: {$command}", "Failed to execute the command {$command}"); } //* copy dovecot.conf $configfile = 'dovecot.conf'; if (is_file($config_dir . '/' . $configfile)) { copy($config_dir . '/' . $configfile, $config_dir . '/' . $configfile . '~'); } copy('tpl/debian6_dovecot.conf.master', $config_dir . '/' . $configfile); //* dovecot-sql.conf $configfile = 'dovecot-sql.conf'; if (is_file($config_dir . '/' . $configfile)) { copy($config_dir . '/' . $configfile, $config_dir . '/' . $configfile . '~'); } chmod($config_dir . '/' . $configfile . '~', 0400); $content = rf('tpl/debian6_dovecot-sql.conf.master'); $content = str_replace('{mysql_server_ispconfig_user}', $conf['mysql']['ispconfig_user'], $content); $content = str_replace('{mysql_server_ispconfig_password}', $conf['mysql']['ispconfig_password'], $content); $content = str_replace('{mysql_server_database}', $conf['mysql']['database'], $content); $content = str_replace('{mysql_server_host}', $conf['mysql']['host'], $content); wf($config_dir . '/' . $configfile, $content); chmod($config_dir . '/' . $configfile, 0600); chown($config_dir . '/' . $configfile, 'root'); chgrp($config_dir . '/' . $configfile, 'root'); }
function prepareDBDump() { global $conf; //** load the pre update sql script do perform modifications on the database before the database is dumped if (is_file(ISPC_INSTALL_ROOT . "/install/sql/pre_update.sql")) { if ($conf['mysql']['admin_password'] == '') { caselog("mysql --default-character-set=" . escapeshellarg($conf['mysql']['charset']) . " -h " . escapeshellarg($conf['mysql']['host']) . " -u " . escapeshellarg($conf['mysql']['admin_user']) . " " . escapeshellarg($conf['mysql']['database']) . " < '" . ISPC_INSTALL_ROOT . "/install/sql/pre_update.sql' &> /dev/null", __FILE__, __LINE__, 'read in ispconfig3.sql', 'could not read in ispconfig3.sql'); } else { caselog("mysql --default-character-set=" . escapeshellarg($conf['mysql']['charset']) . " -h " . escapeshellarg($conf['mysql']['host']) . " -u " . escapeshellarg($conf['mysql']['admin_user']) . " -p" . escapeshellarg($conf['mysql']['admin_password']) . " " . escapeshellarg($conf['mysql']['database']) . " < '" . ISPC_INSTALL_ROOT . "/install/sql/pre_update.sql' &> /dev/null", __FILE__, __LINE__, 'read in ispconfig3.sql', 'could not read in ispconfig3.sql'); } } //** export the current database data if (!empty($conf["mysql"]["admin_password"])) { system("mysqldump -h " . escapeshellarg($conf['mysql']['host']) . " -u " . escapeshellarg($conf['mysql']['admin_user']) . " -p" . escapeshellarg($conf['mysql']['admin_password']) . " -c -t --add-drop-table --create-options --quick --result-file=existing_db.sql " . $conf['mysql']['database']); } else { system("mysqldump -h " . escapeshellarg($conf['mysql']['host']) . " -u " . escapeshellarg($conf['mysql']['admin_user']) . " -c -t --add-drop-table --create-options --quick --result-file=existing_db.sql " . $conf['mysql']['database']); } /* * If we have a server with nothing in it except VE's then the database of thie server is empty. * so the following line will no longer work! */ //if(filesize('existing_db.sql') < 30000) die('Possible problem with dumping the database. We will stop here. Please check the file existing_db.sql'); // create a backup copy of the ispconfig database in the root folder if (isset($conf['backup_path'])) { $backup_db_name = $conf['backup_path'] . '/ispconfig_db_backup.sql'; } else { $backup_db_name = '/root/ispconfig_db_backup_' . @date('Y-m-d_H-i') . '.sql'; } copy('existing_db.sql', $backup_db_name); chmod($backup_db_name, 0700); chown($backup_db_name, 'root'); chgrp($backup_db_name, 'root'); if ($conf['powerdns']['installed']) { //** export the current PowerDNS database data if (!empty($conf["mysql"]["admin_password"])) { system("mysqldump -h " . escapeshellarg($conf['mysql']['host']) . " -u " . escapeshellarg($conf['mysql']['admin_user']) . " -p" . escapeshellarg($conf['mysql']['admin_password']) . " -c -t --add-drop-table --create-options --quick --result-file=existing_powerdns_db.sql " . $conf['powerdns']['database']); } else { system("mysqldump -h " . escapeshellarg($conf['mysql']['host']) . " -u " . escapeshellarg($conf['mysql']['admin_user']) . " -c -t --add-drop-table --create-options --quick --result-file=existing_powerdns_db.sql " . $conf['powerdns']['database']); } // create a backup copy of the PowerDNS database in the root folder $backup_db_name = '/root/ispconfig_powerdns_db_backup_' . @date('Y-m-d_h-i') . '.sql'; copy('existing_powerdns_db.sql', $backup_db_name); chmod($backup_db_name, 0700); chown($backup_db_name, 'root'); chgrp($backup_db_name, 'root'); } }
public function configure_amavis() { global $conf; // amavisd user config file $configfile = 'fedora_amavisd_conf'; if (is_file($conf["amavis"]["config_dir"] . '/amavisd.conf')) { copy($conf["amavis"]["config_dir"] . '/amavisd.conf', $conf["amavis"]["config_dir"] . '/amavisd.conf~'); } if (is_file($conf["amavis"]["config_dir"] . '/amavisd.conf~')) { exec('chmod 400 ' . $conf["amavis"]["config_dir"] . '/amavisd.conf~'); } if (!is_dir($conf["amavis"]["config_dir"])) { mkdir($conf["amavis"]["config_dir"]); } $content = rf("tpl/" . $configfile . ".master"); $content = str_replace('{mysql_server_ispconfig_user}', $conf['mysql']['ispconfig_user'], $content); $content = str_replace('{mysql_server_ispconfig_password}', $conf['mysql']['ispconfig_password'], $content); $content = str_replace('{mysql_server_database}', $conf['mysql']['database'], $content); $content = str_replace('{mysql_server_port}', $conf["mysql"]["port"], $content); $content = str_replace('{mysql_server_ip}', $conf['mysql']['ip'], $content); $content = str_replace('{hostname}', $conf['hostname'], $content); $content = str_replace('/var/spool/amavisd/clamd.sock', '/var/run/clamav/clamd.sock', $content); wf($conf["amavis"]["config_dir"] . '/amavisd.conf', $content); // Adding the amavisd commands to the postfix configuration $postconf_commands = array('content_filter = amavis:[]:10024', 'receive_override_options = no_address_mappings'); // Make a backup copy of the file copy($conf["postfix"]["config_dir"] . '/', $conf["postfix"]["config_dir"] . '/'); // Executing the postconf commands foreach ($postconf_commands as $cmd) { $command = "postconf -e '{$cmd}'"; caselog($command . " &> /dev/null", __FILE__, __LINE__, "EXECUTED: {$command}", "Failed to execute the command {$command}"); } // Append the configuration for amavisd to the file if (is_file($conf["postfix"]["config_dir"] . '/')) { copy($conf["postfix"]["config_dir"] . '/', $conf["postfix"]["config_dir"] . '/'); } $content = rf($conf["postfix"]["config_dir"] . '/'); // Only add the content if we had not addded it before if (!stristr($content, "")) { unset($content); $content = rf("tpl/master_cf_amavis.master"); af($conf["postfix"]["config_dir"] . '/', $content); } unset($content); removeLine('/etc/sysconfig/freshclam', 'FRESHCLAM_DELAY=disabled-warn # REMOVE ME', 1); replaceLine('/etc/freshclam.conf', 'Example', '# Example', 1); }
public function install_ispconfig() { global $conf; $install_dir = $conf['ispconfig_install_dir']; //* Create the ISPConfig installation directory if (!is_dir($install_dir)) { $command = "mkdir {$install_dir}"; caselog($command . ' &> /dev/null', __FILE__, __LINE__, "EXECUTED: {$command}", "Failed to execute the command {$command}"); } //* Create a ISPConfig user and group if (!is_group('ispconfig')) { $command = 'groupadd ispconfig'; caselog($command . ' &> /dev/null 2> /dev/null', __FILE__, __LINE__, "EXECUTED: {$command}", "Failed to execute the command {$command}"); } if (!is_user('ispconfig')) { $command = "useradd -g ispconfig -d {$install_dir} ispconfig"; caselog($command . ' &> /dev/null 2> /dev/null', __FILE__, __LINE__, "EXECUTED: {$command}", "Failed to execute the command {$command}"); } //* copy the ISPConfig interface part $command = "cp -rf ../interface {$install_dir}"; caselog($command . ' &> /dev/null', __FILE__, __LINE__, "EXECUTED: {$command}", "Failed to execute the command {$command}"); //* copy the ISPConfig server part $command = "cp -rf ../server {$install_dir}"; caselog($command . ' &> /dev/null', __FILE__, __LINE__, "EXECUTED: {$command}", "Failed to execute the command {$command}"); //* Create the config file for ISPConfig interface $configfile = ''; $content = $this->get_template_file($configfile, true, true); //* get contents & insert db cred $content = str_replace('{mysql_master_server_ispconfig_user}', $conf['mysql']['master_ispconfig_user'], $content); $content = str_replace('{mysql_master_server_ispconfig_password}', $conf['mysql']['master_ispconfig_password'], $content); $content = str_replace('{mysql_master_server_database}', $conf['mysql']['master_database'], $content); $content = str_replace('{mysql_master_server_host}', $conf['mysql']['master_host'], $content); $content = str_replace('{server_id}', $conf['server_id'], $content); $content = str_replace('{ispconfig_log_priority}', $conf['ispconfig_log_priority'], $content); $content = str_replace('{language}', $conf['language'], $content); $this->write_config_file("{$install_dir}/interface/lib/{$configfile}", $content); //* Create the config file for ISPConfig server $this->write_config_file("{$install_dir}/server/lib/{$configfile}", $content); //* Create the config file for remote-actions (but only, if it does not exist, because // the value is a autoinc-value and so changed by the remoteaction_core_module if (!file_exists($install_dir . '/server/lib/')) { $content = '<?php' . "\n" . '$maxid_remote_action = 0;' . "\n" . '?>'; wf($install_dir . '/server/lib/', $content); } // Enable the server modules and plugins. // TODO: Implement a selector which modules and plugins shall be enabled. $dir = $install_dir . '/server/mods-available/'; if (is_dir($dir)) { if ($dh = opendir($dir)) { while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..' && substr($file, -8, 8) == '.inc.php') { include_once $install_dir . '/server/mods-available/' . $file; $module_name = substr($file, 0, -8); $tmp = new $module_name(); if ($tmp->onInstall()) { if (!@is_link($install_dir . '/server/mods-enabled/' . $file)) { @symlink($install_dir . '/server/mods-available/' . $file, $install_dir . '/server/mods-enabled/' . $file); // @symlink($install_dir.'/server/mods-available/'.$file, '../mods-enabled/'.$file); } if (strpos($file, '_core_module') !== false) { if (!@is_link($install_dir . '/server/mods-core/' . $file)) { @symlink($install_dir . '/server/mods-available/' . $file, $install_dir . '/server/mods-core/' . $file); // @symlink($install_dir.'/server/mods-available/'.$file, '../mods-core/'.$file); } } } unset($tmp); } } closedir($dh); } } $dir = $install_dir . '/server/plugins-available/'; if (is_dir($dir)) { if ($dh = opendir($dir)) { while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if ($conf['apache']['installed'] == true && $file == '') { continue; } if ($conf['nginx']['installed'] == true && $file == '') { continue; } if ($file != '.' && $file != '..' && substr($file, -8, 8) == '.inc.php') { include_once $install_dir . '/server/plugins-available/' . $file; $plugin_name = substr($file, 0, -8); $tmp = new $plugin_name(); if (method_exists($tmp, 'onInstall') && $tmp->onInstall()) { if (!@is_link($install_dir . '/server/plugins-enabled/' . $file)) { @symlink($install_dir . '/server/plugins-available/' . $file, $install_dir . '/server/plugins-enabled/' . $file); } if (strpos($file, '_core_plugin') !== false) { if (!@is_link($install_dir . '/server/plugins-core/' . $file)) { @symlink($install_dir . '/server/plugins-available/' . $file, $install_dir . '/server/plugins-core/' . $file); } } } unset($tmp); } } closedir($dh); } } //* Update the server config $mail_server_enabled = $conf['services']['mail'] ? 1 : 0; $web_server_enabled = $conf['services']['web'] ? 1 : 0; $dns_server_enabled = $conf['services']['dns'] ? 1 : 0; $file_server_enabled = $conf['services']['file'] ? 1 : 0; $db_server_enabled = $conf['services']['db'] ? 1 : 0; $vserver_server_enabled = $conf['services']['vserver'] ? 1 : 0; $sql = "UPDATE `server` SET mail_server = '{$mail_server_enabled}', web_server = '{$web_server_enabled}', dns_server = '{$dns_server_enabled}', file_server = '{$file_server_enabled}', db_server = '{$db_server_enabled}', vserver_server = '{$vserver_server_enabled}' WHERE server_id = " . intval($conf['server_id']); if ($conf['mysql']['master_slave_setup'] == 'y') { $this->dbmaster->query($sql); $this->db->query($sql); } else { $this->db->query($sql); } //* Chmod the files $command = "chmod -R 750 {$install_dir}"; caselog($command . ' &> /dev/null', __FILE__, __LINE__, "EXECUTED: {$command}", "Failed to execute the command {$command}"); //* chown the files to the ispconfig user and group $command = "chown -R ispconfig:ispconfig {$install_dir}"; caselog($command . ' &> /dev/null', __FILE__, __LINE__, "EXECUTED: {$command}", "Failed to execute the command {$command}"); //* Make the global language file directory group writable exec("chmod -R 770 {$install_dir}/interface/lib/lang"); //* Make the temp directory for language file exports writable if (is_dir($install_dir . '/interface/web/temp')) { exec("chmod -R 770 {$install_dir}/interface/web/temp"); } //* Make all interface language file directories group writable $handle = @opendir($install_dir . '/interface/web'); while ($file = @readdir($handle)) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') { if (@is_dir($install_dir . '/interface/web' . '/' . $file . '/lib/lang')) { $handle2 = opendir($install_dir . '/interface/web' . '/' . $file . '/lib/lang'); chmod($install_dir . '/interface/web' . '/' . $file . '/lib/lang', 0770); while ($lang_file = @readdir($handle2)) { if ($lang_file != '.' && $lang_file != '..') { chmod($install_dir . '/interface/web' . '/' . $file . '/lib/lang/' . $lang_file, 0770); } } } } } //* make sure that the server config file (not the interface one) is only readable by the root user chmod($install_dir . '/server/lib/' . $configfile, 0600); chown($install_dir . '/server/lib/' . $configfile, 'root'); chgrp($install_dir . '/server/lib/' . $configfile, 'root'); chmod($install_dir . '/server/lib/', 0600); chown($install_dir . '/server/lib/', 'root'); chgrp($install_dir . '/server/lib/', 'root'); if (@is_file($install_dir . '/server/lib/mysql_clientdb.conf')) { chmod($install_dir . '/server/lib/mysql_clientdb.conf', 0600); chown($install_dir . '/server/lib/mysql_clientdb.conf', 'root'); chgrp($install_dir . '/server/lib/mysql_clientdb.conf', 'root'); } // TODO: FIXME: add the www-data user to the ispconfig group. This is just for testing // and must be fixed as this will allow the apache user to read the ispconfig files. // Later this must run as own apache server or via suexec! if ($conf['apache']['installed'] == true) { $command = 'usermod -a -G ispconfig ' . $conf['apache']['user']; caselog($command . ' &> /dev/null', __FILE__, __LINE__, "EXECUTED: {$command}", "Failed to execute the command {$command}"); if (is_group('ispapps')) { $command = 'usermod -a -G ispapps ' . $conf['apache']['user']; caselog($command . ' &> /dev/null', __FILE__, __LINE__, "EXECUTED: {$command}", "Failed to execute the command {$command}"); } } if ($conf['nginx']['installed'] == true) { $command = 'usermod -a -G ispconfig ' . $conf['nginx']['user']; caselog($command . ' &> /dev/null', __FILE__, __LINE__, "EXECUTED: {$command}", "Failed to execute the command {$command}"); if (is_group('ispapps')) { $command = 'usermod -a -G ispapps ' . $conf['nginx']['user']; caselog($command . ' &> /dev/null', __FILE__, __LINE__, "EXECUTED: {$command}", "Failed to execute the command {$command}"); } } //* Make the shell scripts executable $command = "chmod +x {$install_dir}/server/scripts/*.sh"; caselog($command . ' &> /dev/null', __FILE__, __LINE__, "EXECUTED: {$command}", "Failed to execute the command {$command}"); if ($conf['apache']['installed'] == true) { //* Copy the ISPConfig vhost for the controlpanel $content = $this->get_template_file("apache_ispconfig.vhost", true); $content = str_replace('{vhost_port}', $conf['apache']['vhost_port'], $content); //* comment out the listen directive if port is 80 or 443 if ($conf['apache']['vhost_port'] == 80 or $conf['apache']['vhost_port'] == 443) { $content = str_replace('{vhost_port_listen}', '#', $content); } else { $content = str_replace('{vhost_port_listen}', '', $content); } if (is_file($install_dir . '/interface/ssl/ispserver.crt') && is_file($install_dir . '/interface/ssl/ispserver.key')) { $content = str_replace('{ssl_comment}', '', $content); } else { $content = str_replace('{ssl_comment}', '#', $content); } $vhost_path = $conf['apache']['vhost_conf_dir'] . '/ispconfig.vhost'; $this->write_config_file($vhost_path, $content); if (!is_file('/var/www/php-fcgi-scripts/ispconfig/.php-fcgi-starter')) { mkdir('/var/www/php-fcgi-scripts/ispconfig', 0755, true); copy('tpl/apache_ispconfig_fcgi_starter.master', '/var/www/php-fcgi-scripts/ispconfig/.php-fcgi-starter'); exec('chmod +x /var/www/php-fcgi-scripts/ispconfig/.php-fcgi-starter'); chmod('/var/www/php-fcgi-scripts/ispconfig/.php-fcgi-starter', 0755); symlink($install_dir . '/interface/web', '/var/www/ispconfig'); exec('chown -R ispconfig:ispconfig /var/www/php-fcgi-scripts/ispconfig'); } } if ($conf['nginx']['installed'] == true) { //* Copy the ISPConfig vhost for the controlpanel $vhost_conf_dir = $conf['nginx']['vhost_conf_dir']; $vhost_conf_enabled_dir = $conf['nginx']['vhost_conf_enabled_dir']; // Dont just copy over the virtualhost template but add some custom settings $content = rf('tpl/nginx_ispconfig.vhost.master'); $content = str_replace('{vhost_port}', $conf['nginx']['vhost_port'], $content); if (is_file($install_dir . '/interface/ssl/ispserver.crt') && is_file($install_dir . '/interface/ssl/ispserver.key')) { $content = str_replace('{ssl_on}', ' ssl', $content); $content = str_replace('{ssl_comment}', '', $content); $content = str_replace('{fastcgi_ssl}', 'on', $content); } else { $content = str_replace('{ssl_on}', '', $content); $content = str_replace('{ssl_comment}', '#', $content); $content = str_replace('{fastcgi_ssl}', 'off', $content); } $socket_dir = escapeshellcmd($conf['nginx']['php_fpm_socket_dir']); if (substr($socket_dir, -1) != '/') { $socket_dir .= '/'; } if (!is_dir($socket_dir)) { exec('mkdir -p ' . $socket_dir); } $fpm_socket = $socket_dir . 'ispconfig.sock'; //$content = str_replace('{fpm_port}', $conf['nginx']['php_fpm_start_port'], $content); $content = str_replace('{fpm_socket}', $fpm_socket, $content); wf($vhost_conf_dir . '/ispconfig.vhost', $content); unset($content); // PHP-FPM // Dont just copy over the php-fpm pool template but add some custom settings $content = rf('tpl/php_fpm_pool.conf.master'); $content = str_replace('{fpm_pool}', 'ispconfig', $content); //$content = str_replace('{fpm_port}', $conf['nginx']['php_fpm_start_port'], $content); $content = str_replace('{fpm_socket}', $fpm_socket, $content); $content = str_replace('{fpm_user}', 'ispconfig', $content); $content = str_replace('{fpm_group}', 'ispconfig', $content); wf($conf['nginx']['php_fpm_pool_dir'] . '/ispconfig.conf', $content); //copy('tpl/nginx_ispconfig.vhost.master', $vhost_conf_dir.'/ispconfig.vhost'); //* and create the symlink if ($this->install_ispconfig_interface == true && $this->is_update == false) { if (@is_link($vhost_conf_enabled_dir . '/ispconfig.vhost')) { unlink($vhost_conf_enabled_dir . '/ispconfig.vhost'); } if (!@is_link($vhost_conf_enabled_dir . '/000-ispconfig.vhost')) { symlink($vhost_conf_dir . '/ispconfig.vhost', $vhost_conf_enabled_dir . '/000-ispconfig.vhost'); } } } //* Install the update script if (is_file('/usr/local/bin/')) { unlink('/usr/local/bin/'); } chown($install_dir . '/server/scripts/', 'root'); chmod($install_dir . '/server/scripts/', 0700); chown($install_dir . '/server/scripts/', 'root'); chmod($install_dir . '/server/scripts/', 0700); chown($install_dir . '/server/scripts/', 'root'); chmod($install_dir . '/server/scripts/', 0700); if (!is_link('/usr/local/bin/')) { symlink($install_dir . '/server/scripts/', '/usr/local/bin/'); } if (!is_link('/usr/local/bin/')) { symlink($install_dir . '/server/scripts/', '/usr/local/bin/'); } //* Make the logs readable for the ispconfig user if (is_file('/var/log/maillog')) { exec('chmod +r /var/log/maillog'); } if (is_file('/var/log/messages')) { exec('chmod +r /var/log/messages'); } if (is_file('/var/log/clamav/clamav.log')) { exec('chmod +r /var/log/clamav/clamav.log'); } if (is_file('/var/log/clamav/freshclam.log')) { exec('chmod +r /var/log/clamav/freshclam.log'); } //* Create the ispconfig log directory if (!is_dir($conf['ispconfig_log_dir'])) { mkdir($conf['ispconfig_log_dir']); } if (!is_file($conf['ispconfig_log_dir'] . '/ispconfig.log')) { touch($conf['ispconfig_log_dir'] . '/ispconfig.log'); } rename($install_dir . '/server/scripts/', '/usr/local/bin/'); if (is_user('getmail')) { chown('/usr/local/bin/', 'getmail'); } chmod('/usr/local/bin/', 0744); }
public function configure_dbserver() { global $conf; //* If this server shall act as database server for client DB's, we configure this here $install_dir = $conf['ispconfig_install_dir']; // Create a file with the database login details which // are used to create the client databases. if (!is_dir("{$install_dir}/server/lib")) { $command = "mkdir {$install_dir}/server/lib"; caselog($command . ' &> /dev/null', __FILE__, __LINE__, "EXECUTED: {$command}", "Failed to execute the command {$command}"); } $content = rf("tpl/mysql_clientdb.conf.master"); $content = str_replace('{username}', $conf['mysql']['admin_user'], $content); $content = str_replace('{password}', $conf['mysql']['admin_password'], $content); wf("{$install_dir}/server/lib/mysql_clientdb.conf", $content); exec('chmod 600 ' . "{$install_dir}/server/lib/mysql_clientdb.conf"); exec('chown root:root ' . "{$install_dir}/server/lib/mysql_clientdb.conf"); }
public function configure_dovecot() { global $conf; $config_dir = $conf['dovecot']['config_dir']; //* Configure and add a line for deliver if (is_file($config_dir . '/')) { copy($config_dir . '/', $config_dir . '/'); } if (is_file($config_dir . '/')) { chmod($config_dir . '/', 0400); } $content = rf($conf["postfix"]["config_dir"] . '/'); // Only add the content if we had not addded it before if (!stristr($content, "dovecot/deliver")) { $deliver_content = 'dovecot unix - n n - - pipe' . "\n" . ' flags=DRhu user=vmail:vmail argv=/usr/lib/dovecot/deliver -f ${sender} -d ${user}@${nexthop}'; af($conf["postfix"]["config_dir"] . '/', $deliver_content); } unset($content); unset($deliver_content); //* Reconfigure postfix to use dovecot authentication // Adding the amavisd commands to the postfix configuration $postconf_commands = array('dovecot_destination_recipient_limit = 1', 'virtual_transport = dovecot', 'smtpd_sasl_type = dovecot', 'smtpd_sasl_path = private/auth'); // Make a backup copy of the file copy($conf["postfix"]["config_dir"] . '/', $conf["postfix"]["config_dir"] . '/'); // Executing the postconf commands foreach ($postconf_commands as $cmd) { $command = "postconf -e '{$cmd}'"; caselog($command . " &> /dev/null", __FILE__, __LINE__, "EXECUTED: {$command}", "Failed to execute the command {$command}"); } //* copy dovecot.conf $configfile = 'dovecot.conf'; if (is_file($config_dir . '/' . $configfile)) { copy($config_dir . '/' . $configfile, $config_dir . '/' . $configfile . '~'); } //* Get the dovecot version exec('dovecot --version', $tmp); $dovecot_version = $tmp[0]; unset($tmp); //* Copy dovecot configuration file if (version_compare($dovecot_version, 2) >= 0) { if (is_file($conf['ispconfig_install_dir'] . '/server/conf-custom/install/debian6_dovecot2.conf.master')) { copy($conf['ispconfig_install_dir'] . '/server/conf-custom/install/debian6_dovecot2.conf.master', $config_dir . '/' . $configfile); } else { copy('tpl/debian6_dovecot2.conf.master', $config_dir . '/' . $configfile); } replaceLine($config_dir . '/' . $configfile, 'postmaster_address =', 'postmaster_address = postmaster@' . $conf['hostname'], 1, 0); if (version_compare($dovecot_version, 2.1) < 0) { removeLine($config_dir . '/' . $configfile, 'ssl_protocols ='); } } else { if (is_file($conf['ispconfig_install_dir'] . '/server/conf-custom/install/debian6_dovecot.conf.master')) { copy($conf['ispconfig_install_dir'] . '/server/conf-custom/install/debian6_dovecot.conf.master', $config_dir . '/' . $configfile); } else { copy('tpl/debian6_dovecot.conf.master', $config_dir . '/' . $configfile); } } //* dovecot-sql.conf $configfile = 'dovecot-sql.conf'; if (is_file($config_dir . '/' . $configfile)) { copy($config_dir . '/' . $configfile, $config_dir . '/' . $configfile . '~'); chmod($config_dir . '/' . $configfile . '~', 0400); } $content = rfsel($conf['ispconfig_install_dir'] . '/server/conf-custom/install/debian6_dovecot-sql.conf.master', 'tpl/debian6_dovecot-sql.conf.master'); $content = str_replace('{mysql_server_ispconfig_user}', $conf['mysql']['ispconfig_user'], $content); $content = str_replace('{mysql_server_ispconfig_password}', $conf['mysql']['ispconfig_password'], $content); $content = str_replace('{mysql_server_database}', $conf['mysql']['database'], $content); $content = str_replace('{mysql_server_host}', $conf['mysql']['host'], $content); $content = str_replace('{server_id}', $conf['server_id'], $content); wf($config_dir . '/' . $configfile, $content); chmod($config_dir . '/' . $configfile, 0600); chown($config_dir . '/' . $configfile, 'root'); chgrp($config_dir . '/' . $configfile, 'root'); // Dovecot shall ignore mounts in website directory if (is_installed('doveadm')) { exec("doveadm mount add '/var/www/*' ignore > /dev/null 2> /dev/null"); } }
public function install_ispconfig() { global $conf; $install_dir = $conf['ispconfig_install_dir']; //* Create the ISPConfig installation directory if (!is_dir($install_dir)) { $command = "mkdir {$install_dir}"; caselog($command . ' &> /dev/null', __FILE__, __LINE__, "EXECUTED: {$command}", "Failed to execute the command {$command}"); } //* Create a ISPConfig user and group if (!is_group('ispconfig')) { $command = 'groupadd ispconfig'; caselog($command . ' &> /dev/null 2> /dev/null', __FILE__, __LINE__, "EXECUTED: {$command}", "Failed to execute the command {$command}"); } if (!is_user('ispconfig')) { $command = "useradd -g ispconfig -d {$install_dir} ispconfig"; caselog($command . ' &> /dev/null 2> /dev/null', __FILE__, __LINE__, "EXECUTED: {$command}", "Failed to execute the command {$command}"); } //* copy the ISPConfig interface part $command = "cp -rf ../interface {$install_dir}"; caselog($command . ' &> /dev/null', __FILE__, __LINE__, "EXECUTED: {$command}", "Failed to execute the command {$command}"); //* copy the ISPConfig server part $command = "cp -rf ../server {$install_dir}"; caselog($command . ' &> /dev/null', __FILE__, __LINE__, "EXECUTED: {$command}", "Failed to execute the command {$command}"); //* Make a backup of the security settings if (is_file('/usr/local/ispconfig/security/security_settings.ini')) { copy('/usr/local/ispconfig/security/security_settings.ini', '/usr/local/ispconfig/security/security_settings.ini~'); } //* copy the ISPConfig security part $command = 'cp -rf ../security ' . $install_dir; caselog($command . ' &> /dev/null', __FILE__, __LINE__, "EXECUTED: {$command}", "Failed to execute the command {$command}"); //* Apply changed security_settings.ini values to new security_settings.ini file if (is_file('/usr/local/ispconfig/security/security_settings.ini~')) { $security_settings_old = ini_to_array(file_get_contents('/usr/local/ispconfig/security/security_settings.ini~')); $security_settings_new = ini_to_array(file_get_contents('/usr/local/ispconfig/security/security_settings.ini')); if (is_array($security_settings_new) && is_array($security_settings_old)) { foreach ($security_settings_new as $section => $sval) { if (is_array($sval)) { foreach ($sval as $key => $val) { if (isset($security_settings_old[$section]) && isset($security_settings_old[$section][$key])) { $security_settings_new[$section][$key] = $security_settings_old[$section][$key]; } } } } file_put_contents('/usr/local/ispconfig/security/security_settings.ini', array_to_ini($security_settings_new)); } } //* Create the config file for ISPConfig interface $configfile = ''; $content = $this->get_template_file($configfile, true, true); //* get contents & insert db cred $content = str_replace('{mysql_master_server_ispconfig_user}', $conf['mysql']['master_ispconfig_user'], $content); $content = str_replace('{mysql_master_server_ispconfig_password}', $conf['mysql']['master_ispconfig_password'], $content); $content = str_replace('{mysql_master_server_database}', $conf['mysql']['master_database'], $content); $content = str_replace('{mysql_master_server_host}', $conf['mysql']['master_host'], $content); $content = str_replace('{server_id}', $conf['server_id'], $content); $content = str_replace('{ispconfig_log_priority}', $conf['ispconfig_log_priority'], $content); $content = str_replace('{language}', $conf['language'], $content); $content = str_replace('{timezone}', $conf['timezone'], $content); $content = str_replace('{theme}', $conf['theme'], $content); $content = str_replace('{language_file_import_enabled}', $conf['language_file_import_enabled'] == true ? 'true' : 'false', $content); $this->write_config_file("{$install_dir}/interface/lib/{$configfile}", $content); //* Create the config file for ISPConfig server $this->write_config_file("{$install_dir}/server/lib/{$configfile}", $content); //* Create the config file for remote-actions (but only, if it does not exist, because // the value is a autoinc-value and so changed by the remoteaction_core_module if (!file_exists($install_dir . '/server/lib/')) { $content = '<?php' . "\n" . '$maxid_remote_action = 0;' . "\n" . '?>'; wf($install_dir . '/server/lib/', $content); } // Enable the server modules and plugins. // TODO: Implement a selector which modules and plugins shall be enabled. $dir = $install_dir . '/server/mods-available/'; if (is_dir($dir)) { if ($dh = opendir($dir)) { while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..' && substr($file, -8, 8) == '.inc.php') { include_once $install_dir . '/server/mods-available/' . $file; $module_name = substr($file, 0, -8); $tmp = new $module_name(); if ($tmp->onInstall()) { if (!@is_link($install_dir . '/server/mods-enabled/' . $file)) { @symlink($install_dir . '/server/mods-available/' . $file, $install_dir . '/server/mods-enabled/' . $file); // @symlink($install_dir.'/server/mods-available/'.$file, '../mods-enabled/'.$file); } if (strpos($file, '_core_module') !== false) { if (!@is_link($install_dir . '/server/mods-core/' . $file)) { @symlink($install_dir . '/server/mods-available/' . $file, $install_dir . '/server/mods-core/' . $file); // @symlink($install_dir.'/server/mods-available/'.$file, '../mods-core/'.$file); } } } unset($tmp); } } closedir($dh); } } $dir = $install_dir . '/server/plugins-available/'; if (is_dir($dir)) { if ($dh = opendir($dir)) { while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if ($conf['apache']['installed'] == true && $file == '') { continue; } if ($conf['nginx']['installed'] == true && $file == '') { continue; } if ($file != '.' && $file != '..' && substr($file, -8, 8) == '.inc.php') { include_once $install_dir . '/server/plugins-available/' . $file; $plugin_name = substr($file, 0, -8); $tmp = new $plugin_name(); if (method_exists($tmp, 'onInstall') && $tmp->onInstall()) { if (!@is_link($install_dir . '/server/plugins-enabled/' . $file)) { @symlink($install_dir . '/server/plugins-available/' . $file, $install_dir . '/server/plugins-enabled/' . $file); } if (strpos($file, '_core_plugin') !== false) { if (!@is_link($install_dir . '/server/plugins-core/' . $file)) { @symlink($install_dir . '/server/plugins-available/' . $file, $install_dir . '/server/plugins-core/' . $file); } } } unset($tmp); } } closedir($dh); } } //* Update the server config $mail_server_enabled = $conf['services']['mail'] ? 1 : 0; $web_server_enabled = $conf['services']['web'] ? 1 : 0; $dns_server_enabled = $conf['services']['dns'] ? 1 : 0; $file_server_enabled = $conf['services']['file'] ? 1 : 0; $db_server_enabled = $conf['services']['db'] ? 1 : 0; $vserver_server_enabled = $conf['services']['vserver'] ? 1 : 0; $sql = "UPDATE `server` SET mail_server = '{$mail_server_enabled}', web_server = '{$web_server_enabled}', dns_server = '{$dns_server_enabled}', file_server = '{$file_server_enabled}', db_server = '{$db_server_enabled}', vserver_server = '{$vserver_server_enabled}' WHERE server_id = " . intval($conf['server_id']); if ($conf['mysql']['master_slave_setup'] == 'y') { $this->dbmaster->query($sql); $this->db->query($sql); } else { $this->db->query($sql); } // chown install dir to root and chmod 755 $command = 'chown root:root ' . $install_dir; caselog($command . ' &> /dev/null', __FILE__, __LINE__, "EXECUTED: {$command}", "Failed to execute the command {$command}"); $command = 'chmod 755 ' . $install_dir; caselog($command . ' &> /dev/null', __FILE__, __LINE__, "EXECUTED: {$command}", "Failed to execute the command {$command}"); //* Chmod the files and directories in the install dir $command = 'chmod -R 750 ' . $install_dir . '/*'; caselog($command . ' &> /dev/null', __FILE__, __LINE__, "EXECUTED: {$command}", "Failed to execute the command {$command}"); //* chown the interface files to the ispconfig user and group $command = 'chown -R ispconfig:ispconfig ' . $install_dir . '/interface'; caselog($command . ' &> /dev/null', __FILE__, __LINE__, "EXECUTED: {$command}", "Failed to execute the command {$command}"); //* chown the server files to the root user and group $command = 'chown -R root:root ' . $install_dir . '/server'; caselog($command . ' &> /dev/null', __FILE__, __LINE__, "EXECUTED: {$command}", "Failed to execute the command {$command}"); //* chown the security files to the root user and group $command = 'chown -R root:root ' . $install_dir . '/security'; caselog($command . ' &> /dev/null', __FILE__, __LINE__, "EXECUTED: {$command}", "Failed to execute the command {$command}"); //* chown the security directory and security_settings.ini to root:ispconfig $command = 'chown root:ispconfig ' . $install_dir . '/security/security_settings.ini'; caselog($command . ' &> /dev/null', __FILE__, __LINE__, "EXECUTED: {$command}", "Failed to execute the command {$command}"); $command = 'chown root:ispconfig ' . $install_dir . '/security'; caselog($command . ' &> /dev/null', __FILE__, __LINE__, "EXECUTED: {$command}", "Failed to execute the command {$command}"); $command = 'chown root:ispconfig ' . $install_dir . '/security/ids.whitelist'; caselog($command . ' &> /dev/null', __FILE__, __LINE__, "EXECUTED: {$command}", "Failed to execute the command {$command}"); $command = 'chown root:ispconfig ' . $install_dir . '/security/ids.htmlfield'; caselog($command . ' &> /dev/null', __FILE__, __LINE__, "EXECUTED: {$command}", "Failed to execute the command {$command}"); $command = 'chown root:ispconfig ' . $install_dir . '/security/apache_directives.blacklist'; caselog($command . ' &> /dev/null', __FILE__, __LINE__, "EXECUTED: {$command}", "Failed to execute the command {$command}"); //* Make the global language file directory group writable exec("chmod -R 770 {$install_dir}/interface/lib/lang"); //* Make the temp directory for language file exports writable if (is_dir($install_dir . '/interface/web/temp')) { exec("chmod -R 770 {$install_dir}/interface/web/temp"); } //* Make all interface language file directories group writable $handle = @opendir($install_dir . '/interface/web'); while ($file = @readdir($handle)) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') { if (@is_dir($install_dir . '/interface/web' . '/' . $file . '/lib/lang')) { $handle2 = opendir($install_dir . '/interface/web' . '/' . $file . '/lib/lang'); chmod($install_dir . '/interface/web' . '/' . $file . '/lib/lang', 0770); while ($lang_file = @readdir($handle2)) { if ($lang_file != '.' && $lang_file != '..') { chmod($install_dir . '/interface/web' . '/' . $file . '/lib/lang/' . $lang_file, 0770); } } } } } //* Make the APS directories group writable exec("chmod -R 770 {$install_dir}/interface/web/sites/aps_meta_packages"); exec("chmod -R 770 {$install_dir}/server/aps_packages"); //* make sure that the server config file (not the interface one) is only readable by the root user chmod($install_dir . '/server/lib/', 0600); chown($install_dir . '/server/lib/', 'root'); chgrp($install_dir . '/server/lib/', 'root'); //* Make sure thet the interface config file is readable by user ispconfig only chmod($install_dir . '/interface/lib/', 0600); chown($install_dir . '/interface/lib/', 'ispconfig'); chgrp($install_dir . '/interface/lib/', 'ispconfig'); chmod($install_dir . '/server/lib/', 0600); chown($install_dir . '/server/lib/', 'root'); chgrp($install_dir . '/server/lib/', 'root'); if (@is_file($install_dir . '/server/lib/mysql_clientdb.conf')) { chmod($install_dir . '/server/lib/mysql_clientdb.conf', 0600); chown($install_dir . '/server/lib/mysql_clientdb.conf', 'root'); chgrp($install_dir . '/server/lib/mysql_clientdb.conf', 'root'); } if (is_dir($install_dir . '/interface/invoices')) { exec('chmod -R 770 ' . escapeshellarg($install_dir . '/interface/invoices')); exec('chown -R ispconfig:ispconfig ' . escapeshellarg($install_dir . '/interface/invoices')); } exec('chown -R root:root /usr/local/ispconfig/interface/ssl'); // TODO: FIXME: add the www-data user to the ispconfig group. This is just for testing // and must be fixed as this will allow the apache user to read the ispconfig files. // Later this must run as own apache server or via suexec! if ($conf['apache']['installed'] == true) { $command = 'usermod -a -G ispconfig ' . $conf['apache']['user']; caselog($command . ' &> /dev/null', __FILE__, __LINE__, "EXECUTED: {$command}", "Failed to execute the command {$command}"); if (is_group('ispapps')) { $command = 'usermod -a -G ispapps ' . $conf['apache']['user']; caselog($command . ' &> /dev/null', __FILE__, __LINE__, "EXECUTED: {$command}", "Failed to execute the command {$command}"); } } if ($conf['nginx']['installed'] == true) { $command = 'usermod -a -G ispconfig ' . $conf['nginx']['user']; caselog($command . ' &> /dev/null', __FILE__, __LINE__, "EXECUTED: {$command}", "Failed to execute the command {$command}"); if (is_group('ispapps')) { $command = 'usermod -a -G ispapps ' . $conf['nginx']['user']; caselog($command . ' &> /dev/null', __FILE__, __LINE__, "EXECUTED: {$command}", "Failed to execute the command {$command}"); } } //* Make the shell scripts executable $command = "chmod +x {$install_dir}/server/scripts/*.sh"; caselog($command . ' &> /dev/null', __FILE__, __LINE__, "EXECUTED: {$command}", "Failed to execute the command {$command}"); if ($conf['apache']['installed'] == true && $this->install_ispconfig_interface == true) { //* Copy the ISPConfig vhost for the controlpanel $content = $this->get_template_file("apache_ispconfig.vhost", true); $content = str_replace('{vhost_port}', $conf['apache']['vhost_port'], $content); //* comment out the listen directive if port is 80 or 8443 if ($conf['apache']['vhost_port'] == 80 or $conf['apache']['vhost_port'] == 8443) { $content = str_replace('{vhost_port_listen}', '#', $content); } else { $content = str_replace('{vhost_port_listen}', '', $content); } if (is_file($install_dir . '/interface/ssl/ispserver.crt') && is_file($install_dir . '/interface/ssl/ispserver.key')) { $content = str_replace('{ssl_comment}', '', $content); } else { $content = str_replace('{ssl_comment}', '#', $content); } if (is_file($install_dir . '/interface/ssl/ispserver.crt') && is_file($install_dir . '/interface/ssl/ispserver.key') && is_file($install_dir . '/interface/ssl/ispserver.bundle')) { $content = str_replace('{ssl_bundle_comment}', '', $content); } else { $content = str_replace('{ssl_bundle_comment}', '#', $content); } $vhost_path = $conf['apache']['vhost_conf_dir'] . '/ispconfig.vhost'; $this->write_config_file($vhost_path, $content); if (!is_file('/home/www/php-fcgi-scripts/ispconfig/.php-fcgi-starter')) { $content = rfsel($conf['ispconfig_install_dir'] . '/server/conf-custom/install/apache_ispconfig_fcgi_starter.master', 'tpl/apache_ispconfig_fcgi_starter.master'); $content = str_replace('{fastcgi_bin}', $conf['fastcgi']['fastcgi_bin'], $content); $content = str_replace('{fastcgi_phpini_path}', $conf['fastcgi']['fastcgi_phpini_path'], $content); @mkdir('/home/www/php-fcgi-scripts/ispconfig', 0755, true); wf('/home/www/php-fcgi-scripts/ispconfig/.php-fcgi-starter', $content); exec('chmod +x /home/www/php-fcgi-scripts/ispconfig/.php-fcgi-starter'); chmod('/home/www/php-fcgi-scripts/ispconfig/.php-fcgi-starter', 0755); @symlink($install_dir . '/interface/web', '/home/www/ispconfig'); exec('chown -R ispconfig:ispconfig /home/www/php-fcgi-scripts/ispconfig'); } } if ($conf['nginx']['installed'] == true && $this->install_ispconfig_interface == true) { //* Copy the ISPConfig vhost for the controlpanel $vhost_conf_dir = $conf['nginx']['vhost_conf_dir']; $vhost_conf_enabled_dir = $conf['nginx']['vhost_conf_enabled_dir']; // Dont just copy over the virtualhost template but add some custom settings $content = rfsel($conf['ispconfig_install_dir'] . '/server/conf-custom/install/nginx_ispconfig.vhost.master', 'tpl/nginx_ispconfig.vhost.master'); $content = str_replace('{vhost_port}', $conf['nginx']['vhost_port'], $content); if (is_file($install_dir . '/interface/ssl/ispserver.crt') && is_file($install_dir . '/interface/ssl/ispserver.key')) { $content = str_replace('{ssl_on}', ' on', $content); $content = str_replace('{ssl_comment}', '', $content); $content = str_replace('{fastcgi_ssl}', 'on', $content); } else { $content = str_replace('{ssl_on}', ' off', $content); $content = str_replace('{ssl_comment}', '#', $content); $content = str_replace('{fastcgi_ssl}', 'off', $content); } $socket_dir = escapeshellcmd($conf['nginx']['php_fpm_socket_dir']); if (substr($socket_dir, -1) != '/') { $socket_dir .= '/'; } if (!is_dir($socket_dir)) { exec('mkdir -p ' . $socket_dir); } $fpm_socket = $socket_dir . 'ispconfig.sock'; //$content = str_replace('{fpm_port}', $conf['nginx']['php_fpm_start_port'], $content); $content = str_replace('{fpm_socket}', $fpm_socket, $content); wf($vhost_conf_dir . '/ispconfig.vhost', $content); unset($content); // PHP-FPM // Dont just copy over the php-fpm pool template but add some custom settings $content = rfsel($conf['ispconfig_install_dir'] . '/server/conf-custom/install/php_fpm_pool.conf.master', 'tpl/php_fpm_pool.conf.master'); $content = str_replace('{fpm_pool}', 'ispconfig', $content); //$content = str_replace('{fpm_port}', $conf['nginx']['php_fpm_start_port'], $content); $content = str_replace('{fpm_socket}', $fpm_socket, $content); $content = str_replace('{fpm_user}', 'ispconfig', $content); $content = str_replace('{fpm_group}', 'ispconfig', $content); wf($conf['nginx']['php_fpm_pool_dir'] . '/ispconfig.conf', $content); //copy('tpl/nginx_ispconfig.vhost.master', $vhost_conf_dir.'/ispconfig.vhost'); //* and create the symlink if ($this->is_update == false) { if (@is_link($vhost_conf_enabled_dir . '/ispconfig.vhost')) { unlink($vhost_conf_enabled_dir . '/ispconfig.vhost'); } if (!@is_link($vhost_conf_enabled_dir . '/000-ispconfig.vhost')) { symlink($vhost_conf_dir . '/ispconfig.vhost', $vhost_conf_enabled_dir . '/000-ispconfig.vhost'); } } } //* Install the update script if (is_file('/usr/local/bin/')) { unlink('/usr/local/bin/'); } chown($install_dir . '/server/scripts/', 'root'); chmod($install_dir . '/server/scripts/', 0700); chown($install_dir . '/server/scripts/', 'root'); chmod($install_dir . '/server/scripts/', 0700); chown($install_dir . '/server/scripts/', 'root'); chmod($install_dir . '/server/scripts/', 0700); if (!is_link('/usr/local/bin/')) { symlink($install_dir . '/server/scripts/', '/usr/local/bin/'); } if (!is_link('/usr/local/bin/')) { symlink($install_dir . '/server/scripts/', '/usr/local/bin/'); } //* Make the logs readable for the ispconfig user if (is_file('/var/log/maillog')) { exec('chmod +r /var/log/maillog'); } if (is_file('/var/log/messages')) { exec('chmod +r /var/log/messages'); } if (is_file('/var/log/clamav/clamav.log')) { exec('chmod +r /var/log/clamav/clamav.log'); } if (is_file('/var/log/clamav/freshclam.log')) { exec('chmod +r /var/log/clamav/freshclam.log'); } //* Create the ispconfig log directory if (!is_dir($conf['ispconfig_log_dir'])) { mkdir($conf['ispconfig_log_dir']); } if (!is_file($conf['ispconfig_log_dir'] . '/ispconfig.log')) { touch($conf['ispconfig_log_dir'] . '/ispconfig.log'); } //* Create the ispconfig auth log file and set uid/gid if (!is_file($conf['ispconfig_log_dir'] . '/auth.log')) { touch($conf['ispconfig_log_dir'] . '/auth.log'); } exec('chown ispconfig:ispconfig ' . $conf['ispconfig_log_dir'] . '/auth.log'); exec('chmod 660 ' . $conf['ispconfig_log_dir'] . '/auth.log'); rename($install_dir . '/server/scripts/', '/usr/local/bin/'); if (is_user('getmail')) { chown('/usr/local/bin/', 'getmail'); } chmod('/usr/local/bin/', 0744); //* Remove Domain module as its functions are available in the client module now if (@is_dir('/usr/local/ispconfig/interface/web/domain')) { exec('rm -rf /usr/local/ispconfig/interface/web/domain'); } // Add symlink for patch tool if (!is_link('/usr/local/bin/ispconfig_patch')) { exec('ln -s /usr/local/ispconfig/server/scripts/ispconfig_patch /usr/local/bin/ispconfig_patch'); } // Change mode of a few files from amavisd if (is_file($conf['amavis']['config_dir'] . '/conf.d/50-user')) { chmod($conf['amavis']['config_dir'] . '/conf.d/50-user', 0640); } if (is_file($conf['amavis']['config_dir'] . '/50-user~')) { chmod($conf['amavis']['config_dir'] . '/50-user~', 0400); } if (is_file($conf['amavis']['config_dir'] . '/amavisd.conf')) { chmod($conf['amavis']['config_dir'] . '/amavisd.conf', 0640); } if (is_file($conf['amavis']['config_dir'] . '/amavisd.conf~')) { chmod($conf['amavis']['config_dir'] . '/amavisd.conf~', 0400); } }
public function configure_dbserver() { global $conf; //* If this server shall act as database server for client DB's, we configure this here $install_dir = $conf['ispconfig_install_dir']; // Create a file with the database login details which // are used to create the client databases. if (!is_dir($install_dir . '/server/lib')) { $command = "mkdir {$install_dir}/server/lib"; caselog($command . ' &> /dev/null', __FILE__, __LINE__, "EXECUTED: {$command}", "Failed to execute the command {$command}"); } $content = rfsel($conf['ispconfig_install_dir'] . '/server/conf-custom/install/mysql_clientdb.conf.master', 'tpl/mysql_clientdb.conf.master'); $content = str_replace('{hostname}', $conf['mysql']['host'], $content); $content = str_replace('{username}', $conf['mysql']['admin_user'], $content); $content = str_replace('{password}', addslashes($conf['mysql']['admin_password']), $content); wf($install_dir . '/server/lib/mysql_clientdb.conf', $content); chmod($install_dir . '/server/lib/mysql_clientdb.conf', 0600); chown($install_dir . '/server/lib/mysql_clientdb.conf', 'root'); chgrp($install_dir . '/server/lib/mysql_clientdb.conf', 'root'); }